November 29, 2023

Spiritual enlightenment. Action free of the ego. How to act correctly? The Truth of Self-Awareness.

I want to work with you today on this Truth of the right action. It's common for people to ask questions like: “How do I do the right thing? How to get it right?” They haven't yet understood what an approach to the Truth of Self-Awareness is. They believe they need to get it right, to do the right thing.

Another frequent question is: “How do I do the right thing?” It's basically the same question with different words. Another question is: “How do I act under pressure?” Or: “How do I stay calm?” We're going to investigate with you here this issue of action, and the importance of it.

What is action? For most of us, action presupposes the presence of someone, always, necessarily, present in the action. So, in every form of action, the central idea in us is the one of an author, a doer of the actions, an agent present in the action – it's really been like that. We first have the idea from the concept of an identity present; then, there is this “I” here present to act. There's an idea, a target, a goal, a purpose, an intention, a motivation, a reason, and then comes the action. Thus, the idea, in general, is “I want, “I will,” then comes the action. So, the main idea for us is always of an agent present in the action.

Now notice: when our actions are born out of an idea, they are actually mere adjustments to a program, a plan, or a predetermined idea. So, what we call an action is actually a reaction. An action that arises from thought in us is determined by this element, which is thought, the thinker. Then, there is this thinker in its thought that follows an action. We don't even know the nature of this thinker, the truth about this thought, and about the action.

So, notice how interesting it is when we want to get the action right without understanding what it represents, without understanding the nature of this “I” that wants to act, to get it right. That is a really fascinating subject, understanding what comes first. What do we have first here? Do we always have the action or this “I,” which is the agent? Because if this “I” comes first, that action, I'll repeat, is just an adjustment to an idea. But if this action occurs without this agent, this “I,” we have a free action.

Maybe, at first, you'll find it difficult to accept this as a possible Reality, a possible Truth in your life, the understanding that true action is only correct action, only Real action when it doesn't produce conflict, suffering, disorder – and that's not how our actions have been. First, we want to get it right to not have problems, and I say that when this action is born from this agent, which is the “I,” the ego, the “person” – as this action is just an adjustment to an idea that comes from this “I,” from this person, it will, surely, on some level – because it is an action of adjustment to an idea – produce suffering and confusion.

Our lives are full of problems. We have problems of all kinds, in all sorts of forms. We want to live a life without problems. Is it possible to live without problems? The answer is yes; it is possible to live without problems. But it's not possible to live without problems if our action is born from this center, the “I,” the ego because it's an action that is already from contradiction, from a reaction that comes from the past.

Let's calmly look at this and investigate it. Let's find out what an action free of the ego is. What is an action free of conflict, problems, and contradictions? What is an intelligent action truly in Compassion, Love, in that Freedom of flowing with the instant, with the present moment, without friction, conflict, or resistance? See how important this is for our lives.

Every human being is in search of Happiness, and as our life consists of actions, from the moment we get out of bed in the morning, we are already in a movement of action... Everything is action. Notice this – everything is action. These gestures here are actions; this speech is also an action. Understanding these words is an intellectual movement of understanding language, words in action. So, life consists of actions. Then, a happy life, a life in Happiness, Love, Peace, and Freedom, consists of a life where our action is an Intelligent action. Necessarily, the presence of an Intelligent action is a free action – free of conflict, dilemma, desire, and fear – therefore, it needs to be an action free of this center, which is the “I,” the ego.

So, let's first investigate the truth of action here. First, the action is what happens here and now. But what comes first? We have just asked: is it the agent or the action? Let's take a very simple example: when a thought arises, it is a movement in the brain of images. Thought is always a remembrance, a memory, a recollection. You don't have a single thought that isn't a memory. Thus, when a thought arises, it is here and now, an action of the brain itself. When that action arises, at the instant it does, at that exact second it arises, there is no “someone” to do something with that thought.

We have an illusion present with regard to this question of action and here relating to this issue of the thought's action when it arises since we believe that we are the ones thinking. In reality, when a thought arises, what is happening at that very second is that the brain is reacting to a stimulus – whether external or internal.

So, having investigated the nature of action, let's now also do it with the nature of thought. Notice how interesting it is to discover this here. When your eyes perceive something externally, the brain immediately reacts. It receives a stimulus, and when it happens, it can react. In general, it reacts as a thought, a memory.

When you see a tree, when your eyes come across a tree, a memory may arise, a memory of a tree that you also had in your garden when you were a child. That is a brain reaction to this particular sensory experience of looking. When this happens, it happens automatically. Notice how interesting it is: there's no “someone” seeing the tree; it's a reaction of the brain cells to this vision, to this sensory perception. Notice that at this moment, at the very moment of “looking at the tree,” of identifying the tree, the leaves, the branches, that is the moment of action. In this moment of action, there is no experiencer, no “I,” no person, and no “you.” In that exact second of perception, in that fraction of a second, there is only an observation without the observer, the experiencer, the “I,” the ego. In that moment, we have action.

So, note: what arises first is action. Action is what happens. After this moment of direct perception, which is pure action, at that instant, there is no “I” element, no author, no doer, no thinker, and no experiencer. A second later, it appears, and the memory of childhood comes up; then, at that moment, this whole sense of action, of perception, is altered because the observer element, the thinker, the experiencer, which is the “I,” has arisen. See how interesting it is to investigate the Truth about action. Thus, what comes first? What comes first is action – the action of seeing, of perceiving. Then comes the name, the story, the memory, and the sense of an “I,” which is basically the past presenting itself with its history.

We say that all action lies here and now, always at this instant, without the past. Only a second later does the past appear. When there's sadness, it's a feeling, but along with the sadness comes the story of that “me,” that “I,” that sad “someone.” So, this action is no longer a natural, simple, direct, real action because the “I” element, which is the agent, is already present, and when it appears, it wants to do something with the action; it “likes,” “dislikes,” wants to reject it, to get rid of this state or to experience this nostalgia for childhood.

So, when the sense of an “I” appears in the action, this “I” is the doer, the author, the manager of the action, and the ego element. Then, our actions, in general, when they start from this center, which is the “I,” the ego, are actions that feed and sustain the illusion of a present identity, which is the ego. The question here is this: is it possible to have a life here and now free of this element that is the “I,” the ego, that comes from the past, that in the face of the action of the instant, of the present moment, always arises to try to change, alter, do something with it?

So, we're here working with you in the end for this “I,” ego, for this agent, this doer, this experiencer. Then, life consists of this movement here and now, where this action takes place without this sense of an “I” present. We can eliminate this illusory element, the ego, from our lives. We need memory, recognition, and this practical, objective action for a few simple purposes. Taking a child to school, driving a car, writing something down – these all require the presence of knowledge and experience. Knowledge is memory itself, but it's something simple.

In a practical sense, in this dream of life, we need to deal with action on this level, but on this level, there is no conflict, no problem, no suffering. But when I look at you, and in that instant, in that look, the past shows itself, this background, which is the “I,” the ego, recognizes in you someone that this “I” doesn't like; when this is present when I have this “like or dislike you”... If you've insulted me if you've assaulted me with words, those words have been recorded and stored in the memory and next time I meet with you, which is direct and simply action, the “I” thought will emerge saying “I don't like him, I don't like her.”

It is possible to have an action free of the “I,” the ego. It is possible to have an action free of this experiencer, this observer, this doer. A direct and objective response to this instant, to this moment without the element of the past, then we have the Truth of action free of the “I,” the ego. That is the Reality of your Being here and now expressing itself as pure Consciousness. That is action free of the past. It is possible to be at this instant without the past, which is the experiencer, the “I,” the ego, then life is happening as a free action because the sense of an “I” is not present. This is the free action of the ego.

So, that's the subject we're working on here with you, showing you that, yes, it is possible to live a life without conflict, contradiction, suffering, and, therefore, within a new action, an action free of the past. For this purpose, we have these meetings here on the channel. Some call it the Awakening of your Being, the Awakening of God, the Realization of God; some call it Spiritual Enlightenment, a life free of the ego, a life where this action is Love, of Presence, of Truth.

So, that's the subject we're working on with you here on the channel. We have online meetings to work on this together with you. You can find our WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings here in the video description, OK? We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, take the opportunity and leave your like, subscribe to the channel, and see you, OK? Thanks for meeting us, and see you next time.

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

November 26, 2023

Joel Goldsmith | Living by the word | Law of karma | Master Gualberto

GC: Hello everyone! We are here for another videocast. Master Gualberto is here with us again. Gratitude, Master, for your presence! Master, today I'm going to read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called “Living by the Word.” In this excerpt, he talks a little bit about karma. He says the following: “The law of karma in the Christian world is called ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’.” And, within this theme, Master, we have a question from a subscriber to the channel called “O Brio Eterno” – the name of his channel –, and the question is: “Master Gualberto, if I'm not the one doing the action, what about the issue of karma? Is karma, then, just the mind?”

MG: Very good! Let's go then. We have to see some things here. Here, you ask: “Am I not the one doing the action? Is it just the mind?” There is confusion here, Gilson. In Joel's speech, for example, he quotes the Scriptures: “Whatever a man sows, he will reap.” The truth is: who is this one who sows? He who sows will naturally reap. We cannot deny this. This is a fact that we can verify in life. Everything man does has consequences. Every action naturally creates a reaction. So, for everything that the doer does, he has consequences for his actions.

So, who is this “I”? Who is this doer? There seems to be some confusion in the channel subscriber's question. When he says “if it is not this ‘I’, is it the mind?”, in fact, here we already have an illusory separation between this mind and this “I.” We cannot fall into this illusion, this illusory sense of separation, because there is no such separation between the mind and the “I.” Thus, there is no such separation between this “I” and the doer, this doer and the one who sows and then reaps. Here, we are talking about the same character, the same illusory identity, which is the “I,” which is the ego, which is this sense of being someone.

Now, we have to have a careful approach to this, because here, when we say that this “I” is an illusory identity, Gilson, I never said that this “I” does not exist. I have only said, in these statements, that it is an illusory identity. From the point of view of Reality, this “I” is a dream character. It is in this sense that it is not real. However, in the dream it exists. So, the human being, in his actions, is responsible for these actions; the “I,” in its doing, is responsible for its deeds. So, every action taken by this “I,” carried out by this doer, has consequences!

As long as there is a sense of illusion, of being someone present in the experience of this thought, this feeling, this emotion, this sensation and this “doing,” that is, this action, for this character there will be consequences! All of this is happening in the world. We just have to look at the world and we realize the mess that this “I,” this ego, is creating. So, it is very real in the sense of existing in this dream. It is not real from the point of view of Reality, when Reality reveals itself. This Reality is the end of this illusion of separation and, therefore, it is the end of this dream, which is the dream of the “I” with its world, it is the dream of this “I” with its doing, thinking, feeling, sowing and this “reaping.”

So, let's not confuse things here. All this sense of a present and existing “I” is doing is create confusion. This “I” is, yes, the sufferer; It is, in fact, the doer, it receives the consequences of its actions. What this “I” sows, this “I,” which is the ego, will reap. As long as we, Gilson, are within this dream of a world, seeing ourselves as an entity present in it, there will naturally be the sufferer suffering, the thinker thinking, the doer doing and, naturally, receiving the consequences of this, having a response to what it is doing, of what it is sowing.

The Truth of Liberation is the Truth of the end of this “I” that sees itself separate from life; it is the end of this “I-doer” that sees itself separate from action; it is the end of this “I-experiencer” that sees itself separate from experience, then Liberation occurs. This Liberation is the end of the illusion of “I.” Only then, at that moment, does one understand in a real – and not intellectual – way that the ego is an illusion, that the ego only seems to exist. And why does it seem to exist? Because, in fact, it moves within this conditioning. What we have as ego, as “I,” as “the doer,” as “the thinker,” is the very movement of psychological conditioning present in this mechanism, present in this body-mind, moving. This conditioning in movement is the “I,” this conditioning in movement is the ego!

So, this is the existence of this illusory center, this egoic center, this center of separation, this separate entity, the thinker, the experiencer, this doer. When the Truth of Liberation occurs – and It occurs when you are aware of the “reality” of this sense of duality, of separation, and becoming aware of this requires the verification of this very separation between this “I” and experience – when there is awareness of that, this “you” who becomes aware of this is no longer in that dream, is no longer in that movement model of egoic conditioning.

So, the Truth of That which is You reveals itself when that “you,” how you see yourself, how you believe yourself to be, how you move in this “being,” disappears. This requires a work of Self-Awareness, of observing the very movement of the “I,” the very movement of the experiencer, the doer, thought, emotion, feeling, sensation... Becoming aware of this here and now, is the art of understanding, seeing yourself, of becoming aware of who you are, right now. Therefore, approaching the Truth of Meditation, correct Meditation is essential, because it is what reveals, within this attention to oneself, the illusion of this sower, this doer, this thinker, this egoic center, this “I”!

So, we have to investigate, Gilson, what is the action free from the “I,” what is the action free from this center, this doer, what is thinking without the thinker, what is feeling without this element of feeling – which is that “I” that claims to be feeling, to be experiencing this feeling –, what is feeling without the one who feels, what is thinking without the thinker, because, in truth, thinking is only possible when there is no longer the thinker. This is something to be investigated. True action is only possible when there is no author of the action, which is this illusory center. This has to be studied, it has to be investigated within each one of us.

This is what we have been working on with you here within the channel and in these meetings, also, in person and online. To look at this movement of the “I” and eliminate this doer, this thinker, this experiencer, is to be in touch with a Reality that is beyond this sense of egoic identity. So, at that moment, there is no longer action and reaction, there is no longer this idea of ​​karma, of cause and effect, because in this Natural State free of the “I,” of the ego, there is no longer anyone present within the experience. Something new is present, and this “something” is the very Reality of this Being, this Consciousness, this Happiness that we are in our Real Nature, in our True Nature.

GC: Impressive how, as soon as I approached the Master's work, there was zero understanding and comprehension of what the Master says. So much so that, in this process that the Master brings, this self-investigation, this true Self-Awareness or self-observation, within this issue of the illusion of a present “I,” I remember that it was common for me, if a bad feeling or some fear appeared, then another thought would come: “Ah, no, this is an illusion! This is an illusion here of the present “I,” who is feeling fear!” And then, of course, in Satsang, with this proximity to the work with the Master, we see how much, in this trickery, in this naughtiness of the ego, it wants to “catch” it and want to do a “self-investigation,” which is just the dog chasing the tail, because there is nothing being seen, there is no observation being made. Can the Master talk a little more about this self-observation?

MG: The problem with us, Gilson, as you just put it, is that, when something appears, we always have a background of knowledge – which is, in fact, a so-called “spiritual” background of knowledge, based on books or studies we’ve already done – to say, “Look, this isn’t real.” So, we are always, intellectually – this is something that occurs in a very automatic and unconscious way on our part –, we are always rejecting the present moment, the experience and what is shown based on affirmations of beliefs, intellectual beliefs: “ Oh, this isn't real!”, “No, this isn't true!”, “Let me look at this, because this can't be real, this isn't real, I learned that it isn't, so let me fix this, let me solve this, let me redo this!”

So, there is always an idea of ​​this “me,” this “I,” to interpret, to translate, to reject the experience that is here and now. And we do this because, intellectually, we already have a background of knowledge, of bookish, theoretical information, of this thing called “spiritual life,” which we have lived until then, until this moment. So, we are always rejecting the experience of this moment based on this background of memory, remembrance, knowledge, and belief. This is still the ego's own old game. The ego remains alive in our beliefs, in our theories, and our concepts.

One very common thing, Gilson, is our beliefs. We have replaced materialist beliefs with spiritualist beliefs, and we are attacking what we call “materialism” with this so-called “spiritualism,” which, in fact, is nothing more than a psychological conditioning in us, which is based on a set of second-hand beliefs. We don't know the truth about anything we believe, but we know a lot, because we believe in all that, and we want to face the reality of what is present here, which is a moment of great revelation, with a theory, with a belief.

We live in a way that the ideals for us, the beliefs, and what should be, what could be, what needs to be, are more important than what is here. So, that's the problem! If what is shown here is sadness, that is what we have to figure out how to deal with! If fear is present, if envy is present, jealousy is present, if there is greed, if there is ambition, if there is verbal aggression, if there is violence, if this internal state, in this moment, is revealing itself as anger, rage... becoming aware of this fact, this reality, without this idealism, without this set of beliefs, without these spiritual, spiritualist theories, to say: “No, this is not real, this is not true!” ...

The result of this, Gilson, is that we don't discover how we function, because the conditioning itself... The most complicated psychological conditioning in us is exactly this spiritualist conditioning. So, we have all these theories, all these beliefs, and that's how we approach this simple fact that if there is anger, it is anger; if there is jealousy, it is jealousy; If there is envy here, of the other, of what the other has, that is what we have to deal with.

So, a real approach to the Truth about oneself is very beautiful, becoming aware of this whole movement of psychological conditioning. This is the Revelation of the Truth of Self-awareness! Not all that we've read about self-awareness out there, which is a new conditioning. Psychology talks about self-awareness out there, philosophy talks about self-awareness, people use the word “self-awareness” in their self-help talks, everyone writes about it and talks about it, and yet, when there is this Truth of Self-awareness, what is present is Wisdom. It is not the knowledge of the “I,” but it is the end of this illusion that is an identity, which is the “I,” exactly with all these aspects of egoic identity.

So, our work here consists of investigating the nature of the “I,” the direct investigation of this fact, this reality, without any idea, concept, or belief of any kind, be it spiritual, philosophical, psychological, humanistic… Learning to look at what is happening here and now and seeing all this psychological conditioning in which we were raised, to present ourselves as this complicated being that we are, in the egoic life, as we live it. Becoming aware of this is truly getting closer to the Real Awakening of the Truth of your Being, which is the Truth of God. What I have called Real Religious Life, or Real Divine Life, has nothing to do with what we call religious life out there.

We need to discover our Real State of Being. This is the Truth of That which is You! I have been using terms like Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of Consciousness, a new Consciousness… we are using this language. This language is just a way of saying. Gilson, the Truth of Awakening, or the Truth of this Being, is very natural! It is a life, simply, with what is present here, without the sense of separation and, therefore, without suffering, without confusion, without selfishness, without fear, in Happiness, in Intelligence, in Love... in this full awareness that there is only God! Apart from this, we see this dream of a world that this illusory sense, which is the ego, has constructed; and in it, in the ego, we have established ourselves. Here, we are saying that it is possible to put an end to all this by realizing What we are.

GC: The sense of someone for this “I,” for humanity as a whole… it seems truly unimaginable to live a life as the Master lives, because in this closeness I see that the Master lives in this complete Freedom, because, by the Grace of his Master, that sense of someone present is gone. And, of course, people sometimes look at the Master and think: “No, there is Master Gualberto, Marcos Gualberto,” but in this proximity we see how… it is Life! Yes, there is this body-mind, but it is something free, it is something loose, it is Wisdom in the body.

Master, about a point you mentioned just now, about self-awareness as it is said out there, within this, for example, I myself learned this very strongly. Anger comes… “No, you have to know how to deal with anger!” So, if an impulse of anger comes, breathe, calm down, to know how to “deal” with the anger. And, within this issue, that ended up... Now I realize, with the work with the Master, that it is an escape from the experience. I am not present in the experience, in the experience of anger.

We have a question, Master, from Bruno Nunes, who also talks about escape. He says the following: “Master, is this surrender to pain like when you are sad and cry? Or is crying also an escape?”

MG: When we use the expression “dealing” with what is here as a present fact – be it anger, fear, anxiety, thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions… –, we are proposing to you the disidentification with this “I” that separates itself from this fact, from this experience, becoming fully aware of this experience of the state, without placing an element that separates itself to clash with it, wanting to get rid of it, wanting to do something, wanting to escape from it! So, see: we have to clearly understand, within ourselves, what “dealing” is. This “dealing” is the art of not being confused with the experience, as the experiencer usually does.

So, for example, in this question from our channel subscriber, he asks: “And cry? Also an…?” Every expression, when there is within this expression, still, a present identity, which is the “I” within the experience, in this experimentation of the experience... as long as there is an experimentation of this experience, the experiencer will be present. So, it is necessary to become aware of what pain is without the one who is involved in the pain; become aware of the emotion without the one involved in the emotion; become aware of thought without the one who is involved in the thought – the thinker is the one who is involved; in emotion, it is the emotional one; in feeling, it is the one who is involved in that feeling.

So, the sense of an identity, which is the “I,” the ego, is always surviving in this experience, because it is experiencing this experience and, also, holding the experiencer of this experience. So, this experience doesn't end, because this experiencer keeps it.

This explains, Gilson, why thoughts don't disappear from people's heads. They say, “How do I stop thought? How do I get rid of this chattering mind?”, because they believe that they can get rid of this chattering mind, they believe that they can make the thinking stop. This very belief of someone being able to stop thinking… It is the thinker doing it. This is thought itself separating itself in this moment as a thinker and saying “stop the thinking! Stop this chatter!” or “How to stop the chatter?” It's the bothered chatty one separating oneself and wanting to stop the chatter.

So, you see: we never come into contact with the experience without the experiencer, and that's what we need to find out – what it is to have an approach without the experiencer to that given experience. With this, Gilson, we eliminate the separation between the experiencer and the experience, the thinker and the thought, the chatty one and the chatter. And when we eliminate that separation, something new arises, because the energy itself – we don't have time to explore that anymore… the energy of thought itself is the energy of the thinker, the energy of anger itself is the angry one. If you eliminate the separation... And this attention to observe the movement of the experience, this way of approaching the experience without getting involved with it, is the way we eliminate separation, and when that separation is eliminated, that energy dissipates, because This energy, Gilson, is the Energy of Consciousness itself!

It is a subject for us to explore very calmly. All that is present is this Consciousness. When It is in this division, in this separation, in this duality, we have this so-called “human consciousness,” which is the “I” consciousness, which is the egoic consciousness, which is the dualistic consciousness, and when there is no longer this division, this separation, this Energy is Pure Consciousness. This is the expression, at this moment, of Real Consciousness. When there is this Real Consciousness, those elements linked to that illusory center disappear, then thought disappears; so, there is no more chatter when there is this Realization, there is no more this crazy, restless movement, this complicated movement, which is the movement of thought, completely uncontrolled, as occurs in the ordinary human being.

Then, the movement of thought disappears, anger disappears, fear disappears, anguish disappears. These frames linked to this sense of an identity that separates itself and remains alive as being the experiencer – as the result of conditioning – this disappears when there is this Presence of Real Consciousness. So, there is a new Energy present. This Energy is Love, Wisdom, Intelligence, Freedom, Peace, and Happiness. That is why the approach to Meditation reveals your Being – but the approach of True Meditation: because this Energy is Meditation itself, it is the presence of Meditation in the absence of this “meditator”; it is the presence of Meditation in the absence of this “experiencer” in the absence of the “I.” Is that clear?

GC: Alright, Master! Gratitude, gratitude. Our time has come to end. For those watching the video: leave a “like,” leave a comment… This helps YouTube recognize that the content is relevant and distribute it to more people. And here's the invitation, for those of you who have been perceiving something beyond what Master Gualberto has been sharing with his speech, here's the invitation to the intensive weekend Satsangs. In the first pinned comment, there will be the WhatsApp group link with information about the meetings, and we'll see you soon.

Thank you, Master!

MG: Okay, guys. See you soon!

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

November 25, 2023

Ego-free action | Mindfulness | Being, Consciousness, and Bliss | The ego-free life | Real Action

Here, our work consists of this discovery: the discovery of this action, the truth of this action. I have called the quality of action the action free from contradiction, free from conflict and therefore free from suffering. Is there possible an action for each of us where we can truly succeed? Because the question is common: “How to do the right thing?” There are other questions like: “How to act with wisdom?” or “How to act under pressure?” So, these are questions that we ask, either to ourselves or even formulate them in conversation with someone, because we actually have the intention of having a correct action, a true action, a real action.

So, we are here working with you on the truth of Self-Awareness in the ego-free action. When there is this truth of Self-Awareness, this reveals itself in an ego-free action, then we have a Real action, a true action. The action for our lives cannot be this action we know.

We have said it to you here, studied with you this issue of action. In general, for us, action arises from thought, that is, from a feeling, an emotion, a way of perceiving, and an idea. Our actions are born from this center, which is the “I,” the ego. They are born from this background of memory, of remembrances, with an intention, with a motivation, with a purpose.

So, we have three things here. We have the idea, whether or not it is accompanied by feeling, emotion, some level of sensation, whether it is accompanied by this determined movement of thought. So, it was born this way. It carries a purpose, an objective, a target, an intention and, along with that, action comes up. So, our action has this movement: thought, intention, and action. This places the presence of a doer, of an author of the action, which is the “I,” which is the ego, this thinker, this experiencer.

Thus, our actions are actions moved by this center, which is the “I.” We are here proposing to you a life free from this illusory center, which is the “I,” the ego. Then, there is a new action that arises from this life, the Real Life of this Being, this Real Consciousness, the Truth of this Divine Presence. So, we have an ego-free action, because there is this presence of the revelation of the illusion of this “I,” of the understanding of the structure, the nature and, therefore, of the egocentric movement in us.

When we have an approach here, which is to look at this entire internal movement of consciousness, we can see this movement. This look becomes possible when the mind becomes aware of itself, becomes conscious of itself. This observation of the mind, this awareness of the movement of the mind, when it becomes aware of itself, when it becomes aware of its own movement, this movement is the movement of consciousness.

So, all this consciousness we know, the consciousness in us, needs to be observed. This consciousness is remembrances, memories, desires, and fears. All the psychological burden of being “someone” in life lies within this consciousness. If the mind becomes aware of itself, this movement, which is this consciousness, can be seen. When this consciousness is observed, when there is awareness of this movement, which is the movement of the “I,” of the ego, which is this movement of the egoic consciousness, of this personal consciousness, the awareness of this, is the emptying of this consciousness. When the mind becomes aware of its own movement, this psychological condition, which is this consciousness of “I,” is completely emptied.

Here approaching this vision of the truth about who we are requires the mind to be aware of its own movement, of its own movement. When the mind becomes still, when it becomes silent, when there is this Attention, when it gives itself this Attention, it becomes still. When there is this Attention, this Mindfulness to observe, to become aware of this movement, the content of this consciousness, which is the consciousness of the “I,” reveals itself. Then, naturally, there is an emptying of this content.

Thus, Self-Awareness is a fundamental approach for this Freedom to occur, for the end of this movement to occur, which is the egoic movement, which is the movement of this illusory center. So, when this movement of the “I” ends, there is no longer this egocentric action, there is no longer this movement of action that is based on the idea and, therefore, on motivation, desire, fear, feeling, and emotion.

Notice what we are saying: our actions are personal, they are centered on this ego, on this sense of this experiencer, this thinker. The idea you have about who you are is based on this condition of egoic consciousness. Based on this egoic consciousness there is this movement, which is the movement of the person centered on himself, self-interested, focused on his own motives, intentions, reasons, objectives, and purposes. Therefore, this action here, at this moment, in life, is an action that produces suffering, because it is born from this egocentric activity.

Understand this clearly: we need to empty this psychological content, of which this ego is made up, which is the life of this “I.” Then, Something that is present, that is outside the “I” reveals itself when the “I,” the ego, when this egoic content is no longer present. So, now we have an action of another order, the truth, the quality of the ego-free action.

Note how important this is: in my encounter with you, we have an encounter with life at this moment. Life is something new, fresh, happening for the first time, but this meeting of this “I” with this “you” is a meeting between memories, between remembrances, a meeting between the past. The idea of ​​being “someone” is the past. The idea I have about who I am, the idea I have about who you are, in the same way, the idea you have about who you are, the idea you have about who I am, when this meets each other, when there is an encounter, we have the presence of the past.

Life is here, right now, demanding a new action, bringing a challenge to an action free of conflict, contradiction, suffering, bringing the challenge to a new action, but in this encounter, this psychological condition of being “someone” is meeting this other “someone.” As life is action, an action will happen. So, “I like you” or “I don’t like you.” This “like” comes from the past, this “dislike” comes from the past, then we have an action happening and this action will be the action of the conflict, because it will be the action that is based on the past. Do you see this?

Is it possible an action free from this past, without this center, which is the “I,” the ego? So, it's a meeting free from these images, these photographs – of which I make of you and what you make of me. So, here we are telling you that, yes, a life is possible where action is no longer the action of this center, which is the “I.” It is the action of life itself when the “I,” the ego, is not there. So, in this encounter there is a real relationship, but it is no longer a relationship between images, it is no longer a relationship between the past – this past here and the past there.

In this work here we are showing you the possibility of the ego-free life and, therefore, a Real life. In this Real life there is a quality of action, which is the action that meets this moment, this challenge in an unusual, extraordinarily beautiful way. Then, we have the truth of action free from complications, from confusion, free from disorder, and, therefore, free from suffering.

Here, at this meeting, we are exploring with you the truth of Self-Awareness and the Revelation of your Being, which is the Reality of God. In this Reality of God, which is this Being that we are when this sense of “I,” of the ego is not there, there is no such illusory identity, there is no sense of “someone” as being the experiencer, as being the doer, as being the one who performs and carries out actions.

So, we are talking about an action free from idea, free from belief, free from opinion, free from judgment, free from concept, free from intention, it is an action of life. For objective, practical, very simple matters, like driving a car, we come across an action of this quality. Notice what a curious thing we have here: we have knowledge, we have experience, we have movement, which is action, but it is a natural action, the action of life itself, because it is a technical, objective, and functional action.

Driving a car does not require the presence of this egoic identity, this sense of an “I,” of an ego, unless the idea of someone more important than other people arises in that steering wheel, because one is driving a car that one believes to be more beautiful than other people's cars; unless the sense of “I” appears creating this comparison, carrying this vanity, this pride. Note that driving a car does not require the presence of the ego, just the knowledge, experience, technique, and motor memory of this body-mind. But the truth is that we are always putting in life, in actions – even in actions as simple as driving a car – we are always putting the sense of “I,” of the ego, the self-image of “someone” who feels very important behind that steering wheel, which feels special because you are driving a new car or a fancy car.

So, we are always putting the sense of “I,” of the ego into this movement of action when there is this experiencer, this thinker, when there is this intention, when there is this motivation of the “I,” when there is this ego-centeredness. We are saying that a life free from this old quality of action, which is mere egocentric activity, is possible for a new action, the action of this Intelligence, this Real Presence, this Real life – not this personal life, which is the life of the “I.” The Realization of the Truth of your Being is the end of the ego, it is the end of the “I.”

So, in the relationship with the husband, with children, with family, with everything around you, without the sense of “I,” of ego, this action flows in a free way where there is the presence of Love, of Compassion, Freedom, and Intelligence. This quality of action is the Truth of Divine action.

Here on the channel we are working with you on Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of Consciousness, the Realization of your Being, which is based on the vision of revelation, the understanding of who we are, who you are in this moment, the understanding of the Truth of this Being, of this Consciousness, and this Bliss, which is the Nature of God here and now when the sense of “I,” when its movement, which is the movement of this egocentric activity, this action centered on this illusion, is no longer present.

So, this is our work here with you on this channel. We have a playlist here on the channel delving deeper into this issue of Self-Awareness and the ego-free action – The truth of Self-Awareness and the ego-free action –, where we are delving deeper into this matter of this Real action free from this sense of separation in this Realization of God – some call this Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Enlightenment.

So, this is our work here within the channel. We have online meetings on the weekends. You can find our Whatsapp link here in the video description, you can enter and participate in these meetings. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. So, if this is something that makes sense to you, please leave a “like,” subscribe to the channel and leave a comment here: “Yes, it makes sense,” ok?

And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

November 24, 2023

Psychological conditioning. Self-awareness and action free from ego. Being, Consciousness and Bliss

Our work here consists of the Discovery of this action free from the “I,” the ego. It is common for people to have questions, and we are looking at, investigating, and delving into this issue here, with you. Questions like: “How do I do the right thing?” or: “How to act wisely? How to act under pressure?” These are questions that people ask because they want to discover what this free, intelligent, complete action is, the action that will not produce conflict or suffering. They ask these questions because, in fact, they have already discovered that many of our actions are conflicting.

We live in internal states of contradiction. There is a contradiction between thinking, feeling, and acting. Thus, our actions are contradictory. We have contradictory thoughts, feelings, and actions. We do not know what this free, intelligent action is. So, after such action, we perceive unpleasant consequences; therefore, some level of conflict shows itself and some form of suffering is present after these actions. Then regret and guilt arise.

In general, we are not conscious of the Truth of the action because we are not aware of the one within us in this action, which is the “I,” the ego. We need to understand the truth of this “I,” this ego, the person we feel we are, we believe ourselves to be, and we appear to be in this relationship with others and ourselves. What we lack, in fact, is the vision of Self-awareness. Here, we are working with you to end the illusion of the “I,” the ego. For an action free from the ego, all that is needed is to understand the Truth about who we are. Thus, the subject here is Self-Awareness and action free from the ego – the Truth of Self-awareness and the action free from the ego.

First, we must understand what action is: life is a movement, and this movement is action. Everywhere you look, you will see action happening. From the atom to the stars, everything is in motion. Life is motion. Speaking here and listening are a movement. Thought is movement; feeling is movement, gestures... Everything is life in action, life in motion. And we have this private life of the “I,” the person. That is where the problem lies because life is not personal; it prompts action and puts us before this challenge. Every instant, we are before a new, unique, singular moment, and this moment is a moment of challenge for a given action.

We are responding to this challenge based on this particular life of the “I,” the ego. Thus, based on the past, knowledge, memory, remembrances, the impulse of thought, feeling, and emotion, we are seeking to meet the challenge of this present moment that life presents to us. Then, conflict arises because this action at that moment is the challenge, but we are continually before a new challenge, responding to this new challenge based on the past. So, conflict is present.

The truth is that this moment is a unique, new moment, and we are trying to absorb it in this psychological past, which is the past of the “I,” the ego. Note that this “I” is a set of images, memories, remembrances, something coming from the past. This sense of “I,” of ego, is an impostor, a fraud, a foreign element to this moment. And we seek to attend to life from this center, this “I,” this ego, this alien element.

Thus, our lives, life centered on this illusory center, which is this impostor, the ego, is life in conflict, in contradiction. This contradiction, this conflict is expressed in actions. Is it possible to take action right now that meets this challenge of the present moment without the ego? The possibility of this quality of action, of true action, real action, is possible if the ego is not present. An approach to this look at the internal movement of that consciousness, which is the personal consciousness, the consciousness of the person, of the “I,” this “me” ... When the mind becomes silent due to this attention that it gives to itself to observe this movement, to become aware of this movement, is to become aware of this consciousness, which is egoic consciousness.

This way to approach is Self-awareness. Self-awareness is the basis for the Awakening of Wisdom. When there is the Awakening of this Wisdom, which is Real Intelligence – precisely because there is an emptying of all this content of the ego – an action free from psychological time, therefore, of this element, this illusory identity, this ego-identity, this impostor, becomes possible. So, we need, in life, the action of life itself, not this personal, particular, self-centered and egoic life. Thus, attending to this encounter with the new is from the fresh, not from the old, not from the thinker, who is the old, from the experiencer, who is the old, from the false identity that, as facing this instant, judges, compares, evaluates, and takes actions based on the past.

Realize the importance of what we are dealing with here, with you, the value and significance of Self-awareness and the Truth of Self-awareness for the revelation of the action free from the ego. We have a playlist on the channel dealing with this Truth of ego-free action. There is this Reality, the Truth of Self-Awareness, and this action free from the ego. So, that is a playlist here on the channel. We are delving deeper with you into this issue of a life free from this egoic motivation. That is an aspect we have already mentioned here; we are exploring it with you.

Note that our action is either technical, objective, or practical; it is a functional action – I always like the example of driving a car. There, you need to have knowledge, experience, memory, and skill. That is all registered in this body-mind. So, driving a car is something simple that does not require the presence of a sense of identity, which is this illusory center that is the ego, which comes from the past. It is a simple technical, mechanical activity, something practical and functional… writing, speaking! So, this quality of action is the action we know in a very simple and direct way, which does not naturally require the presence of the “I,” the ego.

But, in fact, life does not consist only of this type, this quality of action. There is another kind of action: attending to the relationship with others, with life, with yourself, requires understanding the movement of the “I,” the ego. Otherwise, we will have a mistaken action based on comparisons, judgments, evaluations, this psychological movement of egoic identity, this false identity. For example, in the meeting I have with you, the image I have of you and the image you have of me place us in action, in a kind of action, in a quality of action centered on the “I,” on the ego, because, psychologically, there is a comparison, an evaluation, a “like,” or “dislike”. See, it is not a simple action like driving a car.

So, in our relationships with people, in our relationships with situations, with ourselves, with the various challenges of life, we cannot respond with a quality of action free from the “I,” the ego, because we are always within this background, this psychological conditioning, this psychological memory evaluating, judging, comparing, accepting, and rejecting. This way, we are getting in conflict with life, with this moment, because there is an action based on this background, this past, this memory, this illusory center that is the thinker, the experiencer, the one who is continually attending to the present moment based on his psychological background, on these evaluations, comparisons, judgments, this “like,” or “dislike.” Then, we have conflicting, suffering, and inadequate action.

See, life asks each of us for a response to this moment, a response to action, and this sense of “I” is giving that response. So, as long as there is this presence of the “I,” this “me,” responding to this present moment based on the past, there will be conflict, suffering, and disorder. This action is inappropriate. Will there be an action free from this past? Will there be an action free from this “I,” this ego, and, therefore, free from this past? This is the action of Intelligence that responds to this challenge, to this present moment, without the past.

So, this work here consists of investigating it with you, delving deeper into it, here with you, discovering an action where, at this moment, this moment itself is the moment of this Intelligence, this Life, in motion. An action free from the ego is an action of Life itself, responding to this instant from this Intelligence, this Presence of the Divine Reality. Then, this action that responds to this moment without the past is the action of the Presence itself, of Intelligence itself; it is the action of the Divine Grace itself. The Truth of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss is Pure Intelligence. That which is Real here when the “I” is not present and responds to this moment. Thus, it is Life responding to itself in this request, without the presence of the “I,” this “me,” this ego.

To have an approach to the Truth of Self-Awareness is to have an emptying of this psychological background of conditioning that comes from the past, in which this ego consists of. So, when there is an end to this ego, this action flows in a real and natural way. There is no longer this idea that comes from the past, this intention, this motivation, this objective that comes from the past, and this action occurring because of this idea, this motivation. The end to this quality of action is the end of conflict in our relationships, of suffering in our actions. Thus, we have the Presence of Love and Compassion in this flow of Intelligence, this action, where the “I,” the ego, is not present. That is the result of Self-awareness, the Blooming of the Truth of True Meditation.

That is the subject here with you, within this channel. We have online meetings on the weekends when we work this with you. You can find our WhatsApp link in the video description to go deeper into this with us on the weekends. In addition, we have face-to-face meetings and also retreats. So, if this makes sense to you, please leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel, and put it here in the comment: “Yes, it makes sense.” OK? And see you! Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time.

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

November 22, 2023

Experience of God | How does the mind work? | Spiritual Enlightenment | The Truth of Meditation

We have a purpose here in this meeting, in this work. The purpose is to get an approach together to the Truth about the Divine Revelation, the Revelation of God. So it's about how to find God. Now notice: this is where we need a new way of approaching a subject like this because we are facing an issue that is not so simple.

Our minds have ideas about God, about the Truth of God. We have been conditioned to think and move in the world in this so-called “search for Truth” or “search for God” within the prevailing model, the common one. In this ordinary model, our brain, which is part of this mind in us – which, by the way, has not been investigated or understood – this brain works by giving us suggestions and ideas based on principles we have received. So, this “search for God” is just another one of those things. Then, we have God as one more thing we look for in life.

Here, we have the purpose of having a Revelation of the Truth of this encounter, but we need to discover that it is not by searching, by seeking, as we generally do, that this becomes possible. So, the point here is not to discover the truth about who God is, where He is, or how to find Him; here, it is about discovering first, before anything else, the Truth about who we are.

So, here in this encounter with the Revelation of the Divine Truth, in this encounter with the Clarity of the Reality of God – some call it the Awakening of Consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment, or the Realization of God, and so there are various names for this encounter – it becomes possible when we first understand the importance of Self-Awareness, the Truth of the Revelation of the understanding of who we are. We cannot have an understanding of life, of others, of God without first understanding how we work, without first getting an approach to the truth of how this mind works, how this brain works, and how we function.

People generally believe in God; they study the Holy Books in an attempt to get an approach to God. Notice that everything we study becomes part of the knowledge we have, and this knowledge is the result of a brain that carries this information, that has this thought model, which is the knowledge of that area, of that given thing. An approach to the Truth of God cannot go in this direction.

In general, the vast majority of people are moving in this “search for God;” they are moving in this direction towards an approach to theoretical knowledge through intellectual studies and analysis. So, we are continually dealing with words when dealing with the intellect. Our intellect is based on words. Our intellectual knowledge is based on this whole form of language we know, which represents the model of thought based on all experience, knowledge, and all acquired memory.

So, our thought is the basis of this knowledge we have, but this thought, as the knowledge it is, cannot deal with something outside of it. All knowledge, experience, and thought are only portraying what is within it, within the principle it knows or recognizes. Notice thought is something limited – the result of experience, memory, and recollection. Thoughts are ideas. When we are dealing with a Reality outside of thought, making use of thought is completely useless. The Divine Reality, the Reality of God is not within thought; it is Something outside thought.

There is no way of having an approach to Reality about who we are without a direct understanding of this model, which is the model of thought because we are, based on it, all the knowledge, experience, and memory acquired over millennia by human beings. And all this is part of the known, time, and within this limitation.

How can we approach the Truth of God through knowledge if knowledge is part of all this time, which is memory, remembrance, and thought? The thought is limited. Memory portrays what is already known. So, we are continually dealing with the past when referring to experiences. Therefore, the experience is helpless in bringing us closer to the Truth of God. So, as experience is something within the known, it naturally does not open this door to this Reality of God since the Reality of God is Something outside the known, outside the limitation of thought, memory, knowledge, and, therefore, of the experience itself.

It is crucial to approach this very clearly. People say: “I've had an experience with God,” “I need to have an experience of God.” You see, the one who experiences and the one who saves the experience is the “I,” the person. So, we have to investigate the nature of the person and see if that person can, with this experience, experience a reality outside this limitation of the “I.” And here we are saying: this cannot be Real. You cannot have a Real vision of What is beyond the known, the describable, thought, the experiencer, and therefore beyond the “I.” It is, therefore, a great illusion on our part to believe we can have an experience.

Another curious aspect of this matter of experience is that there is no experience here and now at this instant. We are always portraying or reporting on past experiences. At this instant there is the experiencing, but there is no experience. And when the experiencing becomes part of memory, we can call it an experience.

Then, the Reality of God cannot be an experience because it cannot be part of memory, of the past; it is not something within time and therefore, within the known. That's why it cannot be part of it. So, every experience you can have is always an experience in time since it can be recorded by the experiencer. Thus, what is the nature of the experiencer; who is the “I,” the person, this “me”? What is the truth about this “me”?

So, we first have to approach an understanding of the truth about this “I,” about this “me,” this person; then, it becomes possible to go beyond the experience because there is no longer this element that is the “I,” “me,” the “person,” the experiencer, the one in us who records the experience. The end for the person who records the experience is the end of that experience, so a Revelation of God is possible. But this Revelation of God is in the experiencing.

The only Reality present is the Reality of God – but this experiencer cannot be present recording an experience and turning it into a belief, a memory, an image, and a remembrance. Everything we can do within an experience and then keep it as an image, a memory, a belief is still part of that “I,” that acquaintance, that thought model. It is all still part of that ego, that person, that “me,” that “I,” that experiencer.

We do need a Revelation of the Truth of God, but the “I” cannot achieve this through knowledge, experience, or through its model of practicing to perceive Something outside of itself. See that, how delicate the Truth of the Revelation of God is. The Revelation of God is the Divine Life, the Life of God in the absence of the “I,” of the experiencer, the seeker, the knower.

Thus, we need an understanding of the Truth about who we are. That is the importance of Self-Awareness. Without Self-Awareness, it becomes impossible to understand this element that is the “I,” the experiencer, the one who lives by cultivating remembrances, memories, and experiences. Without discarding this illusory identity, the Divine Reality does not show, present, or reveal itself.

Follow this carefully. We need to look at what we are and thus become aware of this limitation, which is the one of this seeker, experiencer, knower, this person who studies intellectually and has experiences at the level of feelings and emotions. Notice: all of this is still within the realm of the known. The experience, the feeling, the emotion, the sensation, this so-called “intuition,” all this is part of the time, still part of the known; therefore, it is still part of knowledge, something present in this “I,” in this experiencer.

When we look at this movement of the experiencer, which is the “I,” we study this movement of the very illusion of the ego-identity present in the experience of feeling, thinking, acting, and also in this process of accumulating information and sensations. The end to this model of memory is the end to the illusion of this ego-identity; then, we have the Revelation of What is outside the “I.” Thus, the Truth of Self-Awareness, the importance of Self-Awareness shows you the beauty of the end of this experiencer and, therefore, of this experience. That is the end of time. Notice that time is that memory, that past, that accumulation of acquired knowledge and experiences the ego, the “I,” cultivates. The end to all this is the emergence of Something entirely Unknown, New, and Real, which is outside of time, of the known, of the experiencer.

Thus, contact with Meditation, with the Truth of Meditation, reveals What is outside the known and, therefore, outside the limitation of this “I.” Hence, the Truth of understanding this false “I,” this illusory identity, is what we call Self-Awareness here. So, Self-Awareness is the discarding of this ego, this “I,” and the emergence of this Reality, this Truth of experiencing.

We say that the Reality of God reveals itself in Self-Realization, and this Self-Realization is life at that instant, in the experiencing, moment by moment. All experience ends in that experiencing. So, this is an entirely new life; it requires a new brain, mind, feeling, action, and vision, always a new and clear vision of what life is, of what the other is. That is the Revelation of your Being, of your Divine Reality, which is the Reality of God.

We are signaling to you here that there is the possibility of an end to this search. The Divine Realization, the Realization of your Being, is the Realization of God, and that is the end of this quest, of this search, the end of this involvement with studies, and with a constant search for new so-called “spiritual” experiences for this encounter. So, the Happiness of Being, the Beauty of Love, the Grace of a New Life where there is no longer this element, which is the “I,” calling this particular experience of yours “my life.”

So, that's our subject here with you. When we understand that we were born to Realize the Divine Truth, the Truth of God. For this purpose, we have meetings here online on weekends. You can find our WhatsApp link in the video description to participate in these meetings. We have face-to-face meetings and also retreats where we work on this with you. So, we invite you here now. If this makes sense to you, please give your like, subscribe to the channel, and say “Yes, it makes sense” in the comments. OK? And see you. Thanks for meeting us, and see you next time!

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

November 19, 2023

Joel Goldsmith | Leave your nets | The Comprehension of the Truth | Master Gualberto

GC: Again, Master Gualberto has agreed to be with us, here. Master, today, in addition to asking some questions that people bring in the comments, I want to read an excerpt from a book by Joel Goldsmith; The book is called “Leave your nets.” In an excerpt from the book, Master, Joel says the following: “Now the seeker begins to realize some measure of his oneness with God and he eventually discovers that the Spirit is really the essence and the very fiber of his being.” Master, can you tell us a little bit about what this search is, what this unity with God is?

MG: Gilson, we have to have a new vision regarding this issue of search. The position of the search is the position of the one who searches. The position of the seeker is his position. The question is: who is this seeker? Who is this person looking for? To understand this issue of search, we have to investigate the nature of the seeker. What can the “I” do, in this sense of finding? The problem for the seeker, Gilson, is that the seeker, what he does is project an idea, an ideal, a purpose that he has, and everything he can project is part of what he already knows. So, here we have a very delicate problem, which is “finding God.” But who is God for this seeker?

Everything we can do in this sense of an “I,” of a present person – this person, this “I,” is basically the movement of thought itself within us, in this idealization, in this search, in this quest... Everything that one can do is to protect oneself. Putting it much more directly now, I can put this here for you: all this “I,” this ego, can do is project itself. So, it creates an image, which is the image of God, and projects itself into this search, and projects itself into this search. The truth of the seeker is that he is an illusion, and he projects himself into this search, into this pursuit, and what he projects is still part of himself, therefore it is still within his illusion.

So, we have to discard this illusion of the seeker. This, yes, will be the end of this search. It is when there is an end to this search, because we discard the illusion of the seeker, that this Divine Reality can show itself. So, it is not about the seeker getting closer and closer and understanding more and more his purpose, his ideal, his objective. Here, it is actually about the Realization of God in the discarding of this “I” and therefore of this seeker. So, the work here is to understand the truth about this seeker. The comprehension of the truth about this seeker is the end to this illusion of what he is seeking, of what he is projecting.

Divine Reality, Gilson, is something that is already present. It is not to be found. It is not in the future. It is not in this movement of a search or a journey, because all of this presupposes time: you are here and God is there. You are here looking for God... Who are you? The illusion of an identity present here, because the only Reality in this instant is a reality that is beyond this present moment itself, chronologically speaking, which is the Reality of your Being, which is the Reality of God. So, there is no “I” to find God, there is no seeker to find what he is idealizing, projecting, and imagining. This is something completely false!

The Truth of the Revelation of your Being is the Truth of God, which is the only present Reality, revealing itself here and now. It is God revealing himself. It is not this seeker having an encounter based on a quest, a search – something that requires a movement, and this movement is the movement of time, of leaving “here” and arriving “there,” of leaving “from here” and grow, grow, evolve, have perceptions, have greater understandings and greater depths, going through a process of gradation, of graduation, until reaching this Divine Truth. This is not real. This is a fantasy of the mind itself! The mind projects this seeker and what is being sought. This projection is only present because the ego does it. The ego, basically, needs the future, and it needs this movement of separation between itself and this other thing. It is the “I” and that other thing is God. It is the seeker and that thing sought, or sought after, is God. Here we have the illusion of separation, the illusion of duality, and the illusion of time. This space between this “I” and God is a space within this time, within this illusion.

The Truth about approaching God is not that you will approach Him, but rather that He is taking His place and discarding here, in this body-mind, the illusion of an identity that has a name, has a story and sees itself as a separate entity, and sees itself as a seeker. All this kind of thing disappears in this Truth of God revealing Himself, of God approaching, of God, in His Grace, carrying out His work, which is to reveal Himself. He does not reveal Himself to the seeker, He reveals Himself at the end of the search, at the end of the search, at the end of that element that is in this search, which is the “I.” So, when there is the end of the seeker, we have the Revelation of That which is indescribable, which is nameless, which is outside the known and outside this possibility of graduation to be achieved, of time to be accomplished, and this is how it happens. This is the truth about the end of this seeker, this is the truth about the end of this search.

That's why our emphasis here, Gilson, is on investigating the illusion of the seeker. The understanding of the illusion of this seeker is the end of the search, and this investigation is already something typical of this approach to this Presence, this Divine Grace, and it This is what does the work, and the work is the end for this “I,” the end for this seeker, the end for this element called “psychological time,” which is the time that the ego needs, that thought needs to project itself, to accomplish, to achieve, to get rid of things... and all of this is absolutely illusory, absolutely false.

GC: Master, as I say occasionally, the Master's speeches are very revolutionary, because – bringing a little of the experience – I myself, before entering a so-called “spiritual journey,” I had goals and goals that were worldly, material, a goal of this, a goal of that... and, later, within spirituality, I was even taught to have the goal for God, the goal of reaching God, the goal of uniting with God. And then, only with this Grace, with this closeness to the Master, I could see what a trick it is to have this goal. It is a projection into a future, into a tomorrow, that only with the Grace of the Master can we see this illusion of someone who is searching and who is going to get somewhere. That is what is said out there, Master, that is what we have in the YouTube, that's what's out there talking about spirituality. And, even within this spirituality, as the Master said, there is the false sensation of having an experience, and then there is a gradation, and having another experience, but there is always someone experiencing, living and, theoretically, advancing steps towards that so-called “goal.” The prank and the ego's naughtiness are hilarious, right, Master?

MG: The issue, Gilson, is always in the known experience. We have a known experience model. This known experience is the simple fact that everything evolves and that everything undergoes changes. And in this evolution, in this change, we see gradations, we see growth. We see something move from one point to another, and that takes time, and that shows us that a change is taking place. We see, for example, a small tree becoming a big tree. One thing is a small tree. After two years, when you look at it, it is no longer a child tree, it is an adult tree. You see a “little pet,” you see a dog growing and its behavior changes due to its “evolution,” its growth.

So, our reference is always of gradation, it is always of growth, but here, when we touch the Reality outside of what is in time, which is the Divine Reality, we cannot have an approach like this, as people generally do. They talk about a search, they talk about a pursuit and they talk about growth, as if there were, in fact, a possibility of evolution within That which is outside of time. The Reality of this Being that we are, Gilson, does not evolve! Reality of this Being that we are is not born, does not grow, does not die and, naturally, does not age, does not get sick. We are dealing with something outside of time and, therefore, outside of this gradation movement. There is no gradation because there is no time, there is no encounter or possibility of movement “from here” to “there,” there is no possibility of searching, because this is something outside the known to be found. By whom would it be found, if the element you are looking for is illusory? If this search is an illusion? If the one you're looking for doesn't exist? The sense of an identity, which is the “I,” the ego, is that which is present existing only as a movement of psychological conditioning, something within psychological time, created by thought itself. It is when this “I,” this ego, this movement itself ends, that this Reality that is outside of time reveals itself.

It doesn't require any degree; it doesn't require any search. This requires, rather, an observation, a direct investigation, an approach of understanding the movement of the “I,” which is this movement that lives in this psychological time, which is the time created by thought, in this illusory notion of past, present, and future: “I was,” “I am,” and “I will be.” This disappears, because this “will be,” this “ceasing to be,” this “becoming” is an illusion. They are elements of the false identity that is the “I,” the ego, which only exists in this movement. It has no reality outside of this movement, which is the movement of thought. That's the end of the search. Understanding the end for this seeker, which is the ego, is the end of the search, and this does not require time, it requires a work to, yes, a change in this body-mind structure itself. It even requires an emptying of this psychological content of this “me,” this “I.”

So, yes, there is work being done on this machine. In this sense, we have a perception of chronological time, but from the point of view of Reality, That which already is, Truth is here and now. So, if there is an element in you that can perceive this gradation, this evolution or this process, this element is still the ego, it is still in an illusion, it is still in a self-projection. The work, Gilson, takes place outside the known. It occurs in this living organism, in this mechanism, even operating a change in this very brain within us, but it is processed in a silent, anonymous, mysterious way, as an action of the very Presence of Divine Love, of Divine Grace.

So, this Acknowledgement is the Realization of God here and now, it is Him realizing Himself, it is Him revealing Himself, it is Him showing Himself. It is not the “I,” the ego, coming to Him, it is not the “I,” the ego, reaching Him. Our language, Gilson, is very complicated. We have a dualistic language: “I and God,” “I meet God,” “I have a communion with God.” There is no such thing, because there is no such “I,” nor is there such “God” imagined by this “I,” idealized by this “I,” sought by this “I.” What is this “I”? The question is: “Who am I?”

GC: Master, within this theme of self-enquiry, we have a question here from Sílvia Camargo. She asks the following, Master: “Becoming aware of illusory, emotional thinking, does that already bring light? Is that what you mean? And when we look at illusion, the problem is this: it still doesn't go away. Is it because we haven’t become aware of it yet?”

MG: You ask a question... you ask the first, and your second question, notice, already answers the first. When you say: “We look and it doesn't go away... is it because we haven't become aware?” The reality of this approach to consciousness needs to be done in a very real way. It cannot have, behind this approach, a movement – ​​even if hidden, even if veiled and hidden –, a movement of that ego itself, interested in doing something, because, if it enters, the beauty of this observation does not happen! The truth about observing the movement of thought requires the absence of the observer.

Sometimes people hear us talking about the importance of observing the movement of thought and they believe, Gilson, that they can do this, and that they may do this, and that they need to do this, and to get rid of this or that thought. It is always the sense of an “I” present within the experience of observation, when that is shown there, when that is presented there – which, in this case, is a thought –, that actually prevents you from understanding what thought is, because of the presence, thus, of this observer, this experiencer.

So, we need to find out what observing is without the observer, what experience is without the experiencer. This is something that becomes possible when there is no element that wants to get rid of thought, that wants to get rid of experience, because that element that wants to get rid of thought is still the thinker, that element that wants to get rid of experience is still the experiencer. The Truth of True Meditation is an observation approach without choice, without comparison, without evaluation, without intention, without desire, without seeking to do something with it. At whatever level there is an attempt or search to change what is being observed, it is the classic sign of the presence of the observer. The attempt or search to modify the experience, to make it different, is the presence of the experiencer.

Our life, for all the time we have had, all we have done is fight, seek to change something, alter something, strive in relation to a given experience, a given thought, a given feeling. So, we are always putting the “I” element present when a thought arises, an emotion arises, a feeling, a perception... When something appears, either we like it and want more of it, or we don't like it and reject it and want to get rid of it. All we have done, throughout this time of life and human existence, is to deal with thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, and perceptions from the standpoint of that center, which is the “I,” which is the thinker, which is the experiencer, which is the observer. Our addiction to being someone consists of this.

So, this first approach to the Truth of True Meditation, which is the awareness of looking at all this without intervening, without interfering, is not really something very simple in practice; it requires this energy of attention on yourself right now, the mindfulness that, in general, most people don’t have, because they have lived their entire lives in that ancient and old pattern. So, we need to have some patience with ourselves in this encounter with the Truth of Self-awareness, with the Truth of True Meditation, in a practical way. Then, something will reveal itself. As you are here on this channel, something is already revealing itself to you, which is the Presence of this Grace, which makes this possible.

So, Gilson, it's not about effort, it's not about self-discipline, it's not about concentration, it's not about introspection, it's not about any of that stuff we hear about. For Real Meditation, for True Meditation, for that which can really show you the Truth of What is Real, we have to let go of ourselves, leave, release, give up everything that we have learned out there, that takes the name of “meditation,” which takes the name of “observation of thoughts.” This, in general, is something linked to effort, control, introspection, and that is not what we are dealing with here. You need to discover this, experience this.

GC: Master, it's incredible how this activity of the “I” is always aimed at a purpose, right, Master? Even in this self-observation: you want to self-observe to get rid of a state or to maintain a state. And this mechanism of this “I” is always acting now with the aim of achieving something or getting rid of something else. And then it is truly incredible how, in Satsang, in the Presence of the Master, soon all this ideal, this “coming to be,” this “attaining something,” or “getting rid of something else” disappears in this State of True Meditation, in the State of Stillness, of Silence.

MG: The movement of the “I,” Gilson, is one of desire. Will is part of it. So, even when it comes to this encounter with Divine Reality, there is the desire, there is the will. The “I,” the ego, is present in a subtle way within this process of desire and will. This is why, in general, we live in deception. The ego lives boycotting this Revelation of Truth, because This is the end of it! So, it is natural for it to move in this desire, in this will, and live in hiding, live in self-protection, because That is the end of its illusion! But its basis, yes, is always desire, it is always the will, it is always an intention. So, in a hidden way, in a subtle way, it is always present in this movement of search, in this movement of pursuit, which represents a projection of itself.

GC: It's impressive. And this movement, Master... This True Meditation has no end, so is it just this “observing,” is it just this “experiencing”?

MG: Meditation... if there is a purpose, if, at some level, there is interest, desire, will, the ego is present! The awareness of Meditation is the awareness of Beauty, of Truth, of the Completeness of the absence of the seeker, of the absence of that center of desire and will. The Truth of Meditation is the Reality of this Being, which is complete, free from desire, will, purpose, pursuits, and is present. Your Being carries no desire, will, quest, search, or fear! Getting closer to the Truth of Meditation is getting closer to yourself. This is relaxing into That which is here and now, where there is no longer the movement of time, which is the movement of “coming to be,” of “becoming,” of “achieving,” of “getting rid of,” of “overcoming” …This is the movement of the “I,” this is the movement of the ego.

Throughout our lives, all of our experience is within this criterion of “coming to be,” “becoming,” “achieving,” “overcoming,” and “getting rid of,” because it is the movement of the known, it is the movement of the ego; and, here, it is the simple realization of That which was never born, of That which is not living to die, which is the Reality of this Being that we are. This is the Revelation of the Truth of what Meditation is. Without the “I,” there is no meditator; without the ego, there is no one meditating, there is only Meditation, there is simply this Being that we are. This is the Truth of Silence, of That which is unknown, of That which is indescribable.

GC: Gratitude, gratitude, Master. It is a Grace to be able, in this proximity to the Master, to see how the Master's speeches are not just speeches; it is Reality, it is what the Master lives, in this State of Presence, in this State of Silence, in this completely free State, because you don't really see That out there, which is the Life that Master lives.

Master, our time is over. Thank you for another videocast. For those of you watching the video: like it, make a comment... If you have any doubts or questions, make a comment! In addition to helping YouTube recognize that the content is relevant, we bring it to future videocasts. And mainly: for you who feel something beyond what Master Gualberto brings in his words, who feel something different when looking into the Master's eyes, you are invited to come to the online or in-person meetings called Satsangs, which are intensive weekend, where it is an entire weekend in the Presence of the Master, who helps us and – with this sharing of this Energy of Presence and Grace – deepens this self-enquiry, so that we can see all this madness of being someone. OK? Gratitude, Master, see you soon.

MG: Okay, Gilson. Until next time, guys. See you.

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

November 18, 2023

How to be calm? | Awakening of True Intelligence | Real Action free from ego

The issue of action is a fundamental question. In our lives, actions are being taken. The question is: where do these actions come from? Where do these actions proceed from? What is the nature of these actions? Why do we act the way we do? Why is the action this way or that other way?

It is very common to ask questions like: “How to act correctly?” Another common question is: “How to act under pressure?” There is a third question which is: “How to be calm?” All these three questions are related to the issue of this problematic, the problematic of action, of free action. Because our actions, notice, are always compromised or committed in some way.

We want to work with you here on this issue of free action. I refer to the free action of the ego and therefore to the action that does not translate or show itself in the short, medium and long term as a conflicting action, as an action in suffering, as an action of disorder.

We all want to get it right, we all want to be successful in actions, but there is a problem here, and the problem is the failure to understand that when we devote ourselves to external actions without first having an understanding of the nature, the truth, the structure of that action, that action will not be Real, it will not be adequate; it will not be the action that, in fact, will produce for us and the world around us Happiness, Freedom, and Peace. It will be an action in conflict, an action in suffering.

Not understanding the internal movement within us, which is the movement of the “I,” not investigating the nature of the “I,” this is what we have been dealing with here with you within the channel. The basis for correct action, for free action is Intelligence. There is no Intelligence present in us. Human beings talk about spatial intelligence, emotional intelligence, mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, naturalistic intelligence. So, we take the word “intelligence,” which in fact is a skill, knowledge and ability to deal with this or that specific area of ​​life, and we conform ourselves to this condition, we do not realize that the Truth of Intelligence is something else. And that is what we are dealing here with you inside. We are talking about the Truth of Intelligence – the way I see, Real Intelligence, as I have called it.

Real Intelligence – I could call it Natural Intelligence here. I am not referring to this so-called “human intelligence,” to these categories of intelligence. I am referring to this Natural Intelligence, this Real Intelligence, this Divine Intelligence. The only Intelligence – in my view – at this level is the one that gives you a vision of life free from suffering. A life free from suffering is a life where action takes place, where action happens without producing suffering. A quality of action of this level arises from Real intelligence, that is Love, that is Compassion. So, Intelligence that does not produce suffering for others, that does not produce suffering for oneself, is the Intelligence of Love, is the Intelligence of Truth, is the Real or Natural Intelligence.

So, here we are working with you to end this illusion of this false center that is the “I,” the ego, for Real action. So, let's explore here, within this vision of Real Intelligence, what action is. We are impulsive and move in action. Life consists of actions happening, actions being taken, actions taking place, but if we do not have a basis for this Real Action, all we have are mere and still self-centered activities. These egocentric activities are what we have called action.

It is always this “I” in its restlessness, in its absence of Intelligence that needs to be calm, because it is stressed. Then it asks: “How to be calm?” It is always this “I,” this ego in doubt, in its mental, psychological confusion that asks: “How to act correctly?” Because when the presence of Intelligence is – here, now this is clear, here I refer to Real Intelligence –, when Real Intelligence is there, you don’t ask “How to act correctly?” There is no separation between this Intelligence and action. The presence of this gap between action and thought is what creates questions of this type – “How to act under pressure? How to act correctly? How can I be calm?”

So, we need to explore this here. It is a very vast subject, this issue of action free from the ego and therefore the action that is born from this Real Intelligence, this action that is born from the presence of Love. Respond to this instant, this present moment without this background of the past, without this experiencer. What is this experiencer? It is someone who has already gone through experiences and stored these experiences in the form of knowledge, memory, remembrances and is now acting. And when we act from these memories, which are the past, our actions are mere egocentric activities. Exactly, here lies the absence of this action of Intelligence.

We have to discover a quality of action free from the “I,” free from the ego. This quality of action is the only Real action, it is the non-conflictual action, it is the action free from suffering, it is the action free from confusion, because it is not born from the impulse, from the ego, from this experiencer, from this “I,” from this past. Notice what we are bringing to you here: our action based on the past, happening right now, is the action of adjustment, of trying to get it right, of attempting to do something, to obtain something, to accomplish something. So, it is an action motivated by this ego, by this center that is the “I.” Do you see?

Every motivated action, loaded with an intention, a motivation, a desire, is born from an egoic conclusion, from a particular positioning of this center, which is the ego. Will there be a free action? We're putting it here: yes, absolutely. It is the action of Intelligence; it is the action of Love. It is not born from the past. It is not born from this reactive background of the “I,” the ego.

Notice how important it is to understand action. Look at the world, the mess we find ourselves in. Human beings live in this dream of life, of existence in suffering. One is producing suffering for oneself when one is producing suffering for others. In fact, there is no separation between “me and you,” between “us and them.” The only suffering present is the suffering of this illusory identity, which is the “I,” the ego, creating the illusion of this individual, particular “I,” creating the illusion of this particular group called “us,” which separates itself from that other group called “them.”

So, there is “you and I,” there is “us and them.” In this division, we have confusion, because our ideas, our beliefs, our positions are divergent, so we don't agree, we don't match, we don't adjust or, at most, we adjust until the next mismatch. So, look at the situation in the world. Every year we are living a new year, already in a new century. In our generation we are repeating what our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents did.

Look at the world, the mess we find ourselves in. In this century, we are repeating the conflict between “us and them.” We have all that conflict right now, at the moment, going on, going on in the Middle East, this has been going on for millennia. Everything we do is fight, conflict, produce suffering for each other, all in the name of ideologies, beliefs, tradition, and culture, all in the name of the past, all in the name of history constructed by thought, sustained within each one of us, giving us an illusory identity, which is the ego, which separates us from each other and, therefore, is always willing to get into conflict and fight.

So, we are experiencing chaos, confusion, disorder, and extraordinary suffering. This is the dream of human life. This condition of existence is the dream condition. In fact, a great nightmare of human existence. Can we wake up from this? Can we go beyond this dream? Can we let go of this illusion of separate identity and therefore be free from this world? Because only when you become free from this world, the world finds peace.

It is your presence, it is the presence of this “me,” it is the presence of this “I,” it is the presence of this “person” in this dream of existence, of separate identity that is creating all this confusion. This is the psychological condition of the ego: disorder, fight, conflict, fear, desire, and suffering. What is this action free from the world? What does it mean to be free from this world? Here I mean psychologically free from this confusion, this disorder, this sense of separation. What is it to remain free from this center that is the “I,” the ego? That's when the world ends, that's when the dream ends, that's when confusion ends.

We can, in our lives, discover the Truth of life, abandoning this sense of “my particular life,” “my particular existence,” “my particular world,” where this dream exists, where there is avarice, envy, jealousy, possession, control, and contradiction? Is Real Life possible in this Real Action, where the presence of Compassion, Love and Freedom is the only Reality present? Is it possible to live a life free from all forms of suffering? That is the Realization of your Being, that is the Realization of God. This is the answer, at this moment, to this present moment, to this challenge of existence in living, it is the answer to this, of an action free from illusion, of an action without this “me,” without this “I.” At this moment, we have Intelligence in action.

You see, there is no separation between acting and Intelligence, which is Love, which is Compassion, which is the presence of Truth, which is the presence of Grace, which is the Vision of your Being, which is the Vision of God. Some call this Vision, the perception of Reality in this Real intelligence, of the Awakening of Consciousness; some call it Spiritual Awakening. This is the presence of the Truth of your Being that is born from Self-awareness.

Thus, we are sharing with you the Awakening of true Intelligence and Real action free from ego. Something that becomes possible when there is Self-awareness, when there is this Truth of Self-awareness, when there is the Flourishing of True Meditation, which is your Natural State of pure Being, of pure Consciousness revealing itself here and now.

This is our subject here with you within this channel. We also have meetings on weekends – the online meetings that take place on weekends. You can find our WhatsApp link here to participate in these meetings. We also have face-to-face meetings and retreats. So, if this is something that makes sense to you, go ahead and leave a “like” and subscribe to the channel, ok? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting and see you soon!

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

November 17, 2023

Source of All Provision. The end of the illusion of ego. The Real Spirituality. The Truth of Being

So, we are now going to talk a little bit about this issue of the Provision of Life, so natural in this approach to the Truth about who You are, and also about the lightness that is assuming the Truth of your own Being. This lightness consists of the appearance of this light state, soft and playful of Being, where life consists of a great game, a divine game. Today, it's not like because we are heavy due to suffering, a suffering that consists of trying to change our lives, to alter it, and we try to do it, to change it by conquering, fighting, and trying to prevail. I have something to say to you here: to have an approach to the Truth of your own Being is to discover that everything simply happens, and everything happens because Life takes care of Itself.

So, here it is about getting closer to this lightness of Being by stripping away this illusion of the “I,” which is the illusion of the ego. Here, everything consists of having an approach to yourself. We move away from that. Our society, culture, world, this regime where we were raised to be someone... Since we were children, the intention, the motivation behind this movement of growth towards this phase of adolescence and adulthood was always to gain, achieve, or obtain something. Then, we have lost contact with the true simplicity of Being. In this simplicity, you are provided for by life.

People use expressions like “progress,” “evolution,” or “growth” in the spiritual sense. Real Spirituality, to me, does not consist of something you do; therefore, it is not about progress, evolution, or growth. So, all this idealism we were given in childhood that we have to achieve, conquer, and accomplish – in the material and the so-called spiritual sphere, evolution, growth, and progress – is totally false. You in your Being are the Reality of God, here and now. You do not occupy yourself with achievements, accomplishments, and projects; you only assume this Reality, and then life becomes light, something smooth. And when I say “becomes,” I do not mean that it isn’t so; it is just that for you it isn’t so. You have a very mistaken view of what life is and what it represents. Then, it is as if life becomes... In fact, you are assuming the Real Nature of things, of Truth, of Life, when you abandon your own “I.”

We have learned since childhood that we have to work, fight, battle, we have to win. That is totally false! Slaying a lion every day, going out and battling to achieve our things. There is a Divine Reality present. This is the Reality of God, the Reality of your Being, the Sovereign Source of all Provision. And when this Provision comes, this is not a sign that you are growing – that was the topic you gave us, you have asked just now – it is not a sign that you are growing, evolving, or progressing spiritually. When this Provision comes, it is just a simple sign that the Truth of What You Are is being assumed.

You experience this Divine Provision when you are living in the lightness of this “not me,” “non-ego,” “non-person.” It is when, instead of life continuing to be a fight, a battle, in which you have to grow and win, it becomes a great divine game. So, life is no longer heavy and difficult. In fact, it never was; your ego sees life as arduous because your “I,” your ego, lives in this self-centeredness, in this self-control, in which it believes to be able to determine things – the best things for itself.

I would like you to observe what we are saying here: look at the top executives, the successful entrepreneurs, and successful people in the world; if we ask them a question, will they be honest in giving us the answer? If we ask them: “Are you happy?” Will they have an answer to this question? It is the first question; the second is: do they know what being happy means? Do you know what I want to say to you? It is not success, not public recognition, not material achievement that determines this lightness of Absolute Presence, of Provision for your life, since you can accomplish all of this and still be heavy without being able to play with your children or sit down to draw, like you did as a child, because you do not have time for that, due to demands you have to meet. This demand is nothing other than the maintenance of your status or your position as a successful man and a materially and financially fulfilled person. You must keep reaffirming the “truth” in your poses on Instagram as a successful and a happy person!

What is the Truth of simply Being? That is the question. What is the lightness of simply Being? And what does prosperity really mean? Here, we are telling you that the Realization of your Being, of What is the Divine Truth, of this “not me,” “non-person,” “non-entity” present in this experience of living, is life in Lightness, in Play, in Happiness, in Love, and Peace. That is Real Prosperity! The absence of the “I,” of the ego, of that tension, of those goals and purposes continually throwing you into the future, and you are never here and now, really fulfilled and happy. If we could find a fulfilled and happy human being, we would verify that he has no feeling of searching for anything else. His Fulfillment and Happiness consist in the simple Truth of Being, of Being what he is.

So, all of this is very interesting. The contact of simply being what you are is to assume what you were born to. Then, you are no longer within those idealistic goals and purposes you received in childhood to be someone because it is not about it. The Reality of your Being, which is Love, Peace – I will repeat – Happiness, Real Prosperity, Real Wealth, consists of playing, living without this sense of separation and therefore in Real Joy, Real Happiness. Our work here consists of this Awakening. Awakening to yourself means being a child again, knowing how to have fun, playing, smiling again, and having fun with simple things. You do not need special things to have fun when you are a kid.

In our humanistic conditioning, we follow the model because we have to adjust ourselves to that. A child does not care about the current model – what I mean is that a child with an empty matchbox turns it into a truck and starts driving along the roads. Children put sand (laughs) inside an empty matchbox, take it to another city, and unload it there. They do not need a sophisticated toy to follow the model, to be into the standard, in the current model, to have fun, to be happy.

The Reality of your Being is of a happy child who always has his little truck supplied and is always in this Freedom of simply Being, having someone to take care of this truck, who can provide for this truck what it needs to transport. In other words, you relax, you are at home, you have returned to your childhood, you have returned to your home when you Realize God, the Truth. That is Real Prosperity, the Real Presence of Truth, the Real Presence of God.

People are mistakenly trying to evolve, grow, and spiritualize to find prosperity. Here, the recognition of your simple and natural Nature of Being, returning home, and being with your little truck, which is a matchbox, is to be in this Real disposition for this Grace to pour into your life. And it takes care of fueling its small truck. The little truck of your Existence is nothing other than the very existence of God. The very game and joke, where everything happens, is the very Existence and the Truth of God. And, actually, you in your Being are this very Reality of God. (laughs)

That’s when everything is in place; everything is fine! You are living the Truth of who you are. That is Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness, the absence of this “me,” this “I,” with its supposed needs and, naturally, all the existential conflict of a stressed and suffering life, full of ambition and envy. And when everything seems like it could disappear at any moment, there is still the presence of fear. It is not Real Life, life without this Realization.

So, this work here, in it, we are working with you on the end of the illusion of the “I,” the end of the illusion of the ego. A life in Freedom, a life in Plenitude, a life in Happiness. A life where there is this Awareness that only life is Real, no imagination, belief, search, pursuit, no concept of evolving, expanding, achieving, or getting somewhere. There is no purpose! Something quite common is a life with purpose. And here I am saying something else, I am saying: there is no purpose. Life has no purpose! The purpose of life is itself, in itself. A Mystery, an absolute Secret that never reveals itself.

You Realize This, but you do not have the revelation of This. It remains what it has always been: a great Mystery without purpose. Therein lies Plenitude, Completeness, and Totality. Therein lies the Awakening of Consciousness, the Spiritual Realization, the Truth of God, the Truth of your Being. Therein lies the Reality, the end for this so-called “world,” so hard, heavy, and burdensome that life is in this sense of an “I,” an ego that sees itself separate, trying to win, trying to achieve, trying to accomplish… Everything is already here and now. In what you are (laughs), everything is already ready, complete, absolute, and real. OK? All good? Let's stop here. You just have to Awaken, just Awaken, just abandon this illusion of being someone looking for something as if something were really something. OK? Let's stop here.

November, 2023
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information
