August 24, 2018

The Secret of Self-Realization

In these meetings, we show the importance of learning how to observe what is happening. In general, human being does not seem to pay any attention to this, to life as it happens. The central idea is self-importance. Life is something that is happening and that includes this character, this supposed present identity. Basically, there is no problem in life as it is, and, part of what is particularly happening to you exists only as an aspect of experience, something just to be witnessed. We do not realize the importance of this.What is happening is not about someone making that happen, it is not "your" doing – this is just one aspect of the particular experience of the character. The problem arises when the idea of someone present appears.

So, Satsang points to that Reality, which is Life as It happens, not carrying about this character you believe to be. There is no one in the "doing." The problem arises when the idea that life is happening because "someone" is making all this happen takes place – this "someone" is the "me," the character, and that does not represent the Truth.

All your personal problems are not problems with life; your personal problems are problems related to the interpretation about what life is, what life represents. So, Satsang is an essential space for the one who is willing to discover the Truth about himself. This sense of "I" tells us that we exist as a present entity in the experience of life, that life is happening to "me," to this "I."

Mind has the ability to transform everything that happens into something for itself, as if something special were happening to itself. Thus, the sense arises: "I am Carlos," "I am José," "I am Maria," or any other name. So, this "Carlos", this "José" and this "Maria" take place; they are living in the world, which only represents a self-image that the mind has built.

The mind transforms the experience happening around itself into something particular, creating the sense of the "person." Everything that is happening to "me," through "me," only represents a self-image, an imagination created by the thought. This has nothing to do with what Life represents, because Life is what it is, and It does not care about imagination. This imagination, this self-image, collides with the Reality of Life as it is.

Here is the secret of Self-Realization, the Realization of Truth about yourself: to discover the importance of witnessing life as it is and do not mess with it, do not take anything personally. To put it into words is very easy, but this really requires a real work, since actually you are too addicted to maintaining that self-image, to being personal. When you do this, you reinforce the self-importance, the importance of this false me. The key is to observe, to be attentive to the movement of this self-image in its desires, in its choices, in its longings, fears, and so on.

When life is witnessed, when that which happens is only what happens and no biased and personal belief is more important than the Reality of what it is, the egoic mind "vanishes," loses its evidence, its power. Then, something entirely new begins to happen.

Human being has been acting very mechanically. From the psychological point of view, he lives mechanically, repeating his usual thoughts, desires and fears. He does this because he consider himself very important, more important than life itself. He consider that what happens to him is not interesting, but what he wants, yes. For him, what he desires is more important than life as it is happening, right now, at this moment. This is a very interesting aspect of the process of the egoic mind. It is repetitive, is automatic, is mechanical, and all this has been sustained by the imagination, by this self-image in its self-importance.

This illusory sensation of being in control, of wanting to control, of wanting to determine what happens, controlling circumstances, happenings, events, having an answer for everything, and this curiosity of the human being to unravel the mysteries of life, all these are longings for egoic self-fulfillment.

Human being invests millions in the investigation of the external world, of what is outside, in the search of finding something that may fulfill himself and provide happiness. A satellite is sent to space with the intention of having, here, a better internet. Thus, people can communicate in a faster way, knowledge can become faster (knowledge that, in fact, is only ignorance and does not contribute at all to real human happiness). We only end up knowing faster the confusion that the human mind is creating on the other side of the planet, all the problems that the human mind, without peace, is producing in another continent.

All this is part of this mechanical, unconscious and automatic thing of the movement of the imagination, of that false "me" in pursuit of what, in fact, has no importance for human's real happiness. Happiness is not outside; the "outside" only represents the dream that thought has created, imagined and sustained. Reality is beyond thought. And, therefore, Happiness, Peace, Intelligence, Love, Goodness, and Truth are beyond the mind.

What I am saying is that the circumstances of a more comfortable world do not represent Real Happiness, because the inner "hunger" for true Happiness will continue to call for "food," asking for satiety. It does not matter that you can enjoy the best material comfort that technology and science can offer you, if you do not know who You Are, for you will remain unhappy.

We invest a lot in nothing. All you need is Happiness, but Happiness is not circumstantial. Happiness is the Realization of Your Divine Nature, of Your Real Nature. Therefore, no external and circumstantial comfort can give You That.

Human being has been searching for happiness for a long time in the wrong way. That is why he travels outside; he literally goes to outer space in search of that. But, it doesn't work, because everything remains the same way.

Your "real journey" is out of this false "me," beyond this self-image, beyond the illusion of this self-identity. This is only possible by going inwards and not outwards. It is not about exploring the external, but investigating what is near, inside. This is not about what is distant and external, but what is closer and internal.

So, we have become proactive, we have become productive, and highly scientifically, technologically evolved, and yet we remain unhappy, restless, disturbed, stupid, mediocre, needy, living in solitude, with desires and fears. You can add to the list depression, anxiety and the various forms of madness that everyone, without exception, experiences – including our most renowned men of science and technology. Yes, they suffer too!

This speech is not an attack. We are merely observing that all these trainings and education based on the desire to gain more control through knowledge have not worked out. This does not represent, at all, the real movement toward Happiness, toward Peace in the world. Peace in the world begins with Peace within you. You are the Peace of the world when you no longer disturbs it.

Human happiness is the happiness of non-mind, of silent heart, of present Love, while "human life" is this constant search for pleasure, blended with pain, even amidst all kinds of highly sophisticated paraphernalia.

What I am saying is that life is not anything you can control. You do not have to care about what is outside; you have to find out who you are, or who you are not. You are not the body, you are not the mind, you are not this self-image, this person that has to live 150 years supported by medicines. Just Realize Your Real Nature and leave that dream. That can happen when you are thirty, forty, fifty or seventy years old, it does not matter ... That is the only purpose.

Look at people! They believe that they are alive and want to continue in this so-called "life," even with drugs, disturbing everyone around them and causing a lot of trouble to everyone. This is attachment to this illusion of ego-identity, to this false image.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on May 16th, 2018. First published in Portuguese on Portuguese on July 4, 2018. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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