October 24, 2019

You know nothing about Your Self!

A meeting like this is an opportunity for you to see yourself. Your life in the mind is a big illusion. All the knowledge you have is part of this illusory state. To be able to see yourself, you need a mirror. You are not able to know anything about you if all you have is the old and former movement of the mind.
The mind is something that carries knowledge and ignorance. It is really hard for you to accept that you need a mirror, and that is the problem. There is not a single point where Reality is not present, but you do not know that. In order to see your face, you need a mirror. Happiness is inside you and not outside of you, but you need a mirror to see this. You know nothing about Your Self! So the belief you have about yourself is of the experience of an egoic identity present in the world. This is all because you do not see your face, you do not know the true Happiness that is inside you.
All your experience in the world is from the mind, from this false “me,” from this false identity, from this ego-identity. Because you do not contemplate Your Self in the mirror, because you do not know the Truth about Your Self, you are unhappy. You shoulder all kind of problem in this psychological world of yours, a world which you come across without having seen yourself in the mirror. Happiness is something present when this world is forgotten. You are looking for Love, Peace, Happiness, and Freedom. In fact, everybody is, but only 1% of humanity, or maybe even less, is looking for This in the right place, because they are looking for This outside, in desires, projects, and dreams of the mind.
You need to contemplate Your Self! When you contemplate your Real Nature, a feeling of love without cause overwhelms you, fills your whole Being, and that is the end of illusion. Illusion needs to disappear! As long as illusion is present, there will be no Peace, Happiness, and Freedom. Only when you are tired of the external world, you will yearn to be alone in your Being. You are afraid of being alone because you are not tired of lie and illusion. That is why you want a company, the projection, the desire, the dream imagined by the mind.
Your Real Being, your True Nature, is beyond pleasure and pain. Illusion cannot provide you a thing called Reality. Illusion cannot provide you a thing called Happiness, Peace, Freedom, and Love. It cannot! My question to you is, are you part of that 1% of people interested in Truth or part of the large crowd? You know how the large crowd lives, for your parents have lived this way, your grandparents and great grandparents too, as well as all people around you. There is not even one of your relationships that is truly happy, even among your accomplishments.
The complete abandonment of illusion means Self Realization. Truth is the basis of everything. Truth is the basis of Freedom, Peace, and Love… If there is no Truth, you have no Love, Peace and Happiness. If you love and cultivate lies, you will never know God, the Truth. So, you need some training. Satsang is the training for you to change your patterns, for this pattern of beliefs and fixation on the illusion to lose the enchantment. What I am saying is that you need to lose the excitement, the pleasure and the habit of living in lies. It will maybe take some time. It will maybe take a lifetime; but I think that some of you here in this room have already passed 15 years of age. So time has already passed and it is time to turn to This.
The point is: You are the Truth, but without a mirror you cannot know this. Otherwise, cultivation of lies predominates and prevails. There is no point where Reality is not present, no moment when It is not present. You are always under Its Face, but you cannot see It. The world itself is not a problem. When I say, “forget the world,” I am not saying the world is the problem. I am saying the mind is the problem, is the illusion. When you comprehend illusion is illusion, this can no longer affect you. The point is that without self-investigation, you do not have a mirror to know how your face looks, nor to know that illusion is illusion. That means you take illusion for Reality.
The person is always afraid, confused, and full of conflict. Conflicts are those contradictory desires you have. When there is Real Comprehension, there is nothing to gain or lose. When Truth is present, there is no conflict anymore. I have talked to you about the possibility of a State free from conflict, fear and confusion, but you do not pay attention to it. You do not have real interest in it!
Curiously, today you are here in this room. I talk to you about the simplest and highest Comprehension, and when It settles inside you, Truth becomes clear – the Truth of all Sages, throughout all time in the human history. The Truth of the Comprehension present in your True Nature is the Truth of Buda, of Christ, of Krishna.
You are right now listening [reading] to this speech, but this speech is not the Truth. When you have a thorn in your foot, you use another thorn to take that one out. You are not going to put a new thorn on top of the one that was already there, you are going to use the second one to take the first one out. So are these speeches. I do not want you to learn, to memorize, to save or to flounder about what you are listening to.
Do not reflect on this, for it is not wise! It is wise to accept that this thorn takes out the thorn therein. What I am saying is that the false can be removed by the false; a thorn can take another thorn out. However, if you only learn this speech, thinking it is beautiful, it is going to be just another thorn with the first one. So, this speech (which is not real, but it could work like a thorn to take out another thorn that was there) is going to be useless. In other words, you need to accept that everything that goes on in your mind is illusion. All knowledge and all ignorance that are present there, are part of illusion. The Real Medicine that brings healing is Real Knowledge, but Real Knowledge is beyond words. It is born from the Comprehension that comes with the welcoming of Truth. Something that is only possible in the Silence. That is my speech!
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on July 15th, 2019 - First published in Portuguese on August 19, 2019. For more information about how to participate, please access: http://mestregualberto.com.

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