November 21, 2019

The immersion of the mind into the heart

Welcome to Satsang! We are once again together in this wonderful purpose, which is the approximation to the recognition of this moment. Our Natural State of Being is right now, at this moment, of absolute Happiness, and that is what has escaped from us. What obscures the flow or expression of this Happiness are these constant thoughts occurring inside the head, in a rapid succession.
Thoughts are like clouds obscuring our Natural State of Happiness. The habit of the mind is this restlessness... The "egoic mind" is extremely agitated. In this state, we are unable to experience this inherent Happiness.
Unhappiness is the agitation of the mind – too much occupation, preoccupation, anticipation – and all confusion is a consequence of that. The truth is that the mind is constantly being driven by its old habits and conditionings. So, this movement of identification with thoughts, which produces desires and fears, is something very constant.
So, mind is constantly encouraged to move outwards, always moving toward its externalities, always toward things that it imagines to be important for itself. You can observe it, the mind is always occupied with particular subjects, always involved with stories connected to the sense of personality, personal one. The purpose of the mind is to accomplish something for itself, for the sense of "person" is very important to it. The mind is basically this sense of "person." So, our Natural State of absolute Happiness, present in this instant, is being obscured by the constant movement of the mind and its thoughts. The greater is the activity of the mind, the more obscure this State becomes. The faster is this restless movement of the mind, the more is anxiety, stress, nervousness, preoccupation, and suffering.
Right now, in this room, you have an encounter with a speech born of this Natural State of Happiness. So, the Master is the one who shows us it is not possible to realize or to reach Happiness, because it is something already present here and now, in this instant. All we have to do is to turn ourselves to the right direction, which is not the exterior. The correct direction is the immersion of the mind into the "Heart," and this is the space or place of Happiness.
Perhaps, your question is: "How to lessen this agitation? The mind and its agitation, the mind and its thoughts, the mind and its plans, projects, worries, anticipation?" Maybe, that is your question, and this is why our emphasis is on Meditation.
The art of Happiness is the art of Meditation, but it is not what you mean by meditation, for Meditation is not quietening the mind temporarily, so it will get agitated again. This kind of meditation has been taught around the Planet.
What I understand by meditation is to be quiet, not to be physically quiet, nor to force the mind to stillness. In a certain way, with some exercise, some practice and time, you can do this, learning to focus the mind on one single point, to breathe in a certain way. There are several techniques that can give you this, in this format. Our emphasis here is completely different.
Basically, Meditation is the flowering of your Natural State, and the "soil" for the flowering of This, of this Meditation, your Natural State, is the careful, patient, applied observation of the movement of the mind, moment by moment. So this self-observation is the Real way of investigating the illusion of this false “I.” Therefore, self-investigation is self-observation.
If you are driving your car or walking somewhere or sitting watching TV, this is the time to observe this false "I." Just watch it! Observe the thoughts that come up, the concerns, the motivations, the memories of two hours ago, from a previous day. So, in front of the TV, driving the car, or walking, you are watching the story of a false “I" revealing itself. When that comes, it tries to capture you in time, which is created by thought, by that imagination, which is memory. Thought is always imagination, which is knowledge.
This knowledge, which is thought, imagines the past and the future. When you get lost in this time created by thought, you are identified with a character, with the story of that false “me.” As you drive the car, walk or watch television, it is not this moment that matters to the "ego-identity," but the story that arises at that moment. When you are captured by the story, you are in the illusion of the false “me” agitated by this "ego-identity," and there is no Freedom, Peace, Love, Happiness.
So, Happiness is not present in driving the car, walking or watching television. You are identified with a character, trapped in the story of the "I," of this false identity. This is the illusion of this character, its illusory state of being; it is the absence of your Natural State of Meditation. Therefore, Meditation begins when this space is completely free from mental agitation, memory, imagination, these thoughts.
You have to discover the Happiness of your Natural State, which is Meditation in that instant, in this present moment. This is Real Meditation: to completely disidentify from this illusory "I," this character. This fundamental Presence of our Being is pure Consciousness, pure Freedom, Truth, Happiness.
Notice that in our lines, we never separate "Being" from "Happiness," because Being is Happiness and Happiness is never separate from Meditation! This is the truth behind everything. When, by an action of the Grace, you are attracted to Satsang, when you come to Satsang, the only purpose of this encounter is the encounter with God, which is Being, Consciousness, Happiness. So, the Guru, or the Master, is the one who attracts us exactly to show us the irrelevance of the mind, the illusion of this character you believe you are.
It is quite interesting... Everyone is drawing your attention to exteriority. When the Master comes up, the Master captures your attention so that you turn inwards – here is the importance of the Guru.
The Guru is the one who tells you, "You are not the mind, you are not the body; you are not these feelings, nor these thoughts." My comprehension of this reveals you have no condition to discover this alone, otherwise you would already have done it. The Master is the one who points out, who highlights, who shows you this, because this work is already done in a true Master.
What I am talking about is that a true Master is the One who has already realized This. I am not talking about a teacher, a mentor, someone who still feels like a "person" but speaks theoretically of this "non-person." Therefore, sharing the Truth is sharing the Being, the Happiness, and This is Meditation!
OK? Let's stop now. Thanks for the meeting! Namaste!
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on September 20th, 2017 – First published in Portuguese on November 28, 2017. For more information, please access:

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