February 25, 2019

The Unique knowledge that really matters

What do surrender and meditation represent? This is our subject in this meeting. It is not the words themselves that matter, but what lies beyond them. After all, neither answers to questions nor the questions themselves are of relevance in Satsang. In general, you spend your entire life searching for answers; people are looking for answers. So, impelled by a fixed idea for this search, you have been acquiring and accumulating knowledge since childhood.

What kind of knowledge can you get here? If you enter this room to acquire more knowledge, I have a question to ask you: what knowledge may be more important to you than the fact that you already Are? You already ARE! What knowledge can be more important than this? But you still spend your whole life looking for more knowledge, and what for?

When you awaken to your Real Identity, to your Real Nature, you no longer care about knowledge, for it is only to fill the egoic mind. The heart of the Sage is already complete, not needing to be filled. The mind of the Sage has disappeared, so no content is needed. In Satsang, we have only one Knowledge that really matters: the Knowledge of the Truth of Being!

While the egoic mind is present, you can continue to acquire worldly knowledge and be proud of it. People are very proud of all the knowledge they have gained, but what is that for? How long will this kind of knowledge last, make you feel important and so proud of? It may seem I am despising knowledge, but this is not true; it has also its usage, but it cannot provide you Self-realization, God's Realization, supreme Happiness, the release of suffering, the end of fear.

Then, your knowledge will last until that brain mechanism is harmed, deleting part of the memory. This may happen during body life-time or when the whole brain mechanism collapses together with the body. Nevertheless, this Knowledge that You Are is beyond the body, the brain; it is beyond history and this world.

So here the question is: "Who am I?" While you are here, tell me about who you are and not about what you know; speak of your own direct experience in yourself; tell me about Meditation. Do you know what Meditation is? Meditation is not to lose sight of Yourself!

This Consciousness, this Presence is the proof of Divine Reality, of What is out of time. This is the Awakening of Wisdom, the true Knowledge. Then, You know that You Are, and this cannot be remembered nor forgotten, lost nor burned by fire, nor can it disappear with the death of the body or with the disappearance of objects around you. That, which is beyond the mind, has neither birth nor death, it is your True, Real Nature; it is your Being. So, when you come to Satsang, you are facing the Truth, the real Knowledge, which is the Knowledge of God.

Do you know why people are afraid of death? Because they do not know Meditation and they have lost sight of their True Identity. They are prisoners of the known, of the knowledge; they are trapped in the past, in memory, in history. When you are in your Real Nature, which is Meditation, you do not lose sight of your True Nature, and then there is nothing left to lose or to gain. So, you are free, absolutely free. In your Real Nature, you are neither a man nor a woman, you are neither a young man nor a child - these are all concepts within illusion, dream,maya. The enprisonment is to be attached to this.

When your body was born, your parents, relatives, they all celebrated, they were smiling and proud. Now, when this body dies, everyone will moan, weep, and mourn. This is maya, the illusion. Science says that over 80% of your body is water, so you are just a small drop in the ocean, in the universe of water. So, this body is water that goes back to water, is mineral that goes back to the ground, but there is no one inside that drop. Therefore, there is no reason to rejoice or to mourn, for this is only an event in maya, in the divine dream.

Do you know why it's so beautiful to be here? Because now you have the opportunity to discover that you are not this body and to establish yourself in the only Knowledge that really matters: to know who You Are. You Are What You Are, and that's all that matters!

*Online meeting transcription, originally held on July 4th, 2018. Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm Local Time: Brazil BRT, except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please visit: http://mestregualberto.com/agenda/encontros-online

February 18, 2019

The origin of illusion

In these meetings we are always working towards this openness, the ability to live the Grace, the Truth about you. You are this timeless Presence, something beyond what is eternal. But, as soon as a thought or a feeling rises up, based on the belief that you are something else besides this timeless Presence, a limitation emerges (which is the identification with the body and mind), and you end up taking this as if it were your true identity.
It happens that your old habits of feeling, of thinking and of seeing yourself as a separate entity create every kind of problem. You are here to be aware of yourself, to know your Real Nature. This does not mean a constant struggle against old habits of thought, of feeling, of emotion. Struggling is not the way; it is not the real way to approach this work of self-investigation. The real approach happens kindly, it is about surrender and abandonment, something that happens through a patient observation. You need to observe the movements of the mind patiently, how the mind’s tendencies happen to emerge.
Each person reacts in a way, reacts differently, and this needs to be patiently, lovingly observed, with plenty attention. The Realization of Truth is not a result of effort, of struggle, of resistance, of a combat. It requires you to be consistent, to never give up, but to remain in this surrender, in this abandonment, in this self-observation.
It is not a matter of striving for virtues or experiences, but of deep love, of consistent and persistent surrender of old thinking, feeling and acting habits – it is here that devotion to the Truth is revealed. Prior to this, there was no attention to the movement of the actions, of the thoughts, of the feelings, it was pure automatism, pure unconsciousness. Now, you are bringing Consciousness to this moment, to this present moment, detaching from the experience, from the “me” present in the experience. As a result, thoughts, feelings, activities and relationships begin to happen within this Consciousness. When Consciousness is present, the expression of Truth and of Peace arises.

"It is not a matter of striving for virtues or experiences, but of deep love, of consistent and persistent surrender of old thinking, feeling and acting habits – it is here that devotion to the Truth is revealed."

If you are interested in Truth, in Peace, in Happiness, you need to be aware of your reactions, of every internal movement, of everything that goes on inside you. Thus, it will be possible to welcome the perfume of this timeless Presence; you will be able to naturally quit the old habits, to abandon this “me”, this old image of yourself. 
Everything is just part of this Totality, of this same inseparable Truth, but you cannot see this while you are stuck on old habits of the old illusory identity; you cannot enjoy the real Peace, Freedom and Happiness of your Being. My suggestion is: go beyond this illusion!

Portuguese on September 25th, 2018. Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm (Local Time: Brazil BRT), except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please visit: http://mestregualberto.com

February 11, 2019

Live the Truth, the Reality of Your Being

In these meetings, we are handling with the end of the representation of "being someone”, to what we have been trained, educated, and conditioned. This gets very clear as people's lives have no Joy, Love or Freedom. What they call "joy, love and freedom" are unconscious desires and actions, as well as fear, much fear.

So, the whole society leads us to that direction, for if we do not become "someone" in this world, we will be a "nobody." Being "nobody" is interpreted as a very negative thing within our education and culture; it is like being a loser. Thus, since childhood, we are educated to trust in "being someone" and to work towards that direction. This is what society has taught us, and we end up paying a very huge price for being engrained in this representation, in this desire to "be someone."

Everybody puts a lot of value on this. If the purpose is "to be someone," the desire is to be important. So, people’s relationships are based on self-importance, which represent instability, anxiety and fear. That’s why people are concerned all the time with their self-image, pursuing to be loved, wishing to not be forgotten.

Is it not like this? Isn't that a fact? Is it not what happens in the world? Do people live in love, in joy and in freedom, or are they living the way I just said? What is your case? Are you working on this "thing" of going beyond the known human relationships, fully loaded with tremendous and terrible demands?

Satsang is this encounter with Reality, with Truth. So, our invitation is for you to live the Truth, the Reality of your Being, to go beyond this representation, because all this is the egoic mind, the false "me."

One curious thing is that there are many approaches for Self-realization presently. I do not know what is taken as Self-realization or Enlightenment by the majority of people. It seems to me that it has much more to do with a "self-illumination" than with the true Realization about yourself. Therefore, what has been called as "self-realization" or as "enlightenment" is still part of this illusion, this egoic structure, for it is an imagined thing, an invention of the mind; it is part of the old structure of the “me,” of the old egoic mind.

So, the question is: do these studies, meditation techniques, meetings of people exchanging ideas about enlightenment, sharing their convictions and beliefs, really work? The first thing you need to realize is that the relationship with the world around you cannot be based on the desire for self-importance, based on the pursuit to "be somebody," including (and mainly) an "enlightened one" or "self-realized one.” All this is still part of the lie. Each day there will be more people interested in this subject, and the more people come up, the more "gurus" will emerge, too. The demand for enlightenment will produce more supply.

I want to invite you to have a real approach to THAT. Therefore, your relationship with the surround needs to be real, based on Truth and not on theories, on beliefs, on concepts, on ideas. You cannot approach THIS like someone would do with a subject that needs to be externally studied. This is not something you learn at school such as mathematics or any other objective, external science. You will only know what, in fact, is the Truth about yourself through self-inquiry. This is possible only when you get out of this old structure, this representation based on the desire to "be someone."

When you are "someone," you can only see others. In other words, if you seek self-importance, all you desire is to see important people and to be like them. So, you also end up transferring this to these self-realization works, wanting to be as important as your "guru," making it a cheating, a lying game. Thus, there is no truth in this search for the Truth – the "guru" and his/her disciples are untrue.

This is happening because there is no real relationship, no real encounter with the Truth about yourself, but only a relationship among beliefs. A complete breach to this is required. When you observe yourself, you can also see your surroundings, this game, this illusion. Only then, the subtle ego, disguised as a "seeker of the Truth" or as "teacher of the Truth" can be demolished.

*Online meeting transcription, originally held on July 30, 2018.
Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm Local Time: Brazil BRT, except during Retreat periods.
For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please visit: http://mestregualberto.com
