May 14, 2020

There is only one way for real meditation to happen

Why are you here? What brings you to this meeting? When you look for a reason, you find out a feeling of deficiency, a kind of dissatisfaction or hunger for something that, at first, you do not know what it is. This places everyone in a movement of search. Your desire is to end this lack, this inadequacy, which ends up bringing you to Satsang. The most curious thing is that when you arrive in Satsang, you discover there is nothing missing, there is no such deficiency, there is nothing to obtain, to gain. The moment you perceive this, the search is over.
So, you are not in Satsang to seek anymore, but to rest in your Being, in your Divine Nature. To be in Satsang is no longer a movement of search, but of the joy of an encounter with yourself. This dissatisfaction, inadequacy or lack is something peripheral. Satsang is a process of self-investigation, of Realization, an encounter with the Truth that you bring. Here, you become free of that egocentric motivation. As the search always carries an egoic motivation, it is not the real path to the Truth. The search drives you away, it is the very own separation. That is why it takes some time for you to understand there is nothing to look for in Satsang.
Satsang is a process for you to see What is already here and now, something that is already complete and perfect! I am here to communicate this to you! There is not subject or object. There is only this unique Reality, this Consciousness, this Presence, the Truth of your Being. There is not meditator and meditation practice, nor meditator and objects. All this belongs to philosophy. These are concepts, beliefs, judgments …
So, all you are here for is to see this present Reality, which is the Truth about Yourself, this Consciousness that is already here and now. There is no need for search! In fact, the search wards you off from It. The truth is that you cannot know Who You are. The word “self-knowledge” is completely wrong, because you cannot know Who You are. The only thing possible is to Be Who You are. Knowing presupposes subject and object, observer and the observed thing, presupposes separation. In separation, what is seen is the illusion, the conflict.
This is not like knowing something... You are the Knowledge, not the known or the one who knows! You are the unique Knowledge, without "someone" to know what It means. So, it is not about search, movement, but about rest. Satsang is this rest, is the very process of Awakening, of recognizing the Divine Truth, the Truth of God here and now.
If you listen to a teacher, he/she will talk about progress that is achieved through a step-by-step process, from step 1 to 100, that is, that you will “progress until you get there.” Here, it is not a matter of “getting there” but of “disappearing.” I speak of the disappearance of the duality “subject-object,” “knower and known thing.” Only Knowledge remains, What It Is. This transcends duality, the separation between what you see and what is seen, between what you know and what is known. This is the core, the center of Real Meditation.
Every experience belongs to the subject, presupposes memory, knowledge, the past, but we are not interested in the experience. Remember this: experience presupposes knowledge, remembrance, memory, past. What was known by the subject presupposes, then, the one who knows. We are not interested in “being someone” in the experience, because this is within a reference of the past, of memory. What we are, is pure Knowledge here and now. It is neither known nor the knower. What we are cannot be experienced, and it is not possible to capture, to reach That, to grasp the Truth. Truth is your Being. It is your essential and timeless Nature. It is Meditation.
How is This seen? How can This be perceived without “someone” perceiving? How can this be seen without the observer? I have an answer for that: you need to listen to! Stay in that “listening” where everything is heard! Stay listening to what the thought, emotion, sensation and perception say. Do not interpret them, just listen. If you interpret, you enter the game again, but if you just listen to, the Truth is revealed. This is Meditation!
Meditation has nothing to do with exercises of expelling thoughts and forcing the mind to be silent. You can have an experience by doing this, which you will remember later. Every experience requires memory, past, subject and object, in which the object is the experience and the subject is the experiencer. Here we throw all this away and stay in this “listening to” what is going on inwardly and outwardly.
Notice that all the time I am showing you what Real Meditation is. When there is this “listening to,” everything is revealed in this Knowledge that You are. Notice this: it is not the knower knowing, it is Knowledge revealing itself... That Knowledge is synonymous with Truth, Wisdom, Consciousness. Isn't that beautiful?
There is only one way for real Meditation to happen: "you" cannot be there! Meditation only happens when “you” are not there. When “you” enter, Meditation is not there; when “you” do not enter, Meditation is there. Meditation reveals itself totally and completely in this “listening.” This movement is totally different from holding something. You cannot hold anything, because there is nothing to hold on to.
The problem is that the main belief you carry inside yourself is that there must be a time to work on this. That is, a condition and an opportune moment for that. You believe while you are working, you cannot do this; while you are in some intellectual or physical activity, you cannot do this. This is not true.
“Listening” is present while a thought, a speech and a physical movement take place. While an activity is going on, there is a “listening” to that activity. So is about talking, a thought, a sensation, an emotion, a perception...
However, you have to be like the fisherman, who does not control the fish or the water. He remains quiet! Is it not like this? The fisherman does not control the fish or the sea current. He just remains quiet. He throws the hook in the water with the bait and keep quiet, totally attentive! If he does not pay attention, he loses the fish. So, you have no control over "water," you have no control over the "fish,” but you can "be listening to." “Listening” is like the attention of the fisherman. He remains in that “listening.”
Meditation has nothing to do with what happens internally or externally. It is completely independent of what is happening right now. What is real exists on its own, and nothing can prevent It from remaining here and now, from Being what is. So, it is not a matter of gathering, accumulating... This is not like the work of the scientist or a scholar, who is gathering, accumulating some sort of knowledge. Meditation has nothing to do with accumulating anything, and you learn nothing from It! Real Meditation is present when there is only Knowledge. In fact, there is nothing to know and nobody who knows. There is only Knowledge. It is not about learning anything, accumulating anything, doing or stop doing anything. This is Meditation!
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on October 2nd, 2020. - First published in Portuguese on February 1st, 2020. For more information about how to participate, click here.

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