June 4, 2021

A Great Miracle

Satsang is a great miracle! To have a heart turned to this meeting, to this moment is a great miracle! In the mind, you are constantly restless and unhappy, so the opportunity to investigate the nature of the Truth about yourself is a great miracle!

You have never paid attention to yourself, and now you have that opportunity. Your mind is always attached to people, ideas, things, images... So, this opportunity to focus on yourself and to give up the mind is a miracle! Observe how you act, how your reactions, purposes, intentions, memories, remembrances, images are... They are attached to external and imaginary situations, linked to thoughts. This is how the mind works. This is not your Natural, Real State. This is not the Truth about yourself. In India, there is a name for this Truth about yourself: Samadhi. This is not a state actually, but rather your Being, beyond every known states of the mind. In these talks, I call This as Meditation. Meditation is your Natural State.

The mind, which deals with ideas, people, things and images, is an imaginary and fictitious prison you have built around yourself. As long as you are a prisoner in this imaginary prison, you will not be in your Self, in your Natural State. One thing is sure: What is Real is not imaginary, but so is everything you experience in the mind. So, these things, people, ideas, images and activities in the mind are all imaginary. You need to go beyond the tendencies of this false “me,” the mind in its own movement. Thus, to be here to investigate, to inquire, to observe, to doubt this movement, the old and well-known movement of the mind, is a true miracle.

There is nothing singular in this present moment, because, basically, it is not different from the past or from what the future will bring. However, there is "something" present beyond this present moment, beyond the past and the future. This is the Beauty, the Miracle, the Grace of Satsang! We are talking about this Presence! “I Am” is always now! It is not about what happens.

Things happened in the past, are happening in the present and will happen in the future, but what makes all the difference is the “I am”! This "I Am" is this Unchanging Presence, not bound to body, mind, nor events in time. So, what makes this present moment so different? Obviously, my Presence, my Being, my True Nature. You need to be aware of That, otherwise you will continue in time, in the present, in the past, going to the future, attached to situations, to circumstances and events, mistaking yourself for the body and mind. When that happens, you get stuck to that imaginary prison of the mind. Past is placed in remembrances, in memories; Future, in imaginations, desires and dreams; and between the past and the future, there is the present fear, the present anxiety.

Therefore, this present moment is loaded with the past (remorse, guilt, regret...) and with the future (desire, dream, imagination...). This is the imprisonment of this imaginary character, of this false “me.” Then, you end up giving reality to temporary situations, such as feelings, thoughts, emotions, sensations and perceptions. All of this is tied to the body and to the experiences of the mind. They are not You, the Truth about Yourself! The more you do this, the more you strengthen the illusion of being a separate entity within time and space, living a human story. This way, you are always bound to this limitation of time and space. Time created by the mind and space created by the sensations and perceptions of the senses, by the idea of a present body. All this is the result of the ignorance regarding the Truth about yourself.

There is no specific cause for events, everything is just happening. The “specificity” is imaginary. The mind creates a cause-and-effect relation in the attempt to explain what happens to a supposed particular entity present in time and space. In fact, time is unreal, space is unreal, the “specificity” is unreal, and so are the events.

So, our invitation in Satsang is for you to go beyond what the mind is creating. Mind has been producing all this, all this notion of reality, body, mind, world, time, space, person, story... This is the illusion of that separate identity. Therefore, remain with the inner gratitude for this miracle called Satsang, for the opportunity to be present in this investigation.


*Online meeting transcription originally held on March 19, 2018. First published in Portuguese on April 18, 2018. For further information, please, click here.

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