March 2, 2022

The fear of being nothing

Mind knows this notion very well. The very notion of time, to a present identity, creates the illusion of fear. So, fear is an illusion, which appears directly in this relation of a supposed identity, which is, in fact, an apparition of thought.

Then, there is this fear, the fear of being nothing... the fear of being nothing.

The Truth about Yourself is Being, and Being is not anything. Being surpasses all notion we have about something or nothing. Being is something that transcends all this notion of belief, idea, or concept about being nothing or being anything.

The Reality of your Self is timeless and spaceless Consciousness, something that is beyond all notion that thought may produce, beyond all ideas that thoughts may produce.

So, this fear of being nothing is an inherent fear of thought. Thought has created this notion of a "me," of a present identity living, experiencing, being "someone."

So, this fear of being nothing, in reality, is the fear of thought. It is thought that has been creating this notion, the notion of losing something, which is a fantasy, a belief, an imagination.

So, all the present fear you feel, all of it, is grounded in thought, and always in this relation between a present identity with an object. And here, the object is thought itself, in this notion of world, objects and relationships.

That is where the basis of fear is settled, the fear of being nothing, of being nobody, which is something purely egoic.

Realize That which You are! What you are doesn't carry fear. That which You are not, and believe to be, never gets rid of fear, because it is something inherent to this illusion, this notion of losing, of disappearing, of not being somebody anymore.

So, the fear of being nothing is something implicit in this illusion of a separate entity, in this notion of an ego identity.

You are not a "person", you are not a separate identity, you are not who you believe to be.

Then, there is no space, no real reason, to this notion of separateness, to this conflict of separation and, therefore, to fear. Fear is purely egoic, grounded in the thought imagination of this false identity.

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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