September 3, 2019

The remembrance of your True Nature

As always, I am bringing you this remembrance or showing you its importance, which is the remembrance of the Truth about You. The state of unconsciousness or "sleep" does not allow you to access that remembrance. Most part of the time you forget It completely, and this forgetfulness comes from the unconsciousness itself, which is this common state of “sleep.” The remembrance is that your True Nature is this Consciousness and there is no other thing happening except It. Everything is part of this unique Consciousness. It is the Source of the apparitions. It is in It that everything appears and disappears. I invite you to this Consciousness where this remembrance is possible.
Forgetfulness is the ordinary state, is the mental state, and here we call it unconsciousness. It is a truly “sleep” state. In it, the “dream” is taken for Reality; unconsciousness is taken for Consciousness; “sleep” is taken for the Awakening state; and illusion is taken for the Truth. Thus, my whole purpose when we are in Satsang is to bring you this remembrance, to make you aware of What we are. Nothing has ever happened in your life outside of this Consciousness – and it will never happen. Nothing else is real but this Consciousness.
People, objects, and events in your life have appeared and disappeared within this Consciousness, which is your Reality. You believe you are in an experience in a material world, but actually this material world or the apparition of this world is something present within this unique Consciousness. It is not you experiencing this material world. There is no material world being experienced.
What I am saying is that there is not a separate world from You. There is no this world and there is no this “you” as subject and object. This separation is the illusion. Then, we are facing an extraordinary and beautiful game, a Divine game. It is the game of apparent separateness, apparent duality, of the apparent division between observer and observed thing, between the thinker and his/her thought, between the world and “I.” None of this is as it seems to be. Nothing is happening as it seems to be happening. This is the whole game! Everything is being unfolded within this Consciousness. It is a perfect expression of This Oneness.
Therefore, there is a constant change with appearance and disappearance; however, this is not true! Apparently, this is taking this format. This is very interesting because you can even create the illusion that you need to awaken inside this dream, but, in fact, this dream is not happening for “someone” who needs to awaken. This dream is something within This Consciousness, and It is not going to awaken! It is something present, always present, as your Real Nature, your True Nature.
Here, you need to disidentify from this illusion of the duality, from the belief of a present identity separating itself from the experience. This ignorance about the Truth, about your Self, is just an illusion. Once this illusion is seen, there is no more illusion, and This is the Truth! So it is not about Awakening or being Enlightened one day. This is a very delicate subject... This expectation about future is also something inside this dream, this illusion. There is no future! Future is always for the mind and not for You. You are not the mind! Future is always for the body that experiences the change, and it is the mind that lives within the psychological time. Then, there is the chronological time of the body and the psychological time of the mind, while You are not within any time.
Therefore, when we talk about Awakening, Enlightenment, Realization, we are not talking about something within time. We are talking exactly about the end of the illusion of time. We are facing a fascinating game, which is exactly this: the mind sees itself within time and the body feels itself within time. Nevertheless, here the key is to disidentify from body and mind. That´s why I work with you in Satsang this matter of Meditation, of true Meditation! There are many so called “meditation” out there, but it is not about this kind of “meditation” we are talking about. We are talking about the Meditation in which there is the Truth of the absence of the meditator, the practice, the technique and of all the other things the mind, in an ingenious way, has built for this word called “meditation.”

The Real Meditation reveals the Truth of what You are – this present Consciousness appearing as everything without any separation. The Real Meditation is this “seeing in the clarity.” It is about seeing this whole game. Therefore, it is not about the world disappearing, but about the end of the illusion of “someone” present as an entity separate from the experience “body-mind-world.” When, in an illusory way, this character is involved in the game without the recognition of his or her True Nature, everything is taken very seriously, and then all dramas and dilemmas of life appear to be serious problems.
If there is this recognition of your True Nature inside this game, if this is seen, the matter of the “dream” is not a real problem anymore. When your Real Nature becomes clear, obvious, the character does not need to disappear. It is the illusion of the present identity, of “someone” present that disappears! Life is this whole game. This whole dream is what we call life, which is something happening without any purpose. It is the mind, in the illusion, that is searching for some purpose. Then, the mind has made it very serious, very dramatic, and full of dilemmas, conflicts and problems. Life is what it is!
What I am saying is that for You, as Consciousness, whatever is present is already perfect, including this whole game. Thus, every search within this so called “spirituality”, this search for being special and for achieving something different from what is present at this moment, is something without any purpose. There is nothing for us to achieve. There is no spirituality through which you can evolve and become someone different – it is all within this illusion. This “spiritual life” is just a presumption of this individuality, which projects itself intended to find a union with something greater, with some superior power or something like that.
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on March 18th, 2019 - First published in Portuguese on July 16th, 2019 - Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm (Local Time: Brazil BRT), except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please access:

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