October 31, 2018

The Natural State is effortless

We are together for you to realize what means to be in Satsang. I am trying to show you the importance of the Consciousness, of the mind disidentification. I am constantly saying there is nothing you afford to control, achieve or acquire. The only thing that matters in these meetings is this Consciousness, the disidentification with the mind.

You are identified with the mind. The only thing you need to figure out is how to perceive this mind's movement, and that is the key for the disidentification. "Perceiving" means "watching" yourself, but not by means of "someone watching" what happens, what goes on inside. In this very "watching", there is no "one" watching; it is a "watching" that demolishes the illusion of a "someone" within the mind.

In general, you believe you are thinking. So, there are you and the thought – this is the belief. What I am saying is that in this "watching" you discover "Stillness", the absence of the "thinker". Realize how truly fascinating this is. There is neither the thinker, nor the thought, but only the thought happening. Through this "watching", the thought´s movement loses its bolstering energy, its energy to move forward. Therefore, this "watching" or "perceiving" demolishes this thought movement, when this Stillness assumes, the Natural State of Meditation. In this "watching", there is neither the watcher nor anything to be watched; but only Stillness. This is Real Meditation, and there is no method to lead you to it. There is no system to quiet yourself; it happens naturally.

What people have been practicing out there, the so called "meditation", is no Real Meditation. To those searching for a mere meditation practice, there are plenty of them available in the market, but none of them can reveal this Natural State, nor provide Real Awakening. The reason behind is that a meditation technic or mind quieting system, will still lead you to a mere "state" and such "state" cannot be the Natural State.

Your Natural State, the Real State, is not a "state", and this such an important thing you got to understand – if you do not realize this, you will spend your next sixty years engaging in some technique or practice, but this won't reveal your Natural State. I repeat it: the Real State is not a "state", it is the Total Presence, the complete absence of this "me", of "someone". When the Real Meditation is present, "you" are not there! In this Natural State, there is no longer body mind identification; the concept "I am the body", "I am a person" is no longer embedded into yourself. All this burden and strain disappear.

The Natural State is effortless. Right now, at this very moment, there is only the "watching" without interpretations, comparisons, judgments, without any idea. In this "watching", the Natural State is revealed, the Meditation, pure Intelligence, Consciousness. Thus, there is no "one" watching and speaking, neither anybody understanding nor misunderstanding.

There is the Natural State, when you are not identified neither with the body-mind, nor with the external environment, with the world around you. This happens because the external world, the world around you, is only a perception of the five senses. That is, once disidentified with the body, you will also not identify with the external environment, that is nothing more than senses perception.

Therefore, What You are in your Natural State, cannot be found in the outside world, in any object. This cannot be caught, just like Freedom, or like Love, that you are also unable to catch; It is like Peace, that cannot be hold. You cannot fit THAT into concepts nor into thoughts or mind descriptions.

The first and foremost thing here is solely Being, is your Natural State, is Meditation. Consciousness, this body mind disidentification, is Real Meditation. No effort is required from the "person", because effort always entails accomplishments and here the matter is to relax in your Being; it is not a matter of doing something, but of giving up to do anything. This is effortless because you are THAT fundamentally and essentially! In fact, you just have to give up striving to do something in order to be "someone", in order to have something. This is very simple somehow, but it gets very difficult because you are addicted to doing and to looking for something.

Therefore, there cannot be any intention to such attention. Self-inquiry requires full attention, but not implied by a personal intention, frequently founded on desire, on fear, on the pursuit of being something, of being "someone". The matter here is this "watching", this "perceiving" that means simply to give up!

*Online meeting transcription originally held on June 27th, 2018. First published in Portuguese on August 27th, 2018. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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