December 30, 2021

What did Buddha discover?

What did Buddha discover? Buddha discovered the Truth! The direct, natural, and simple Truth of Your own Being! This was what Buddha discovered! You are also here for this Discovery.

So, the adventure of Buddha, this Self-Discovery adventure, is your own adventure. Thus, abandon your interest in Buddha and focus, put your real interest in Yourself. You cannot find anything other than what Buddha found when you find Yourself.

So, you need to focus on this. Focus on this Truth, on the Truth of your Self-encounter. This Self-encounter is the Realization of what You are. Therefore, it's not something you will accomplish by studying Buddha's life or studying Ramana's life or Jesus' life. Here, it's about you "studying yourself."

This "studying yourself" is to investigate the Truth of what is going on here and now within yourself. And when you look inwardly, you will at first be able to see what Buddha first saw in himself: a movement of restlessness, an inner movement of psychological disturbance. Mind lives in this condition. This is the egoic mind's condition.

Then, when you look inside yourself, what you notice is this psychological disorder, this psychological confusion, this restless movement, this movement of thoughts. Under this movement, you mistake yourself, you identify with it and get disturbed. Then, first you need to look and see this inside yourself, what's going on here and now. As long as there is no inner silence, inner stillness, there will be no Truth! And mind's movement is restlessness. It is conflict. This is the nature of the egoic mind.

Our emphasis on the importance of Meditation – and that was Buddha's path – is essential! You need to find out what Meditation is.

Meditation carries an extraordinary beauty in itself! Meditation gives you a Real Vision of Yourself. This Real Vision of Yourself, of Yourself, is Buddha's Vision. It is Christ's Vision. It is Ramana's Vision. So, to this question "what did Buddha discover?", the only answer is the answer of this Self-discovery. If you discover the Truth within Yourself, you know what Christ revealed, what Ramana revealed, and what Buddha revealed.

So, your work is towards the Realization of this Stillness, this Silence, the absence of this false center. Notice, Buddha didn't mention the word "God," which was different from Ramana and Christ. But they all referred, pointed to the same direction, the direction of Truth. The word itself is not the Truth. The word "Truth," the word itself, is not the Truth. The word "God" is not God. So, the answer to this lies in the Revelation of your own Being, In What your own Being reveals. So, this Revelation is Ramana's Revelation, Buddha's Revelation, Christ's Revelation, and it is your own Revelation.

So, our emphasis in these meetings is to show you that Happiness is possible in this Self-Realization, only in this Self-Realization, in the Realization of the Truth, the Truth that You are, the Truth that You bring here, now.

So, this is an association with Yourself. Then, the Guru's figure is just a figure. The Reality of your Being is the Divine Reality. It is God's Reality. It is Truth's Reality, or whatever name you want to give This.

The point is: find out what Ramana found, what Buddha found, and what Christ found. Then, you have the Revelation of Truth, and this Truth is the end of confusion and suffering. This is the only Truth. This Truth is the Divine Truth.

December, 2021
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

December 28, 2021

The cause of all problems

We talk about problems, don't we?

Someone comes and asks, "What is the cause of all problems?" But then, I ask, "What problems are you talking about?"

First, see, we create an identity. In fiction, in imagination, in thought, we formulate this idea: the idea of a present identity. And this identity carries problems. Problems such as anxiety, fear, worries, every form of internal, psychological disorder... It is inherent to this "identity." Putting this word in quotation marks: "identity" since this "identity" is not real.

So, when you come and ask: "What is the cause of the problems?" I would answer you in a very simple way: the cause of all problems is the illusion of an identity. The illusion of this separate identity is the basis of all forms of problems, which, by the way, is part of this illusion.

So, when we talk about fear, when we talk about anxiety, when we talk about worry, about the conflict of desires, we are talking about an identity present in this experience of a problem. Without the illusion of this identity, there are no problems.

So, what you call a problem, your problem, is the problem of this supposed "me," this supposed entity you believe you to be. If you go deep into this "Who am I?" question, investigating or observing that identity, you will find out, if you go deep into it, that it doesn't exist.

And once you see there is no such identity, through observation, you will unfailingly realize there are no problems. Problems are for the problematic one, but the problematic one does not exist. The problematic one is a construction of thought. This false center, this false "me," is a construction of thought.

So, what is the real cause of all problems? Illusion! The illusion of an identity present to have problems.

So, if you have a fear problem, it's in a relationship between a supposed "I," a supposed present identity, and something. Fear is always present in a relationship of duality.

Then, there is this "me" and the object, or a reason for the fear. But actually, both appear together. So, this duality between subject and object, between this "me" and the other thing is the basis of this problem, for example, called fear.

If you take that element out of that experience, sensation remains, but the problem doesn't. You cannot confuse the experience itself with the problem. The problem presupposes a present identity, resisting, fighting, wanting to get rid of, trying to protect itself, or attacking in some way. That's when we have a problem.

Life doesn't carry problems. The mind never stops having problems. It is inherent, it is in the nature of the dualistic mind, the separatist mind, the egoic mind, to carry problems!

So, the recommendation is: get rid of this false center, recognize your own Being, live in your Essential Nature! That's the end of the sense of separation. That's the end of duality. That's the end of conflict. That's the end of problems.

There is no problem without this false center, there is no problem without this "me," this "sense of person," this ego-identity, with its innumerable images, with its searches, escapes, desires, resistances... Without this movement, there is no conflict, there is no problem.

Then, there is no problem! Your Divine State is your Natural State, and that Natural State has no problems. So, the cause of problems is the illusion of a separate identity, a false identity in resistance to Life, in resistance to this movement of What Is, of That which is present, here and now! It's always like that, always like that.

December, 2021
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

December 25, 2021

How to get out of suffering?

Some people have asked the question "how to get out of suffering?", "how to go beyond suffering?", "how to stop suffering?"

See, suffering has many, many aspects. So, there are many ways of suffering, and basically suffering is conflict. Every form of conflict… it presents itself as suffering.

Now, there is a difference between pain, a pain that is physical, and suffering, between suffering itself and the physical pain. We cannot confuse pain with suffering. That psychological pain, yes, is suffering, but this physical pain, linked to the body, is not necessarily suffering. It's just pain.

If we are talking here about suffering, we are talking about this psychological characteristic that involves this separate identity, that involves this personal sense of an identity present, this "me." So, when we talk about suffering, we are talking about the suffering of the "I," the suffering of this "me," this "person."

So here, the question is "who are you?", "what is this person basically?". If we want to find the end of suffering, we need to find out what truth exists in the "person," what the reality of the "person" is, what basically is a "person."

In fact, "person" is a set of memories, a set of remembrances. A huge amount of imagination and there it is the so called "person."

This "sense of person" is an illusion. So, the basis of suffering is the illusion of the "person." If we are working towards the end of suffering in ourselves, we need to find out the Truth about who we are, who we are, who "I" am. Once I realize that this "me" is a set of images, a set of memories, something based on a self-image, an image engendered by thought... once this is seen, a work of deconstruction of this false self-image is possible, this thought-based self-image.

This happens through a work of self-investigation, a work of surrendering and giving up this illusion. This is where the work of self-inquiry, meditation and surrender takes place.

So, the work of the Realization of the Truth about who You are, which represents the end of this psychological complexity, this illusion of self-image, with memories, recollections… The end of that, is the end of suffering.

So, how to go beyond suffering? Just letting go of the illusion of that false identity, letting it fall, letting it go. For this to be possible, for this to happen, this Consciousness needs to be present, this Attention needs to be present. So, the work of self-knowledge – and, here, the word "self-knowledge" is not in the sense of knowing the "I", but in the sense of becoming aware of what this "I" represents – is something fundamental.

Your work of Self-Realization is the work of discarding this illusion, the illusion of this sense of a separate identity solving, making choices, deciding, attached to, mixed up with experiences of thoughts, feelings, sensations, perceptions... The abandonment of this false identity is the abandonment of suffering. It is the abandonment of this "I," this "me," this illusion, the illusion of separateness. This is the end of suffering. This is the way to solve this issue, definitively and completely.

December, 2021
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

December 23, 2021

The Acknowledgment of the Truth

A quite common question... this is a question people ask: "Who is God?"

See, the acknowledgment of your own Being is the acknowledgment of God's Truth! There is no separation between You and Reality. Your Being is the Divine Reality. Your Being is this Reality of God.

But for a long time, you've been identifying with an image you have of yourself. An image that grew with you. So, since childhood, you have been carrying this image. You have been cultivating this image. It's the image of the person you believe you are.

So, you have an idea of who you are. You have an idea of what the world is, what life is, and you also have an idea of who God is.

It's not possible the acknowledgment of the Truth, this Truth of God, without the clear acknowledgment of the Truth of who You are. So, the point is "who am I?" and not "who is God?"

The question "where is God?" is answered when you find yourself. If you recognize the Truth about Yourself, you find the truth of where God is. Therefore, you need to work towards this direction. This is the work of Self-Knowledge, Self-Realization. Only this work gives you this Vision: the Vision of God, which is the vision of Yourself!

When you're entirely free from that presumption – because it's a presumption indeed – the presumption of a separate identity, of being someone in this whole manifestation, someone separate, unique, exclusive, someone particular.

Life is the Whole. It's a Totality. And, in this Totality, what prevails is the Divine Reality, the Reality of God. This is the Reality of your Being!

Your suffering, all your misery, all the complications in your life, all of them are based on this arrogance, this mistaken identification with this false center, with this false "me," with this image you have of yourself. This is not real. This is not You! This is not the Divine Reality!

So, the answer to the question "who is God?" is found in the answer to the question "who am I?"

So, Ramana Maharshi presented this question to the world by showing us that this is the answer we can have about where God is. So, God is in where we are what we are. That's where God can be found. This is the Truth about Me. This is the Truth about God. This is the Truth about You. This is the Truth about Ramana Maharshi. This is the Truth about Life!

December, 2021
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

Everything is impermanent

What we intend to propose to you, in Satsang, is the experience of your Divine State, the experience of your Real State. This Real State I have called the Natural State.

See, everything you experience is impermanent. There is no permanence anywhere. There is nothing permanent! Everything is impermanent! See, the states you experience are impermanent. So, they cannot be part of your True and Real Nature.

Everything you live in your experience, as a separate entity, turns out to be impermanent. Naturally, because none of these experiences are part of who you are.

Your Real Nature is immutable! The states you experience are changeable. The sensations, perceptions and experiences are all changeable, while your Being remains untouched by changes.

So, the work of Self-realization is the work of Realizing the immutable Truth of your Being, this untouched Reality of your Being. So, when we deal with That which we are, we are dealing with What is immutable. When we are dealing with experiences, sensations, states and perceptions, we are dealing with what is changeable, impermanent and has no permanence

So, this invitation to this inner work is the invitation for the verification of your Divine Nature, your Real and Immutable Nature. Only this Divine Nature, which You are, remains when everything disappears. So, stay in What You are. Stay in What cannot be touched by changes.

Thought is touched by changes. Feeling is touched by changes. States – sadness, joy, pleasure, pain – all of them are touched by changes. Now, That which You are does not change. What You are remains immutable. That's your True Nature. That's your Divine Nature.

To remain in this Space is to remain in the Silence of your Being. That is God's Truth about who You are.

In India, they call this Sat-Chit-Ananda. Being, Consciousness and Bliss. That is your Divine Nature! To remain there, is to remain in What doesn't change. So, everything else is impermanent, only that Being remains unchanged.

December, 2021
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

December 19, 2021

Ramana Maharshi’s Presence

Here, we come across an issue I would like to address with you. The issue is: who is God? For me, this had always been an issue, a question. There has always been inside me a very deep interest in this.

So, Ramana Maharshi's Presence was a determining factor for the answer to this question.

One thing we all experience is this internal movement of thoughts going on. They happen and you don't have any control over them.

A thing you don't realize, due to the lack of attention to yourself, is that question "Who is God?" or "where is He?" is answered directly, objectively, when this very movement of thought is nullified, when that very frequency of thoughts running internally is verified.

In general, we live based on thoughts. Our entire personality is centered on thoughts. There is no room for the Acknowledgement of the Truth. There is no room for the answer to "who is God?"

If for a few moments we abandon this movement, we have this direct answer, because the Truth of who God is the Truth of who we are.

So, Ramana, Ramana Maharshi has always posed the question "who am I?" So, when you come to Ramana or those who came to him by that time and brought up issues, dilemmas, conflicts, problems, the question He always asked was this: "Who are you? Investigate, ask 'who am I?'"

That's because, in the answer to "Who am I?", in this answer, you find the Truth of God.

God is your Being. God is your Divine Nature.

Identified with thought's movement, mistaken for the movement of thought, entangled with this thought's movement, you do not become aware of Yourself, the Truth You are. This Truth You are is the impersonal Truth. It is the timeless Truth. It is the untranslatable, indescribable Truth. It is the Truth of God.

So, the answer to the question "who am I?" is the same answer to the question "who is God?" This represents the end of all conflict, suffering, all the illusion of this imaginary "me," this "me" as a separate identity.

So, Ramana Maharshi's Presence was essential and That has been essential for those who seek the Truth about themselves.

So, the Master is the one who represents the end of your search. In India, they call Guru: the One who lives completely in His Being, different from this egoic life, of this life identified with thoughts. A life where you are totally occupied with expectations about future events that, actually, may or may not happen;preoccupied and occupied with recollections and memories of what apparently happened, apparently happened to a particular and personal identity, this "me," this "I," which is not real.

There is no identity present in this experience, in life's experience. These are beliefs, in which we were brought up, we were taught. And to be stuck to this is to be apparently far away – apparently, I say – apparently far from the Truth of God, the Truth of Yourself.

What Ramana's Presence, what the Guru's Presence shows you, makes you realize, is that You are one with Life, You are one with Reality, You are one with God.

So, this vision is completely changed. This old model is completely destroyed. So, speaking particularly of what occurred and what happened here, the moment you realize the illusion of an identity is no longer present, this very impression of a "me" disappears. So, there is no longer this "me." There is no longer this experiencer. There is no longer this thinker. And this represents a unicity with everything, I'd say unity with everything. This is something overwhelming. This is something that completely transforms this whole viewpoint. This particular view disappears and the Vision of Reality comes up.

Then, a full comprehension that everything is one Reality takes place; and this Reality is God's Reality. This Reality is the Reality of your own Being!

So, in this sense, there is no difference between You and the Master's Presence, You and Ramana's Presence, you and God's Presence.

We are facing something revolutionary! The understanding that sitting on the grass is part of everything around you, and that sitting on the grass is Life, the whole Life, the whole manifestation of Life, this whole Presence of Life, Presence of God, this is something untranslatable. It is something words cannot communicate.

So, the answer to the question "who am I?", or the answer to the question "who is God?" or "where is He?", is found at this moment, at the moment that sitting on the grass is taking place.

Then something entirely new opens up, something, in fact, untranslatable.

That's the end of the illusion of someone present who was born and will die. That's the end of this internal movement of projections towards the future or the idea of getting rid of a past. That's when we face What we could call Love, Truth, Freedom, Peace. That's when, we are before the Divine, God, Life!

Dezembro de 2021
Mais informações

December 18, 2021

Become aware of yourself

There is something that I find interesting, very important to all of us here. If you pay a little more attention to yourself, you will notice this: the mind is always occupied. In fact, mind lives totally occupied, full of expectations.

Expectations regarding future events. In fact, events that may or may not happen. And it is always occupied with the old movement of memory. This is very, very common.

The point is we don't realize that. We don't get in direct contact with ourselves because we are not aware. There is no such self-observation, of this movement. So, we are always prisoners of these projections: the projections regarding this imaginary future and past, which is also imaginary. So, the movement of the mind is always this, busy, busy.

In this work of Self-realization, it is essential to recognize the Truth that You are. This is something that is outside of that old movement of the mind, projecting the future and imagining the past. So, it's important that you become aware of yourself, aware of yourself, about yourself. That is the goal!

The mind is always creating situations. It is and will always be creating its projections. This is something very, very common. Every movement of the mind is the movement between this unknown, imaginary future and this apparently known past, which is just a weight of memory, remembrance and something imaginary.

The only Truth, the only Reality, is your own Being, your own Being here and now. But you are not aware of It, because you are completely absorbed by these images, which are images that thought is producing, all the time, inside you.

This is the condition of identification, of this ego-identification. What we're trying to show you in these meetings is actually something beyond all descriptions, beyond all words. So, it's something beyond all this movement of the mind.

We are pointing to you the Truth of your Being, the Truth of your Divine Nature. As long as this identification with this movement of thought remains, you cannot be aware of It, you cannot be aware of the Truth of your Being.

So, this image you make of yourself, in this relationship with the world around you, with others… as this is all based on this movement, which is the movement of thought, which is the egoic movement, you cannot discover the Truth of your Being, the Happiness of your Being. This is because you are identified, or identifying yourself, constantly with a false identity, with a false character that thought is producing, that thought is saying is you.

Therefore, the question is "Who are you?" It's actually the same question: "Who am I?"

We are not talking about a character. We are talking about our Essential Nature. We are talking about the Truth that we are.

Each person has his or her characteristics, each person carries a personality, but this personality is part of that memory, part of these images, part of these imaginations, part of these projections. So, past and future are projections of that character. This is not your Divine and Real Nature, nor your Real Identity.

That's what we're always dealing with in Satsang. We are pointing out the importance of discovering the Truth that You are. This is beyond a thinker, an experiencer, beyond the very idea of an observer or a doer.

Perhaps your question is, "How is this possible? How is it possible for us to become aware of This, aware of this Truth that we are, this Truth that we bring?"

The element you have here is this attention. You cannot control what comes up, but you can become aware of this movement. This attention dismantles all this movement. This attention to yourself shows you your True Nature, disidentified with that movement. And when that happens, you are free. Free from the idea you have of yourself. Free of those images you have about yourself. Once you are free of that, you are free of this whole conflicting relationship with this world that thought has produced.

See, the problem is not in the world. It is not in the relationships you have with life. The problem is in the illusion of someone present in this, in the idea of this "me," this "I," since the relationship with life is about life with itself. There is no "me,", this "I." So, this movement, all based on thoughts, is completely illusory. It's something that always puts you under a condition of illusion of time. Past or future.

So, there are always these ideas, there are always these beliefs. There is always this prevailing fear, this anxiety, this desire, this affliction of becoming someone, of becoming something different, of doing something, of building something, of getting rid of something. These are all ideas, beliefs, projections of thought. It is thought projecting itself. It is ideas within this movement, creating this whole artificial condition.

This is the cause of misery. This is the cause of all internal conflict, of all suffering.

You are here to discover the Truth of who You are, the Truth of your own Being, the Divine Reality that You bring. And that is something possible when that movement is completely deconstructed, when that psychological dependence is undone. When this is undone, Truth manifests. So, your Freedom is the Freedom of the realization of that movement. The realization of this movement is the end of it.

December, 2021
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

December 14, 2021

Guilt is just one more thought

Participant: Master, I'm 27 years old, and until I was 17 I attended church. There's a deep belief of search, but I feel guilty, I don't know... a feeling that I'm hurting my family since they're all protestant. I'm afraid they'll know about my search. The internal work has been helping me since it alleviates this guilt.

Marcos Gualberto: We are easily influenced by what others think, say, believe… In a short time, we also start believing that. It's so fast, how we are induced to believe in others and how easy it is for us to believe them! We not only believe what we imagine but also in what people are imagining about themselves, about us, about others, about the world. And it's just thoughts.

I'm not telling you that it's simple to put an end to this pattern of believing and trusting in thoughts. Since the world began, all you have are thoughts. The mind has this strong movement. It takes you into the past and the future. The mind does this all the time!

There is no Consciousness, no Presence. You are not aware of this moment here, now. You're not aware of what it's like to be free from thoughts. There's this whole model, this fast-paced mechanism of thoughts being produced all the time in your head.

You spend the whole day with thoughts in your head and guilt is also just another thought. When you believe you can do good or cause harm, there is always the illusory idea of "someone" present thinking, feeling, doing, talking, feeling sad or happy. Someone successful or not. Someone with or without responsibility.

They're constant thoughts, and this is quite heavy. It's too heavy to internally believe what others believe about who you are, about what you feel. But that's how it is. It's a psychological conditioning. Breaking with that means breaking that self-image. People are just images, and you are an image to yourself.

How many good people are there in this room? And how many bad people? Are you a good person or a bad person? A person who does everything right or everything wrong? Do you see what I mean? That's an idea you have about who you are, and you protect that. Guilt is to protect that image. Fear is to protect that image. This is the psychological condition of human beings.

Participant: Master, I sometimes feel very intense anxiety. There are times when I get distressed! I don't know if it's due to something I'm doing wrong… It seems like an exaggerated body reaction. I don't know how to deal with it.

Marcos Gualberto: It's always the mind producing it. I don't know if it helps you, but it's very important you learn to trust me. If you observe closely, you always trust yourself and people.

When I came across my Master, I learned to trust His eyes, to trust what He felt… Either I would trust my thoughts, or I would start looking more at Him. Either I would continue to trust what people said to me and what they made me feel, or I would look at Him and trust Him.

He wasn't telling me this. Deep down, it wasn't Him causing this, so I don't know if this helps you. In some meetings, I have spoken about the importance of trusting the Guru. Either you trust the Guru, or you trust what thoughts say, what people say, what the world says. Either you trust this "internal thing" that makes you prone to the Divine Presence in the Guru's form, or you keep believing what thought says inside your head or through people's mouths.

Trusting in Grace, trusting in the Guru... this is an important thing. When that's broken, you're lost. So, since you always trust thoughts, and that means trusting people, I'd like you to start listening to what I'm saying and trust that a little bit.

What people say, what you think, what you feel are just thoughts. All of this is just this false "me" having feelings, this false entity having experiences.

Remain steadfast! May your eyes not stray from your purpose. Remember: your purpose is to Realize the Truth. If that's your purpose, you won't let anything hold you back. Nothing will take you down.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 24th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on April 23rd, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

December 10, 2021

The problem isn’t in objects

Everything you do "as a person" is the result of ignorance, mediocrity, stupidity and restriction. Everything the "person" acquires is to bring more problems, not peace. You have children and face difficulties in raising and educating them. You find a husband or boyfriend to suffer the pain of separation, the pain of betrayal, the pain of rejection. Everything you do in the ego is to be miserable!

If you write in pages of a notebook, all the joys and complications the objects you own have brought you, you'd see what I am saying. Objects bring more problems than joy. They bring more worry than comfort.

However, this is misinterpreted since in your mind, you believe you have to get rid of the world. I want to make it very clear to you that the problem is not in objects, but rather in the subject, in this false sense of "me" present in the experience.

For example, it seems like a very simple thing to be sitting on the couch at home. You don't realize how scared you are that someone else takes that seat, that someone literally takes your seat. You arrive home, open the door and find another girl sitting on your couch. Or another boy or even a neighbor's son sitting on your couch. It's not your child sitting there. It's your neighbor's child! Do you have a problem with the couch? No, but you find a woman sitting on the couch at your house… "Who is this woman? Where did she come from? Hey, this is my couch!"

The problem is not with the sofa. It is not with that woman. You didn't know, but that woman was your husband's sister, who you didn't know. But a million things went through your mind until you understood it was just your husband's sister who has just arrived for a visit. Until you understand this, enormous suffering has already occurred internally!

Just getting the news that someone very close and dear has died, you immediately begin to suffer. But ten minutes later, the real news arrives: they changed the names. It wasn't that person who died, it was someone else! It was ten minutes of suffering for someone you believed to have died, but who, in fact, is still very much alive!

Do you see how the mind works? So, the problem is not objects. It's not the world around you. It's not that girl who sat on your sofa. It's not the sofa you have at home. It's not the house, the dog, or the son… These are just unimportant objects! It's your ego that gives importance to them.

Personality lives under restrictions and gives identity to experiences. So, you live in a bad mood, stressed, angry, upset, anguished, because there is a psychological demand. "Person" demands his world to be the way he wishes. This is living "as a person." Do you see? How are you going to find Beauty this way? If you want to find Beauty, Truth, Love, and Real Peace, you have to abandon the "person." Then, life becomes a celebration, a divine holy feast. Otherwise, you can't live that.

You need to find in your Being a real relationship with what is around you. You don't have this when your mind is attached to objects. When you don't see the fear of losing. When you don't accept the freedom of letting go. When you hold to control. When, for example, you want to first understand to trust – "I need to understand what the master says to trust him." This is the same as saying "I need to understand what Life represents to accept It as It is." This is not possible, but it's the "person's" demand.

Then, I ask you: how will it be possible for Happiness to arrive? When will this happen? How will the real relationship with Love take place if Love is attached to objects? Love is something internal. Love cannot be linked to objects. If there is something attached to objects, this is not Love. It's desire. It's attachment.

When I came across my Master, I realized that the main thing was to trust. It wasn't questioning. It was trusting Him. It wasn't doubting. It was trusting Him. It wasn't arguing with Him. It was trusting Him. He had a look I didn't have. He had a Silence I didn't have and a Peace I didn't have. I only had This when I was close to Him, with my heart turned to Him. So, I soon realized I didn't need to understand Him. Listen to this carefully. Yesterday, I heard someone saying here: "Sometimes I trust, sometimes I don't." This is something you have to look at internally. It has nothing to do with the external world. It has to do with this false center of "person," of "personality," in which you believe.

This is what you have to doubt, not Life, not the Guru since Life came before you. You're just dust! When dust rises, where does it go? Dust rises and disappears! You're dust in the wind... Dust rises and disappears, and the wind is still there. Existence is the wind, you are the dust. You want to distrust things, being dust in the wind you can't control. Being the dust you are, you go by so fast and want to be suspicious of the wind that's out there doing everything the way it wants.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 28th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on May 1st, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

December 7, 2021

Everything is false from this false center: “me”

If you are looking for the Truth, for Freedom, if what you want to find out is True Love, Real Peace, you need to abandon living in the personality. Pay attention to this now!

You need to have a passion for This, for the Truth, Freedom, Love and peace. The "person" doesn't know This. You need to reformulate everything internally. You are something beyond, greater, outside the "person." "Person" lives in restrictions, so, as a "person," you are always restricted. Stuck to this "person's image," to this "sense of person," you carry a personality. Then, everything you see around you is from the private viewpoint of this false "me." Nobody has ever told you this in society.

The whole world lives like this! Everything around you, every relationship you have around you, from this false center, is falsified by this. Everything is false from this false center. You will not find love in "people." You have a boyfriend, a husband, a family, but this is not love. This is the result of your conquest, of your desire. You are the Sun and these planets are revolving around you. None of this is love! Actually, as it is a projection of your desire, it is a prison. Nobody has ever told you that.

Everything you acquire is the result of your desire. It is your prison. The whole world around you is created by this false center. As it is the result of your desire, your ego is alive in it. You may not have a child, but you have a dog or a house, your whole relationship is based on that "sense of person."

You cannot die like this. This would mean dying in prison, and if you die like this, you will remain in prison. Real death is when all this ends.

So, if you are serious about the pursuit of Happiness, abandon this false center. This false center is keeping you under restrictions. You won't be happy being "someone." There is Happiness only in Being! People have mistaken this for thousands and thousands of years. In this search for Truth, they found out they are stuck in this material world, so what do they do? They try to get rid of the material world since they think the prison is in this world.

Actually, your puppy, your family, and your house are inside your head. Your world is only yours. It's something inside your head. So, it's no use getting rid of the material world if you're not free from this false center, this false "me."

So, you don't have to get rid of the world around you. You don't have to get rid of your puppy or your house. You must have the freedom of living without the house and the puppy. Living in your Being is being Happy. And being Happy is to not depend on what the mind is holding around you.

You are living under restrictions. All relationships with people around you based on your "person" bring conflict. There is internal tension. Don't you see it?

When you wake up in the morning, the "person" wakes up soon after. That's exactly what you heard! First, you wake up, then the "person" comes up. There is no "person" when you wake up. But when the "person" wakes up and is "in front of you," you identify with the "person" and then there is just this false identity in that experience.

So, you need to step back and remain without the "person" waking up. If you step back and the "person" doesn't wake up, you are Awakened. I don't think I ever put it that way! So, what is it to be Enlightened? It's remaining without the "person" waking up.

The beauty of the Sage is that there is no "person" present there. The Sage, in the morning, wakes up, but the "person" doesn't appear, so restriction doesn't appear, confusion doesn't appear, attachment to the puppy doesn't appear, fear of leaving it behind, fear of losing the child, of losing this or that object doesn't appear.

Your Being isn't attached to your boyfriend, husband, grandson, child, to that beautiful house you have, to that new car you bought. Your Being isn't attached to the car you didn't buy, the husband you don't have, the child that hasn't arrived, the dog you want which is "your little friendly pet" but you still haven't been able to find it. Your Being isn't attached to this, but the "person" is. It is not your Being that distrusts the Guru, God, the Grace. It is not your Being that is afraid of being deceived, but rather the "person." Person is already deceived! If person wasn't deceived, it wouldn't be afraid of being deceived. This is "person's" mistake.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 28th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on April 27th, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

December 3, 2021

You are not here to suffer

I was 24 years old when I came across my Master. Today I can put This into words for you, but I did not receive it from His words. I received it only from His look.

Everything I can share with you here is more in Silence than in words. It is more in my eyes than in my mouth since that was how This was shared with me.

Since I was a child I was prone to this search. All my upbringing and childhood were at church. So, I didn't really appreciate this messy life a lot of kids my age had. I got married when I was 19. I got married early since I didn't want to live up to a messy life. I felt if I become a family man, I would have the chance to have an encounter with the Divine, with God.

There was a search here for something beyond this world. I prayed, I spoke to God, then my Master appeared. What I'm telling you here is what I'm living today because, by his Divine Grace, everything is different. Why am I telling you this? Because you are not here to suffer. Nobody is! People don't know this, but you are being warned and advised: you don't need to live like this.

Everything you are looking for is what any human being is also looking for. I was still a child and I realized that. Everything we do or try to do is basically to feel good, to be happy. But we have a very stupid inclination – human being carries a stupid naivety. It is not that innocence of the one who is curious to discover and discern. We have a stupid naivety. We try it once and it doesn't work, then we try again. That's why people get married again and again! They are stubborn since they believe it will be different the second, third or fourth time around.

So, it seems that we have this conditioning. We are educated and raised like that. This needs to be broken! This pattern, this conditioning, needs to be broken! You need to Awaken, and This is something that happens naturally when there is an inclination towards an intelligent life, which is a life without conflict, without fear, beliefs, without being led, induced by others to live as they live, to do what they do, to want what they want, to seek what they seek, to give up, too, because they give up.

So, welcome to this place, to this space. In India, it is called "Satsang," an association with the Real, with Reality, with the Truth of who You are. You are so involved in thoughts, feelings, emotions, seeking sensations... When you arrive in Satsang, I work on that with you, so that you discredit what thought says, what feeling says, what emotion says.

You need to trust something internally, bigger than the mind, bigger than these stories thought creates and feelings produce about this "little person" you believe you are, about this story you believe you are living, about this world you believe is real.

So, my emphasis is that you discover the deep meaning of a mind-free life. Mind is total conflict! Every problem is inside your head. Your whole world is inside your head. You produce this all the time, all day long, every day! Then you don't rest. You take medicine and you can sleep, but at night you dream, and there problems appear again. There is no Joy, there is no Beauty, there is no Silence, there is no Meditation, there is no Consciousness!

This is my specialty! Some people are great football players, others are average players, but they are also players, and some are real phenomena. This goes for any sport. I wasn't born to play soccer, but I know how to look at you and say "see, being Happy is possible. Realizing God in this life is possible."

Whether we like it or not, this approach to the Divine is a kind of flirtation, a kind of courtship of God. It's just like that. Actually, we are kind of conquered by His Grace, by His Beauty, by His Truth. Isn't it so? We are kind of touched by something out of this world. We don't know what it is, but we know It's there.

That's why I say this is not a meeting for you to learn things. It's like taking a walk out of the world, of this mind's world, of this world of the head. You've been listening to me, for example, for a few minutes, but during this time, you haven't had any sense that there's an incentive for you to go out and be a better person, a successful person, a fulfilled person, a powerful person… No! You listen to me and the feeling you get is that you don't know, but you feel, somehow, that I'm pointing out something outside of this world's condition people are living in the mind.

So, see this: if you're willing to realize This now, you can't give This up, you can't swap This, you can't let anything ward you off from This, you can't let anything be greater than This, because This is your purpose, your unique purpose. You were born to realize God. You were born to realize the Truth.

So, stop listening to what the mind says. Stop believing what people say to you, good and bad, since it doesn't matter if it's your mind talking inside your head or if it's people's minds talking through their mouths. Do you see?

Human beings have this stupid naivety, as I've just said, of believing in what thought says. Not only in thought inside their head but especially in what is verbalized in others' head. The world of the mind is chaos. There is a lot of conflicts, a lot of disorder, and a lot of suffering, because there is no Truth.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 24th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on April 16th, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

November 30, 2021

Enlightenment is the blossoming of the Unknown

One of these days, on a social media page of this work, someone asked me: "Do you have free time so we can talk? I would like to know a little more about your life story." I have no problem talking to you a little bit about my story. However, I see this is not the most important thing. Maybe I will tell you a little bit about my story, just for you to realize that your story is no different from mine. It has quite different aspects, of course, but the search for something beyond the mind, beyond a story, is the same.

Now, you wrote here "this peace is the most beautiful thing that exists." Yes, that is the foremost thing! Here, the foremost thing is You! The story is always the same. I have been sharing this with you for some time already and I don't see anything real about this story since it is just about a character's past. You cannot be open to the New if you are stuck in the character's story. Your reason for being here must be to know who You are. The mere curiosity about someone's story will not help you. Discovering the Truth about Yourself is discovering the real meaning of Life, and if This is present, Peace is present.

So, I do not really know what to say about the story since stories are all alike. The purpose here is for you to discover What You are, here and now. That must be the reason for you to be here. For that you need to be open to the New, to be completely open to the Unknown. I want you to find out the Truth internally present, in what You are. Only then you will know Freedom, including Freedom about the known, time, story, the past of this person you believe you are. As a matter of fact, all your problems are absolutely there, centered on a character's story. Enlightenment is the blossoming of the Unknown. So, Peace settles, because Peace is your Natural State, free from this character, free from this story.

You always need the past to reassert yourself as someone, but you do not need the past to be in your Being, in your Natural State – the State free from ego, from the sense of a separate "me," a separate entity with conflicts, dilemmas, dramas, problems… And person has a lot of problems! People do not stop having problems! Actually, people are the problems! You do not come here to improve the "person." For that, you have to go to a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, psychologist, therapist, or a counselor… They are experts in helping people. My specialty here is to help you find out the Truth about who You are, and not empower you to be a better person, to face adversities, vicissitudes, complexities, difficult situations of life.

So, when people come to me asking about my story, they still do not understand I am not interested in the story. I can have clear memories, because I have a brain that has memories, like any other. Memories of facts, situations, everything that has happened – or has apparently happened – but I do not give an identity to it. I only tell the character's story someone believes to exist.

Right now, you are watching me through this video and you are sure you are before a person. But I do not see you as a person since I do not see myself like this. I see myself in What I Am. That is what I have when I look at you! To me, This is the Truth! Apart from that, many stories...

Notice that these stories uphold the whole problem. I see people suffering because they are upholding stories about who they are. This is just a belief in what they believe to be since there is no story in what you are. But, in what you believe to be, there is a lot of stories! Guilt, fear, desire, suffering, all this is always part of the story, always of the characters. They desire because they do not feel complete. They feel guilty since they feel responsible because they believe they could have done differently.

We do not see the Truth behind everything. To me, things just happen. Right now, this is just an event. Apparently, you have decided to come and be with me here in Satsang, but that is not how it works. It looks so, but it is not. You are sure that is how it was, and I would question this until the end. Things happen, as well as decisions are made, however, there is no "someone." Things happen, but there is no "someone." Things are solved by themselves, there is no "someone" solving them. That private sense of identity must be broken down internally. This is a fraud, an illusion! Your Being is not stuck to that character's story.

I know this is new for some of you here since you have been hearing other things. There are infinite beliefs within each one. All of the beliefs are learned by culture, by society, by the world around you. You need to know What You are, who You are. Real Intelligence is present when this way of thinking you know, disappears. Real Intelligence is the presence of pure Consciousness, and This is the Unknown. I could call this "Real Thinking." When there is no thought, there is the presence of the Unknown. Intelligence flows when you are open to the Unknown. Everything you know represents what ordinary thought produces.

So, when you say "this Peace is wonderful," this Peace is the presence of Intelligence. It is the presence of the Unknown. You do not have Peace when you think, when you are involved in calculated thinking, looking for results, to gain or trying to get rid of things. Only when you ward yourself off from this conflicting thought process, a Space opens up. And in that Space, there is Something new, which is the Unknown. That's when you are before Intelligence, before Peace.

By thinking, you do not have Peace. By calculating, you have no Peace. By concluding, trying to make things right, you do not have Peace. Actually, all the internal restlessness exists because thought is present. It is thought inside you that upholds the absence of Peace. Does it make any sense to you?

My specialty is the absence of thought, living in Consciousness, as Consciousness, as the Unknown. So, there are no beliefs, there is not the ordinary process of dealing with thoughts, as it happens to people. See, person is synonymous with people who think, which means an entity present, stressed, worried, afflicted, trying to solve situations, looking for solutions – actually, creating problems since that is all the mind does.

Life is happening without thoughts, but thought arises to create problems. Life is already in Its rhythm, in Its form, in Its way, but you think. You are not in control of what is going on there in your life, but you think you are. Once more, it is thought in conflict with what Life represents here, right now. The desire, the fear, the anxiety, the worry, the despair, the attachment, the conflict to try to change things is all part of it. Life as Consciousness is a Life of Love, of Peace, of Intelligence, without conflict.

There is no Peace if you are angry, and you are not free from anger when your ego conflicts. When your ego is upset, when, for example, a desire is denied, your ego becomes resentful and angry. If there is anger, there is no Peace. Peace is the most desired thing! Not by "people." Peace is not desired by the "person." "Person" has other desires before this. "Person" knows nothing about Peace. People only know about what they look for. "Person" only knows what to gain or to get rid of.

When you are free from thoughts, Silence is present. Under thought's movement, you are constantly placing yourself as someone – someone to work things out, to get rid of things. Someone in the past, someone in the future. Even when the thought is "I am happy," that is an idea, a belief. Thought is continually objectifying something. It wants even to objectify a state. Thought says, "I will achieve peace!" This is to objectify a state.

To investigate yourself means stopping the objectification of internal states. To understand Yourself is to find out this Unknown Reality of your own Being. The thoughts you have about yourself do not represent Understanding. They are mere beliefs cultivated over time. You see yourself as a creature in time, as a person, an entity in time. Peace is apart from time, mind and thought.

Notice that the times you enjoy peace are the times when there is no thought about who you are, about what life represents, or about what is happening within this personal story. When this personal story arises, which is when thought arises, there is no Peace. This is not being before your Being. It is to mistake yourself for a story that thought creates, and this is what people do throughout their lives.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 26th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on April 6th, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

November 26, 2021

Your Real Ideal is the association with Silence

Being is something that requires an approach entirely different from what you are generally used to. When we go to a meeting to listen to someone, we hope to learn something there. That is not the purpose of this meeting. I have nothing to teach you here, but you can investigative your life here with me, about how your life is going and what is happening to you.

So, the purpose is not to teach you something, but rather to investigate something with you, which I consider of utmost importance. Satsang can bring a profound change, something that can have tremendous meaning. We are talking about a change in your way of seeing yourself in life. You would not be at this meeting if you were not looking for something beyond this ordinary life that everyone is living. If there was not a real internal search, you would not be here.

Human beings have been living in conflict, and this has been so for millennia! Human beings live on this planet in conflict – with themselves, with others, with everything around them. Human beings are seeking peace and creating war.

So, what we have to say to you at a meeting like this is not something you are not already aware of. You may even know it. What you do not know is what to do with this. What to do with these internal conflicts? How to get rid of suffering? How to discover a quality of life in which you are at rest, in a true internal rest? How to live in peace? How to live intelligently? How to live with that perfume of Freedom, of Love, which is to live a life without conflict?

We are proposing that you investigate this and ask yourself if this is possible or if we are really doomed to live the rest of our days looking for what makes us happy. Perhaps some people are already doomed to live like this until the end of their days, precisely because they are doing what does not need to be done. They are mistaken. The vast majority of people are radically wrong. That is why there is so much conflict, so much suffering, so much despair. There is no Peace. There is no Freedom. And words like "intelligence," "love," "happiness," "freedom" are interpreted in a very superficial way, since no one knows what this is. People do not know what this represents since they are under this doom, this condition of an eternal search for something out there. They are looking outside because they were raised, educated, encouraged to do this. These people are us.

Those who represent humanity live like this. When I was young, I was also somewhat encouraged in that direction. But something internally was saying there was something else. So, when I use the expression "we," I include myself, but actually everything is different here. I do not see anything that way. Not anymore. For me, the words "intelligence," "freedom," "happiness," "love" and "awareness" have a totally different meaning than that which is used by people applying these words.

You cannot keep on depending psychologically, internally, on what others think, on what they accept or reject by the traditional way of seeing themselves, of seeing life and the world around them. Some people have used the expression "Awakening," a word that is already quite emptied of significant, real, profound content. It has also been trivialized. However, This is what human beings need! When I say "human being," I mean you who are here in this room.

All your conflict is with yourself, and your desire is its base. It is your conflict that generates dependence, which upholds fear in relationships, which makes you depend on others – and here, others are anything on the outside. What you lack is the Silence, the Silence of your Real State of Being, of your Divine Natural State of Being. All you need is to find this enchantment for the Truth you carry within yourself. You need to be in touch with This. Otherwise, you will be continually moving under this world of desire, continually looking for something outside. Looking for anything! People are also things, they are nothing but images. They are images of special things. More special are the ones we love, or less, for the ones we do not love so much. They are also special to annoy us, grieve us and make us miserable.

This deep pain of desire upholds this dependence on objects, which are images of these so-called "people" we are in constant contact with. Apparently, they make us happy or sufferer. I say "apparently" since this is not true. The problem is never outside! The problem comes when you trust what thought says about what people are saying about you and themselves. It is always the internal thought.

I have been emphasizing this a lot to people who come to this work. They live in thought, so they are sure of the conclusions they draw. This is so childish. When you trust this, you suffer, you ward you off from yourself, from your Real Ideal. Your Real Ideal is the association with Silence, with the Love of your own Divine Nature. You ward yourself off from your True Nature when you believe what thought says, what mind says, in this relationship mind has with these objects.

You were born for Intelligence, for Freedom, for Consciousness, for Truth, for Love and Happiness. This is the Nature of Being!

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 24th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on April 13th, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

November 19, 2021

The adventure of going beyond the “person”

Satsang is not a relationship between two people. It is an adventure for you to find out what abandoning the "person" means. When you go climbing, you have to pay the price to get to the top. Here, the price is to go beyond the person, beyond this personhood sense.

So, we are talking about an adventure whose price is the surrender, the abandonment of the "sense of a person." If you are willing to pay this price, there will be a contact between us. Then, you will be able to ask questions, get closer, look at this closely, to investigate this. This way, there will be a contact, and not a relationship.

Here, we have some difficulties while using the expression "abandoning the person." Actually, I know person will not abandon him or herself. Personality will never be able to give up itself. The only way for it to become possible is the understanding of the illusion "person" is. So, it is not just saying "I want to abandon the person" for this to come true, since you are the very person saying you will abandon the person.

One of the basic things in human beings is the lie: you are born lying, you grow up lying, you become a child, a teenager, a young person, and you are constantly lying. Then, you become an adult, grow old and keep on lying. And you die in the lie! Therefore, you will not tell the truth to yourself. You will say, "I want to give up," but in fact, you do not want to give up.

The difference between a meeting like this and a therapy meeting is that in therapy you will look for help to be a better person, and here the proposal is to abandon the person. As the person will not give up and will lie about it, Satsang is not for someone looking for help to improve as a person. But therapy, yes.

Self-Realization is indeed the end of conflict, the end of suffering, but This has the price of the end of lying. What human beings want is not to stop suffering, but rather to suffer less. That is why people look for help in therapies and, in fact, therapy helps. It is possible to manage well this issue of suffering. But Satsang is the association with the Truth, which is the end of the mistake, the end of lying and the end of this set of beliefs you have about who you are, about what others are, about what life is. So, here the question is "who am I?"

This inclination towards the Truth is the inclination for Wisdom, which is Intelligence, the Intelligence of not suffering anymore. This Knowledge about Yourself, this Vision of the Truth about who You are, is the basis of Wisdom. So, Self-knowledge, here, is not what they say out there. Self-knowledge means abandoning the "sense of person," which is the basis of Wisdom, the basis of Intelligence, and when there is Intelligence, Love is present and suffering ends.

Generally, people spend their whole lives in a silly, mediocre way, resigned to the prevailing pattern of confusion, disorder, fear, desire, jealousy, envy, and so on. They are born, grow, live and die like this. They never ask themselves if it is possible to live differently, intelligently, without conflict, without suffering, with the real Consciousness of the Divine Presence controlling everything, doing everything in Its way. They never ask "who is really in control of everything?" or "what is this that governs all things?" On the contrary, people arrogantly seek their own way. They firmly believe they can be happy in their choices, making their decisions. This is not the way the Sage, who is living in this world with Intelligence, lives. That is why Satsang, this space here, is unique!

This climbing, which aims for the top – and, here, the top is the end of this "sense of person" with all the conflicts that this represents – requires surrender, a commitment to deep honesty, and loyalty to oneself. What is the nature of the mind? Who are you? What are your choices? What have you really done? Who is this "me" doing things, deciding, solving, and making things happen? Is this real? Here we go on our climbing!

Personality is not real, but who is willing to pay the price to be sure about this? So far, you are not sure about this, but you have the arrogance of being certain, many forms of certainties, and one of them is the certainty you are a person; and I assure you: personality is not real! That sense of person is a fraud! You will never give up this!

Without the Comprehension, this abandonment is impossible! This Comprehension is the price, and not an understanding. This is like driving a car. You do not drive a car by reading a book on how to drive it. That will not make you a driver. When you go to a driving school, do you take lessons in traffic laws, take a theoretical test, and immediately you have your driver's license? No, that's not the way to become a driver. A driver is not a theory, but a vehicle driver who needs to be approved in a practical test.

You can decide to become a pilot and take an online course. Does it happen like this in civil or military aviation? No. This requires many hours of flight before you can take someone with your little plane somewhere.

Living in Happiness is also something like this. You understand the Truth about Yourself, you stop lying, and then God shows Himself. You know yourself and then you know God. And if you know God, you know everything is right. You know there is nothing wrong going on anywhere. This represents Peace, Freedom, and Happiness.

People come to me and say "I want peace." They talk as if they do not have Peace, as if it is something they have to receive from somewhere, and that is not true. Peace is not something you receive from somewhere. It is not something you are lacking. Peace is your Divine Nature! Your Being is Love, Peace, Truth, Intelligence! So, This is not missing. You just do not know who You are. You are entangled with thoughts, with stories this "sense of person" has created and upheld within you for all these years, a cultural thing that you have learned. These things are learned! We learn to be unhappy, to cling to conclusions, beliefs, material goals, desires... Human beings are strongly prone to quickly learn all the bad things. Once again this shows to be true: You have learned to be a person!

Look at your children, your grandchildren... They are repeating your ambition, your envy, your bad customs, your bad habits, your vices. You have already learned from your parents, your parents have already learned from your grandparents, and we "play the show" that way. It is a performance without rhythm, without tune, without arrangement. So, you come to me and say "I want peace," and I say to you: "This is present when you are in your Being." If you remain in the world, you have no Peace. If you remain in the mind, you have no Peace. If you remain like your parents, society, culture, psychologically speaking, you have no Peace, since there is no Peace in culture, there is no Peace in your parents, there is no Peace in the world!

Peace is inside you. You find out who You are, accept This and "blow up" the world! That's right: you have to "blow up" the world, this confusing world of yours! Comprehension places a bomb on the world and blows it up. Leave the world alone and you will have Peace! In other words, do not meddle with the world, do not meddle with other people's lives, do not meddle with your own life, since you do not have a life of your own. This is a lie, an illusion.

The Sage has Peace, truly. The one who lives in God has Peace. The holy man has Peace, the holy woman has Peace, since they do not live in lies. They do not cultivate confusion, suffering. They do not live in the world. The Sage does not live in the world. The Sage lives in his Being. The Sage's world has already blown up. The Sage is not concerned with what happens in the world.

For example: are you involved in political, economic, social issues? Do you beat the drum for causes of injustice and justice? This is all because you live in the world. The Sage does not live in the world. This world for him has already ended, has already concluded, has already blown up! This is a dream. It has no reality for him.

The Sage has nothing to defend or attack anymore. The Sage is already dead to this world. The Sage is worthless to this world. You cannot say to a Realized Being, "Can you help me fix this or that issue?" You will not be able to count on him, he is "alienated"! The Sage is not only alienated from Life, but he is alienated from the illusion of what life is. People who attack or defend, who want to fix, adjust or resolve issues, are from the world, they are in the world… they are people!

Does it scare you? It is scary because you like that party, that football club, that militancy, you like government A, government B… Yes, I know, you do. People like things. They just do not know what Love is, and that is why they always like things. When there is Love, there is no "liking." When there is Love, you are Happy. When there is Love, you are Peace. When there is Love, you are free from that "liking" and "disliking." There is no dependency. There is no fear. There is no suffering. It is typical of a person to be unhappy, to like and dislike, want and not want, make decisions and make choices, want to fix others, fix the world, fix oneself. You cannot fix yourself, you may "improve." I love therapists, I love doctors, but they do not give health, they make adjustments, they help in some way. There is no cure for the person! Person may get better but not cured.

Mind has no cure. Ego has no cure! The end of the "sense of person" is the final solution, and I'll repeat it once more: the person will not give up! The person is not real but sure it exists. The person will not pay the price. The person will not give up on him or herself. If this word and this contact we have here are indeed reaching you on a level quite far from the "person," then it is on this level of pure Comprehension. The only thing that can make the "person" disappear is Comprehension, the pure and straightforward Understanding of the uselessness of that belief. This reaches you outside that "sense of person." It is not in the "person" that This is seen, but rather outside of the "person."

You need to come to an absolute, firm, resolute Understanding that "person" does not exist. This is not a common understanding; it has to be a Comprehension! "Person" does not exist. The "sense of personhood" is not real. This way, you will know directly what it means to no longer identify with yourself, which means no longer identifying with the "sense of personhood," including this will to improve.

Weak people want to make improvements, some tweaks, to fix some parts when everything else is ruined. Those who come closer to God know they are going to "die," and it seems that it is the weak ones who resist. "Dying" in God is Awakening to the Truth there is no point in having just one part fine. This "death" is Integral Life!

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 27th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on April 2nd, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

November 16, 2021

To love the Truth is to not lie to yourself

To love the Truth is to not lie to yourself. That sounds like the simplest thing ever, but it is the rarest thing in this world: being truthful with yourself. In the ego, you put pleasure ahead of the Truth. When you love the Truth, you really appreciate Love, Peace... you love God! The Master fosters this love for the Truth within us since, in this contact with Him, we end up realizing there is so much Beauty, so much Intelligence, so much Freedom in Him. And if This grows within us, the love for the Truth grows, the love for God grows, and then we stop lying.

When you stop lying, you stop suffering since there is no longer "someone" present to come into conflict, to keep thinking, trying to solve things. Everything starts to be delegated to the Divine. In other words, everything starts to be surrendered to God. He knows everything. He decides everything! The secret of Peace is the absence of thoughts. The presence of Peace is "I don't know," "I don't solve anything," "I don't decide," "I don't make choices," and that means not lying. It means love for God. Love for the Guru is love for God, love for Truth, and that is love for Yourself.

You cannot give the world what you do not have. You cannot give Peace to others. You cannot give this to your husband, children, relatives nor people you are in a relationship with. You cannot give others what you do not have for yourself. You realize Peace when you live in this Unknown, in this Reality, which is free from lies, free from this false center, this false "me," which believes it thinks, controls, can do, accomplishes… This is egoic life, a lie's life. There is no Truth in living in the ego. There is no love for God, there is no love for the Guru, there is no love for Consciousness when you are lying to yourself. And all the ego knows is to lie, all the time, inside your head.

You embrace the Truth when you are Happy, and not when you are thinking, choosing, solving, deciding, doing everything your way. Your way is always confused, never real – it is the control way, the "person's" way! The joy of living in Peace and Happiness, without illusion and lies, is very much needed

It is not to others that you lie. It is not to others that you do not give Peace. One of the egoic mind's absurd things is this… it believes it can give Peace, Freedom, Love, Happiness to others. The ego cannot give This, for the ego is in conflict with itself! If you are identified with this false entity, this false "person," living the lie of this false center, of this false "me," you do not know what Love is. You do not know what Freedom is. You do not know what Peace is. You do not know what Happiness is. So, how are you going to give someone This? Be internally Happy first! Find internally Peace and Freedom... Live free from this false "me"! Do not think!

When there is Intelligence, there is no need for thought. When you think, you do not sleep, you lose your hunger and things do not work out. When are you going to understand this? It is exactly the opposite. When there is no thought, things start moving and working out! When you do not think, you go to bed and sleep, you are normally hungry, you eat and you do not feel bad afterward. When you think with a full belly, you feel sick. You have heartburn and other even worse things. All of this when you think!

Thought is a problem! You need to find out what it's like to live without thought. Look at me: I live without thought! I am always here, in this Place! I do not need thought. You do not need thought! You are addicted to it. It is a kind of drug you cannot live without, but see what thought does in your head, in your body, in your relationships – just confusion! Look at the people around you – they are disturbed! Look closely and you will find out the reason: they are thinking, and thinking a lot! Full of suspicions, beliefs, guidelines… They know everything. They just do not know the main thing, which is to be happy! They solve everything by thinking. They just don't solve the foremost thing, which is to live free from the ego, free from suffering. Look at the smartest people you know and see if, deep down, they are really Intelligent.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 26th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on April 9th, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

November 12, 2021

Your world is just thought

Satsang is unique since here you are not standing before a theory. You may find theory in books when you listen to a lecturer or classical scholar, someone who knows... This is not what happens here.

So, what makes Satsang unique is that you do not come to learn something from someone. There is nothing to learn here. In a way, this scares you, because if we are listening to a speech and it is not to learn anything, what would be the use of being here after all? When someone gives you an address, the person is just giving you information about how to get to a certain place. That person is not teaching you something, but rather showing you how to get to a certain place. You might even have difficulties after that, but that is another thing! What you are going to do to get to that place is another thing!

Satsang gives you information, but it does not give you knowledge. In other words: Satsang informs you but does not give you knowledge theory of what you are being informed.

We seem to come across a very subtle line here: you cannot mistake theory for information, for direction. Can you see the difference? Here, the goal is not theory, but rather the viewpoint of Reality. Truth does not depend on theory, concept, belief. Actually, when there is theory, concepts and beliefs, there is no Truth, there is just theory, concepts and beliefs indeed.

Here, we deal with Reality Awakening. Whereas it is not about knowledge, This is not learnable. You are not here to learn, since a work like this does not give you knowledge. The Natural State of Being is not the result of knowledge. It is the result of Awakening! We "Awaken to This."

You realize That by an act of Grace, as a result of the blossoming of your Natural State. Your Natural State is innate. So, once again: you have nothing to learn. It is just the Awakening indeed.

A banana tree does not learn to give bananas: that is innate. It is only what that tree can do. It is just what is in the tree to be done! A mango tree will not learn to give mangos: that is innate! It is already there!

Enlightenment, Awakening, God Realization – I do not know what you want to call This – it is just the blossoming of your Natural State. You are not a person, although you see yourself like this, since you have been led to believe that. You have been conditioned to feel and think that way. This psychophysical entity, mind-body, is not you. This is just an expression of the thought phenomenon. You are Consciousness. You are the Ultimate Reality! You do not have a body. You do not have a mind. You are not a psychophysical phenomenon. You are neither the body nor the mind. You are what You are! This cannot be learned. This is what is!

Participant: What about all the things that I live, that we are living?

Marcos Gualberto: When you use these pronouns, what do you mean by that? You are giving to this body, this mind, this psychophysical mechanism, this thought expression, a quality of being – of being a real entity and separate from every manifestation, from every phenomenon, which is not Real. Thought is a phenomenon like any other, just like the body.

You use the pronoun "me," give it a name, like Carlos, João, José, Maria, and so on, but that's just a thought. A thought naming itself, talking about itself, using language expressions to create, in a fictitious and imaginary way, a present entity. There is nobody in this! There is no entity present in this! There is nothing in thought but thought.

This is all a little weird, isn't it? What I am saying is that you are not as real as you believe you are.

Participant: What about my feelings?

Marcos Gualberto: Your feeling is attached to this idea of "me." But the feeling itself is only part of the body phenomenon. It is the body that feels, just like it is the mind that thinks.

Your confusion, your suffering, any disturbance you are experiencing right now, is being upheld in this conclusion – of being someone thinking, feeling, doing, getting rid of something, losing friends, losing money, losing family, losing loved ones to Coronavirus, all these kinds of things.

All this lies in thought's fixation. It is thought telling stories, from thought to itself, and you trust it, you mistake yourself for it, you get disturbed, disoriented and suffer.

Once you can, at least, start questioning what you think and what you feel, and the straightforward relations attached to that thinking and feeling, there is a tremendous relief. At first, you begin to feel tremendous freedom since you are no longer attached to things, places, people, that is, thoughts... The world is just a thought!

Are all of you here in the room, sure that you are your grandparents' descendants? Your great-grandparents' descendants? Did you meet your great-great-grandfather? Does anyone in the room know their great-great-grandfather? Your great-great-grandfather is a thought. I talked about him and then he appeared (in your mind). You do not have a great-great-grandfather, a great-grandfather, a grandfather, a mother, a father, a body. What you have is thought, thoughts about these things. You do not have a right foot on your leg. You need thought to remember it.

That's your world – your whole world is in thoughts! When a thought arises, the world arises. Outside of thought, You remain as pure Consciousness, without great-great-grandfather, grandfather, great-grandfather, father, mother, and body.

Imagine what would happen to you if, all of a sudden, you found yourself without thought. Which direction would your house be in? Huh? If you were without thought, who would your husband or wife be? Without thought, what would your name be? Would you have a name? How would the world look to you then? How would you see the world without thought? What would you call this object that you are sitting on right now, without thought? Can you see? Your world is all thought-based.

What about emotions? What is this emotion you feel? What would you call this emotion without thought? Listen to this calmly... Emotions need thought. This neurophysiological sensation, without thought, is just a neurophysiological sensation. So, what you call emotion is also a thought.

What I am trying to show you is that you have certainties, and they are all based on thought. All of this is false! What you feel about someone and what someone represents to that "you" are false, since "you" are not real. Your world is mental, it is just a thought. If you are free from that, you find out your Divine State, free from the illusion of that sense of separation.

The problem with thought is that it paralyzes you, in every way. Thought puts you in a condition of limitation, causing a "reality" for you, a "make-believe." So, you find this and stay within this limitation.

So, there is no Truth since there is no Freedom. If there is no Truth or Freedom, there cannot be Happiness, and Love remains too far from that. This is the illusion of ignorance – because there is no ignorance, just illusion.

Your Natural State is one of pure Intelligence, pure Consciousness, Freedom, Happiness and Love. It is your Being! But this ignorance, which is an illusion, is assumed in place of Reality, and thought is what is creating this.

Your world is created by thought, and it is important the world have problems, because, in this way, thought can move in this "make-believe" to solve them. This causes a "person" to exist, an "entity" to be present. This is the ego's life, this sense of separation, this sense of "me." You must be somebody!

Actually, thought itself is not the problem, but rather not being aware of the thought presence just as a phenomenon. This becomes a problem. When you don't pay proper attention to thoughts, you end up putting the illusion of identity present in it. Then, all the confusion of the sense of "me," of the sense of separation, arises.

If you do not find out thought is harmless – once it is indeed harmless – it becomes quite offensive. It becomes the creator of your private world. So, the problem is not the story of a great-grandfather, a great-great-grandfather, a grandmother, a mother, a father, a husband, or a boyfriend. The problem is to not see the phenomenon as a phenomenon, the thought as a thought. The problem is to take thought too seriously. The result of that: desire, fears, attachments.

However, when thought no longer matters to you, you can play with it. You will no longer extract from thought the illusion of a present identity. When you are free from thought, thought is no longer the problem, the word itself is no longer the problem.

You may even use the pronoun "I" and have no identity present. You may say "my" boyfriend, "my" wife, "my" child, "my" husband, "my" house, "my" car, but there will be no identifying content present behind expressions like these, since there is no longer the illusion of the possessor. There is no longer the illusion of an identity present to possess this or to be possessed by that.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on February 8th, 2021. First published in Portuguese on March 10th, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

November 9, 2021

Fear cannot get rid of fear

You cannot get rid of fear, because you are the fear! There is no separation between you and the fear when it is present. Fear moves; that is what fear does. You want to get rid of fear just because there is pain involved. So, you ideologically dissociate yourself from that pain since, actually, you are not separate from it. You are the pain of fear when fear is present. That is why analysis does not help. Analysis only camouflages it. It does not give definitive help. It only gives a palliative help, once the analyzed thing and the analyst are not separate.

Notice how this is quite interesting, quite important to see.

When you want to get rid of pain, you are the pain. There is no way of getting rid of it! This is the very own pain in discomfort moving reactively. When fear is present, the discomfort of fear is the fear itself. Who is trying to get rid of this discomfort if not fear itself?

So, this is reactivity, it does not work. Fear is fear and it will never stop being fear. Pain is pain and it will never stop being a pain. Do not think that it is you with the pain, that it is you with the fear – you are the fear, you are the pain.

Some days ago, I was asked on Paltalk: "Is 'me' the fear?" It seems that someone had this insight, this glimpse. I replied: "The 'I' is not only fear but also suffering, anguish, sadness, joy, frustration, desire…" You do not separate them, since there is no separation.

So, here the first point is: if you want to get rid of fear, fear is that desire, and that is you; then, it is not going to work out. There comes the question: "How to get rid of fear?" Forget about getting rid of fear! And there comes another question: "What do I do with fear?" Nothing, as it would be fear itself making the action.

The one who analyzes is the one who is being analyzed: there is no separation. So, the therapist is no real help, since the therapist also needs to abandon the illusion that someone can be helped. That is why therapists look for therapists to treat themselves, once they are never fine. The "I" is never fine, even the "I" specialized in treating the "I." The mind is never fine, even the mind that knows how the mind works.

I have never said it, but I am going to say it for the first time: ego has no cure, the mind is a hopeless case, and that's it. Ego's nature is fear. Mind's nature is fear. It is not only fear but also desires, conflict, reactivity, search, escape, misery. That is what I have been saying "misery" all these years and some of you have not understood. I say that human life, without the awareness of what is the Truth of this "human being," is misery.

Everyone who is suffering some situation, listen carefully: you will not get rid of it! This is bad news, I know, but the good news is that you do not have to get rid of this for it to disappear! This is available to disappear, continually available to disappear without effort. So, that is where the good news comes in: suffering is not real; it does not have to be present there.

See what I said: you do not have to get rid of it since this is not real! So, I broke the bad news and now I am breaking the good ones. The bad news is: you will not get rid of suffering. Every move you make to get rid of suffering will make it stronger.

Here is the key: surrender! Since you are not separate from fear, since you are not separate from suffering, there is only this surrender, as any other movement is resistance. All that is needed is surrender, surrender to the truth. Is the truth fear? So, surrender. Is the truth the pain? So, surrender. Is the truth boredom, is it loneliness, anger? So, surrender. Resistance is based on the assumption that all this can be overcome, but this resistance is the strengthening of ego-identity, of this fear, of this suffering, of this anger, of this pain.

Where is the ego living? In this attempt to do something. You cannot do something. You can stay with it, that's all. This is surrender to the Truth! You surrender, you do not resist, and you stop formulating internally something different from what is happening. What is happening to you right now concerning work, relationships, body health, financial, physical, or psychological problems, in this idea of the "I," of the mind, in this thought process? What is happening? Is there discomfort? That is your challenge, for that is where your "me" is alive, where your ego shows to still be alive. So, you have a test, a training ahead of you. This is the time you have to abandon the ego.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on January 16, 2021. First published in Portuguese on March 16, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.
