March 22, 2022

Is the world an illusion?

The question is, "Is the world an illusion?" Notice what we put here for you. The Reality of this world is the Reality of your Being. In this sense, the world is an appearance, despite appearing and disappearing, despite being unreal since it's not something that subsists, that remains, the world is just an existential phenomenon. In this sense, it doesn't have an immutable, permanent reality, different from this Being, this Consciousness, which is where this world appears.

So, when we talk about this Consciousness, when we talk about this Being, we are talking about the Real Reality of the world. The basis of this appearance is this Consciousness. So, the world has Reality in this Consciousness. Thus, as something that cannot be separated from this Consciousness, the world, yes, in this sense, we can say it is also Real since Real is this Consciousness where this world appears.

Making that clear, we can touch on another aspect here, which I consider important. What you need to find out is the Truth about who You are, and if you take this direction, and if you observe, and if you investigate, and if you look closely, you find out that you, as a separate entity, as "someone" in the world, are unreal indeed. So, it's not the world that is unreal; unreal is this sense of a "me" present in this experience: "me and the world." This duality, this separation has no Reality.

So you, as a separate entity, are not Real. However, the world as an appearance in this Consciousness appears and disappears – so, it has no Reality in itself as something separate – but as this Consciousness, the world has the Reality of this Consciousness. There is no world separate from this Consciousness.

So, the world doesn't say "I'm here." It's an appearance, an unfolding of this Consciousness. Here, it's in your interest, it's in our interest, to investigate the nature, the ephemeral and illusory nature of this false center, which is this false "me." This is not the Truth about who You are, about What You are. This "me," this "sense of person," this personality is a set of memories, a set of remembrances; it's all a story formulated, positioned, trusted, and established by thought.

Thus, you are not Real. It's not the world that is unreal, it's the idea of "someone" present. It's also interesting to tell you here that, this idea, this belief is, actually, a little more than a belief. It's like a present energy, an energy converted by thought, the idea of an identity present. This idea, this energy, this egoic sense, is the cause of every conflict. It's important to say that.

Every problem in your life is based on this false center. Your Life, as Consciousness, doesn't carry conflicts, doesn't carry problems, doesn't carry suffering, unlike this false center, this false "me." It carries conflict indeed; it carries problems indeed. The good news is that it is not real.

In an act of despair, this false identity, which is this ego, this "sense of person," wants to get rid of the world. The problem is not the world. The problem is not life. The problem is not what happens. The problem is the illusion for the one all this is happening, for the one all this is occurring. This egoic positioning is something totally false, totally illusory.

So, this is the illusion. The illusion, I repeat, is not the presence of the world; the illusion is the presence of a false "me," of a false entity present in this experience: "I am in the body, in the experience of the world." This is a belief; this is an idea… I've just said, this is a totally false, totally illusory energy, which is established due to the non-verification of this movement, which is the movement of thought.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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How to help the world?

So, recently a question was asked: "How to help the world?" See, let me put this in a very direct way for you. If your concern is in being useful to the world, this concern is purely egoic. If in fact you want to help the world, be Happy, Realize your Being, Realize your inherent Happiness.

Once you Realize That which You are, your innate Happiness, something inherent in What is already You, this Happiness will express itself, inevitably, around you. It, for sure, will reach this so-called "your world." But it won´t be "your world" and there won't be this sense of "someone" who is concerned to help the world.

In general, this sense of emptiness, of solitude, of pain and suffering, that ego carries, ends up creating this fantasy, this fantasy of being useful, this fantasy of finding Peace, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, by serving the world. But what world is this "person," this ego, really referring to?

So, I will repeat for you: If there really is something that moves you internally, to serve and help the world, first find within yourself who You are. So, do not be concerned serving the world, helping the world. The world does not need the ego, the world does not need the "person" which we believe to be. Life already happens in an intelligent, wise way, under a mysterious direction, very much beyond this illusion, the illusion of a separate "I" believing he can do something for the world.

The right attitude to share Compassion, to share Love, to share Kindness, Truth, with the world, is to live... living What You are, being What You are! This Real Happiness, your Real Experience, is the perfect form of Being, without any idea of "someone" doing something, of "someone" being important, of "someone" being necessary.

Wisdom is to live what you are born to live, and in This lies Compassion, in This lies Love, in This lies the Divine Truth. It is that Divine Truth that expresses itself, and it is that Divine Truth... and it is only this Divine Truth that does all the work. There is no "someone" in that! There is not this "me," this "I." It is only Life in its expression.

So, be One with Reality, be One with Life. Then, the expression takes place – the expression of Life, not the expression of the "person." It is basically this... And this is what I have to tell you.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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Inner Peace

If you have some questions, you can ask and we will answer here for you. OK? By video… as we have here, someone asked: "Could you talk about the ego identity and the path to inner peace?"

Let's go! Why do we talk about inner peace? Why is there interest about this question, the question about inner peace?

Look, I can't distinguish between interior and exterior. So, basically, Peace, if it is real, It is the Peace. If you acknowledge the Truth, you assume the Truth of Peace, and this division between interior and exterior disappears.

The recognition of This is the comprehension about this illusion, the illusion of this ego identity.

So, look, this Real Peace is something present when there is an end to this ego identity, and when there is an end to this ego identity, this issue of interior and exterior, of internal and external, ends and disappears.

So, the real path to the Truth of Peace – and here, it is the Real Peace – is the end of this ego identity.

And you say: "Tell us about this ego identity." Basically, ego identity is the illusion of this "me" you believe to be: a "me" that thinks; a "me" that imagines; a "me" that idealizes; a "me" that is walking towards somewhere; a "me" that has purpose, aims; a "me" that has things to get rid off; or a "me" that needs more stuff to feel well, to feel calm, to feel peaceful…

In fact, this "me" is completely false. This is the illusion of someone present, at this moment, here in this experience.

Notice that you've had at some points in your life, some glimpses of an inner state of Silence, and at these glimpses of Silence, you didn't notice conflict outside.

So, this division between interior and exterior disappears for good when there is just a short glimpse of this Silence and Reality you are, and this happens when this ego identity is absent.

So, you've had some moments, in your life, when there was no burden, no anxiety, no worries, no fear, no anticipation, neither positive or negative, and, at that moment, maybe for one, two, three or four seconds, there was Peace, there was this Freedom, this Consciousness, this Presence.

When you are at a new place, when you arrive at a place where you've never been before, curiously, the impact of that place is so strong for the egoic mind that it, for a few moments, is knocked out and disappears for a few seconds.

Maybe it lasts for a few seconds, maybe for one minute, but, at that moment, the whole sense of separate identity, the whole story of "someone," this ego identity, vanishes.

So, ego identity is an illusion and your Real Nature is Peace.

So, when we deal with this issue of Peace, we don't talk about inner peace, we talk about Peace as your Real Nature, as the Nature of the Divine Truth you are, which is your Being.

Then, there is no room for the sense of separation, this duality between "me, life and God." The sense of a "me" is not present in What You are. The sense of a "me" is present in the illusion of a dualistic mind, a separatist mind, a mind, basically, in conflict.

That's why this Real Peace is impossible while the mind remains, while the ego remains, while this identity keeps producing ideas, beliefs, thoughts about life as it is, about life as it presents itself.

This work in Satsang shows us the importance of Meditation, that has – I've been saying this a lot – the investigation of the false as its basis. This investigation is, basically, to observe the false movement of the mind, this egoic mind.

That's the basis. This self-enquiry is the basis for the blossoming of your Divine and Natural State, which is Meditation.

As It is already your Real and Divine State, It is not something separate from you. That's why, at some moments, without being called or searched, It can, actually, appear… only as a glimpse of your Divine State, which is what happens when you arrive at a space like a beach or at the margin of a river, or you are at an open space, at a new place, when you look at the sky and see the new Moon… something can be the basis for That, for That to happen, but it is something not searched for, not sought, as it happens with the blossoming of Meditation.

We have talked about that. Meditation is basically something like that. All you can do to allow the blossoming of Meditation is not seek It, but rather to realize what is present here and now, basically preventing this blossoming.

So, the verification of the movement of the egoic mind naturally discards this movement. So, as Meditation is something already present, It simply appears, simply blossoms.

So, Meditation is synonymous with Peace. If you want to call it inner peace, OK. I'd rather simply call it Peace, the Peace of your Being. It is the everywhere Peace, the Real Peace, the True Peace.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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Surrender to God

Surrender to God: What does it mean and why does this matter? Surrender to God is surrender to the Truth. When we use the expression "God," we are talking about something outside the known, outside what the egoic mind appreciates, outside what the egoic mind constantly seeks.

So, when we talk about the Divine, when we talk about God, when we use the expressions "Truth," "Consciousness," "Presence," we are talking about something outside of what the mind knows, of what is interesting for it, what is sought by it – here, I speak of the egoic mind.

So, it's quite clear that a work in this direction is needed, a work of surrender to the Truth, surrender to this "Unknown," Presence, surrender to this Grace, whatever we want to call This.

The whole issue is: what is this surrender? In general, human beings spend their entire lives completely unaware, or unconscious of the Truth they have within themselves, this Divine Truth, because they live totally identified with this movement of this dualistic mind, of this separatist mind, this egoic mind.

Thus, here, we use the expression "surrender" in the sense of welcoming Truth, the Divine Truth. And, of course, if this embracement happens, a natural detachment from ego identity begins to happen. This is something that happens naturally through the Acknowledgment of the Truth about who we are.

So, real surrender to God is based on the investigation of this false center, this false "me," the observation of this egoic mind and its purely mundane interests, purely focused on what is known.

So, what is the importance of this surrender? When your heart is open to the Divine, when this interest for Love, Peace, Happiness, and Freedom arises in you, this interest is in Sanity, in the Divine Truth. This interest of yours is an inclination the own Divine Consciousness in you, for Itself. Then, here begins this whole process of surrender, here begins this whole process of welcoming this Divine Will.

When there is this surrender, when there is this movement – and I want to repeat this: this begins to happen because of this observation of what is false inside – something entirely new begins to rise.

Notice that the egoic mind is busy, most of the time, with what it's interested in. This is the sense of this false center, this is the sense of this ego identity. What is the importance of this surrender to the Divine? So, what is the importance of self-investigation and this surrender?

This is important since this gives you a basis for the Revelation of your own Being, for the Revelation of What is the Divine Truth you have inside Yourself. Then, a space for Grace, a space for Truth opens.

So, this abandonment, this surrender, is important because of this openness, this sensitivity to this Revelation. Thus, true surrender brings a real devotion, which is a real surrender to the Truth. And when it is experienced, there is a natural detachment from the illusory mind, it begins to vanish, this illusion begins to disappear, this mistaken identification with this false center completely loses its meaning. This is totally broken, totally destroyed.

So, the purpose of this surrender is the openness and sensitivity to this Grace which makes possible the Revelation of the Truth of who is God, of Who I am.

Then, the answer to this "who am I?" is in this surrender to the Truth, which is the Truth of God. This is real surrender. I repeat: it's based on self-investigation. So, this brings this surrender, which reveals this Natural State, which is Meditation.

So, I'd say that the basis for Meditation is in this surrender… in this surrender or abandonment, whatever you want to call this… in this surrender or abandonment to the Truth.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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Well, I put the word "Worship," maybe, in a slightly different way than it's known. In general, the word "Worship" ... for many people means worshiping God, worshiping the Divine. For me, Worship is to face life without any sense of contradiction, disorder or conflict.

So, Real Worship – I put it this way – is to face life without the sense of an ego identity clashing with what life is, with what life represents and provides, here and now, in this instant. In this sense, Worship is being One with Reality, being free of this false "I," this false center, this false identity.

Ramana said that the true devotee is the Sage, the true devotee is the Sage. The One who is giving Real Devotion, one who lives in Real Worship, is this unique Consciousness, without any separation between what It is and anything else.

So, this Real State, this Natural State, One without a Second, this is also called Advaita or Advaita (pronounced in English), is this Natural State of pure Consciousness. I would call it Real and True Devotion. I would call it Real and True Worship.

So, to worship the Divine is to stay in your Being, aware of the Reality That God is, of That which You are. This is Real Worship. A Life without conflict, a life without contradiction, a life without suffering; a life in Peace, in Love, in Intelligence, in Freedom.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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March 16, 2022

Don´t fight the mind

See, every fight is just resistance. So, people come and say "How I can get rid of all suffering the mind imposes, that thought, that feeling, that memories, that recollections end up imposing on me?"

So, they ask "how to get rid of the mind?", "what can I do to get rid of the mind?", "how to fight the mind?", So there we go… How to fight the mind? Don´t fight! The point is this: don´t fight, don´t resist, don´t clash. When you do that, you separate yourself ideologically, there comes this illusion of the sense of someone who can conquer… to conquer whom? To beat the mind.

So, in that duality, what is actually happening is the mind separating from itself, in resistance, in struggle. This, in fact, is something that further strengthens the sense of separation and naturally strengthens conflict.

So, don't fight the mind. Do something completely different from that: welcome the mind. The mind becomes the enemy when there is a combatant against it; then the enemy appears. So, this enemy is based on resistance, confrontation. This is the basis of the fight! Then the enemy appears on that basis.

My recommendation is that you discover the beauty of welcoming what comes, just becoming aware, becoming aware of what it represents. When that happens, because of the absence of resistance, absence of separation, of this sense of duality, in the absence of conflict, the mind, or what it represents, can reveal itself, and once it reveals itself, it dissolves. Then, that thought, or that feeling, or that memory story, which it brings, dissolves, disappears. And why does it disappear? Because it has no other reality. The only reality of this apparition is memory. It is a simple memory.

See, thought is just thinking and memory is just thinking. This is not You. This is not your Self. This is not your Real Nature. This is not who you are. So, you are just faced with a phenomenal apparition, which comes and goes. Since it´s not You and it´s not being energized, fueled by resistance, by fight, by conflict, it falls away, it disappears.

So, don´t fight the mind. Again, just approach it in a friendly way, and when I say "come closer," it is not a move that you make. It is a movement that simply happens by observation. The direct opening to this verification makes this approximation possible.

What "you" are, or what you represent at that moment, needs to reveal itself. You need to become fully aware of it. So that´s the end of resistance, that´s the end of fight. You may say that a state is uncomfortable, but it is the state that, at that moment, this separate identity represents, and that has to be seen, that has to be embraced, that has to be "understood." So that ends. In general... it is not a subject for this moment here, but in general... we cannot explore it now, here, at this time... in general the movement is always resistance or escape. Either you confront to fight, or you run away. We can deal with that some other time.

Here, I want to talk to you about the importance of welcoming.

So, you neither run away nor resist, but discover the importance of welcoming, and welcoming is to observe without getting confused, without getting tangled up, without

identifying with it. It is something you discover through experience, through self-observation. You start to see it, and over time...This is something that requires this patient appreciation, it is something that is done, yes, moment to moment, or should be done moment to moment, but which of course requires patience and "time."

Once this is done, it becomes clear what we are saying to you here: that it is possible to get rid of the mind, without resistance, without fighting. It is just like that, just like that…

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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How to change life?

The question is "how to change one's life?" What is the reason for this searching, or seeking change? Why this need for change? And what does this real change mean?

If your true intention is to find Happiness, Freedom, Peace, and if you are looking for this life change, understand that the whole point, the basic point is not that the outside life or life externally needs a change.

Here, it's about recognizing who You are. Once you comprehend the Truth about Yourself, there will be a complete "life change," because there will be an internal change of perspective; there will be a new way of facing life, as it actually is.

Your problem isn't the lack of a life change, your problem is not recognizing this condition of identifying with these psychological fluctuations, with this mental instability you have.

This distorted way of coming across life, of facing it, based on beliefs, based on ideas, based on thoughts, based on internal psychological conflicts, this is what makes life appear so hostile, in a difficult and complicated way.

So, the real work to change one's life is indeed under internal change. This break of identification with the egoic mind, with this psychological condition so common in human beings, the end of this is the end of the existential conflict. I would name this Real Life, Life as It is.

Therefore, it's not about changing one's life…it's about the Comprehension of the Truth of what Life is, what Life represents, the Mystery present here and now.

So, everything is based on this conflict of this ego identity, this sense of separation between you and life, between what mind says about what life is, and this rejection, this fight.

So, our work together is a work of the Truth of the Consciousness You are. This puts you in direct contact with Life as It is. Then, there is no need for changing life. The real need here is the Comprehension, the Welcoming, the Intelligence to deal with Life as It is.

So, this would be "a real change," but it isn't a kind of change the egoic mind expects, coming from the outside, something external fitting into a pattern based on fear and desire. Ok?

It's basically this. Your Being is complete and Life is complete as It is. As Life is, there is no conflict. There's no problem in Life as It is, every problem is in this psychological condition of the egoic mind.

If this is investigated, this can be completely discarded, this illusion can really disappear. This is the real "change" that is needed.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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Observation of the mind

The secret for remaining free, free of the mind, lies in the observation of mind´s movement. Once you become conscious of the movement of the mind, the end of this prison happens in a very natural way, the end of this subjection of thought.

Thought has "created" this reality of yours, which in fact, remains as an illusion, because Life presents itself as It is, independent of what thought says about it. Yet you have been confused with what thought says.

Therefore, this "your life" becomes a life of belief, a life of concepts, a life of opinions, a life of subject to every form of image that thought formulates, that thought has. So, these conclusions you have about "life" is not Life as It is, they are ideas thought has about "life."

So, when we are talking about this false center, this false "I," this ego identity, we are talking about a fiction, we are talking of an image produced by thought, supporting all this interpretation, feeding all these interpretations.

So, we are not dealing with Reality. Once confused with thought, we are dealing with concepts, beliefs, opinions and judgments. Liberation from this is important, because this is a life entirely guided by the illusion of this psychological time.

So, here we come to another point. Psychologically, this "your life" is completely false. So, when you say life is difficult, complicated, unbearable, this is a particular view of thought about what "life" is like.

I have been saying that there is no problem in Life. All problems are only thought's constructions about facts, thought's idealization about facts. Liberation of this false center is essential.

So, my invitation is for Satsang, because in Satsang you have the opportunity to investigate this, to become aware about this illusion, all the illusion thought has about "life," about "life as it is." The break with this is the collapse of this false center, the rupture and the end of this illusion – the illusion of this false "I." So, observation of the mind is the basis, the observation of this movement is the basis of this deconstruction, the basis of this Perception of Reality, of Life as It is. This is the end of ego. This is the end of suffering.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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March 14, 2022


And now we have this issue of this so-called "spirituality." Where is the room, indeed, for this so-called "spirituality," once your Being is something complete? This seeking or search for spirituality, what place does it have?

People are searching for this, actually, to feel different, to feel special. So, they have the illusion of improvement, if they are like that, spiritualistic or spiritual people. Then, there is all this search for spirituality because of it. What I've been saying is that You, in your Being, are the Natural Truth. This Natural Truth is Real. It is Divine. It is complete. It is intact.

So, this entire search for spirituality to be someone different, to be someone better, to be someone spiritual, differentiated, spiritualized… all this is still a movement of this false identity, this ego identity.

Those who really aspire to a Divine Life, a True Life, a Real Life, are not searching for spirituality; they are investigating the True Nature of themselves.

Therefore, self-inquiry is the basis for this Revelation of your Being, and your Being is the Natural Truth. It is not the "truth of spirituality." It is not the "spiritual truth." It is the Divine, Natural Truth.

To encounter This, being aware of the Truth about This, is the end of conflict, the end of suffering, the end of illusion, of the sense of a separate entity, and also, the end of this illusion called "spirituality."

So, the word "spirituality" is used as a confrontation with materialism. Here, when we talk about your Being, we are talking about your Divine Nature, and this Divine Nature of yours is Natural; It is not so-called "spiritual," fighting, quarreling, contrasting to the material or materialism.

We abandon all this to Acknowledge the Natural Truth we are here and now. This Acknowledgment is the Realization of your Divine and Natural Truth. There is nothing spiritual, mystical, esoteric about this.

We are talking about something profoundly Natural, profoundly Real, simply Real, simply Natural. We are talking about your Divine Reality, which is the Reality of God.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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What is Enlightenment?

The question that we are going to address here with you is about what is Enlightenment. It's a recurrent question people ask: "What is it, Gualberto… what is Enlightenment? What is this so-called ´Enlightenment State'?"

Some also call this the Divine Realization or Realization of God. There are various names for This. But, after all what does it mean, this so-called "Enlightenment?" What does it represent? Very good, let me tell you something about it here, very clearly. Enlightenment is You in your Natural State. You know that, since a child, we are educated to be somebody, somebody in life.

So, we have several examples to follow, to be someone in life, and nobody ever wonders the basic question: if being somebody necessarily means to be happy. You know, the quest of human being is the pursuit of Happiness, it is the search for Peace, it is the quest for Freedom. We have talked in Satsang is about the importance of this Divine Realization. The importance of the Realization of Being what You are, and This is not necessarily being someone.

We have, in our culture, the appreciation of one´s position. When we look at someone, we appreciate the position one is in, one's life position, one's financial condition, one's position within society, in the world, but we don´t really know what goes on inside one.

So, all of us, in fact, are born for Happiness, and not to be someone. But, as I usually say: Being is only Being. So, the objective of life is Being, not to be someone.

Being someone means to be in the context of culture, within a social context, within a representation of society. But, we never ask ourselves what this represents with regard to our own and inner true Realization, our True Realization of Happiness. So, here comes the question: What is Enlightenment? I can say to you: Enlightenment is You in your Natural State, regardless "being someone," acknowledged as someone by society. From the point of view of the Reality of your Being, "being someone" is completely illusory. That which You are, is Divine Reality: That which you are is the Reality of God. This Being, which You are, is ready for Happiness.

This is something completely independent of the position which the physical body and all this cultural structure that we have around us represents. So, the position of being someone is only something within a cultural context, within a social context, but that is not what You truly are.

So, Enlightenment is your Real State of Being. This represents What You are, not what your parents, society, your world around you, sees in you. What You are goes beyond the body, goes beyond the mind, goes beyond this cultural position what you have received. Therefore, when we deal with You in your Real State, in your True State, we are pointing out You in your Divine State.

What is the importance of recognizing yourself beyond the body, the mind, this cultural, social, educational structure that we received? How important is it to recognize yourself as Consciousness, as Being, what one would call Awakening, Divine Realization or Enlightenment? The importance of This, is the Realization of What you were born to Be.

When I was young, in our culture, our parents always encouraged us, since young age, and guided us in their good will to follow the best of life, the good side of life and become someone, someone accepted in society, a respectable human being. But, look, none of this has any real intrinsic value for You in your Being. Regardless what you have accomplished externally, and however great your position is, that position to be someone within this social context, a question remains unsolved internally, and this is what we deal with in Satsang.

It is important that you discover who You are. You have a name and you have a body. This body is a genetic inheritance and that name someone has chosen for you. All that you have in the body and also in the story linked with this name, related to this name, none of this represents the Truth of your Being.

Here, we are only speaking of an apparition that spends some time, in this dream called "human life" and soon disappears. However, the Realization of What you are, this Awakening, this Divine Realization or what one would call Enlightenment, This is something that represents the Truth about You, a Truth that surpasses any human comprehension, any human understanding, any idea, any imagination that someone might have, that you might have.

The fact is that for a long time, you have been confused with your name, this body, and with this culture you were placed in, that you were raised in without any choice. Because that´s life: It does not allow any choice! It is a happening that goes beyond your will, desire, your beliefs, your concepts, your ideas. Therefore, placed within this context, you have been living without this Consciousness, the Consciousness of Truth that You are beyond this condition, beyond this position that you have been placed in by life, by existence.

So, what is Enlightenment? Enlightenment is the Recognition of the Truth of what You are. Stay with me here and I´m going to talk a little more about something very important within this context about this Truth You are. Until now, people have been confused with a story told about us, a story others tell about who we are and the story thought inside you formulates about who you are.

So, I want to put something to you here, which is essential for you to get rid of this condition. This condition is limited, narrow, and a profound pattern, where you respond to this whole culture you were raised in, educated in, in much the same way as everybody else.

So, within three or four minutes, I do not know, I´m going to reveal this to you. Hold on a little bit and I will tell you what to do to get rid of this condition, which, in fact, is a psychological prison.

So, living within this pattern, living inside this model, is something completely absurd. This explains a lot of internal problems that we have, no matter your position in society, within this world, and how respected you are as a person in the world, these problems have yet not been resolved within you.

So, I want to tell you right now – and here the moment has come to make this clearer – what can be done for this Awakening? What can be done for this Realization? What can be done for this Enlightenment? It is very strange what you going to hear, but I want you to be patient, you who have joined the channel, you who are following this work, you who have been with us...

Remembering once again: don´t forget to subscribe and give your "like," and leave a comment, and if you have any question about what you are listening to, you can also ask a question. I promise you that soon I will make a video with your question, with your doubt. OK?

So, going back… the whole question is: What can be done for this Awakening, for this Enlightenment, for this Divine Realization to really flourish, to happen? Are you seeing a photo here? Always in these videos, these speeches, this happens here and also in-person meetings we do, this photo is always present. This is a photo of Ramana Maharshi, an Indian sage who left his form in 1950, and he was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, exponents on this issue of the importance of Divine Realization. He attained Realization at the age of 16. So, at the age of 16 this Awakening happened to him. And I was drawn to his Grace and was put into this...these questions were put to me, in a form I have no words to explain. It was brought to me, it was put to me.

I have been placed in this condition of being able, through his Grace, to investigate this.

So, I always carry this photo with me, I always post it and people ask: "But why do you share this?" Because what took place here, in the year 2007 – you have access to my blog and may read about this. And since 2011, I have been sharing this matter of Awakening, this matter of Enlightenment, this matter of Realization.

So, the Presence of Ramana Maharshi was very, very important for Gualberto´s existence, This has made this Reality simple and naturally flourish, and This is something also Real for you.

Now, how to Realize This? This is the question! We will always, in these talks, deepen this here with you. I want to share with you a little bit of this, how this work is processed, how this becomes possible for you.

Ramana left a direct path for This, and he called this Vichara, self-investigation. Vichara means self-investigation, the investigation of the Truth about who You are. So, the question he left for the world was "who am I?"

So, if you are serious about this matter about Realizing Happiness, of Realizing Peace and Love...when I say "Peace," when I say "Happiness," "Love," I am dealing with That which thought does not understand. It is not the "peace" that mind knows. It is not the "happiness" which mind knows. It is not the "love" that mind knows.

How is this Realized? Through Vichara, through self-investigation. Something also under this process of self-investigation is Meditation. Without self-investigation and Meditation, you do not have access to the Truth about who You are.

Remember, at the beginning of the speech I said that you received something cultural, but actually that is not You. This "someone" that you believe to be, because society told you what you are, is not You. Vichara, self-investigation, Meditation, gives you access to the Truth: the Truth of your own Being. So, this contact with the Reality of your own Being blossoms as Awakening or Enlightenment.

So, what is Enlightenment? Enlightenment is the Recognition of the Truth that You are here and now. So, what does it mean to be Enlightened? What does it mean to be Realized? What is an Enlightened "someone?" This "someone" has to be placed in quotation marks, because when Enlightenment happens, the sense of personality, of ego identity, dissolves. So, this idea of being "someone" falls apart.

You fulfill your role in the world, but you know the actor is separate from this role, from this great theater, where all this happens.

So, what is Enlightenment? It is the Realization of the Truth of your own Being, it is to assume your Real Place of pure Intelligence, of pure Consciousness, of pure Love, pure Peace, in this life, this world, and nothing hinders or contradicts your role that you represent in the world.

So, you are a father of a family, you are a mother with children, you are a son who has his parents, you are culturally, biologically of a family...biologically of a family, culturally of a society, but this is only a performance, where an actor appears in this scenario and on this stage, of this great theatre; but you remain internally free.

We have explained to you, here, the importance of this, and we will always go deeper with you on this: the importance of working on Self-Realization.

So, how does This occur? I repeat: through self-investigation. You need to observe what passes within you, to understand all this psychological, illusory movement that thought produces, which represents pure imagination about who you really are, about the other, what is this world, and what is this life.

So, see, this matter of this work, this work of Awakening, this work of Divine Realization is very important. That what You are, for real, is something beyond birth and death; it is something that remains free of all this psychological contradiction present in human beings, inside themselves – and this happens out of sheer unconsciousness.

So, Awakening is Something that appears, arises inside you as a result of this self-investigation, as a result of this surrender to the Truth of your own Being, and this is within this context, which I have called Real Meditation, True Meditation.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

March 8, 2022

How to get rid of thoughts?

You might say "how to get rid of thoughts which torment me?" Look, the problem are not thoughts that torment you. The basic problem is your identification with them. So, there is an illusion here, among a lot of others: the illusion that there are some thoughts that torment us, as if others do not. In fact, because the experience of pleasant or so-called "positive" thoughts fulfills us psychologically, causes an egoic physiological fulfillment, and not a discomfort. Whereas negative thoughts, worrying thoughts, or that sort of thing, cause torment.

So, we say: "I want to get rid of thoughts that torment me!"

See the problem is not with thought that torments you. The problem is in the identification with thoughts. When you are not free of the identification with thoughts, the so-called "positive" or "negative" thoughts will always be present. Those which torment you or not will always will be present, creating a false identity in this experience: the experience of thought that you are identifying with, in which you have an identity.

So, the liberation of thoughts that torments you is the liberation of identification with thoughts. So, when you want to get rid of negative thoughts yet keep positive thoughts, this means you have not understood the movement of thoughts.

In this work, we are proposing to investigate the nature of thought and for whom they occur. So, the idea that "someone" exists there to produce thoughts is an illusion, this is not real. This is an idea or a belief of thought itself producing this idea, this illusion.

The fact is You are Consciousness. As Consciousness, You are and always remain free of thoughts. I say "of thoughts" because there is no true identification in your Being, in relation with thoughts, be it with positive or pleasant thoughts, or negative, unpleasant thoughts; thoughts that do not torment or thought that torment us.

My focus here is to show you the importance of the observation of this movement, which is the movement of thought. Not important if there are positive or negative thoughts, just disidentify with them, go beyond them, beyond the mind.

I have used an expression that for some it is difficult to understand immediately. The expression I have been using is "remain in your Being."

Then someone comes and asks: "But how is it possible if at the same time, you say that there is no effort necessary?", and I continue saying: remain in your Being! Remaining in your Being is something most natural, as paradoxical it may seem, because in fact what you believe is natural, is a most artificial thing there is, which is to be constantly identified with thoughts. Because of this identification with thoughts, you suffer. So, you say "I have suffered and I am suffering. What can I do to get rid of thoughts that torment me?"

This suffering is because of this identification! You, in an unconscious way about who You are, or about what You actually are, you are doing this with yourself, with yourself, you are confusing yourself with thoughts and with what thought represents, which are feelings, emotions, sensations, memories, remembrances...So here is this illusion, the illusion of "someone" present in this experience, and this is to remain identified, entangled with thought and suffering.

So, the proposal is: Disidentify with thoughts, remain in your Being!

In other words, assume what You are, naturally, and disidentify with this artificiality, this habit, this addiction, this mechanical and unconscious continuity of always keeping identified with thoughts.

Of course this requires a work, a patient work, dedicated, applied… I have used a lot the expression "focus." It is necessary to have a focus. It is necessary to bring Awareness to yourself. Abiding in your Being implies to remain aware of what You really are, and without getting confused with what thought says about what you are, or about what is happening around you, or about what is happening in the world.

So, this break with identification of this movement is the basis for this Freedom, the basis for this Liberation, this unconscious, mechanical continuity of this false "I." So, your Being is the natural revelation of What You are, while thought is this mechanical and unconscious artificiality of programming and conditioning that you have been living in all these years and is the basis of this so-called "human culture"… So, Divine Realization, Realization of Truth, is the end of thinking, conditioning, programming and identifying with thought, and it is natural that this is the end for thoughts that torment you. But in fact, that is the end of thought, the end of this subjection of this false identity, this false center. OK?

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

March 7, 2022

Meditation | Mental Health

See, basically, mind is conflict. The nature of the egoic mind, the dualistic mind, this separatist mind, of all this movement we call psychological movement… the nature of this is, basically, conflict, suffering. So, basically, mind doesn't know sanity.

Mind, in its movement, is something always ill, something always conflicting, something without sanity. Your Being is not the mind. This so-called "social," "cultural," mind, this so-called "conditioned mind," this programming, which is all this movement of thoughts producing disorder and producing conflict… this mind doesn't know health.

So, there is no health in the egoic mind, there is no mental health. Then, neurosis is the basis. All form of contradiction, conflict, is the basis. Mind is something living within this condition. The good news is you are not the mind. The good news is that all this conditioning, all this programming, all this insanity, this absence of health, can disappear.

My invitation, in Satsang, is for you to find out your Real Nature, which is by nature something free from this condition of insanity; which is, by nature, Peace, Love, Freedom, Intelligence. This is your Real State of pure Consciousness, free from this psychological insanity, free from this mental insanity.

So, our work together is to become aware of the Truth of this Natural State, which is Consciousness, of this Natural State free from this mental insanity, this psychological insanity; free from this lack of mental health, which is the condition for this ego-identity, for this false identity.

When you look at the world, what you notice is this imbalance, this confusion, this disturbance, this disorder, all this insanity manifestation, the presence of despite, fear, envy, all forms of violence, all forms of disorder, anxiety, depression…

There are countless forms of manifestations of this insanity, this psychological insanity. If there is a direct Acknowledgement of this, if there is disidentification of this egoic mind, if it occurs, if it happens, suffering ends, insanity ends.

Our Self-Realization work is the direct and simple Acknowledgement that You are not the mind, this so-called "dualistic mind," "separatist mind," "insane mind." The basis of self-investigation reveals your Natural State for you, which is pure Consciousness, which I also call Meditation… your Natural State. Some people call it Awakening or Divine Realization or Enlightenment, but it's only and directly your Natural State of Being, which is Consciousness.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

March 4, 2022

Fear of death

This matter of fear of death is a quite frequent question. Then, you come and ask: "How can I lose the fear of death?"

See, death is something that causes fear, however, the problem is not death. The real problem is the sense of existing. Your real fear isn't of death, your real fear is of losing this sense of existing, this sense of being someone.

Now see, this sense of being someone is the basis for this identification with the body, and your fear is not of coming across death since death is something outside of what has been your experience.

It isn't death that scares you, it's not even the fact that it is something unknown that scares you. It is the fact of seeing yourself about to lose your identity since you are identified with the body. So, your fear is of the known disappearing.

You are attached, clinging to all your known experience, and something quite intimate about this experience is the very presence of the body. You see yourself as an entity present inside the body and see that the disappearance of the body – that's what you believe – is the disappearance of this "me," this "I," this "person" that I believe to be.

This disappearance represents the end of "my" attachments, the end of "my" goals, of "my" projects, of "my" dreams.

So, basically, your fear of death is not the fear of death, since you don't know what this represents, it's something that remains unknown. Your fear of death is the disappearance, the breaking, the destruction of all your egoic projects. So, the fear of death will always be present, as long as this sense of identity, which you believe exists, remains present.

So, to free yourself from the illusion of this fear... And see, your question here is about the fear of death, but something inherent in this question is that in the ego, in this false identity, your problem is the illusion of being alive, and this upholds fear and not just fear of death. All forms of fear present are within this illusion, the illusion of being someone, who has to fight, who has to defend oneself, who has to protect oneself, who has to achieve goals, carry out projects, who has to broaden out, who has to be someone...

And the body has an expiration date. Therefore, if you identify with the body and notice it's heading towards its end, it's despairing, it's scary, but it's not just the fear of death, it's the fear of not accomplishing your projects, your dreams, your desires, your goals.

So, the liberation of the illusion of this false center is the liberation of the attachment to this belief: "I am the body," "I am inside the body," "I am someone and I need to accomplish things" or "I need to sustain or maintain the things I believe I have accomplished." All of these thoughts are settled basically on fear, on this false idea of existing as a separate entity.

When this identification with this false center breaks, this identification with this movement of the egoic mind and the identification with the body break, fear disappears, and here the fear of death is included.

If the Truth of your Being reveals itself, you have the Truth of the Divine Reality, and this Reality doesn't come and go; It is neither born nor dies; It doesn't have things to cling, to uphold; It has no projects to carry out; It has no goals to achieve.

The greatness of Self-Realization is the direct experience of the Happiness of Being, simply, what You are. Since You are not the body, since You are not the mind, since You are not born, naturally You will not die.

The Divine Reality, the Reality of Truth about You, is the end of fear, and here the fear of death is included.

I'd say that perhaps this fear is the most representative, at the moment, for you. But if you look more carefully and accurately, you will see you've been afraid all your life, and fear is the basis of this egoic life, this egoic mind.

The beauty of the Realization of Truth is that This represents the end of this illusion, the illusion of someone present in this experience so-called "life," a life that can disappear, disappear with death. The Realization of your Self, which is Consciousness, which is Meditation, I would call This immortality, or timelessness, or the Truth beyond life and death. This is the end of fear.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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March 2, 2022

The fear of being nothing

Mind knows this notion very well. The very notion of time, to a present identity, creates the illusion of fear. So, fear is an illusion, which appears directly in this relation of a supposed identity, which is, in fact, an apparition of thought.

Then, there is this fear, the fear of being nothing... the fear of being nothing.

The Truth about Yourself is Being, and Being is not anything. Being surpasses all notion we have about something or nothing. Being is something that transcends all this notion of belief, idea, or concept about being nothing or being anything.

The Reality of your Self is timeless and spaceless Consciousness, something that is beyond all notion that thought may produce, beyond all ideas that thoughts may produce.

So, this fear of being nothing is an inherent fear of thought. Thought has created this notion of a "me," of a present identity living, experiencing, being "someone."

So, this fear of being nothing, in reality, is the fear of thought. It is thought that has been creating this notion, the notion of losing something, which is a fantasy, a belief, an imagination.

So, all the present fear you feel, all of it, is grounded in thought, and always in this relation between a present identity with an object. And here, the object is thought itself, in this notion of world, objects and relationships.

That is where the basis of fear is settled, the fear of being nothing, of being nobody, which is something purely egoic.

Realize That which You are! What you are doesn't carry fear. That which You are not, and believe to be, never gets rid of fear, because it is something inherent to this illusion, this notion of losing, of disappearing, of not being somebody anymore.

So, the fear of being nothing is something implicit in this illusion of a separate entity, in this notion of an ego identity.

You are not a "person", you are not a separate identity, you are not who you believe to be.

Then, there is no space, no real reason, to this notion of separateness, to this conflict of separation and, therefore, to fear. Fear is purely egoic, grounded in the thought imagination of this false identity.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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March 1, 2022

Doubt and confusion

The truth is that, as long as there is doubt, there will be confusion, but we don't separate confusion from doubt either. As long as there is confusion, there will be doubt. However, as long as the internal psychological disorder remains, as long as this disorder remains, as long as you continue living this disorder internally, there will be confusion, and in this confusion what prevails is fear.

So, the presence of doubt is inevitable within confusion, and this confusion is produced by thought. When there is order, there is no confusion, and order is possible only when thought isn't present. Thought is the basis of confusion, and therefore, thought is the basis of doubt that upholds fear and all forms of suffering.

I want to invite you to Recognize the Truth of who You are. This direct Recognition shows you there is no room for confusion, doubt, and fear in What You are. It's always in the notion of being someone that confusion is present, that doubt is present, that fear is present.

So, this suggestion here "tell me something about confusion, about doubt and confusion"… Doubt and confusion is something present, always carrying fear. The whole idea you have about life, about yourself, based on thought is something always full of doubt, therefore it's something full of fear since all this is grounded in the confusion thought creates.

So, basically, the cause of confusion is thought. Your Being, in Its Integrity, in Its Silence, in Its Intelligence, doesn't carry confusion and, naturally, there is no fear present, there is no conflict between certainty and doubt. That's what we talk about in Satsang: the end of this confusion produced by thought and of course, the doubt inherent to this confusion.

Thus, the Revelation of your Natural State, of your Real State, is Clarity. There's no room inside for doubt, there's no room inside for fear, there's no room inside for confusion since all of this is part of the disorder thought produces for this entity you believe to be, for this "sense of someone" you believe to be.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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