June 27, 2019

Satsang is a moment of revelation

These talks are presenting you what is considered a difficult paradox or a mystery, because things are not what they appear to be. The common thought is that there is a present identity with a personal life, private, separate from the world and from what happens around it. In this experience, everything is happening to this "me," and this seems to be very real. Let´s see this calmly now...

You have this experience of duality, and of course it is unsatisfactory, boring and complicated, something very uncomfortable. From this experience comes the need to bring peace, serenity and happiness to cover up the feeling that what is present is not complete. So the feeling is that everything is not all right, that nothing is ever all right, besides the sensation of right and wrong, of good and evil. This ends up becoming what is called "your life," which is a life full of problems. So, everyone wants to make his/her life easier, better, to have what is good and to solve his/her problems. Basically, you feel something is missing or wrong and that you need to look for or to find something else.

Satsang is a moment of revelation. Here we are pointing out this Reality, the beauty of that Mystery, the simplicity of what is considered by the mind a complication or a paradox. What I am saying is that Satsang is a revelation that points out the Reality of this experience, the Truth present in the Mystery. And then it ceases to be something paradoxical for the mind. These meetings are meant to show you that the sense of separation is not real, that the idea you are present and need to do something is an illusion. So there is great beauty in these encounters called Satsang, for we have within them the opportunity to discover the Truth, which is simply what is present without the distortion that thought brings.

Your conditioning is just a mental programming, and in that particular way of seeing what is present, there is a complete distortion. Satsang comes to uncover all this. To be present at these meetings means an opportunity for investigation, which allows you to directly realize that everything is born of the imagination.

It is the mind that is creating this sense of dissatisfaction, of struggle, and division. There is not anyone present separate from the experience, being an experiencer of what happens, nor anyone in this experience of thinking, feeling or doing, or within that experience called the "world." As long as there is some sense of separation, there will be some form of trouble, dissatisfaction, inadequacy, and suffering.

I repeat: Satsang comes to uncover all this. If you can see this pattern of conditioning, it ends. And that is what we are patiently doing in these encounters. The direct way to Realize This is by having this attention, not neglecting to look at this background of remembrance, memories and present thoughts. Not to trust in this is essential! To look and to not mistake yourself for what you observe within is the most important thing! The greatest illusion is the trust you have in "yourself" – and everything you know about "yourself," all that knowledge, all that experience, all that representation of "yourself" are part of this illusion. If you can look at this, at the thoughts, at the feelings and at your particular experience, without accepting or denying it, without agreeing or disagreeing with it, free from that confidence; if you can just watch and be aware of it, then this is already the beginning of Meditation!

Notice that this is not a teaching. Truth is not revealed through a teaching. Non-duality, non-separation is not shared through teachings. It is a direct Revelation from the Heart. Only your Heart can reveal this Truth. Only a direct Vision born of the Heart brings this Revelation. Thus, this Meditation is the direct Vision from the Heart. I could say that the core of your Heart is the very essence of this Vision, and this is the real and pure Teaching. Therefore, this is not taught to you, it is something Awakened in you. Only an action of Grace brings this Awakening, and if that Grace is present, the Truth shows itself. It is about this Mystery that we are dealing with in these encounters.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on March 22nd, 2019. First published in Portuguese on April 22nd, 2019. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

June 25, 2019

The possibility of going beyond suffering

I know it is very challenging hearing about the possibility of going beyond suffering, all mess that the human life is, with its several problems, dilemmas and conflicts. For the vast majority, the model is fear and desire, this chaotic mental state of deep disorder. Thus, the expression "I" is always linked to a confusing state of being, of facing life.

All your perception of life is based on the notion of time and space, such a thing completely produced by the mind. Your life unfolds within this programming. This individual, this "I" always arises in a specific situation as a supposed reality within this context of time and space. In other words, when you say "I," you are within imagination, "I think," "I walk," "I do," "I feel," "I cannot," "I can…" But the truth is that you never know what this affirmation is about when you use this pronoun within any of these contexts.

This "I" is an imaginary object created by thought. It is exteriorized within this time and space, as if it were a real being. So, when you use the expression "I am thinking about this" or "I will do this tomorrow", you cannot clearly perceive that it is just imagination, that there is not any "me." There is nobody to think, nobody to feel, nobody to do, because there is nobody present in this. This "I" is just the idea of someone present. This "person," this "me," this "ego" is continually projecting situations. This is an imaginary movement, a constant search for safety.

Thus, each one of these phrases, which seems to reflect some kind of action, is always linked to the senses of the body and to these thoughts, within this so called "mind." Each thought is linked to the five senses: touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing. Each thought is linked to a specific image, which is what you call "I." However, there is a Reality beyond all this, a present Reality and much far beyond the thought linked to the mind, far beyond the senses linked to the experience of the body.

You are here, in this encounter, to find out the Essential Nature of yourself, That what represents your True Being, your True Divine Nature. This is something possible to be discovered, to be verified, but you need to become receptive to everything that goes on inside you, in this mechanism, in this human organism.

You consider this apparatus body-mind to be your Being, your True Nature, but actually, this is just part of this dream, of what you take for life in this world. When you become receptive to all this body-mind perception, senses, thoughts, sensations, you have the opportunity to see the Truth being unfolded, being completely revealed before yourself.

Only then, you are open to everything around you, to this world around you. This openness is the acceptance of a Reality that surpasses every time and space experience, where the body, the mind and the world unfold and appear. So, you can "find" yourself, without being trapped and dependent on the perception of a separate identity, of a person, of being the agent. This is a process that happens through Meditation, when you become closer and closer to your Self, to your own Being, going beyond all these conflicts and confusion, all this disorder, all this completely mistaken notion about who you are.

What could reveal all this, if not the receptivity, this openness, this great sensitivity to the Truth, to the Truth of Silence, to the Truth of the absence of fear and desire? As you become intimate with yourself, you begin to perceive everything in a completely new way. It is curious to say this because, generally, you believe that you are hearing, seeing, feeling life, but this is completely false. It is something distorted, because everything you are hearing, seeing and feeling is within your own prejudices, your own formulations, of your own conditioning. There is no direct contact with Reality, with Life as it is, because you do not know yourself. So you live as a slave of your self-suggestions, in an imaginary relation with everything around you, in the illusion of being someone within time and space.

It is necessary to Awaken, to be Free, to know the Joy. The purpose of these meetings is to recognize the True Happiness, That which resides in what I might call "True Self-Knowledge," which is the True Knowledge of the world, of Life. The real sense of Being, of your Existence. The Realization of God.

What you have known so far is within the movement of the mind. It is necessary to find out the Truth of your Being; then, this new approach of hearing, seeing and feeling become something multidimensional. Something totally open, free from every attribute, from every relationship of images, of every form of prison. Your Being, your Real Nature, this "State" reveals the Silence. Then the states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep (common to the body) work in a very natural way. I call "natural" this State free from the illusion of desire and fear, free from a false present identity in these states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep, because you, in your Being, are beyond them.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on July 4th, 2018. First published in Portuguese on January 15th, 2019. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

June 20, 2019

People are just beliefs, imaginations!

Satsang is the encounter with Reality, with the Truth. It is this encounter with our Real Nature. Our Reality is what we can call as Consciousness, Presence. This is our reality, the encounter with what we are. It is the revelation about us, this immutable Presence, this immutable Reality. Whether This is acknowledged or not, This is what we are. This is our Reality! Our Reality is the Truth ... It is the purest and crystalline Truth.

There is no real separate entity, for there is no separate entity from this unique Reality we are. That is the Truth about us. I repeat it! There is no such separate entity! There is nothing except this Consciousness, and this is the Truth about us. At this meeting, this is our focus.

When we are apart this reality, we are lost in the objects. The mind is an object, and everything that it produces is only object, so is what can be witnessed in an objective way. When we are placed in the mind, we are lost in objects.

Thoughts, feelings and emotions are objects in the sense of being something objective and that can be observed in an objective way. This is not our Real Nature. It is something that appears there, but it is not what we are; therefore, it is something objective.

How long does a feeling, a thought, a sensation or an emotion last? This shows us that we are dealing with objects, with objective things, with temporary objects, with temporary things – what appears and disappears, comes and goes.

Our conditioning is to see ourselves in these objects as if they were ourselves, that is, in thoughts or feelings, emotions or sensations, in all this we believe to be part of the “person” that we are. But this “person” we are is only a belief too, and, therefore, it is only an object, an imaginary object.

There is a Reality witnessing these objects, this appearance, which has no identity. These objects, whether gross or subtle, are all objects. The chair where you sit is a gross object, so is the thought there. It is an object too, but a subtle object. However, both the chair and the thought are an appearance in this Consciousness.

Is that clear?

The computer you have before you as well as the talks you hear is just an object. The sound that is part of a sensation is also an object.

The object can only appear in what perceives this object. And what perceives is outside and beyond the object itself. Thus, this Consciousness is something outside and beyond this speech. Outside and beyond that thought or feeling, that sensation or emotion.

But all conditioning you´ve received since childhood gives this illusion, the illusion of this entity, which is only an imagination, just a thought too. There is not a present entity. There is only the illusion of this entity, the illusion of an object created by the thought. That is, we are saying there are no "people" in this room, or these people in this room are just beliefs, imaginations.

The mind imagines a present entity in this experience of feeling, speaking, listening, of an emotion, of a feeling or a thought. There is no such thing! For some of you who are new here in the room, it is sounding rather weird.

I am telling that you, as a separate entity, are a fraud, an illusion. Just a belief, a name, a form and a story. Thoughts being told are stories. A name is a label given to an object, to this body, and this body is an appearance that comes and goes like any other object. So, this body is an object. This name is an object and this story is also an object.

The question is, "Who are you?”

You are this Reality beyond the body, the name, the history and the objects. Whether gross or subtle, any sensation present is just a thought, an idea, a belief.

It appears in that Consciousness only as part of thought. Thought translates all this experience. The sound is heard. It is a sensation, but it is translated, told as a story (which is just a thought, an objective thing).

You were born to realize your Real Nature, That what Is: to live from the standpoint of this Space, this Reality, free from imagination and free from these attachments to objects, thoughts, to this story, to this idea of "being somebody."

This is our purpose in Satsang: the recognition of your Essential Nature, your Real Nature. This Real moment is the moment of this Consciousness.
The mind produces an imaginary moment where it creates the time through these objective experiences, which are thoughts, feelings, sensations, and so on.

All this reinforces the person, gives an identity (an illusory identity), creates this "me," that "I," this "person" with a name. Liberation is the end of it. And this Liberation is Love, Freedom, Happiness, your Essential Nature, which is Consciousness, which is Presence, which is God. The Truth about you.

You are this Truth! As long as the illusion of the "person" is present, there will be conflict and suffering, because this is not the Truth.

Freedom, happiness and love lie in the Truth, not out of It. They are not in the illusion. This belief you have about yourself is pure illusion, and it has shaped (and it is shaping) all your personal experience, the experience of a "person."

When you mistake yourself for the body and the mind, you search for - within time, within this experience of time and objects – fulfillment, accomplishments, peace, love and happiness, but none of these is part of the time.

Love is the nature of the Self, Consciousness, Presence. I talk about love that has no opposite (hate, anger), and it is not what we mean as love - something sentimental, romantic, that temporarily fulfills the "I," the ego, or brings some sensation, some pleasure. We are talking about something totally different from that.

Love is not pleasure. It is not a feeling, not an emotion. Anger is an emotion, fear is an emotion. The love the person knows is the one that turns into anger. Therefore, it is something emotional. It is not about this love, kind of emotional love, the opposite of anger, of hatred, we are talking about.

These are all objective and mental experiences. Experiences placed within time, of the time, but Love is not an experience in the time. Love is real when there are no conditions. Love is real when it is unconditional. It does not address people. It does not see people. It does not see objects. It is something outside time. It is not something linked to sensations.

The ego is attached to its history. It only appears with its history, and, in it, it knows hate and love, peace and conflict (war), happiness and misery, slavery and freedom.

This is the whole duality mind has produced. We are talking about such a different peace. Peace without duality. About love, happiness and freedom without duality. It is not something for "somebody" or of "someone."

The Truth of your Essential Nature is not personal! God is not personal! You are not a person!

I think for today is enough. See you next meeting! Namaste!

*Online meeting transcription, originally held on May 25th, 2016. Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm Local Time: Brazil BRT, except during retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please access: http://mestregualberto.com

June 17, 2019

This is the secret

Adopting the attitude of looking at what goes on inside you means being interested in investigating the question: "Who am I?" When you come across some form of internal conflict, such as fear, for example, and recognize it without denying, without running away, without repressing, then you have something very valuable, which is the approach to this vision. It is to live in this proximity, to welcome, to adopt, to accept this compassionate, benevolent and patient attitude that allows this to be seen.
Nothing can work as better as this. Nothing else can be done. Any movement you make will be based on conflict to produce more conflict. It will be based on confusion to produce more confusion. This movement is an escape that can bring a momentary relief, but the conflict remains. Repression by escape is one of the traps of the egoic mind.
It is important that you see what is presented before you. This is like a snake that comes into your room. If you know it has come in, your duty is to find it. And not to go under the blanket, because this will not solve it. Even if you do not want to look at it, you already know it is in the room.
Fear is present and you know that the blanket will not save you. But if you are on the bed and can see it completely, you are already one step forward toward the liberation of fear. It is the same with the movement of the egoic mind. If you do not deny it, if you do not hide it, you can see it. But if your attitude is of denying, of hiding, of trying to escape from it, it will continue to haunt you, to frighten you.
I am showing you how to handle this illusory entity, this false "I," this ego, which, by the way, is this "snake in the room." The point is to ask yourself, "What is this? Who is this one afraid?" If you do this, you can see this movement, this set of thoughts, feelings and sensations in the body, quite unpleasant ones. When you can see this, you can see the "snake." You are not free yet, but you have taken the most important step to go beyond fear, to go beyond the ego. In fact, this is all a spectacle created by the mind.
If you do this, you can see What Is, and then you see the "snake" leaving. You will not try to kill the "snake." You will not try to do anything with it. This "snake," in this figure of speech, is the imaginary movement of the ego with its quite frightening reactions. No matter how frightening or unpleasant this sensation is ... Look at those reactions.
Everything is a great spectacle for you to be a spectator, a witness, an observer. Do contemplate your reactions, your denial, your desire to flee, your fear. When you begin to acknowledge your denial, this will be the beginning of acceptance. It is necessary that you become an expert, a real master at dealing with what goes on within, and no one can do it for you. If you do not take on this full responsibility (I have called this "honesty"), nothing so profound will happen to you.

What I am saying is that fear, conflict and suffering are your ego, the "snake in the room," the "monster." A "monster" you follow up, actually. It is not ‘it’ that accompanies you. It is not it that is with you. It is you who are accompanying it. It is you who are assigning reality to your ego.
At first, you think the ego is your enemy. But I am saying the ego is your creation, an illusion created by the force of the habit of living in that model for so long. It is necessary to deconstruct this!
So, it is not the ego that accompanies you, it is you who build it, sustain it. You see the "snake" entering the "room," and instead of following its movement, you hide under the "covers” because you are not willing to look at it.
You have sustained this ego, this fear, this suffering, this false “me.” When you stop running away, stop denying it, it’s when acceptance begins to take place. You begin to assume the posture of contemplation, which is your natural position of disidentification, of not mistaking yourself for what feelings, sensations and thoughts "say" to you. So this "monster," this "usurper" self-created by your thoughts and by bodily sensations vanishes. This monster keeps you separate from the Realm of Silence, Peace, Freedom, Joy. This is so because it has never been real, in reality.
So, start embracing this "monster" and say, "Okay! You are welcome. Let me look at you." No matter how big this "snake" is or how scary it seems to be. No matter how many claws this "monster" has, nor what it looks like ... When no part of this "snake" or "monster" is hidden anymore, there is not any part in you that can be attached to or identified with anymore.
The illusion is the blindness that keeps you connected to the "monster." Because of unconsciousness, lack of attention and lack of Meditation, you are sustaining it. In India, they call this "monster," this "snake" as the "illusion of ignorance."
So, you need to get out under the "cover", to get out of your imaginary attempt to escape, and look at it. That's the secret! This is only possible in this approach of acceptance, of contemplation. In this way, you will be returning to your natural position, to the Heart, and leaving the mind. Even if the body still feels something, there will be no more appreciation of the story, of thoughts. What the body is feeling will soon disappear too, because it will not be reinforced. There won’t be this connection with the "monster" any longer. Thought, emotion, perception or feeling will have been broken.
Can you see that? Homework for you! You can practice this moment by moment, and you will have plenty of opportunities to practice this disidentification, to look patiently at yourself, at your reactions, feelings, sensations, perceptions, at every story created by this imaginary, illusive entity that seems to be following you, that seems to be in your "room." While, in reality it is you who follow it, who sustain it, who make it so frightening, so dangerous.
Why is what I am telling you so effective? Because what can be seen is not you. If you can see something, you can disidentify from it , and that's your work. If you can see it, you can let it go.
I will repeat it: you will not kill the "monster." You will not kill the "snake," the ego, because there is no ego, no snake, no "monster" to die. When there are no hidden parts there - no thought, no emotion, no sensation, no perception, no fear, no anxiety, and so on - then none of that can touch you anymore. You are this Presence, this Consciousness, this Absolute Reality dwelling in the Kingdom of Happiness, Freedom, Peace, Joy, Intelligence.

* Online meeting transcription, originally held on January 28th, 2019. Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm Local Time: Brazil BRT, except during retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please access: http://mestregualberto.com

June 10, 2019

Something beyond time and space

We are in Satsang investigating the Truth about ourselves. The word Satsang means "encounter with What is," "encounter with the Truth." Sat is a word in Sanskrit for "Truth" and sang is a word for "encounter." Another meaning for this word is "the encounter with The One who is living the Truth about Himself, Herself." So, what are we working on in Satsang? We work on this recognition of the Truth we are. This means discovering the Truth in yourself, at this very moment, here and now.

I can say something to you that will sound like a belief there, but your challenge is to investigate the veracity of this. For example, I can tell you the only present reality at this moment is this Consciousness. Right now, you hear this speak and there is a clear perception of this present sound here and now. This is something very evident. It does not require any kind of belief. So, what we deal with in this space called Satsang is something at this level of evidence, at this same level of reality. However, for you, it still can sound as a belief, and then I invite you to investigate it by yourself. God is a present Reality. It is not a concept, an idea. God is a present Reality just like this Consciousness that perceives this speak. So, when we use the word "God," we are talking about this Nature of Being, pointing out this Real Nature, the Nature of the Truth of each one of us.

This can be just a belief for you or a direct Realization. When this Realization happens, all illusion ends. Then, God is the most undeniable Truth. When Truth is present, there is no more the illusion of an entity in conflict, in suffering, attached to some kind of fear or desire. In Satsang you are meeting yourself, you Real Self, which is the Reality of God, the Presence of God. When there is this Realization, you are a Sage. When there is not this Realization, you are still worried about the result of the elections, for example. In this Realization, everything is seen in its own place, and there is no longer the illusion of the separation between you and God. All your problems are settled on fear. "Person" lives in fear. The nature of the "person" carries conflict, suffering, envy, ambition, desire, possession, insecurity, pain... At all levels, this pain of separateness is present. Do you follow it?

When you verify by yourself the Truth of your Being, which is the Nature of God, there is no more room for illusion. The Nature of man, of this so-called human creature, is Happiness, Love, Peace, Freedom. You were born to know THIS, to recognize the Truth about your Self. This cannot keep on being just a theory, a belief. "God dwells in me." Have you already heard this sentence? Since a child, you hear this, "we are the temple of God." Have you been in a church at some point? Perhaps you do not go to church anymore nowadays, but when you were a child, you have heard this somehow, or you have already read this in some book.

What I am saying is that Truth is something present. It cannot be a belief – a belief is not going to work. This Self-Realization, Enlightenment or Awakening, this Realization, is the clarity, the direct revelation that there is no reason to suffer, nor to live in this mistake, in this confusion. The "person" is afraid, in confusion, suffering, because he/she is an illusion, a fraud! The "person" is the misconception itself! My invitation in Satsang is for you to find out the Truth about your Self, to realize that, in fact, you are not what you believe to be. This is the end of your ignorance. Some call it self-knowledge, but as a matter of fact, it is the knower on his/her own Real Nature, which is the Knowledge itself.

However, this Knowledge is not a topic for study. You have no way to study this Knowledge, which is You, which is the very own knower. That is, you can awake to This, assume the Truth of This but do not know This the way you would know any other subject – seeing yourself separate from Knowledge. Therefore, This is not for the intellect. That is why in these meetings we deal with the importance of Meditation.

So, this Revelation, or this Clarity of the Knowledge about your Self, is not a thing as an object. The Truth is this Self-knowledge (let us use this word here) where there is no object outside to be known and, curiously, no one inside either. This is beyond object and subject, knowledge or ignorance.

Wisdom is a fascinating subject! We are dealing with something beyond time and space. We are dealing with the Truth of God, which is You in your True Nature, your True Being, your Real Being. That is why my Guru said, "To know God is to be God." Only God knows God!

What happens is always an opportunity for you to realize there is no separation between what is perceived and the one who perceives. This separation arises because you are unaware of this present experience, of its value and importance. This experience does not happen without this Consciousness, which is You. However, between this experience and You, as Consciousness, arises the illusion of the "thinker," of "someone" present, of an "experiencer," and when this happens, there it is the sense of separation.

So, everything that is arising at this very moment is a challenge. Something that can be an opportunity to provoke you to perceive that there is no such sense of separation in a real way. In this sense, everything that appears, or everything that seems to appear, within this experience, is there to provoke us, to awaken us. So if you can put your attention on it, abandoning this conditioning, it gets clear that this knower and this Knowledge are not separate; that the experiencer and the experience are not separate. That is, the nature of the knower is this Knowledge, and this is the end of duality, of the sense of separation.

To illustrate this speech, I will end it with a story that is told in India.

It is late and already dark when a man comes out from a river. As soon as he steps ashore, there is a very dense shadow at the edge of that river, and he has the clear sensation of stepping on a snake. In that moment, he feels a great shiver through his body and fear takes him completely. Those few seconds seem like a century to him, he is terrified. Immediately, he jumps up and looking at the direction of his feet, much to his surprise, he sees that there was no snake there, but a rope. Then his heart goes back to the normal beats, the breathing normalizes, and he is taken by a great relief.

Therefore, it is there for you. Realization of Truth about Yourself is the Realization that what you think is real life is not Real. All your conflict, suffering, terror and fear are in this confusion. You are mistaking a rope for a snake.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on October 10th, 2018. First published in Portuguese on February 10th, 2019. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

June 4, 2019

The encounter with Life

What we have at this moment is Satsang, which is Life. And what is Life? Life is made of such simplicity that the mind does not reach. Something that means only this moment. So, when we talk about Satsang, we are talking about Life, investigating this matter of living.
Another quite peculiar thing about Life is that it does not happen for two people. That is, it is not a moment that can be shared between two people. Life is something happening at this moment, but it is not possible for two people to share this same moment. This moment is exclusive, unique. And what does this moment consist in? It consists in Life as Life presents itself, shows itself. There are not two people, nor shareable time between two people. Another point is that Life is not something happening to you. Actually, You are Life.
When thought arises, it comes as an element of separation, of division, of time. It is thought that creates the idea of future, past and present, and the illusion of people sharing this same moment. This is a way, maybe quite new for some of you, to approach what I call Satsang – the encounter with What It Is, the encounter with Life. What we have put so far explains all this confusion, this mess, this conflict, which is to live in the illusion of separateness – “the world and I;” “Life and I.” There is no world, there is no “me.” There is only Life. This is Consciousness, Presence.
In the egoic mind, you want to manage this “present moment.” There is resistance to it. And how do you try to manage it? You try to manage this through the illusion that you can control what is present, what is happening. So the conflict, the misery and the suffering arise. I want to invite you to something beyond the acceptance or rejection of that which is present in this moment, here and now. That’s when you find out this moment is simply Life, and Life is Love, Peace. There is only Love, Peace, nothing else. The background of what is present as an experience happening is this moment revealing itself as Life. It is Love and Peace.

The mind has created an illusory veil of separation, of duality, of acceptance or rejection of Life as it presents itself. And that is what has hidden the Love and Peace present at this moment. The mind is creating all this confusion, this veil of ignorance covering the Truth. When this veil is removed, all that remains is the reality of Life. This is your Real Identity, your True Divine Nature, your Freedom.
There is no reason to suffer. Suffering is an independent, private production, a restriction that the mind self-imposes on itself. The mind is this veil, the cause of all this confusion. So, the removal of this veil is the discovering of this “Thing,” which is the Truth. When the movement of the mind arises, the veil of ignorance is present. And with it, the false identity creating all confusion. Here is the illusion of “me” in the present, in the past or in the future, in the imaginary world of thought. So, this pursuit of happiness, which is the search for love and peace in the mind, in this movement towards outside and within time, is an illusion. Peace, Love and Happiness are not confined in time, they cannot be found. This is something here and now when the illusion (this veil) is removed. This is the real meaning of Awakening.
To realize the Self means awakening to Life, to this moment, to this Peace, this Love that is Happiness. Thus, it is fundamental to abandon all confidence you have given to the mental concepts, to the beliefs, to the ideas, to the thoughts, for they are the ones that sustain this veil. The thoughts that sustain this veil cover the Reality of this moment, the Reality of Life, the Truth about yourself, inherent in your True Identity.
Therefore, you cannot keep on living in this psychological time, alienated from this moment, which is Life. When the foundation of what you call "life" is established in this psychological time, in this mental time, which is the story built by the thought around a character with a name and a body, you are in the illusion of an unreal life, the life of this false “me.”
You have to find out what to remain in this Consciousness means. Only this Consciousness is the vision of this moment, which is Life. The mind does not provide you the vision of this moment. It always runs among the present, the past (memories, recollection, remembrance) and the future (aspirations, desires and dreams).
Notice that I have dealt with only one subject here: the Real Meditation. Meditation is the Awareness of this Life, which unfolds at this moment. I am going to repeat it: there are no two people in the planet able to live this moment, because it is a unique moment, exclusive, real one. In other words, it is not possible for anyone to hurt you, to injure you, to offend you, to sadden you, to annoy you, because there is no “you,” there is no one.

* Online meeting transcription, originally held on February 6th, 2019 - First published in Portuguese on March 13th, 2019 . Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm (Local Time: Brazil BRT), except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please access: http://mestregualberto.com
