October 2, 2020

7th - Dreaming for what? For suffering?

We accept a superficial way of living as real. We say: “You have to dream!” Everybody says that! Thus, we are running after superficialities and calling it “my dreams.” It happens because we are conditioned to believe that our efforts make things happen, that without them nothing happens.
Is it true? Have we stopped to observe life and see if it is really like this? How many attempts have we made, trying so hard and yet coming to nothing, and therefore we have beaten ourselves up for that, we have blamed ourselves and we are condemned by others? We say to ourselves we do not try hard enough and neither do others, that we bear the responsibility and that we could have gone a bit further away, this way it would have worked, we would have accomplished… But is life really like this? On the other hand, how many things took little or absolutely no effort on our part to come to our hands?
What we have not perceived yet is that we are not the ones in control, determining anything in our lives or in the lives of other people. It is stupid to blame ourselves and also to blame others for what neither we nor they can control, determine. It has been like this because we believe in this “me” as the Supreme Lord of our so celebrated destiny and our so dreamed future.
We have this and other kinds of beliefs because we were trained or conditioned to live this way, as I use to say. We never ask ourselves why we seek and what we are really seeking. Thus, we are in this continuous search. When something comes, we are soon looking for a new one. Have you noticed how long a satisfaction or the pleasure of achievement lasts?
The dreams are present just because we are sleeping. This is the nature of the mind: dreaming. We believe that what we fight for may one day brings us happiness and that the most natural thing in life is to wish to be happy. However, the most natural thing in life is to be Happy, and This is only possible when there are no desires.
The fact is that we need nothing, absolutely nothing to be Happy. We are profoundly happy when before sunset we contemplate it with its redness, which, little by little, gets hidden behind the mountain; or when we witness the sunrise on the beach - sitting there, we see that huge ball of fire rising... silent, imposing, bringing light and warmth over everything that was previously under the darkness. These are extraordinary and indescribable moments, moments of Beauty, of Joy without a cause. In the face of that indescribable experience, where was the "me"? At times like these, where are the dreams, desires, and pursuits that cause us so much anxiety, affliction, and suffering?
Notice that, our Being is already fully Happy. Our Real Nature is Happiness! After all, what happened on that beach before that mountain? It is because we have rested for a few seconds in our Being, we have returned to our innocence. If we are not experiencing this Happiness, it is precise because we are alienated from our Being, from our Real Nature, far from this innocence of our True Nature.
*This text, written by Master Marcos Gualberto, shares the Sage's view about life, was published for the first time in Portuguese on October 8th, 2010. It was the seventh original publication on the blog in Portuguese and is part of the collection related to the first years of this work, whose texts, after being kept offline, are now being translated to English and will be published in a series as a tribute to the Master. For further information, visit our website, click here.

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