October 5, 2021

Being is the only Reality

How does this association develop? How does it happen? The only way for this to happen is through acceptance. We are dealing with the Unknown. What is said here needs to be verified through Self-Inquiry, but until this point is reached, it is essential to accept the teaching, the speech, the direction, what is proposed here.

The Aspirant to Self-Realization needs to trust, and acceptance is the first step. Trust makes Self-Inquiry possible, and this is essential since we are dealing with the Unknown. You need to verify this for yourself, but you have no certainty yet. The speech itself is not about Reality. Everything the speech talks about is still part of illusion.

What I am saying is that you must trust, although this proposal put into words is not dealing directly with Reality. Actually, we are dealing with illusion. This phase of going through this teaching that does not deal with Reality is necessary. This teaching points out Reality, but it does not deal directly with Reality. Notice this subject is delicate... You need to accept, trust and, thus, Self-Inquiry and the direct verification become possible.

Here, we are not dealing with words. We are pointing out something outside them. The speech is necessary, pointing out is necessary, and acceptance can bring the confidence that opens the door to Self-Inquiry. So, the necessary qualification is to receive with acceptance what is proposed. This viewpoint needs to deeply reach everyone. This vision cannot stay on the surface. It needs to go deeper.

In the ego, in this identification with the sense of "me," your life is too superficial, there is no depth. It is a very poor life. There is no internal wealth. You can only stay on the periphery, which is apart, outside of Reality. That sense of authorship, of someone in control, is the sense of the ego, it is superficiality.

People are moving towards their destiny, which is a shallow, conflicted life in suffering and fear. This is the alienation of your Being, of your Divine Nature. One of the ego's characteristics is this "moving" into fear. This makes the world have the interpretation the mind creates. The world, in itself, has no meaning, but the mind can give it a meaning, can give an interpretation to life.

So, one of the ego's characteristics, of the egoic mind, is the belief in its world. The multiplicity of apparent experiences emerges from this "sense of me," and from that this world arises, with the destiny shaped by this "moving" within fear, conflict, suffering, confusion. Getting rid of all this means being free from the ego, free from the world. It is to see the world as it is, life as it is, meaningless since you will not project things anymore, you will not be present anymore to project an idea, a belief, a set of plans about life or the world.

Life has to make sense to the mind. The mind has to find meaning, and when it does, it finds the "moving," and goes back to the destiny's "moving field."

Our work here is to find out the beauty of this. In India, they call it as "Maya's power" which makes this world appear. Maya's power is the ignorance illusion. There is no ignorance and there is no knowledge. Reality transcends knowledge and ignorance, but Maya's power has created that illusion – the illusion of ignorance.

So, what we may call as "Maya" is the illusion, and what we may call as "ignorance" is Maya. All of them take place in the mind. The mind is the setting for all of this, which is an apparent creation. Only Self-Inquiry, Meditation, Surrender can remove this illusion, the illusion of Maya, the illusion of ignorance, and, of course, the illusion of existing as a separate entity.

The mind superimposes its world on Reality, making appear that things are out of place or wrong, that everything is out of order. The mind has this notion of order, of control, of right and wrong, and it superimposes this on the present Reality, on Life as It is.

Being is the only Reality. It is the Source of everything that appears, where everything presents itself. This world is not separate from Being, so everything is in place, everything is in order.

It is not possible for the mind to understand That, since it is connected to time and space, in this thought process, within the illusion, Maya, this illusion of ignorance. That is why you cannot capture This with the intellect. All the mind wants is to have this one more knowledge. The mind already knows everything, but knowledge and ignorance are not Reality tests, since ignorance and knowledge are within illusion. This is all time's creation, a fantasy.

So, what do we do together in Satsang? We look at all this! You need to abandon this false structure through Self-Inquiry, through Surrender, through Meditation. The greatest miracle of all is to know that you are not present there as you believe you are. The body is breathing, the sound is being heard, but this is only Life happening! This apparent individual sitting there, with all his stories, is thought's imagination about who you are!

*Online meeting transcription originally held on May 29th, 2020. First published in Portuguese on September 29th, 2020. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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