October 26, 2020

Life carries no history

The basis for the revelation of the Truth is this investigation of yourself, of who you truly are. Until that moment, you are mistaking yourself for the illusion of being present in this human experience, for you have been brought up to believe in it. You see yourself as an entity, a person, someone present within the body. You need to go beyond this illusion!
Your conditioned pattern says you are separate, experiencing objects separate from yourself. The eyes see things outside. The ears are listening to sounds that come from the outside. The smell also comes from the outside. That is, the senses are turned outwards, to external sensations, and here is the illusion: the separation between the experiencer and what one experiences - the experiencer inside and the experience outside. In this way, there is subject and object, and this is not true.
Every experience is happening without the experiencer; it is only the experience of this Consciousness. Without the Consciousness there is no experience. The thought has a story to tell about the illusion between the experiencer and the experienced thing, but thought is only an imagination, a fiction, just another experience within this Consciousness.
This is quite interesting, quite important because when it becomes clear, understood, even intellectually, that there is no separation between thought and thinker, observed thing and observer, listener and heard thing, then you have the groundwork to not trusting anymore in this illusion of someone present.
"Someone present" is only a conditioned pattern, a belief. There is no "someone"! For example, here and now the illusion is that there is separation - "we are here and you are there." So, there would be, in this same room, in this present moment, someone or some people in Brazil, others in India, others in the United States and others in Singapore, which is not true! There is only one experience happening right now, and it is this Consciousness. It assumes a form, a sound, the "listening," the location (Brazil, Singapore, United States, etc.) and so on, but it is the same Consciousness in its expression. A single present Reality.
We are forty-two participants in this Paltalk room [online meeting via Paltalk app], plus other five people in person here. However, there are no "people" in this room. There is no "one" speaking and there are no "others" listening. There is only the experience itself, in itself. The experience in itself is Consciousness, and not an experience to "someone." It is the experience within itself, by itself, in itself. This experience is pure Consciousness, pure Presence. This is the basis for the end of duality, of the sense of separation. When there is no duality, there is no conflict, fear and suffering. Your whole problem lies in the illusion "you" are there within the experience of this "someone," of this "me," of that "I" ("my story and me," "my pain and me," “my problems and me").
So, the real way to deal with thoughts is to not mistake yourself for them. In other words, to not see yourself as the thinker of them.
Every problem starts by believing you are in the control, being responsible for something, but if you observe it closely, you will realize thoughts happen similarly to the rain: without any control of yours. When these thoughts happen and you believe they are yours, you mistake yourself for the story they tell you, and then you start to exist within this illusion of being someone with problems.
All these thoughts revolve around this self-image that you believe you are. This self-image has problems - problems with other people, emotional, psychological and health problems; problems with the past, with the future ... Self-image, this "sense of me" is striving to change things, which is an illusion. This way, conflict, suffering and fear remain.
Life carries no history. Life is what is being presented at this present moment, at this very moment. And so, there are no thoughts about what happens, there is no past, present and future, there is no "one" responsible for or able to take care of that.
In India, they name the illusion of duality, of separateness as Maya, that is the existence of a "me" and of what happens outside in the form of people, places and objects; "my story and me;” “God, the world and me.” So, we need to deepen this work to let go of this illusion of duality, of separateness -Maya.
Participant: On November 2016, one of my best friends got involved in a car accident and died on the spot. She had a five-year-old son... The question is: how could I overcome this fear?
Master Gualberto: It is not about "a fear." We must approach this thing called fear. Fear, be it attached to a particular situation or to any other situation, is always fear. It does not matter what we fear of, because there is only fear. Now, why is fear present? That is the point! Why is fear present? Because the sense of separation is present. The sense of separation is based on the thought, on what it "tells" you regarding what happens. Notice thought happens within time. That is, when there is room for the time, there is room for the thought.
Fear appears when thought appears. Thought is the basis of fear, the basis of the separation between the "me" and the imminent danger to this "me." The illusion of the “me” reinforces the illusion of danger to this “me”, being the thought responsible for maintaining all that.
Fear is always connected to time, since it is always linked to the thought. Thought always deals with the past or the future, when fear is possible. If there is neither past nor future, there is no thought and, therefore, there is no fear. So, my recommendation here is: Give up the thought! Give up the "me"! That is possible now!
*Online meeting transcription, originally held on the night of April 17, 2017 - First published in Portuguese on May 31, 2017. For further information about the meetings and how to participate,click here.

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