March 8, 2022

How to get rid of thoughts?

You might say "how to get rid of thoughts which torment me?" Look, the problem are not thoughts that torment you. The basic problem is your identification with them. So, there is an illusion here, among a lot of others: the illusion that there are some thoughts that torment us, as if others do not. In fact, because the experience of pleasant or so-called "positive" thoughts fulfills us psychologically, causes an egoic physiological fulfillment, and not a discomfort. Whereas negative thoughts, worrying thoughts, or that sort of thing, cause torment.

So, we say: "I want to get rid of thoughts that torment me!"

See the problem is not with thought that torments you. The problem is in the identification with thoughts. When you are not free of the identification with thoughts, the so-called "positive" or "negative" thoughts will always be present. Those which torment you or not will always will be present, creating a false identity in this experience: the experience of thought that you are identifying with, in which you have an identity.

So, the liberation of thoughts that torments you is the liberation of identification with thoughts. So, when you want to get rid of negative thoughts yet keep positive thoughts, this means you have not understood the movement of thoughts.

In this work, we are proposing to investigate the nature of thought and for whom they occur. So, the idea that "someone" exists there to produce thoughts is an illusion, this is not real. This is an idea or a belief of thought itself producing this idea, this illusion.

The fact is You are Consciousness. As Consciousness, You are and always remain free of thoughts. I say "of thoughts" because there is no true identification in your Being, in relation with thoughts, be it with positive or pleasant thoughts, or negative, unpleasant thoughts; thoughts that do not torment or thought that torment us.

My focus here is to show you the importance of the observation of this movement, which is the movement of thought. Not important if there are positive or negative thoughts, just disidentify with them, go beyond them, beyond the mind.

I have used an expression that for some it is difficult to understand immediately. The expression I have been using is "remain in your Being."

Then someone comes and asks: "But how is it possible if at the same time, you say that there is no effort necessary?", and I continue saying: remain in your Being! Remaining in your Being is something most natural, as paradoxical it may seem, because in fact what you believe is natural, is a most artificial thing there is, which is to be constantly identified with thoughts. Because of this identification with thoughts, you suffer. So, you say "I have suffered and I am suffering. What can I do to get rid of thoughts that torment me?"

This suffering is because of this identification! You, in an unconscious way about who You are, or about what You actually are, you are doing this with yourself, with yourself, you are confusing yourself with thoughts and with what thought represents, which are feelings, emotions, sensations, memories, remembrances...So here is this illusion, the illusion of "someone" present in this experience, and this is to remain identified, entangled with thought and suffering.

So, the proposal is: Disidentify with thoughts, remain in your Being!

In other words, assume what You are, naturally, and disidentify with this artificiality, this habit, this addiction, this mechanical and unconscious continuity of always keeping identified with thoughts.

Of course this requires a work, a patient work, dedicated, applied… I have used a lot the expression "focus." It is necessary to have a focus. It is necessary to bring Awareness to yourself. Abiding in your Being implies to remain aware of what You really are, and without getting confused with what thought says about what you are, or about what is happening around you, or about what is happening in the world.

So, this break with identification of this movement is the basis for this Freedom, the basis for this Liberation, this unconscious, mechanical continuity of this false "I." So, your Being is the natural revelation of What You are, while thought is this mechanical and unconscious artificiality of programming and conditioning that you have been living in all these years and is the basis of this so-called "human culture"… So, Divine Realization, Realization of Truth, is the end of thinking, conditioning, programming and identifying with thought, and it is natural that this is the end for thoughts that torment you. But in fact, that is the end of thought, the end of this subjection of this false identity, this false center. OK?

February, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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