September 25, 2018

There is a Presence making everything possible

From the Sage's point of view, there is no outside world, but as long as you believe you are a separate entity, you will see a world outside. In fact, the world is not external, is not outside. The perception of the world is something that happens naturally and spontaneously in the Self. You are this Self! You are Consciousness! You are not a person, a separate entity, an individual, but you have forgotten this. Actually, this apparent person is only an apparition in the Self, in the Consciousness.

What I am saying is that if the world appears, there is Consciousness in it, there is a Presence making it possible. If the world does not appear, you still remain as Consciousness. Therefore, this Consciousness is the Reality of the appearances; this Presence is the Reality of the world, the body and the mind.

The world may appear in the dream or in the vigil state, but it is the same world that appears to and in this Consciousness. These two forms of the world can only appear because there is Consciousness; it is in There that the world appears and disappears. It is in this vigil state world that "you" travel and meet Ramana Maharshi in a cave, in the city of Tiruvannamalai, as Paul Brunton and many others did. Of course, from the Sage's point of view, there is no separation between the student and the teacher, between the Master and the disciple, between England – from where Paul Brunton left – and India.

You go to the Guru's physical presence to investigate the question of the world unreality, of the world's illusory appearance as something separate from the Self. So, no matter how the world is appearing, it is a present reality in this Consciousness.

When you are in deep sleep, there are no more countries such as Brazil, United States, England, India, Colombia, Singapore and Austria. In deep sleep, there is only Consciousness, but while this is not a reality, a fact to you, it will remain just as a concept, a belief that needs to be overcome. It is necessary to go beyond that!

I want to seriously recommend something to you: the only thing you have to do in this life is to Realize God, to Realize THAT! You need to bet your bottom dollar on THIS! Do not travel anymore; do not even go to the next corner! Come to Satsang! You do not have to go anywhere else physically.

If I say the only travel you have to do is inwardly and that this is the real approach to Satsang, you would find this very beautiful, quite comfortable; you would not leave your psychological comfort zone believing that this journey could be possible.

Then, due to this belief, this Journey will be impossible to you, because it would not bring you any discomfort. Even so, you will still be living in the illusion you are on this journey inside yourself. So, I won't say to you to go on this "trip", because you cannot do it. Until now, you could not do it, and if you are here in this room, it is a sign that you cannot handle this by yourself.

The journey you have to make is not to take your boy to school, is not to go to the corner to buy bread at the bakery, is not to visit another city by taking a tour, is not going out to visit another city where your relatives live, inside the country. The journey you need to make is to a face-to-face Satsang – and in order to make that happen, you need to get out of your comfort zone, to get all your resources and to invest in yourself, in your Self-Realization, in your Real Happiness.

I have something else to add about this: you have to surrender yourself wholeheartedly to the Divine Grace, so that the Grace may point the true Satsang to you. Currently, there are many "Satsangs" happening around the planet. Perhaps in your country (and even in your city) there are three, four, or ten "gurus" available. Presently, anyone who has read a little bit about it, or who has had some spiritual experience or insights self-proclaims to be a "guru" and begins to present "Satsang" as well.

So, you still have this challenge ahead of you: to step out of your comfort zone and to bend at the Grace's feet, abandoning this theory of "inner guru" (which is just another belief), abandoning the belief that you do not have to die, you do not have to surrender, that you do not have to give up the illusion.

I realize that today is a difficult day for some of you, but I'm not worried about it. There are things I can only tell you face to face, because here [online meeting via Paltalk] our "dating" is cold.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on July 9th, 2018. First published in Portuguese on August 8th, 2018. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

September 21, 2018

The wholehearted involvement

Realization is not something that can be done, but something that happens. "Doing" always presupposes a personal effort. This is paradoxical, because you need great determination, but not effort, not personal will. If there is no inner determination focused on This, in a very real, a very intense way, this Realization will never happen. It does not happen also when there is only intention and personal effort, because this is another way of separation. In this way, many people engage in a search for spiritual evolution and end up becoming very devoted through personal effort. However, an "evolved person," due to all his/her effort towards spirituality, is still a "person."

Here it is not a matter of personal effort, but of determination, of surrender, of devotion, of a full wholehearted involvement in this investigation of the Truth. This is not like a personal effort. In reality, it is a matter of abandoning the personal effort, of abandoning the "person," of surrendering. That's why I have just showed you how effortless this is. You are That, fundamentally! Be still ... just that.

Therefore, giving up, surrendering, abandoning the false "me" is not an effort. It is a deep and internal determination to renounce the illusion. It seems, because of the words used here [effort and determination], that we are dealing with the same thing, but we are not; they are completely different!

Also, Realization is for you, but not for everyone. Never think about this in collective terms! People have silly questions, such as: "What happens if everybody attains Self-Realization?" There are no "others;" that is the point. There is only You! You are alone to Realize This, here and now. This is possible through determination, surrender... It is necessary to "burn" for the Truth, because Realization is not something where you find something. Only those living in their Natural State, the Sages, have the authority to deal with That and are able to speak with authority about this State. I challenge you to investigate this by yourself and to see the quality of what I am saying here.

You cannot find your Real Nature, the Truth, neither attain Enlightenment. All you are able to reach requires effort, and is always an object, an external thing. The Truth, the Enlightenment is not an object, is not something in the outside and therefore, is not something that can be found.

All your effort is something personal and is always turned outwardly. Even the so-called "mystical experiences," "spiritual experiences" occur only in the periphery, in the outside, in the mind, which is still the outside.

You can become a highly spiritualized person; you can spend your entire life dedicating to spirituality, to the esoteric, mystical, spiritual world. All that your effort can provide you is this: more experiences, more sensations, more contact with the so-called "spiritual world," that is still part of the mind. So, if you have contact with Ascended Masters, such as: Kuthumi, El Morya, Saint Germain, or any other divine entity of the so-called "spiritual world," is still a consequence of an effort and is within the mind's world.

Thus, you can become a "highly evolved person," with enormous prestige due to your effort to attain this "great accomplishment," but you will continue in the duality world, in the egoic world. Surely after that you will become a very spiritual ego: you will know what others do not know, you will feel what others do not feel, you will be able to see and to hear what others are not able to, you will have contact with spiritual beings and aliens ... If you are here in this room and you enjoy a lot this kind of things, notice that it is still a flight of fancy, a personal flight of fancy.

Reality is about purely Being. Therefore, give up and plunge into yourself, into this abandonment, into this surrender, into this renouncement. No effort is required, but determination, love for the Truth! I repeat: you must "burn" for This!

Our Real Nature is not an object that can be found or perceived, for any object that can be perceived or found is still part of the dreaming world, being the Master Saint Germain or the extraterrestrial Master called "Space Y."

Love is the blooming of your Real Nature. When you understand that all you have been seeking are only objects and that your Real Nature is not something that can be found or obtained, you abandon that. All these searches in the outside world disappear. Your Real Nature is what matters! You do not want to meet anything or anyone in the outside. You let that go!

*Online meeting transcription originally held on June 25th, 2018. First published in Portuguese on August 13rd, 2018. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

September 11, 2018

Happiness is the Awareness of the Truth about Your Real Nature

You were not born to get married, to have children, to have properties. You were not born to "be somebody." You were born to Happiness, and Happiness does not depend on anything. Happiness is the Awareness of the Truth about your Real Nature.

The world is unhappy, miserable. People live in a state of scarcity, believing they have to get married and so they want others to get married too. They believe they need children, and when they have one, it is said to them: "Only one? If he/she dies, you are left with no one. Have another kid." So, they got to have two children.

Therefore, you live in this external impulse that later becomes internal – this need to be what everyone wants you to be. However, once you are what they want you to be, you look at yourself and say, "This emptiness is still here, the thing is not solved." Why? Because it does not work this way; it is not in the outside, but in the inside. I know what your needs are, they are the same needs I had in the illusion of this "me" before I met my Guru.

As "people," we have illusory needs that can never fulfill us. However, we spend a lifetime searching that, just because the society, our culture, the world around us want us to live this way. We have no other model, no other reference, and since everyone lives this way, this must be "normal." I called it "the common truth." This has no real importance for What You Are. There is no reality in the mind, in what the thought projects, idealizes and looks for.

Let the Truth, the Supreme Reality, God be your son, your husband or wife, your home, your refuge, your Love, your Happiness. Everything, absolutely everything, is determined by Him! Do not try to impose your will on His Will, because this would be arrogance, superiority, unhappiness. There is only one Will acting: the Will of God! All the strands of hair on your head were counted; He counted all your breaths since you have left your mommy's womb. He has counted not only the past breaths but also the breaths that will still happen in the future.

What I am saying is that He knows the number of heartbeats you had already and how many you will still have. God has already determined the day your heart will stop, the day your breath will stop, because there is only God – this is the Supreme Law.

So stop making up fantasies, stop relying on thoughts, on beliefs. They are only imaginations of a restless mind, a mind in disorder, in confusion and in suffering, in a vain pursuit of its imaginary fulfillment. So give up the mind, the ego, this false "me" and its imaginations, "its knowledge." Happiness is possible when "you" are not present. When this "you" is present, the problem remains because the "me," the ego, the illusion and the lie continue.

In our culture – actually not my culture anymore – you are a sinner, a sufferer, someone away from God. This is not true! In my Culture, in my World, You Are God, You Are Happiness, Consciousness, Freedom, Supreme Intelligence! In my world, you have nothing, because You Are Everything, then you do not need anything. Why should you have something?

My Culture is unknown and you cannot learn about It. It is not a culture that you can reinforce, because It is always new, blossoming at this moment. It is like a soap bubble that explodes. When the sun reflects on it and illuminates it, you get enchanted with the mirrored shapes on its surface, with the rainbow on it and then it explodes! So does my culture! You cannot capture That, you cannot get a "soap bubble," put it into a box and keep it, because it will last only a few seconds and then it will explode. It does not last, because it is beyond time. So are these speeches that represent this whole Expression.

I want you to discover THAT, the beauty of this Unknown, of this unknown and unnameable culture, whose singularity, beauty and Grace are unique. This is the Realization of God, of Your Divine Nature! This is the Awakening of Wisdom, of the Truth about Yourself.

* Originally published in Portuguese on August 1st, 2018 ** Excerpt from a in-person meeting in Fortaleza city – CE, Brazil, on May, 2018. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

September 7, 2018

A great paradox

Once again, we are turning our hearts to this Reality, to What is so simple and, at the same time, so sublime, so unique. To be in Satsang is to take a step towards this openness, putting yourself in a position that allows the Truth to come to you. You will not invite the Truth, the Silence - you cannot do that. We are talking about something that does not accept or respond to any provocation. This is the wonder of the wonders! You can never trigger this invitation off! We are not talking about something that is within the space. The Truth, the Silence is not something imprisoned in time or space.

So, you cannot trigger this Presence off, but you can discover an open door to allow it to happen. That is what we are doing in Satsang ... We are discovering the real meaning of this receptivity, of this open door.

We are facing something simple and, at the same time, extraordinary. Truth is neither a part of the time or of the space, nor is stuck in them. This means that Truth does not  need neither time nor space to manifest. The Silence, the Truth is the core, the base, the fundamental of everything present, of everything manifested. Therefore, it is something already present in all events, in all activities, in all appearances. Being in Satsang means being open and sensitive to this realization.

You cannot invite That, but you can find out how to be open and sensitive to this Reality already present. It is something present out of time and space, out of any effort of yours. Here you face a great mystery, a great paradox: you cannot start the invitation process, but if  you are identified with the ego, you close all doors. So, you cannot invite That, but you can remain for a long time imprisoned within patterns that will not allow you to realize this Truth, the Truth of God's Realization, of Enlightenment.

Here, the secret is: sensitivity and openness. When you discover the importance of abandoning your point of view, your personal way of facing what is present at this instant, at this moment, you automatically open yourself to this Truth, to this Silence. This is another way of talking about the art and the beauty of Being, which is Meditation.

Meditation does not invite this Reality (already present) to manifest itself. Meditation is this Manifestation itself, this Truth, this Silence, that we can also call as Consciousness, as Presence.

First, you must understand that the egoic mind is very skilled, very smart and is against the mysterious movement of Life, against Life as It is. In other words: you do not accept Life as It happens. All your training, since childhood, is to seek, to solve, to control and to set things right. So, your movement, which is the movement of the mind, of the "person," of this "me," is a skilled and smart movement that stands against Life as It is.

Of course, when I say "skilled and smart," I don't mean a "intelligent movement," but a "tricky, astute movement." So, this is the first point that cannot be ignored.

The second point is that the mind knows there is no room for its psychological cunning, for its psychological "skill" and "cleverness" in the real movement of Life. This means that the mind is at risk of disappearing if it is seen, uncovered. So, we have two things here: the first is that the mind is against Life; the second is that the mind knows there will be no more room for itself if it is unmasked.

I am showing to you the two terrible and complicated problems of the old ego, this old “me.” First, it does not accept Life as It is; second, it is afraid of being unmasked and having its game destroyed. Now, let's make things a little bit more complicated to the mind, to this disguised enemy that pretends to be a friend inside you.

Let me tell you something unpleasant to the egoic mind. Let's uncover its old trick a bit more. Are you ready? When you no longer value the sense of "person," when there is no more room for the sense of person, then there is no more reason to maintain this game of resistance to Life, of resistance to what it is. When you become aware of this movement, of this game of memories, of patterns,  of concepts, of beliefs, of ideologies, of dreams, of projects, of desires, of all the conditioning connected to the sense of person,  the mind game is then uncovered.

There is only one way for this to happen, and it is the way I have always discussed and shared to you in these speeches: the Real Meditation. It is present when you no longer value the "person,"  when the desire for memories is gone, when the energy to keep the false "me" is gone. Then this sense of the "me" may destabilize; this structure can now crash down, because you no longer trust in the "person," in that sense of  "me," in that memory, in that background. Only then, the game can end.

You are becoming aware of the mind's resistance to Life as It is, of the "me", of the ego, of this "me" in relation to the mysterious movement of Life as It happens. At the same time, the mind is being unmasked. Its psychological game of perpetuity, its day-by-day way of working is being observed. So, there is no more reason for this psychological memory of the “me” to remain being right, deciding, choosing, solving things, controlling.

This is one of those meetings where I share to you everything that can be presented here. I am not hiding you anything! You are aware of your actions, reactions and resistances... It is very important that you see these resistances, that you become aware of this imprisonment of the false me. The moment you see it, you step out of this process,  out of this prison of reacting. When you realize this, you remain outside of the egoic mind. This is the openness, the sensitivity required (which is Meditation) for the Truth to reveal itself, for this Silence, this Consciousness, present here and now. Liberation, Enlightenment, Realization is the end of this illusion of the egoic mind and its "smart" and "skilled" way.

*Originally published in Portuguese on July 8, 2018. **June 11th,2018 online meeting transcription - Meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10pm –Brazilian BRT Time Zone. Download Paltalk app to  participate.
