October 1, 2019

Meditation is a leap in the Unknown

In Satsang, we talk about That, which is always present and is radiantly clear, undeniable as our True Nature. The common experience is to see and experience changes all the time because of the thoughts and the circumstances arising. This is the experience of the sense of personal limitation.
The common experience of human being is suffering, fear, doubt, anxiety and confusion. This because there is not the understanding of What is present here and surpasses the mind, which is beyond and curiously prior to the mind itself. This is the nature of the Being, the nature of Consciousness. This room for suffering, anxiety and confusion is not your Natural space of Being. It is your mental space of human experience. In your Being, you do not experience this confusion, this suffering, this fear, this frustration. Curiously, in the mind, you never stop experiencing this.
These encounters are revealing: they reveal your intimate Being, your Essential Nature, which is Freedom, Happiness. This is not your experience. It is your Real Nature. People look for an experience of Happiness and Freedom, but whatever experience they live will always be within the limitation of the mind. Your Being does not live in the experience, while the mind lives on experiences that are limited. Your Being, your True Nature is this undeniable Presence of Freedom, of Love and Happiness, but you cannot experience This. All you can experience is within the mind.
The Truth of your Being, which is this Freedom, Happiness, is not something you achieve or accomplish. Here, you find out what means to give up the mind, what means to stop giving credibility to it, to not trust in it. Your job is to discard what is false. Truth is already present. Thus, it is not about an experience that you are going to have, but rather the liberation of the illusion of the mind with all its apparatus of beliefs, perceptions, sensations, experiences. Do you follow this?
Meditation is a discard of illusion. You discard beliefs, concepts, hopes, doubts and desires. You do this through observation, through not trusting in any experience arising there inside your head, in any idea and formulation of story arising therein. You do not need to read books to learn how to do this. You need to observe and see that every thought is part of memory, of an imaginary story – the Sages always highlight this. The mind is a bundle of remembrances, of memories, of images... You need to break this up.
You are not going to Realize the Self by studying, reading books or trying to learn This from others. You are going to Realize your Self by observation, discovery, and self-investigation. You investigate patiently, carefully, lovingly, what is going on therein, and this is the basis for Real Meditation. Meditation has nothing to do with a practice, because from a practice you extract an experience. You have some experience because of a meditative practice, but it is still in the field of the mind.
Your Being does not know experiences. It does not live experiences, for every experience is part of the time. Your Being is the unknown Truth, which is not detected by the mind, while the mind can detect, nominate, remember and assume every experience as part of itself.
Meditation is a leap in the unknown, outside the world of the mind, which is this world of experiences, perceptions, beliefs, sensations, and so on. Then, when there is Real Meditation, there is no mind. You start by attention, this observation and then the Unknown is revealed; But you are not there. The experiencer and his/her experience are not there. Your Being is This, prior to the mind, for which we use the expression Natural State. Why Natural State? Because it is a state without effort, something spontaneous and available.
Truth is something like this, for it is always available. Truth does not hide Itself, but It is not achievable, conquerable. This implies something real, natural, here and now; something out of all limitation, influence, restriction... It is your Being, your Natural State. To me, “natural” has this implication, it is not a product of the experience. That is why meditation as a practice, as it is known, cannot give you This. What it can give you, as I have just said, is an achievable and attainable experience but not your Being. Your Being is not a product of the experience. It is something present and natural, although outside the time.
We are facing Something direct, intimate, natural, present, although out of time. You are This! You have always been and you will always be This! Thus, you are not going to be Enlightened tomorrow, because “tomorrow” is in time, is an imaginary experience. You always exist now. This is prior to the mind, prior to future, to past and present. This is just like saying that you never travel, that you never leave home. All the ego has been creating as a story, in this so-called “your life,” is only a fantastic extraordinary ability to imagine; it is a result of a fantastic imaginary enterprise: the thought!
You should not keep my speech, but you should go deep to live it directly. I did not say “direct experience,” I said “to live it directly,” that your Being is out of the experience. Thus, you have an intimate contact with your Natural State, which is Meditation.
That is why we have this space here called Ramanashram: it is for us to look closely at This. To those who have not been here, I recommend coming here soon. After all, this is the story you call "life." You can keep on living with a huge range of so-called “human” experiences and leave this world without knowing anything about your Self, without the slightest notion of what we are really meaning here in this speech.
Basically, there is no difference between you and me unless the sense of separation. You are afraid because you see yourself as a separate entity living a huge range of experiences, within an extraordinary and fantastic story created by imagination, by this imaginary mind, which says that you are what, in fact, you are not. That is the tiny difference.
My message in these encounters is for you to discover your imperishable, unchangeable Nature, which is free from fear, because it is free from the sense of duality and separateness. So, there is no difference between us, you just believe things that thought says and I remain in the Unknown.
Doubt, confusion, suffering, and fear fill every nook and cranny of this imaginary mental world in which you believe you exist as "someone." I am here telling you that there is only one Present Reality, and It is timeless, is out of these measures of thought, out of the past, present and future.
Then, are you going to keep on reading books and visiting people that seem to know more than you? This is going to be useless! The whole Truth is present in What You are, and this intimate and direct contact with this Truth is something available here and now when the mind is discarded. Here, the only thing is Meditation... This is the only thing!
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on June 14th, 2019 - First published in Portuguese on July 20th, 2019. Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm (Local Time: Brazil BRT), except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please click here.

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