June 29, 2022

Satsang | The prison of duality and the illusion of an “I”

Hey, guys. Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. The subject today here is about duality, the prison that it represents. So, let´s talk about the prison of duality, the mind within this prison, the mind being the matrix of this prison. After all, what is duality?

Duality is the sense of separation, this sense of being someone that you have, you fell. You never doubt this, your identity, and here the issue is not the doubt of the Reality of Being. I talk about doubt, of questioning this particular identity of being someone. Let me put this clearer to you.

Your sense of Being is something present, it is something undeniable. You feel You Are. This sense of Being is the sense of Consciousness itself, it is the sense of Existence itself. This is the natural sense of Being. Apart that, you bring another sense: the sense of being someone, and I want to question this here with you.

When I speak about this issue of duality, I am pointing out the Truth that there is no you and Life, you and Existence, you and God. There is no such thing present as an identity which can be called "I," "me." This is an idea formulated by thought.

Your sense of Being is natural, it is the sense of Being of Consciousness, but this Consciousness does not carry the sense of being a person, a character, someone who lives with an identity separate from the Whole, from Life, from Existence. This is something produced by thought. So, here we face a prison. So, the sense of separation is this sense of duality – you and I, you and the other, you and Life, you and God, you and Consciousness. There is no such thing.

Here we are facing a delicate circumstance, which is a circumstance of a self-imposed prison, in which you subject yourself to live feeling as a separate entity. Naturally, when there is separation, there is fear. You would never be afraid, for example, of getting sick; you would never be afraid of old age or fear of death if you didn´t have this configuration present there, this movement of this body-mind structure, established… this movement grounded in, this configuration grounded in, this programming grounded in this dualistic mind, in this duality of egoic mind. This is a prison.

What I have to tell you in this meeting is that it is possible to go beyond this prison. And here I want to tell to you a little about this principle to go beyond this prison. In order to go beyond this prison, it is necessary the true Understanding, the Real Understanding, the Divine Understanding, the Understanding that is born of Awakening of Consciousness, what implies Self-knowledge. Thus, Self-knowledge gives you the basis for the Awakening of this Consciousness, because while It is sleeping, what prevails is this sense of separation, this sense of duality, this sense of distance between What You are here and now...

Thought creates an idea, an image, a formulation, a story, a narrative, of everything that presents itself. As an example of this, we are here at this moment, apparently, in communication between two. There is no communication between two, there is only communion or a non-dual communication. The idea that you are seeing me, that you are hearing me, it is – as I just put it – an idea. There is seeing and there is hearing, there is no separation in this experience.

When you look at a tree, there isn't you and the tree. There is observation. In this observation there is neither a tree nor a you, there is no observed object and no observer. It is just one experience, there is only one experience. Without the tree, there is no observer, and if the observer is not, the tree is not either, both appear together. And when they appear together, they disappear in a single experience called observation.

So, we can call as observation the non-duality here and now happening. This non-duality… because there is no "you," there is no "I;" the "I" does not exist, there is no "you." What we have is the single experience of observation. This also goes for hearing. If you listen to a bird, the idea is that you are present in this experience. However, the sound is hearing, the hearing is the sound, there is no experiencer – a listener – and the experience – the sound. This division, this duality, does not exist. It is not our real experience. This is a fiction, it is an idea, it is an imagination created by thought.

So, the sense of an "I" present in the experience is not real. When speech takes place, there is speaking, but no one talking; while sound happens, there is listening, not someone listening. In the same way this matter of observation takes place: when there is observation, there is no observer and observed thing.

Now, why is it interesting that we realize this is only ideology, a belief? Because it breaks this pattern of resistance, of manipulation, of trying to escape from that experience. And when this does not happen, the prison ends, because the prison of the sense of duality, of separation, only exists because there is ignorance about the experience present here and now, without experiencer

So, what is said for this issue of observing the tree or for this attention to sound, in this listening without the listener, in this observation without the observer, also applies to the understanding of this process of ego identity. The ego is not real, this sense of someone present is not real. This is very, very, very important!

What I am affirming is that sadness is an experience without someone sad, joy is an experience without someone joyful. Whatever you are feeling is the feeling, but there is no "you." This is very important! Because the people say "I would like or I really need to get rid of sadness, this bitterness, this loneliness, this pain, this trauma…" And all this effort only strengthens the sense of someone present in this. Here we have just entered the field for Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment, for the end of this prison of duality.

If you are here for the first time or if you have watched other videos and haven´t subscribed yet, subscribe to the channel now, leave your "like" and let´s work on this together. Thanks for the meeting.

June, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

June 20, 2022

The True Awakening of Kundalini | The chaotic psychological condition | End of psychological time

Hey, guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. We are going to talk about this question of thought. You must have already perceived in yourself the affliction that thought is. There comes a moment in your life when you start to realize that you have absolutely no control over what happens, externally and also – mostly – internally.

This is when you find yourself in a condition where you begin to suspect that there is something wrong with this psychological model of existence that you carry. That is, you begin to suspect that this chaotic condition of accelerated thought movement, running inside you in an uncontrolled, restless way, cannot be natural, there is something wrong here.

See, our job here in these meetings is to work on this, the end to this psychological condition of inner restlessness, a restlessness produced by thought, engendered, constructed, sustained by all this psychological disorder in which we are living.

We don't know who we are and our first contact with life, in the experiences of living, is the contact through a vision that thought builds. So, the way we deal with what's going on around us – it's been that way since we were very young – it's always been through thought.

See how thought has a great, great importance inside you. However, thought is this condition that we have just put here to you. It is this condition of contradiction, of conflict, of disorder. Thought is disorder. I mean, psychologically speaking, we live in complete disorder, which is also reflected in our external life, and we never stop to ask who is this one that thinks, what is this thought, how this issue of thought in "me," inside of me" works out.

I have something to tell you in these next few minutes that will completely change your view of who you are, who you are. You, for example, see yourself as the one producing these thoughts. You see yourself as a thinker. The sensation you have is that you are the one who is building this thought, because these thoughts seem to you to be very private and that you are the builder of them. This is not true.

Thought is a phenomenon that appears in this mechanism, in this body-mind; it is an appearance within that Consciousness, but it is not something that you produce. Notice that every thought that arises is a memory, an unsolicited remembrance. You are here and a thought arises. You don't invite thought. You don't produce thought. You don't seek thought. It appears.

Thought is like rain. There is a moment when the thought appears and then it disappears. The same happens with the rain. The rain comes, then it goes; the sky remains clear... The wind blows, the clouds come and the rain falls.

That Consciousness, which is You in your Being, is something that remains like the sky: always clear. Thoughts come and go... What I have to reveal to you in the next few minutes is very, very important! You don't know how to deal with thoughts because you believe that you have to deal with them.

When I talk about Self-realization, or Enlightenment, or the Realization of the Truth that You are, I am talking about the Awakening of a Power within you capable of bringing order to this psychological chaos, to this condition of complete unconsciousness, mechanicalness and restlessness… all produced by thought.

The Awakening of your Divine Nature... some call This "Kundalini Awakening." This is the Consciousness Awakening, the Awakening of the Truth about You. This puts this organism, this mechanism, this body-mind in a condition where thought comes into order.

So, all this uncontrollable internal chatter, all this monologue or dialogue that thought holds, deals with, that is present inside you, something completely out of your control, it disappears when you realize your Divine State, your Real State, which I have called the Natural State, others call the state of Spiritual Enlightenment or 'Kundalini Awakening."

Kundalini Awakening is this psychophysical condition that makes this possible. This whole chaotic state created by thought... this is present because of the lack of a work that you need to do on yourself, and that is something that needs to be done today; in fact, now!

You need to become aware of the movement of thought. When you become aware, aware of the movement of thought, you are open for the process of Liberation of this Presence, this Power, this Divine Energy that you carry within yourself, to emerge.

Direct attention to the movement of thought shows you that this movement has nothing to do with you. Yes, that's right! The thoughts that pass within you are productions of this Existence and appearances in that Existence.

This sense of someone present, which you call "I," has nothing to do with that. But when there is an identification of that "I" that you believe to be with that movement, then that entanglement we call ego identity. So, the revelation here is this one for you. This idea of being somebody sustains the chaotic, restless, uncontrolled, chatty, accelerated movement of thought.

Your work here, and this is what I propose within these meetings, is to disidentify from this condition, the chaotic psychological condition. I call this "the end of psychological time," the end of the illusion of an identity in this psychological experience, in this psychological chaos, in this inner chatter, in this endless blah blah blah of thoughts.

People lie down to sleep and they can't, because they say "look, I just went to sleep very late at night," "I could only sleep, fall asleep, fall asleep, at dawn, because the mind wouldn't stop."

All of you who are here with me know what I'm talking about. Those who may be listening to me right now know what I'm saying. I'm talking about this restlessness, this internal chatter, this blah-blah-blah. I talk about recurring, incessant, chaotic thoughts, bad thoughts, negative thoughts, thoughts that are mere memories of failure, defeat, or the possibility of failing, not succeeding, not achieving...

This whole process of thought movement is fear. Fear is based on thought. So, all this restlessness is held by this ego identity, by this sense of someone who believes is present in this experience.

Here, the secret is in discovering the Truth of who You are, and here I am referring to that "Sky," which I spoke of just now, which is Consciousness, which is Presence, which is Being. That Divine Truth is not in this condition of ego identity or identification with this chaotic model of thought.

So, when that Energy, which is Kundalini, awakens, arises, there comes a break of that inclination, that habit, that vice, the vice of thinking, the vice of this inner chatter. In India they call this vasanas. The end for this ego identity is the end of these vasanas, of these latent tendencies there in this mechanism, in this organism, to value, to cultivate, to remain trapped in this addiction, in this chaotic state of suffering that thought produces.

Realize how important this is. The Self-enquiry, self-observation, looking at yourself, at the entire movement of thought arising and disidentifying yourself from it, discovering this art, the art of disconnecting from thought and resting in your Being, in your Divine Nature. That is the art of Meditation, of direct approach to your Divine Truth.

The clear Understanding of this, is what I have called Self-knowledge. So, self-observation is this self-enquiry. It gives you the basis of Self-knowledge that brings you closer to what I have called the True Meditation. This causes this Energy called Kundalini to awaken, arise, and bring about a change in this mechanism, in this organism, in this body-mind, thus bringing about the Realization of the Truth that You are.

So, the Realization of the Truth about Yourself, this Realization of the Truth about your Divine Nature, about your Essential Nature... In India, That is called Samadhi – you in your Self, you in your True Nature – and when That is present, which is Consciousness, which is the True Awakening of Kundalini... See, this is the True Awakening of Kundalini, because when the Kundalini awakens, the suffering ends; because the illusion of the egoic sense disappears, the sense of separateness is gone. Then the end of suffering has really happened. I have called It "the True Awakening of Kundalini," "the True Awakening of your Self," "the Real the Consciousness Awakening."

Then there is no longer separation between you and Life, between you and Love, between you and God, between you and the other... a State of Bliss, of Happiness, of Liberation. That is the real end of suffering, and it is the Realization of True Happiness.

So, if this is something important, if this is relevant to you, leave your "like," subscribe to the channel and let's work on this together. This is possible, this is possible...

June, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

June 14, 2022

Atma Vichara: the key to Kundalini Awakening | The illusion of psychological time and suffering

Hello everyone, welcome to another meeting here on our channel, talking to you about the end to the illusion of time, yes that's right, the end to the illusion of time.

Human beings live in time, what we call the present, past, and future. That's the condition of human beings, of life for human beings. We live psychologically in time. All the burden of fear, conflict, contradiction, anxiety, depression, boredom, loneliness, and envy, occurs in time.

All this and much more… all that we want to get rid of, we want to be free, since it makes us suffer. All this is closely linked to this issue of time – present, past, and future.

It's in this notion of the present that you believe to be that a memory of what you believe you lived yesterday arises and brings up this whole issue of suffering, envy, jealousy, fear, desire, remorse, guilt... Then, the past carries that and so does the future. And where is that, basically, situated? In this issue of so-called "time." Here, I refer to psychological time.

The question is: is it possible to go beyond this condition? Beyond the condition of life stuck to this notion of time? Life stuck in time, you stuck in time, this "me," this "I," this "person."

Here, the question is: "who am I?" Is it possible for us to investigate this together? Is it possible to clearly see what this psychological time represents to go beyond it by self-investigation, by direct observation of what it represents?

See, the understanding of this awareness, Ramana called self-inquiry or Atma Vichara. This is the key to Spiritual Awakening, to Spiritual Enlightenment, to Kundalini Awakening.

We have several videos here on the channel, talking about this issue of Kundalini, what Kundalini is, and what it represents. Kundalini is a synonymous with Consciousness, Divine Consciousness in You, Divine Presence in you.

If this Divine Consciousness doesn't bloom, doesn't not awaken, if this Presence of Consciousness, which is this Divine Presence doesn't take its place therein this organism, this mechanism, this body-mind, everything continues in the same way, the condition of life within this ego identity.

So, here we are talking to you about what self-inquiry is, the key to Kundalini Awakening. Kundalini is this potential Energy you carry within yourself. It is in a potential state, it hasn't been actualized yet, it hasn't been manifested yet, it sleeps in the body, in this mechanism. A change is needed in all this psychophysical structure, in this organism that is always responding reactively within this context to this false "me," to this "I," to this "person" thought says inside you, is you. Hence the question "who am I?"

You need to comprehend the Truth about who You are. Then, self-investigation leads you, legitimately, to this Discovering, to this Discovery, and this Discovery is nothing else but the very Awakening of this Energy, of this Divine Power, of this Divine Presence, which is Kundalini.

So, this Energy makes a change in this organism, and when it makes a change here in this organism, it completely changes this whole psychophysical structure to a new condition, where the body and mind no longer respond in a reactive way to the old and longstanding proposals of the egoic mind, the dualistic mind, the separatist mind.

I speak of this conditioned mind programmed by culture, by society, of all these patterns within which we were raised to think and feel. Then, there is a new thinking, there is a new feeling, and a new way of responding, without the old and longstanding reactivity programmed into this mechanism, this organism, because it has gone through a shift, it has gone through a transformation, with the Awakening of this Energy that some people call Kundalini.

This is known in Yoga and Tantra. So, within the science of Tantra, within the science of Yoga, when Kundalini Awakening happens, there is a radical change, bringing thus Spiritual Enlightenment.

Now, I must tell you what This really represents since many people are saying that… many people are saying "ah, the Kundalini has awakened," "ah, but I saw the Kundalini awakening," "when the Kundalini has awakened in me…" All this language, all these expressions, they actually represent absolutely nothing, because people are just imagining something.

Kundalini Awakening isn't imagination, it's not a belief, it's not an idea. It's because the person felt a certain tingling in the body during such a meditation practice, or some kind of mystical practice, an esoteric or spiritual practice…

The person felt a tingling in the body, a heat in the body, or some sensation, some kind of pain in the head or had some strange symptoms happening, occurring within that experience, within that particular practice, and then the person says "look, my Kundalini has already awakened."

When there is the real Kundalini Awakening, there is the end of all suffering. I mean all suffering! That's right: all suffering! If you say "ah, the Kundalini has awakened," but when you have a bill to pay… and you get tense, stressed, or very angry at your creditor, to whom you owe, because he charged interest, because he overcharged, or charged it before the right time, as you believe so, although the bill arrived on time;

if there is any internal psychological change, when vicissitudes, adversities, when it arises, when it happens, and you get stressed, nervous, with anger, calling bad names, fighting with everyone, and you say "my Kundalini awakened such a day, while I was meditating, in a retreat," you are on flights of fancy, in an illusion. I've called it "ego's flight of fancy," because when Kundalini awakens, there is an end to this ego identity, so there is a definitive end to suffering.

If your wife leaves you for another man, your girlfriend cheated on you with another one, left you for your best friend, or just by imagining this possibility to occur and internalizing an image of this happening, and fear and some form of suffering arise… when this happens, it clearly demonstrates that there hasn't been a psychophysical change of the kind I'm talking about here.

So, there are a lot of people nowadays saying "my Kundalini awakened," but they are still "people," situating themselves in time and space as separate entities, seeing themselves still separate from Life, from the Whole, from God, not knowing What I have called True Happiness, not knowing Compassion, Love, Freedom, ignoring what I call here as the end of all suffering.

Thus, we have to discard this soon, this imagination, this fantasy about what some consider to be Kundalini or "Kundalini that has awakened." Here, I refer to the end of the sense of separation between you and Life, between you and God, between you and Reality, between you and Love; the end happens. With the Awakening of your Natural State, this Presence or this Supreme intelligence arises.

If this has brought you to this moment, if this represents something important for you, subscribe here on the channel, and also leave a "like" for the video. If you know someone who is working on this or looking for it, share this with them too. Thanks for the meeting and see you next video.

May, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

June 8, 2022

Awakening of Kundalini | Real Meditation | Kundalini and Consciousness

It is very important that you have an experiential approach to this matter, to this Awakening of Kundalini. In general, people say "my Kundalini awakened," but they continue to carry all this weight of anxiety, sadness, melancholy, loneliness, guilt, desires, fear and attachment...

Because they went through some psycho-physical process, they felt some things in the body during a certain mystical, esoteric practice, or in some specific type of meditation... There are several forms of meditation, there are different meditations, there are countless forms, and one went through something like this, one believes that the Kundalini has awakened. No, it hasn't awakened.

When Kundalini awakened, the egoic sense is gone, the illusion of the sense of separation ends. Any other type of Kundalini is only an egoic flight of fancy, it is an imagination, and this is very, very common.

So, people, under the influence of some drugs or other substances, they can actually have some psychological experiences, they can have visions, they can have extra-physical, non-physical perceptions, psychological or mystical kind, or so-called "spiritual," but this is not Awakening of Kundalini.

Love is the classic sign, Happiness, Peace is the classic sign. The Freedom of ego is the classic sign of Awakening of Kundalini. And it is that we are proposing here, within these meetings.

The communion with Happiness of your Being, with Happiness of your Divine Nature, is not the appearance of so-called "spiritual" powers, the spiritual ability to do certain things, to act in the so-called "spiritual world," of predicting the future, to achieve things of this kind, of different kinds, which you know very well what I am talking about.

None of this is the proposal of Spiritual Awakening, of Spiritual Enlightenment, of Awakening of Kundalini. So, Kundalini is this Consciousness, this Presence. Once Kundalini is Awakened, so is Love, Intelligence, Freedom, Happiness, Peace, the absence of the sense of separation, the State of Timelessness. This is the end of birth, the end of death. In India, they have an expression for This. They call it Moksha or Liberation.

So, our work together is in that direction, not through techniques or practices. Here, we are showing you that This is possible in your life, in your day by day. When you wake up in the morning and you have to go to the office, you get up, brush your teeth... go to the bathroom, brush your teeth and then you go to work, get in your car... You can do all this since the first moment you find yourself awake in bed, aware of yourself, aware of the movement of thought arising, of the feelings, of the emotions, of a memory of the previous day.

So, you get up, go to the bathroom, after that wash your face, brush the teeth, get in the car and go to work; and, as you drive, you are alert, aware of the whole movement of thought arising, appearing, and all this impulse of this ego identity, of this "person" that you believe to be, with its various dilemmas, conflicts, problems... All this is being seen. And when you can see this, you distance yourself, psychologically speaking. This attention over the movement of "I" breaks this identification with this "I." That's when you are now facing what I have called Real Meditation or Practical Meditation.

So, this, to me, is the real practice of Meditation, not that meditation where you sit down and have an hour reserved to do this. OK, nothing against this, but this is not what we are proposing to you. We are proposing self-inquiry: "Who am I?"

When you open your e-mail, when you are arriving at work and read news that you were sent, or when you receive a bill to pay... observe your reactions to that. What does this represent psychologically to you? What kind of psychological impact this provokes? What reaction is this? To whom this arises? "Who am I?"

The observation of this movement breaks the identification for an ego identity. So, you enter this Real Meditation, which is the Awareness the of Truth of Yourself, free of this ego identity. And when there is Freedom, Intelligence is present, capable of dealing with this situation, with that bill you received, with that situation that appeared, with that news that arrived, with someone talking with you... and his tone is aggressive, derogatory, and you are aware of yourself, seeing the reactions in yourself, discarding this reactive ego identity, which has always repeated in the same way, the same matter, facing similar situations, same reactions. But now you are conscious of yourself, conscious of this egoic movement, and with this, there is a break.

Then, an entirely new space emerges. When that happens, at that moment the necessary heat arises, which makes the Awakening of this Presence possible, this Energy, which is Kundalini.

So, when Kundalini blossoms, the body goes through a change. The very cells of the body, including the brain cells, so important within this process of Spiritual Enlightenment, they undergo a change. So, your way of reaction, from then on, is entirely new, because now a response arising; not of a reactive level, but of a completely unknown level. We may call this "real action." It is not a reaction, it is a pure action, born of this Intelligence, of this Consciousness, of this Freedom of Being.

This is the Blossoming of this Intelligence, which is Kundalini, which is Consciousness. The word Kundalini and Consciousness are synonymous. So, Kundalini is Consciousness. This Power is Absolute Peace, Absolute Truth, Absolute Love, Absolute Happiness. This Absolute Happiness of Being, of Consciousness, is the Awakening of Kundalini. This is the subject we are dealing here with you. You were born to realize This!

If this is important to you, leave you "like," and also subscribe to the channel to not miss new videos, so we can deepen and work on this together. OK? See you soon.

May, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

Awakening of Kundalini | Kundalini Yoga | Real Meditation

Hi folks! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. Kundalini… What is Kundalini? What does Kundalini mean? Kundalini is the Reality of your Divine Potential for Spiritual Enlightenment, for the Blossoming of your Being. There is something within you that carries this Awakening Potential, the Awakening of your Divine Nature, of your True Nature, of your Real Nature. However, This aspect of Yourself is asleep or sleeping.

According to the science of yoga, This is something that sleeps at the base of the spine and when This awakens in your pranic body, It goes upwards creating a psychophysical change in this organism, in this mechanism.

To simplify: the Awakening of Kundalini means the Awakening of this Divine Energy, of this Divine Potential you have within yourself so that this dream of separateness, this ego identification, is completely undone, completely destroyed.

There are several quite technical terms on This. If you are interested you can read books on It, which I actually advise against because, here, what I advise is to work in yourself this issue of Meditation, which is the Awakening of this Presence.

You can theoretically read about how to drive a car and never sit behind the wheel and start practicing or you can, with little theoretical background – if the instructor shows you the steering wheel, the pedals, and the gearshift – you can start practicing. I want to indicate this to you here.

On this channel, we are working together on this issue of the Awakening of Kundalini. This is more than the theory of what This represents or what This means. This is even much more! Thus, we put aside the book on how to drive and start to really get into contact with the pedals, the steering wheel, and the gearshift, so that the car can actually move.

Realization is something like this. What I have noticed is that we spend a lot of time on theoretical aspects, never in direct contact with necessary work. Our proposal here is for you to get closer to your Being, which is Consciousness, Presence, Kundalini, which is this Awakening of Kundalini.

See, the path prescribed by Ramana Maharshi is the path of self-inquiry. What basically is self-inquiry? This question is of great relevance within this Spiritual Awakening or this Spiritual Enlightenment. Self-inquiry is the contact with who I am, with what is happening here and now in this "person" you believe to be.

This contact with the Truth of your Being is the contact with your Divine Reality. Through self-investigation, Atma Vichara, you can become aware of the Truth of your Being. This Self-discovery, this Self-Realization, puts you in direct contact with the Truth, with this Blossoming, with this Awakening.

Then, this Energy – still answering your question: "What does it mean?" The Awakening of this Energy begins to operate a psychophysical change in this mechanism, in this organism, breaking the patterns concerning this ego identity, the patterns of this ego identity, all of them grounded in social, cultural conditioning and even in the cellular structure.

The break of these egoic patterns… When this energy goes up, there is a break of these patterns. The break of these patterns is the end of the sense of separation or duality between you and Life, between you and God, between you and Reality.

So, the question here is "who am I?" Therefore, "who I am?" is that steering wheel. Self-observation, the direct observation of the movement of the mind, is this attention when you shift into first gear and come into contact with the pedals so that the car can start moving.

This contact with yourself through self-inquiry is what I have called Meditation, Real Meditation, or True Meditation. This is the basis for Self-knowledge, for this Recognition of your True Divine Nature, of your True Real Nature, which represents the end for the ego, for this "me," for this false center; this "me," this "I," this ego, which means envy, fear, jealousy, desires, contradictions, conflicts, anxiety, worry, suffering.

Thus, this contact with your own Being through self-inquiry is vitally important. This contact with your own Being is the contact with that Power. This Divine Energy is internally present, but despite having a heat, It doesn't have enough heat yet to ignite. Self-inquiry, self-observation, will put heat into this Energy, so that It can operate a change in this mechanism, in this organism.

When Kundalini, which is this Energy, ignites through self-inquiry… What Kundalini Yoga tries to do through asanas, which are physical postures, mudras and pranayama, and other techniques, here is done through self-inquiry.

This self-inquiry brings the heat so that this Energy ignites and becomes alive, of such vitality that It can actually go up the spine within this pranic body and operate a complete change in this body-mind structure by reaching the chakras, these vortexes of energy, and placing the body inside a completely new condition so that this State of Liberation or Enlightenment can assume.

Is that clear to you? Is it clear? The Awakening of the Truth of your Being occurs due to a necessary change in this mechanism, in this organism. Your body needs a change, a mutation. The brain itself needs this mutation, this change, this transformation so that something new is present.

I'll just give you an example of the common, ordinary condition, which is the condition of the human being within their pattern of ego identity or sleep, dream consciousness. Notice, people write and ask, "what do I do with thoughts?" Notice, thoughts move in a quite fast way inside you. There is no room for silence, there is no inner stillness because thoughts live in a frenzy, they are restless. You are always under a purely mechanical unconscious process of thought. Thoughts are playing inside you all the time, creating sensations, and impressions, feeding and producing feelings and emotions, which you don't want, which you wouldn't want to have.

So, you don't have the slightest control over this purely automatic and mechanical process, which is this unconscious movement of the mind, and I say "unconscious" because it's the common state of the ordinary consciousness, of the consciousness of dream humanity lives in.

When the Blossoming of your Being takes place through the Awakening of Kundalini, something entirely new begins to emerge, a space opens up, a Silence arrives, then the brain cells themselves begin to work differently; there is a change in the brain cells themselves, in the very mechanical structure of this important organ that is the brain.

Actually, this happens in the whole body! Your body becomes fit for the "abode" of this Presence, of this Consciousness. In reality, this inner Heart, this Spiritual Heart, in Ramana's language, is already the abode, is already the Source of your Being, of What You are.

Then, this Energy goes up, reaches the top of the head, and puts into operation a very special center called "Sahasrara." According to Ramana, this Energy descends and then settles in the Heart, and only then this Emancipation took a place, this Liberation took place, and this definitive and complete Enlightenment took place.

So, the relation between Kundalini and Enlightenment is something quite intimate. Thus, what does it mean? That was the question: what does Kundalini mean? What is Kundalini? Kundalini is You in your Being, in your Divine State, in your Natural State. Ramana said, "we call It Shakti, Kundalini, God, Consciousness," but we are referring to the same thing, the Truth of your Being, the Truth of your Divine Reality.

Leave your "like," subscribe to the channel and let's work on this together. Ok?

May, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

June 2, 2022

Real Meditation | How to meditate?

Meditation! The subject is meditation. What is this thing called "meditation" all about? Meditation: what does it actually represent? I've heard I can sit in a place at a given time, close my eyes and try to quiet down my mind – maybe, with the sound of a song – and so, I can relax and get in touch with my innermost "I."

I am here quoting what you may have heard about meditation, but I want to delve a little deeper into This. I want to bring you a vision of what Meditation is.

I'm not talking about meditation practice, but rather the pure and direct Meditation, what I have called Real Meditation, this direct contact with the Truth of your Being here and now, regardless the posture the body is assuming. You can be sitting, you can be lying down, you can be walking, you can be eating something, or talking to someone, at the same time you are in this contact with the Reality of Life as It is, which represents direct contact with the Truth of your Being here and now.

Ramana Maharshi called this Samadhi. Samadhi is You in your Being, Samadhi is You in your Natural State, free from the psychological burden of this false center, of this false "I," of this "me," of this ego. This contact with Yourself is the Acknowledgment that there is only this one Reality present, which is Consciousness – this is Meditation.

The direct approach of This is when thought ends. I speak of this distressing psychological condition created by thought producing a sense of time and space. Someone here who has lived the past, is living the present, and will live the future – this is a belief.

Thought is producing an idea, a concept, about what is present here and now, beyond name and forms. The contact with your Being, with the Truth You are, is the end of thought.

I want to invite you to the liberation from thought, to go beyond thought, to discover yourself as pure Consciousness, free from the egoic mind. This is Meditation. Meditation is You in your Being. Meditation is You in your Divine State, in your Natural State. Meditation is You in your Real State.

Our work together in these meetings called Satsang is for the awakening of this Truth we are here and now.

Satsang is the association with Reality, therefore, Satsang is the association with Meditation, it's the association with the Truth You are. This direct contact with What You are is the end of fear, the end of suffering, the end of thought; it's the end of this condition where all internal afflictions you've been living until today… are no longer there.

Until this moment, you've lived in this condition, however, now it's no longer present, because here and now your Real Condition, which is Consciousness, which is Meditation, has put an end to this condition of psychological time created by thought.

Thus, Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, is the Recognition of your Divine Truth, What You are. So, our subject… here we address with you exactly that, we explore this subject here with you, we investigate this subject here with you, we delve into this subject here with you: how This becomes possible, how This is realized, how This is processed. What is needed for This to come true? What is needed for This to happen?

So, how to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment? How to acknowledge the Truth of your own Being? How to assume your Divine Truth? How to meditate? Here, in this "how to meditate," the only answer is Meditation. Meditation is to assume This, to assume the Truth of this "how to meditate." It's not something that… We're not talking about something that takes time. Meditation is not something that requires time. Meditation is something that ends with the illusion of time.

See, I mean psychological time, this time produced by thought. All these feelings you have about who you are lies in this so-called "psychological time," in this belief, in this condition of ego identity. This is not the Truth about who You are, This is not You. To assume This is Meditation, to assume the Truth is Meditation. Ok?

If it's interesting and the subject interests you deeply, leave your like and subscribe to the channel, and let's work on it here together.

May, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information
