March 18, 2019

I invite you to go beyond the mind

Each moment is great because it reveals itself as an opportunity for you to recognize yourself, to discover the Truth about yourself. However, this is not something that happens automatically, but rather in a work, although it happens naturally (what is very different from “automatically”). Therefore, a work with this objective is required to make this possible.
The way you see yourself is totally mistaken. You see yourself as a person, as a separate entity, someone who was born and who will die. This is already an automatic vision and it is all based on a bias, on a background of beliefs. To go beyond this in a natural way is possible through a work.
So, this bias happens and lasts in an automatic way, but not the Realization. This automatism is present as a consequence of unconsciousness, which is the old and antique model of the ego. There is no person “happening” in the experience of this present moment; therefore, the personal problems you seem to undergo do not exist. I know it is very weird to listen to this... Everybody has problems because everybody believes to be a person.
Life is a movement without someone within It and does not carry any problem. There are no problems, because there are no “people”. If there are no people to resist to the mysterious movement of Life, there are no problems. However, as long as you remain feeling yourself as a person, problems will be unavoidable. There is not a “person” to see his/her problems solved. I know this is a complicated affirmation for the egoic mind.
What I am saying is that each thing happens the way it has to. This is the only Truth, the only possible thing. We are talking from the point of view of the supreme Reality, of the supreme revelation of God’s Truth, of the Being, of Consciousness. That is why when we point out to Enlightenment, to Awakening, we are pointing out to the end of unconsciousness, to the end of every automatism, of any bias, because as a separate, illusory entity, you are living within the time produced and recognized by the mind.
What you call “past” is “time” recognized only by this unconsciousness, through this automatism of egoic bias. All that you call “past” is just story, memory, and remembrance, kind of imagination the thought produces and recognizes. What I have just called “automatism”, “unconsciousness”, “conditioning” is to be attached to this. This has been the “person’s” life with his/her imaginary problems.

And so is for the future. The future is nothing but imagination the thought produces, creating a supposed “reality” that will happen. Nevertheless, nobody knows anything, there is no certainty, you are not sure about the future. You are part of this imagination, you are “someone” who supposedly came from the past, is crossing the present and walking to the future. All this movement is imaginary!
Your questions are based on beliefs, which are based on remembrances, on memory, and all of this is under the realm of the egoic mind. There lies all your problematic life, a personal life that only exists in imagination, because your True Being is not part of it, it does not commune or partake in none of this. You do not recognize yourself in your Real Identity, then you substitute this knowledge of the Truth about yourself for an imagination about who you are.
I invite you to go beyond the mind, to disidentify from the body. You are attached to several forms of beliefs, being the foremost “I am someone within the body! This body is me! What happens to this body happens to me, and everything that involves the history of this body, from birth to death, is my history.” Then you say, “I am a father”, “I am a mother”, “I am a daughter”, “I am married”, “I am single”, “I am a widower”, “All the history attached to this body is my life”. This is sheer confusion, sheer disorder.
You are dreaming and taking the dream too seriously. The Sages say this is only a dream and that you should not take it for reality. The One who has already attained Self-realization, who is not attached to the illusion “I am the body, I am someone, I have history” anymore, sees all of this as just an appearance.
When watching movies, everything seems so real , but everybody knows it is just a movie; so the blood spilling is not real blood, the fire is not truly burning the house, the house is not real, neither is the fire. Everything is done to look like very real, but it is just an apparition.
Therefore, do not mistake yourself for the body, for the mind, and then you remain beyond the history. But, inside your head, there are lots of stories, beliefs, illusion, imagination.
All we are saying to you is: Awake! Watch the movie, but recognize yourself in your True Nature and everything will be finished. Then, you will be able to see everything from a new point of view, the point of view of Reality. Life is what It Is to the Sage, and everything else is just a dream encompassing pleasure and pain, joy and sadness, bad and good stuff. But all this dual movement is just life as it is, because you, as a Sage, remain in your Being, in your Real Nature.

*Online meeting transcription, originally held on September 26th, 2018 - First published in Portuguese on October 14th, 2018 - Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm (Local Time: Brazil BRT), except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please visit:

1 comment:

  1. Reading this for the second time today.
    Not interested in anything else but these words and pointers.
    What a Grace to be in the company of Totality.

