May 21, 2022

Kundalini Yoga | Ramana Maharshi

Let's start? The subject is Kundalini, Kundalini Yoga, and the relation between Awakening and Kundalini. Kundalini is this Presence which Ramana calls Shakti; it is the very own Presence of the Self, the Presence of Consciousness. According to Ramana, this Presence, which is Kundalini, is something inside and outside the body. The idea that It is something present inside the body exclusively, according to Ramana, is due to this identification "I am the body."

When we talk about Kundalini, we are talking about this Energy of Presence, which is this Consciousness within You. The Awakening of this Energy, the Awakening of this Presence, of this Consciousness, is the Awakening of Kundalini.

Once, a visitor went to Ramana talking about Kundalini Yoga: "What is the difference between Kundalini Yoga and the path of Jnana, of Jnana Yoga?" Ramana explained to him that Kundalini Yoga works with mudras, breathing, pranayama, and various other techniques, whereas in Jnana path the only thing here… and that was the path of Ramana, which is the path we have showed you here towards this Awakening, towards this Spiritual Enlightenment. Here we are pointing out self-inquiry, which Ramana called Atma Vichara. The question "who am I?" and we see this in a dialogue in 1945, from day by day with Bhagavan… He, with this visitor, explains that it happens automatically through Atma Vichara, which in Kundalini Yoga is sought through different practices.

So, our work here with you – since that was my experience regarding this Awakening, this Spiritual Enlightenment – is through self-inquiry, through Atma Vichara. So, Kundalini is the Awakening of this Presence, of this Consciousness. This is something that happens automatically in this self-inquiry.

So, what I have pointed out on the channel as a real practice, what is most practical, is exactly the direct path Ramana indicated. This path is self-inquiry and self-investigation.

So, when we talk about Kundalini, we are talking about a change in that very structure of body and mind. Then, Spiritual Realization or Enlightenment happens in this mechanism, in this organism, due to a psychophysical change. Thus, you need to go through a change and this change happens when this Energy, which according to Ramana is inside and outside the body itself, Awakens and reaches not the top of the head, but rather the Heart.

So, according to Ramana, Kundalini is this Energy, is this Consciousness Present that when Awakened, the Spiritual Heart, this "Space" of Pure Consciousness – I call "Space" of Pure Consciousness – blooms inside you.

So, this is something that we can put in a much simpler way: just do self-inquiry, work this question in yourself, this question of Meditation, and this Kundalini Awakening will happen, according to Ramana, automatically.

So, here we dismiss these practices and put this to you in a direct way. Maybe you ask me: "And what is the direct way of working this in ourselves since it is not through breathing, through pranayama, or mudras, or other techniques, as prescribed in Kundalini Yoga?

What is the direct way for us to get in touch with the Truth about who we are? What is this, then? What is this 'who am I?' What is this self-inquiry?" I have said this here in countless videos: your work is to observe the movement of the mind. Self-observation already brings this self-inquiry necessarily. Some people call it self-investigation, I also call it self-inquiry, because Atma Vichara is basically self-inquiry, it's not self-investigation, but rather self-inquiry.

So, this observation of the movement of the mind, the observation itself – and when I put the word "observation," I refer to this look without choice, without judgment, without comparison, without accepting or rejecting what thought says…

See, this is something quite important; at the same time, quite delicate. So, when we talk about the Awakening of Kundalini, or when we deal with the issue of Kundalini, which is the Awakening of this Presence, of this Consciousness, when this Energy reaches the Heart – and here I refer to that Spiritual Heart… Ramana talked a lot about this Heart: it's the Presence of Consciousness. It's not something basically in the body, although it is also located in the body, it is not exclusively; it's this Consciousness that transcends the own form, it transcends the own body. The body is an appearance within It, within this Consciousness.

So, notice: this sounds very vague, very theoretical. Then, let's get to the practical side of it, and I want to repeat: the practical side is in being Aware of the Truth about who You are through self-observation. So, Self-knowledge is the direct way to this contact with the Truth about who You are, through self-inquiry, which is the simple and direct observation of all internal movement.

A thought arises and you observe; a feeling arises and you observe; an emotion arises and you observe… this observation without mistaking yourself for it, without getting entangled with this experience, without identifying with the whole process linked to thoughts, to imagination, to images, and beliefs arising; without mistaking yourself for sensations or emotions arising in the body.

So, you get in direct contact with the Truth of that "who am I?" because now, at this moment, there is a disidentification from the idea "I am the body," "I am inside the body," "I am someone."

Thus, here we have the basis for Meditation. The basis for Meditation creates this facilitation for the Comprehension of the Truth about who You are. And this Comprehension reveals the Presence of Grace, the Presence of Consciousness, and the Presence of Kundalini, which Ramana says is the same as the Heart itself. Then, there is no separation between Kundalini and Consciousness, between Consciousness and Heart – This is the Self!

May, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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