August 11, 2020

God is the Reality of your Being

You have been conditioned to see a great multitude of phenomena around you, and something is escaping from you: the Reality of your own Being, your Direct Life.
So, you need to find out how to break this habit of mental confusion, of pure programming and conditioning. Your vision is erroneous, distorted. God is the Reality of your Being, but as you have never stopped to investigate the Truth about yourself, you are not aware of This. You can only, at most, believe in This, which is another form of conditioning, religious conditioning, but that does not solve absolutely anything either. It is useless to believe that God is your Reality, the Reality of your Being, because Truth is not a belief, a doctrine. You either see it directly or you keep not knowing what this is about.
This concept of “me” is a huge misunderstanding, the core of all this confusion, the base of this programming, of this conditioning. Realization is the destruction of this, the break with this model. When you come to Satsang, you should not expect anything. You need to be completely vulnerable in this space. You need to be surprised by something totally unknown. All you need is the ability to see things as they really are. You have a lot of beliefs, a lot of concepts, a lot of ideas, and all of this has to vanish, to disappear.
So, these meetings we have are singular, because something entirely new is happening here. I am not confirming your beliefs, convictions, and ideas. That is why you cannot expect anything from me. When there is this flexible vision, there lies Freedom. Freedom lies in this, in this ability to see things as they are – it is what we are doing together in Satsang.
I hope you are not here looking for spirituality. That is the wrong place to look for it. Here, we are not dealing with spirituality but investigating the nature of the Truth, the Truth about yourself. Only This can allow you the Happiness of Being, of purely Being. Our interest in Satsang is to find out this Reality outside time, imperishable, this Truth You are.
We have to start from a very clear principle here: there is nothing to be found on the outside. We are working on this encounter with the Truth You are, here and now. That is why we talk a lot about Self-investigation and Surrender, which are not separate from this immersion in the Truth we are, which is Meditation. Self-investigation, Surrender, and Meditation always come together. We cannot separate one from another. There is no Real Meditation without the Surrender of illusion, and this is only possible when there is a real, serious investigation going on. Self-investigation, Meditation, and Surrender are present when the mind stops going back to its usual paths, stops going outside towards objects, towards its world of imaginations, dreams, desires.
Mind in its programming lives inside images. It works with images. You spend much part of the day wandering on mental images, on objects, which can be places, people, situations that have already happened or that thought imagines that is going to happen, which is the same... All of this is imagination! Nothing is happening in the mind except the imagination of what has happened and of what is going to happen.
Participant: Do we have any control or choice in action?
Marcos Gualberto: No! Action happens as everything happens, and there is absolutely no one controlling this. Everything that happens is an action from Consciousness. It is the action of It, in It, by It, and to It. There is no “someone” involved in this! Illusion lies in the idea, which is just an image of the thought that there were authorship in the action, an individual, a character involved in it. Everything happens within the determination, the programming, or the will of Consciousness.
Here, Freedom, which is synonymous with Happiness, Peace, Truth, Love, means the awareness that all of this is a game without “someone” present determining the result. Even because the result of this game is not for pleasure, satisfaction, or fulfillment for “someone.” Everything is just a great Divine happening. When this becomes clear, the Truth about yourself will also be clear. Realization is basically this: the clear and direct view that everything is in its place.
What you call action, thought, and movement are just phenomena within this game. Your Natural State is pure Consciousness, free from the identification with the phenomenon of doing and thinking, the phenomenon of the movement. Mind knows nothing about This, because it is always interested in satisfaction, pleasure, and accomplishment. It is interested in the illusion of doing, of controlling, of manipulating. This is its movement, the movement of the illusion, and that is why it lives in confusion, disorder, suffering. The great Truth is that Life is complete in Itself just like It is.
Participant: So, is there any manifestation of reality from the mind, from the standpoint of the thought?
Marcos Gualberto: All the mind can manifest is part of itself. This cannot be the Reality but only part of its phenomenon. Actually, mind can manifest nothing, because it does not exist as a creator, a producer of reality. It is just a phenomenon in Consciousness.
The point here is that when you use the expression “mind,” you are usually linking it to a present entity. When I use this expression, I am addressing a universal, impersonal phenomenon, just a phenomenal energy, which is also the energy of the manifestation of Consciousness. Since everything is this Consciousness, this energy is also Its; it is Itself. There is no entity present. You are not a “thinker” behind these thoughts. You are not “someone” who has a mind. These thoughts are still manifestations of this phenomenon called “mind,” but the mind itself is not real. It is just a modulation, a form of manifestation of Consciousness.
Problem arises when this phenomenon is seen as the Reality. It is not Reality. Reality is That which is beyond and behind this phenomenon. When thought, in an imaginative way, individualizes and separates itself, the problem arises, the illusion of “me” arises, the illusion of separation arises. But it is such illusion that causes too much confusion, disorder, and suffering for the own illusory entity present.
In this Freedom of Being, of pure Consciousness, which is your Real Nature, Life is just a great game and mind is just a phenomenon, with no huge implications, without the ability to create disorder, suffering, and personal, particular confusions. This because, in your Being, You are beyond the mind; you are free from it, free from the confusion created by this identification with this phenomenon.
You rarely notice it, but all this here is a great “dream.” In some moments you have some glimpses of this, that here is too disordered to have an explanation.
Notice that when you dream at night, despite you cannot explain what is happening and see absurd things, you take that as something very normal. But when you wake up, you say: “How could that be possible?” So, in some moments, even during the dream at night, you accept that everything is in its place and is really confusing like that, that is just the way it is.
Here, the same thing happens. Sometimes you have a glimpse that things are out of your control and that they are just the way they are. However, when the mind, which is dualistic, separatist, and logical, comes up, it tries to explain things, to put things in order in its own way. And there comes confusion, doubt, fear, perplexity. But when all this is not present, you are relaxed, welcoming what presents itself.
Life is what It is, a great game, a great divine joke, without “someone” in control, without “someone” to put things right. Things are already in their places! It is just this conditioning you have that says things are out of place and they should go to the right place. It is this conditioning that is rejecting things, seeing them as bad, hard, complicated. It is the conditioning that refuses all this, which wants the good, but not the bad; which wants health, but not disease; which wants life, but not death; which wants the right, but not the wrong.
So observe... These are conditioning, programmed models of thinking, feeling, and doing, while, in fact, there is no one thinking, feeling, doing. Life is only happening in this Freedom It has. If You are in your Being, you are free from coming into conflict with Life, of acting in this aspect of rejection, conflict, suffering, fear.
Here, our work together is for you to find out This. Actually, there is no real parameter in the mind about what Love, Truth, Happiness, Peace is. The purpose of this work is to show you This directly, which is the Truth about Yourself, the Truth about Life, about the world… the Truth about God!
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on January 13th, 2020 - First published in Portuguese on May 28th, 2020 - For further information about our meetings, click here.

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