July 17, 2020

Beyond all questions and answers

Today I can talk to you about something very familiar to me in these last years, which is the Freedom of this Natural State. Real Liberation is seeing without the sense of separation. It is being free of the illusion thought builds and sustains about life, about everything that presents itself. Liberation is the end of this illusion! This is what attracts you to Satsang. There is something about you that clearly perceives that the mind-built world is not real, and that brings you to this meeting. You can already detect there is something wrong with this notion of “individual”, of “person”, of a separate “identity”. It is not a matter of becoming free, but of recognizing the Truth about yourself. So, this matter of Liberation is essential to you.
There is no longer any quality of story that could justify to you the existence of this separate “entity”, of this “individual”. You are losing interest in this story! All those who are clearly seeing all this, they are always saying the same thing: your world is a “dream”. Then, “awakening” becomes the only thing that matters to you. What I have to tell you is that, indeed, there is no “person”. Your suspicion about that is confirmed here, in this meeting.
I am here just to help you to doubt everything you believe or have believed until now. There is no “person” who has a life or who has created one´s own reality. There is no birth, death or time. Mind lives in a world within time and space, of cause and effect, which is an imaginary world created by thought. I am here to help you to continue doubting all this. So, the Awakening of Intelligence is possible. What I just called Liberation – the Liberation from the illusion of this “person”, of this separate “entity”, of this “me”. The only Real thing that matters is You in your True Nature.
However, mind loves its own imagination, it enjoys being distracted with its own created matters to search for the answers afterwards. So, mind makes the problem as well as the solution. It loves this entertainment! For example, mind asks: “What is the meaning of life?”, “Why am I here?”, “Where did I come from?” Then, it starts to explain all this! In other words, it will find an answer to this in philosophy, psychology or religion, things that mind itself has invented! So, it thinks it is smart, feels proud, important, wise, because it found an answer.
In this sense, mind finds answers to its own questions and calls that wisdom, religion, philosophy, spirituality… This has nothing to do with Real Intelligence, Liberation. In fact, the more intelligent a person is, the more slave one is! Mind establishes itself within its vanity, its proud, its knowledge, its experience. Does it make any sense? If, for example, you are here at this meeting looking for answers to your questions, the only thing I have to tell you is that they do not exist! Every answer is still part of the illusion of the question. The question is an illusion and the answer is just its confirmation.
When there is Liberation, there are no questions and answers! When Real Liberation is present, questions and answers disappear, just as the very own “questioner”. There is no thought about this nor any explanation! This is a “non-knowing”, “non-understanding”. Liberation is “death”! You know that when we use the expression “death”, we are talking about the end, the disappearance of something. If you meet “someone who has died”, it is because he/she has not die! It is just a ghost, an illusion, a creation of imagination, something that thought does very well. An example very close to you is that sense of “me”, this “me” that you feel you are. This is a ghost. It is “dead”. It cannot appear. It is not real!
This perception of Reality, of non-duality, has nothing to do with experiences. Liberation is a complete change in all of your paradigms. This does not match any experience you can describe, explain. It is not something transpersonal, transcendent, nor would it come through the contact with superior worlds. It is nothing like that, because there is no experiencer! These phenomena are happening in a “dream” where anything is possible due to the huge variety of things that can be created by the mind. Do you know what I mean?
So, despite of any experience you have, this sense of separation, this fear, this confusion, these questions will always be present, and new questions will appear after new answers. Mind will always ask questions after answering the first questions it had asked. Do you understand that? It never ends! The more intelligent the person is, the more answers one has and the more are the questions too. Thus, one becomes a person who can explain everything. One knows astrology, numerology, philosophy, religion, spirituality, Advaita Vedanta… One even knows what the words of Buddha, Jesus and Ramana mean. Does it inspire or discourage you?
Mind work like a top, spinning around itself, on its own axis. It is endless this story about Advaita Vedanta, spiritual philosophy, esotericism, astrology, numerology, philosophy, all that never ends! And there is the “person”, strong, firm, decided, learning more and more, and having new experiences. Do you know what I mean? So, there comes a time when you get tired of it, start to suspect you are going in circles as a spinning top. Some call this “doubting” as “Awakening of the dream”. I like that expression!
The Truth is that there is no mind. There is only the phenomenon of thought. Many of you believe you have a mind, because thoughts come up. However, this is also just a belief created by thought itself.
I hope you go to sleep tonight thinking this is quite funny. “This” that I am saying are your beliefs. Shall we stop here? Namaste.
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on November 19th, 2019 – For more information about our meetings, click here.

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