July 26, 2022

Spiritual Awakening | Kundalini Awakening | The Real Spiritual Enlightenment

The matter of Spiritual Awakening. Now, I would like you to follow this speech with a little patience, because we have to work from a perspective, perhaps, a little different from what you might have heard about or what you know. We are putting the expression, here within our channel, as Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of Consciousness and Spiritual Enlightenment, perhaps, in a sense that sounds new to you.

Here, we refer to the Awakening similar to the Awakening of Ramana Maharshi. We are talking about the Awakening of your Divine Nature, your Essential Nature, which represents the end of the sense of duality, the end of the sense of separation between you and Life, between you and Existence, between you and God!

So, it is in this sense that we are using the expression "Spiritual Awakening" here, which represents the end of suffering. Our statements are within the principles of Advaita Vedanta. We are here, with you, working to end the sense of separation between you and Life, between you and God!

The only Truth present is the Truth of your Being, it is the Truth of this Divine Reality that You are. This is something present now, here. But as long as you don't realize it, as long as you don't verify it, what you call "life" is full of contradictions, full of conflicts, full of desires and fears.

In fact, it is fear in many forms, it is conflict in many forms, it is contradiction in many forms, all because of this sense of ego identity, all because of the lack of Understanding of who You truly are.

So, the direct Vision about what You are, in an experiential way, in this life, in this existence, which represents the end of all illusion about who you truly are – this is what we call here "the Real Spiritual Awakening" or "Spiritual Enlightenment."

So, words on our channel like "Spiritual Awakening," "Spiritual Enlightenment" or "Divine Realisation," this is also something linked to what we call " the True Awakening of Kundalini" – this is also another word used, especially here in the West, in a very broad way, and each reporting something that they believe to be Kundalini Awakening.

Just like Spiritual Awakening, it is also the Flourishing of your State of Being, free from the ego, free from this false identity, free from all this pattern of conditioning, of separateness, purely mental, psychological; the end of this state of illusion, of separation.

We also use the expression "Kundalini Awakening" in the sense of the Awakening of this Presence, this Consciousness, this Divine Truth that you carry within you, which is sleeping there in a potential state. And when It comes to flourish, when It really becomes actualized, when it receives conditions for It to really flourish, when Kundalini flourishes, the sense of separation is gone.

Ramana said that a new Energy takes possession of man, which is this Presence, this Consciousness. I want, in these few minutes with you here, to talk about It, to tell you how It becomes possible, what now, here, I am going to call "the Real Spiritual Awakening," "the True Enlightenment" and "the True Awakening of Kundalini." How it becomes possible That which is there, innate in you, inside and, mysteriously, outside the body, as I've been discussing on our channel.

On this subject, we have a long playlist on our channel, and we have made it because it is of real importance to all of us, something very narrow, very intimate, between the end of suffering, the end to this ego identity, illusion and separation between you and Life, between you and God... There is a very intimate relationship between this State and the Awakening of that Divine Potential that You carry within You.

When we use the expression "Consciousness," or "Kundalini," or "Divine Shakti," we are using different expressions pointing to the same Reality. So, this Divine Potential that You are, that You carry within You… when It expresses itself, when It actualizes itself, when It shows itself, we have the Real Spiritual Awakening, the Real Spiritual Enlightenment.

There is within you a longing for This. Everyone yearns for Love, for Peace, for Freedom, for Happiness, but everyone is looking outside for This. This search, all done on the outside, results in absolutely nothing, just more contradiction, more conflict, more fear, more suffering. So, many contradictions, many conflicts, many fears and many forms of suffering, all this appears in your life because of this illusion or this lack of knowledge, this "not realizing" what You are, who You are, what the Reality of your Being is.

So, for Spiritual Awakening, for Spiritual Enlightenment, it is essential to be open to this possibility of going beyond that illusion, that sense of "I," of "me," of "person." So, that Divine Power… It comes and It assumes this whole body-mind structure, and the direct way for that Realization is in Self-knowledge.

It is necessary that you understand yourself, understand this whole psychological process of egoic patterning present. It is essential that you understand all this contradiction before you express it; before it is expressed in your external world, it is necessary for you to understand this contradiction within you. It is necessary for you to understand that this incompleteness or this dissatisfaction based on opposing desires, what I am here calling external contradiction, this is not outside; it's inside you.

So, Self-Knowledge reveals this Truth to you, Self-Knowledge shows you the illusion of the "person" you believe yourself to be. Only Self-knowledge can show you that this movement of thoughts, feelings, emotions and perceptions of life, of yourself, of the world around you and of the other, all this is false, all this is illusory, all this is based on beliefs, on judgments, opinions, ideas, idealizations, imaginations… all produced by thought. So, all this confusion is in this inner disorder, in this psychological disorder, which sustains this false "I," the ego, this "me," this "person" that you believe you are. The end for this "person" is the end for this illusion.

Self-knowledge shows you what that "person" represents. It is necessary for you to establish in your Being, discovering the Truth of who You are. The observation of the movement of the mind, the observation of the movement of feeling, emotion, sensation, perception, the pure and direct observation of it, without being confused with what arises, without losing yourself in that experience, as you have done for a long time, for many years of your life, this makes space for Silence, for the Realization of the Reality that You are there, that You are here and now. So, this self-observation gives you the Vision of Self-knowledge, and this self-observation puts you in direct contact with what I have been calling here within the channel True Meditation.

Here on our channel, we also have a very broad playlist on this subject, about what Meditation is, what is Real, True Meditation, Meditation for this purpose, specific Meditation, pointing, signaling the Truth of your Being, beyond the mind, beyond the ego illusion, beyond that sense of the "person" you believe yourself to be.

Then, the door to True Meditation opens, and in that True Meditation, this Silence, this Presence, this Divine Reality, which is beyond the body, beyond the mind and beyond all that is known and recognized within the mind itself, This arises, This flourishes. And when It flourishes, you are facing the Truth of your own Being, That which you were born to be. This is the Awakening of Wisdom. When there is the Real Spiritual Awakening, Wisdom has flourished, the Wisdom that you perceive present in Ramana Maharshi, in Krishnamurti, in Buddha, in Christ.

Contact with the Truth of your Being is the Flourishing of Happiness, of Love, of Peace.

This is what we consider here, within this channel, and work with you as the Real Spiritual Awakening, the Truth about You, of who You are. Our work is to look at That which we are and Realize This today, here, in this Life, for a Life of Love, for a Life of Peace, for a Life of Happiness, for a Life in Wholeness, for a Life in Direct Understanding of Divine Reality, of What you were born to be, of What we were born to be.

That's what we work on within this channel with you. If this is something that brings your attention, if there is this internal interest, if there is this burning inside you, if it burns inside you, if it is a reality for you, leave your "like", subscribe to the channel and let´s work on this together here!

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

July 16, 2022

Flow State | The True Meditation | Spiritual Enlightenment | Kundalini Awakening

Hi, folks! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. Let me talk to you today about something that people have been curious and have asked about. It's about Flow State, the famous Flow State. What State is this? It's the State of flowing; flowing with what is present, happening here, at this moment.

And there's such a huge demand within Positive Psychology for this State. What was discovered is that athletes, musicians, scientists, or anyone performing an activity, suddenly, they're like touched by a new, psychological state, by a completely unusual mental state and their performance is outstanding.

So, in Positive Psychology it was found that it's possible to experience a completely new and unusual mental state, completely extraordinary, out of common knowledge. And what relation does it have with our point here within our meetings?

Here, we work with you on Spiritual Awakening, on Spiritual Enlightenment, and it's curious to say to you that this Spiritual Enlightenment is you Recognizing yourself in your Being, in your Natural State of Being. And of course, this represents a completely different, new state of mind. And in this new state, there's no sense of a "me" present, of a present identity, something similar to what has already been discovered in this famous Flow State. The word "flow" in English means flowing, being in a state of fluidity, to be in the flow, be flowing.

Then, see what an interesting thing… your Zen State, your State of Consciousness, your Natural State or your Flow State, of flowing, they are the same State. See how simple it is what we are pointing to within these meetings we call Satsang, which is this pointing to Spiritual Awakening, this pointing to You in your Being, which is Enlightenment. It's your Natural Flow State or your Real Flow State. Here, the difference for Positive Psychology is that the intention is to find the state; it's to enter the state. Then, there are several techniques being applied within Psychology for you to get the state.

Here, the point is that whatever state you get, it's intermittent – it comes, it appears, then it disappears. So, this is adopted as something simply normal. And, in fact, all states are like this: they appear then disappear. Then, all this dedication to find a state is because it is known that in this state, the psychic condition, the condition of emotions, feelings, of perception of reality, is completely different, it's something completely new, of a completely extraordinary quality.

The problem that arises when you take the Flow State as a state reached, achieved by a technique, by a planning… is it possible to enter? Yes, but as a state it will also disappear. And here, I want to propose to you your encounter with your Divine Nature, with your Real Nature, with your True Nature. This encounter is the encounter with the Reality of your Being, the encounter with the Reality of Consciousness. This encounter is the encounter with the flow of Life, here and now, as It is.

This encounter, which is nothing but the Realization of your Being present here and now, as Consciousness, is your Natural Flow State, your Natural State of Flowing with Life as It is, here and now.

So, it's not about a state. A state is what appears and disappears. You know that, at some moments, you're in a good mood state, at others you're in a bad mood state; you're in a state of joy, at other times you're in a state of sadness; in a state of enthusiasm; at another moment, of despondency. States are like that. And here, you can also find yourself in a "flow state," because at that moment you're climbing a mountain, or because you're swimming, or because you're playing chess, or because you're playing soccer, or painting a picture. However, that state disappears, and your ordinary state arises, which is nothing more than the state of the egoic mind, with these alternations of joy, sadness, good mood, bad mood, enthusiasm and despondency.

These are egoic states, whereas in that moment of "flow state" you're without the sense of an identity present in the experience, the sense of "me" disappears. However, as it's a state that has appeared, it will disappear.

The beauty of Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening, of the Realization of your Being, is that You in your Being are Consciousness. Consciousness is another word for Being, and that Consciousness is out of time. Therefore, it's not a state that appears because of a practice or technique. It's like it happens with this so-called… quest or search for meditation, because it has already been discovered that meditation also transports you or puts you in a totally different state from the ordinary state of the egoic mind, of this conflicting mind, of this mind at war with itself, this mind in contradiction.

Thus, people keep themselves within this quest or this search for the state of meditation. That's because they take meditation as a state, as a state to be reached. And in fact, they've already discovered that it's a state since when they meditate, they enter that state, but when they stop meditating, meditation disappears; and with the disappearance of meditation, the state also disappears, and they go back to their ordinary state of ego identity, within this duality, as I've said just now: joy and sadness, enthusiasm and despondency, fear and courage, and so on.

But that's not Meditation. Meditation is the contact with your Reality, which is your Being, but in that contact the sense of ego disappears… however, it doesn't disappear as in the experience of a state, as it happens in this so-called "state of meditation" or in this "flow state." The disappearance of this center, in Meditation, is the Acknowledgment that there's no center. The knowledge of this "me," in Meditation, is the Acknowledgment that this "me" isn't real here and now.

That's why I deal with you about what I call the True Meditation, different from what is known as "meditation" (through practices, through techniques, through some mechanism, This being attained through meditation), since Meditation is your Being revealing itself, here now, as the Natural State of Being, that isn't properly a state. It's actually the absence of the egoic state, the absence of the egoic mind, the absence of all states, the absence of the sense of separation, the absence of the sense of duality.

Then, when we refer here to the Flow State, you need to understand that I'm referring to this State as the Real Flow State, of flowing. The Real Flow State is a State of the absence of separation between you and Life, between you and Reality, between you and what's happening here and now.

Thus, what people are looking for is something similar to what you find when you enter a perfumery and they give you a small tape of high absorption paper. They spray a perfume there, and that paper is made in such a way that it doesn't alter that fragrance at all. Then, you only have a sample that you take to your nose, a sample of the perfume, and you perceive the delight of the perfume, you are enchanted by the perfume, you're touched by that fragrance. But you don't have the perfume; you have a sample of it.

So, I've compared the "flow state" and also this state known as "state of meditation" – which is achieved by practices and techniques, in the case of meditation, and also by techniques of activity and immersion in the activity that what you're doing, as it happens and is prescribed for the "flow state" – to simply have in that "flow state," which is a state, or to have in that "state of meditation," which is also a state, a sample. To be touched at that moment, at that instant, by the state is like the smell of perfume on that little absorbent paper strip, but you don't have the perfume. Do you see that?

The Flow State is Real as your State of flowing, this flow, this Natural State of Being Pure Consciousness, Timeless Consciousness, here, now, with Life as It is. This is what I'd call the Real Flow State. This is what I would call the Real State of Meditation.

Here on our channel, I've been talking about it. You need to make this very clear to yourself. Spiritual Enlightenment, the Awakening of your Divine Nature is the appearance of this Natural State, the Reality of your Being revealing itself, the Divine Truth You are here and now, your Real State of Flowing with Life. Now, when we refer to Spiritual Enlightenment, we can't exclude, within this process of the Realization of the Truth about who You are, the work of Kundalini Awakening.

Your body needs a change, a deep psychophysical change, so that this Natural State, that here I'll call now the Real Flow State or True Meditation, establishes itself. You need a change in this organism, in this body-mind, and I've been calling this here "Kundalini Awakening." So, we also have here on our channel a wide playlist about this subject, about Kundalini Awakening.

Then, when we refer to Enlightenment, it is necessary a work to go beyond that false center, that false "me," to the Realization of your Natural State of Being, which is your Real Flow State, which is your Natural State of Real Meditation. This is present because of this work, as a result of this work, which is the Awakening of this Energy called Kundalini. Ok?

This is the subject here on our channel. If this is of interest to you, if you intend to go deeper into this and Realize the Truth You are, which is Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness, here and now, subscribe to our channel, leave your "like" and let's go deeper into this together. Ok?

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

July 15, 2022

The Real Guided Meditation | Darshan | Kundalini Awakening

Hey, guys! Welcome to another meeting here on this channel! I want to discuss Guided Meditation with you. I want to explain to you the power of this Meditation. I talk about the True Meditation, the Real Guided Meditation. Here on this channel, I have some videos already dealing with this. The difference between the traditional "guided meditation," which is basically the meditation that you enter in a certain practice, a method, within a system, with a guide through music, voice, or a specific form of breathing, or you unite the three, to find there a moment of relaxation and silence of the mind. And at that moment, you really de-stress; at that moment, you really feel quite well.

So, it is something that brings you joy and peace, but when you leave this moment, you again come across life, life as it is, and life is not so peaceful or silent, or without stress, as the egoic mind desires, as the person desires. And so, when you leave this practice of guided meditation, you are faced again with life as it is... Because it is basically this: life is as it is! It has a screaming child; it has a stressed wife; a nervous husband, stressed, coming from work; it has cars in traffic while you come home from work; and there they were honking, because the traffic was heavy, jammed… So, it is life as it is, as it shows itself.

I want to talk to you today...not just talk, I want you to step in Guided Meditation itself, into the power of that Meditation. It would be interesting for you, at this moment, to follow it until the end. I am going to work with you on what I understand by the Real Guided Meditation. The Real Guided Meditation is the contact with what is here and now, in this moment. So, what works temporarily because of a practice, does not establish itself as something really powerful for a real change in this organism, in this body-mind, which is, in fact, the purpose of the True Meditation.

So, experiences that one has within many practices of meditation, including this so-called "guided meditation," this proves to be insufficient for a direct work towards Spiritual Enlightenment, for Spiritual Awakening.

Here, the Real Guided Meditation is this encounter with now, with this moment, with this instant, and there is a facilitating element to this.

I know that, deep down, the purpose of the term "guided" or "leaded" for meditation is to create a facilitation for those who have difficulties because they have a very restless mind, very noisy, that live in a storm of thoughts, feelings and emotions, which they are always identified with. So, one reserves a moment facilitated by music, by voice, by breathing... And here I want to bring this to you, but in a slightly different way.

In India, they call Darshan the encounter of That which represents Consciousness, this Presence, the Truth of your own Being.

The word "Darshan" means seeing, seeing and being seen. So, seeing and being seen is Darshan. Since here there is no separation between You and I, because, in fact, there is no "you' or "I," here we have this Consciousness, this Life, this moment. So, this meeting here is a meeting of Guided Meditation. We are on a meeting... Look, you don´t need to close the eyes, you don´t need to hear music... There is this speech here, it is something which happens also within this Silence, which is already here and now, and you are in this moment, in this Union, in this Oneness.

We just use words like "you" and "I," but there is no "you" and "I," there is only Consciousness, Presence. In this Silence, in this Gaze, Meditation is revealed.

Observe that to be present is enough. If a thought arises, you observe it. Thought brings only a story, a history, it is only a remembrance, only a memory, it is something that has no importance here and now, in this meeting. So, I want to dedicate this moment here, for example, to what I consider Guided Meditation, the Real Guided Meditation. To see and being seen – this is Darshan.

In India this is very clear to the Indians. If you go to a Realized Being, if you come across with the one who lives outside of that egoic identification, with the one who is Enlightened or Realized, or who has Realized God, with that one who is established in one's own Being, and you look at him, you are before Darshan. You look at him and he looks to you... Here, for example, we are having a Darshan moment.

You can discover this in your day-by-day, in your living. This look at life, to what is shown, without the mind, without the ego, without interpreting, without judging, without comparing, without identifying with appearing thoughts, with ideas, with beliefs, with remembrances, with memories, with stories...This appears and disappears, and you keep looking at it, looking at yourself. Then, you see and you are seen – there is only You!

So, I am inviting you to spend a few moments with me here, a few moments here, a few minutes, in what I consider Guided Meditation. You might ask: "but what makes this meeting we are having here different from traditional practice of meditation?" Here, I am inviting you to discover this in your life, in your day-by-day. You don´t need to reserve a time for this. Now we are having, ok...

When you open one of our videos, you have this moment. When I am speaking of this possibility of Enlightenment, of Realization, of this establishment in your Natural State of Being, I am sharing with you the Natural State of Meditation, which is Consciousness, which is Being. And here, this is not a concept, it is not a belief, it is not a theory.

Spiritual Enlightenment is You in your Natural State, which is Meditation. This is not what comes and goes, which is what happens to many practices of meditation, including guided meditation practice. So, we are in front of Darshan. Apply this in your life, in your day-by-day, begin to look at the world around you with this look. You are not here to fix the world. You are not here to change the world. You are not here to change things on places, to change people. You are not here to change yourself. You are here to discover you are not here! This is Consciousness, this is Meditation! There is no "me," so there is no "I" there, no "you" to change, to suffer a change.

When we open ourselves at this moment, as this happens now here, something entirely new begins to happen in this organism, in this body, in this mind, a change that happens naturally by the Awakening of this Presence, of this Energy, of this Divine Shakti, which is Kundalini. This starts processing a work in the body, the body starts going through a change. I have been talking about this here on this channel. We have playlists about it.

Note that, as we are talking to you, the State of Silence, which is Consciousness, is not interrupted. This is Natural Meditation. There isn't any music, there isn't any special breathing, there isn't a special posture, there are no mudras, there are no mantras, there are no asanas. What we have in fact now and here is this contact with Silence we are already, here and now.

What I want to tell you is that the True Meditation does not impede bodily activities, such as talking, listening, singing, walking, eating, working, applying yourself to an intellectual activity such as writing a letter or examining an architectural project or another technical project... This has nothing to do with the presence of thought as well.

Thought can appear, but there is no identity in this thought.

Your Natural State prevails as Consciousness, as Love, as Peace, as Silence. It is an encounter with the Divine, with Consciousness, with Presence. Here, every notion of time and space disappears, every story disappears, the past is gone; and when the past disappears, the future also disappears, because when there is no thought, there is no present, past and future.

Thought, when it is an apparition, a simple apparition, without an identity, it only happens and is not present. It is paradoxical: it happens, but it is not present. The only Reality present is this Power, the Power of Consciousness. So, we have here a moment of Meditation, of True Meditation, of True Guided Meditation. Then, when we have the basis to Kundalini Awakening, the basis to Awakening of the Consciousness, the basis to the Awakening of your Divine Nature, of your Essential Nature, the basis for Enlightenment.

Thanks for the meeting. See you in the next video, or in one of the online or maybe in-person meetings. Until the next meeting. Leave your "like," subscribe to the channel and see you in the next one.

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

July 14, 2022

Satsang | The Spirituality and the Kundalini Awakening

Hi, folks! Welcome to another meeting, another Satsang, another opportunity for us to be together in this approach to the Truth of who we are.

This is what we want to talk about. People ask about spirituality… so we will talk about spirituality here with you. After all, what is spirituality? What really is spirituality?

There comes a time in your life when you realize something is incomplete, there's something that doesn't fit, something that doesn't match, something missing, a certain existential emptiness. Then, at that moment, people start chasing things everywhere and this so-called "spirituality" is quite inviting. I want to clarify our viewpoint regarding this thing called spirituality.

Spirituality is simply the search for something that transcends, something that is beyond this condition, this existential emptiness, this neediness, this lack… something to complete or put an end to this search. Then, in this sense, we'll put the word "Spirituality" here in the sense of this encounter with the Truth about who You are, and not about mystical, esoteric, spiritual practices, with symbols, rituals, ceremonies... In general, that's what people take by spirituality, and I want to tell you that Spirituality is not that.

The Real Spirituality isn't something linked to religion, and religious practices, but rather to the experience of this truly religious intimacy. I don't know if you can see the difference. It's one thing for you to apply yourself to external practices recommended by religion, and thus you become a person known as a "spiritual" or "spiritualized person;" it's another thing for you to discover the Truth about who You are – This is Real Spirituality.

But here… In this Realization, the sense of "person," including a "spiritual" or "spiritualized person," is gone. Then, the True Spirituality is You in your Being, in your Natural State of Being. This is truly profoundly religious – the sense of this Oneness with the Divine, with the Truth, with God, with Reality, with What is nameless. You can give any name to this contact with the Reality of your Being, which is basically Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness.

Thus, Spirituality is the contact with the Truth about yourself, and This is possible when there's Self-knowledge. Only when there is Self-knowledge you have real contact with your Being, with the Real Truth about this contact with the Unknown, the Nameless, with Spirituality.

So, it's in this sense that I use the word "Spirituality." It's in this sense that I could use the term "Spirituality." Then, it's something essential since Life is only understood within this context of Spirituality. But notice how complicate the use of words is because when we say "understand Life" or "Life is understood," we're not saying that you, as a "person," will understand Life. It's not in this sense. It's in the sense that apprehending the Mystery of Life is to be One with It.

Thus, it's here that the Truth is really revealed, in the Spiritual Being. Here we are using another word that has a jargon with several meanings. Here, the word "Spiritual" is the word in the sense of being Consciousness, which basically is being Natural, it's not being special, being different, being spiritualist, it's not being mystical. Your contact with the Truth is your contact with the Freedom of the absence of suffering, of psychological contradiction, of psychological disorders, which represents remaining Free, in full Sanity.

I do speak of mental health, of mental balance, this psychological order. I am not saying the brain can't have some problem, some situation, once it's part of the body. Even in a Realized Being, the body is still the body, it may have some deficit, it may have some problem, some disorder. I speak here of this psychological health, of the end of this ego identity, this internal contradiction that generates conflicts, problems, suffering.

So, it's in this sense that you need to understand that this contact with the Truth, with your Being, is the contact with the Real Happiness. Then, there's a very intimate relationship between the Real Spirituality, or True Spirituality, and the harmony, order, the beauty of a Life in Fullness, in Completeness, of a Life in Totality.

So, I'd say that True Spirituality is to assume the Truth of your Being, to assume the Truth of What You are. The experience of this State that I have called the Natural State is the experience of Wisdom, the experience of Love, the experience of Truth.

In this sense, Ramana Maharshi was full Spirituality, however he was the simplest man you could find. There was nothing mysterious except the Mystery itself before his Presence. This is quite typical in a Realized Being. He is the expression of the Truth of Mystery! He is the expression of the Truth of the Divine. He is the expression of the Truth of God! This the True Spirituality!

But This is not different from What You are internally, within your Being, from What everyone is within Oneself, since this same Presence, this same Divine Potential, we all carry within us. Then, here we come closer to one more thing regarding True Spirituality. The True Spirituality is What I've been calling, in these meetings, as something possible when the Awakening of this Divine Energy, of this Divine Power, of this Divine Potential takes place, which awakened in Ramana, that Awakened in Krishnamurti, that Awakened in Realized Beings, such as Krishna or Buddha.

I speak of this inner Power, inherent – we all have within ourselves – which the science of Yoga calls Kundalini. Kundalini Awakening is the Blossoming of the True Spirituality. Thus, that's our subject with you. I want to repeat this: Spirituality is the Blossoming of Kundalini Awakening, which is the Awakening of your Divine Nature, of your Real Nature, which is the Nature of God.

So, Therein lies the Peace that surpasses all understanding; the Love that was never written in prose, in verses, or sung; the Happiness that was never described, that was never put into words, that no one ever composed verses about It, or songs about It.

See, the words are quite similar to the ones we use within our so-called "human relationships," which, by the way, are quite conflicting since they're relationships based on images between people who are basically illusions. Each one living his/her illusion, having an image of oneself, projecting an image onto the other, and so we produce these so-called "human" relationships. In these relationships we use terms like "love," "happiness," "peace," but they're quite far from what we're describing here – this so-called Love, Peace, Happiness. We're talking about You in your Being, in your Divine State.

When the Awakening of this Sacred Power, which is Kundalini, emerged… when This flourishes completely and takes over the body and mind, all psychological disorders disappear because there's a change in the body itself, in the very brain cells, a change, there's an order even for those neurotransmitters in the brain, responsible for mood, for internal states of the nervous system center, which are so important.

Thus, it's the end… when there's Real Spirituality, True Spirituality, it's the end for anxiety, depression, fear, for the sense of isolationism and separation.

We're talking about the Natural State of Being that you were born to be, about the State of Ramana Maharshi, the State of Buddha, Krishnamurti, Eckhart Tolle, the State of Realized Beings who are living in their Real Nature.

I'm sharing with you some of this experience here. I'm not dealing with a theory or concept. I'm saying that This is possible for you here and now – the Real Life in Consciousness, in Presence, in sublime, unique and singular Divine Intelligence, which is the Real life, the Life of God.

That's the subject here with you and that's what we're working on, sharing together, and stepping into together, for that purpose, which is Spiritual Awakening, or Spiritual Enlightenment, whatever you want to call it. Ok? We can stop here… thanks for the meeting.

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

July 3, 2022

The True Practical Meditation | Practical Meditation in your life

Hey, guys! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel, still discussing the Practical Meditation, beyond all the practices of meditation. The Practical Meditation is the True Meditation. It is not that meditation where you reserve a specific moment to meditate. Maybe you say, "No, I work the whole day, so I have no time to meditate. So, I reserve a moment in the morning and a moment in the night to dedicate myself to this moment of meditation."

First, I want you to understand the purpose of meditation. First, I want to ask you why you meditate. What is meditation for you? What is the purpose of meditation? Why do you meditate? Maybe your answer is, "well, I meditate to calm down, I meditate to sleep better, I meditate to be able to be more self-centered. I meditate because I feel more unstressed the following day, I meditate because, when I finish meditation, I can fall easily asleep... So, the meditation is a wonderful thing for me." Maybe that is your answer.

OK. If this is your answer, perfect. But I want to show you something different. I want to introduce you to an entirely new approach. Meditation is not this. Meditation has no basis like this.

So, what you practice by the name of "meditation," yes, it is a form of meditation, which you have been taught, which you have learned, and if it is good to you, and if you feel well, super, wonderful, but I want to question what you call "meditation." I want to talk to you about Meditation within a different context than this, I want to propose Meditation for Spiritual Enlightenment, for the Flourishing of your Being, for the Realization of your Divine Identity, of your God Nature.

This is something more than living without stress. It is something more than de-stressing. It is something more than living relaxed or finding tranquility. This is more than living in peace or finding peace. This is more than sometimes sleeping easily, sometimes finding it easy to fall asleep because of a certain practice, a certain exercise, a specific moment to meditate.

When we speak of contact with your Divine Nature, we are talking about contacting the Supreme Reality, with the end of this duality between love and hate, peace and war, stress and non-stress, joy and sadness, to easily sleep and the difficulty to sleep, a mechanism to help you sleep, as it happens in this particular practice...

When we talk about this contact with your Divine Reality, we are talking about the contact with your Essential Nature, with That what You are. What would it be like for you to live completely free from all suffering? What would it be for you to be able to live completely free from all forms of fear, anxiety, worries and conflicts created and caused by desires? Have you ever noticed that desires are conflicting?

The egoic mind, the mind in you, creates desires that you know you will have problems if you get involved with that, if you search for that. In this very movement of search, there is already the conflict, there is already the contradiction, the suffering is already installed. So, what would it be like to live free from the conflicts of desire, for example?

So, the proposal of the truth about Meditation is that Meditation puts you in contact with your Being, which represents the end for this ego, for this "me," for this "person" that you believe to be, for all this identity structure within that story that you believe you have, in which you are "someone," "someone" who lived yesterday, is living today and will live tomorrow, and who may die at some point; "someone" who was born and who may die; "someone" who lived in the past, is living in the present and may or may not live in the future.

This sense of this "me", this "I," this ego, this false identity, with all the fears, contradictory desires, with all the contradictions connected with satisfaction, fulfillment, pleasure and, at the same time, fear, various forms of feelings like sorrow, resentment, guilt… All of these are part of this structure of the "person," the ego, this "I," and Meditation has as its principle to show you the Beauty of the Divine Reality that You are, beyond this condition.

I speak of a Life in which Life and you are no longer separate, in which (in this Life) there is no you and It, a Life in Completeness, a Life in Peace... I don´t speak of the peace that flees because the traffic is heavy. I don´t speak of the peace that disappears when you are stressed. I talk about the Peace that does not have the other side, does not have an opposite, called conflict, a Peace that surpasses everything that thought can imagine about peace, or can desire as peace. I refer here to the Peace of God, the Peace of Consciousness, the non-dual Peace of your Being, of your Divine Nature.

So Meditation is this, it is this encounter with this Truth, with the Truth that You are. So here we have a clear, a very clear difference between the practices of meditation, the different practices, and the Natural Meditation, Natural Meditation. This is the True Meditation, this is the Practical Meditation, in your life, in your day-by-day – this contact with yourself.

See, I want to challenge you to work through this here and now, to realize the Truth that You are, that You carry in Your Being, to Realize This through this self-observation of the movement of the mind, in this direct contact with something there beyond this "me" that you believe to be. That "something" is that Consciousness, it's that Presence, it's that Intelligence. It is the Truth of your Being, in full Oneness with Life as It is. There is no conflict in What You are. All of your conflict is all based on this ego identity, this "person" that you believe yourself to be.

You can even temporarily distance yourself from this "person," which is what happens in various practices of meditation. So, you sit in a certain place, you breathe in a certain way, there is a certain internal struggle to get away from thoughts, and, within a certain amount of time, you get a certain result. I say "a certain result," because after you get out of that moment of practice that took thirty, forty minutes – and all of a sudden, you've been in a practice like this for fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty years – every time when you leave it, you see the mind coming back, and all this egoic movement arises again, it is there again. So, the contradiction is there, the conflict is there, the separation between you and Life, between you and God, between you and the world, between you and the other, this is still present, the images you have of yourself are still present. Of course, you are already a less stressed person, but the stress is still there. Of course, you are already a more peaceful person, but the conflict of violence is still present. There are still moments when you see yourself violent, and worse: there are moments when you don't even see yourself violent, only the people around you realize how much aggressiveness, violence, is still present in this "person" who you believe to be. However, at that very moment, at that particular moment, you are not even able to perceive it. And why? Because you don't know the Truth about Meditation.

The Practical Meditation, the True Meditation – and this is what we are proposing to you, a work in that direction – it shows you That which, in fact, You are here and now. So, in a way, this silent, loving, transcendent, timeless, unknown Truth that You bring, This is presented to you by Meditation, but it is also presented to you everything that the mind, inside you, does not want to see in itself, doesn't want to perceive in itself, and it hides from itself.

So you become able to see all this movement of the mind, and it is only when you become able to see the movement of the mind that you can truly disidentify yourself from that movement, discard that movement, leave that movement, detach from that movement. We can use many terms for this. You can give up this movement, the movement of this "I," this ego, and that is only possible because there is Attention, Consciousness, Presence, now, here!

So, you are faced with the Practical Meditation, the True Meditation, the Realization of your True Identity, beyond this conditioning, all of it, by the way, social, cultural, educational, mundane, personal, egoic.

Look at the world around you, people are unaware of all this. If you just look at the world, you will see how much people are unaware of the Truth they bring in themselves and how much they are confusing themselves with the ego, creating disorder for themselves and for others around them; for themselves and for the world around them.

So, the human being is aggressive, he is violent, he is full of desires, whims, worries, fears. He lives, despite some moments of peace, joy and satisfaction, especially when he achieves personal fulfillment or when he feels temporarily filled in the ego by something... apart from these moments, the human being lives in suffering, because he is basically violent, he is basically envious, jealous, miser, worried about the continuity of this ego, he carries within himself the fear of death. So, the condition of the human being needs to change. So, you are here to see yourself as You are, to realize What you were born to Be.

So, let me tell you just one more thing: if this is something important to you, if this made sense to you, subscribe to the channel, leave your "like," join our WhatsApp group and we can work on that in online and face-to-face meetings, as well as retreats. OK? Thanks for the meeting and I see you next time.

June, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information
