June 8, 2022

Awakening of Kundalini | Kundalini Yoga | Real Meditation

Hi folks! Welcome to another meeting here on our channel. Kundalini… What is Kundalini? What does Kundalini mean? Kundalini is the Reality of your Divine Potential for Spiritual Enlightenment, for the Blossoming of your Being. There is something within you that carries this Awakening Potential, the Awakening of your Divine Nature, of your True Nature, of your Real Nature. However, This aspect of Yourself is asleep or sleeping.

According to the science of yoga, This is something that sleeps at the base of the spine and when This awakens in your pranic body, It goes upwards creating a psychophysical change in this organism, in this mechanism.

To simplify: the Awakening of Kundalini means the Awakening of this Divine Energy, of this Divine Potential you have within yourself so that this dream of separateness, this ego identification, is completely undone, completely destroyed.

There are several quite technical terms on This. If you are interested you can read books on It, which I actually advise against because, here, what I advise is to work in yourself this issue of Meditation, which is the Awakening of this Presence.

You can theoretically read about how to drive a car and never sit behind the wheel and start practicing or you can, with little theoretical background – if the instructor shows you the steering wheel, the pedals, and the gearshift – you can start practicing. I want to indicate this to you here.

On this channel, we are working together on this issue of the Awakening of Kundalini. This is more than the theory of what This represents or what This means. This is even much more! Thus, we put aside the book on how to drive and start to really get into contact with the pedals, the steering wheel, and the gearshift, so that the car can actually move.

Realization is something like this. What I have noticed is that we spend a lot of time on theoretical aspects, never in direct contact with necessary work. Our proposal here is for you to get closer to your Being, which is Consciousness, Presence, Kundalini, which is this Awakening of Kundalini.

See, the path prescribed by Ramana Maharshi is the path of self-inquiry. What basically is self-inquiry? This question is of great relevance within this Spiritual Awakening or this Spiritual Enlightenment. Self-inquiry is the contact with who I am, with what is happening here and now in this "person" you believe to be.

This contact with the Truth of your Being is the contact with your Divine Reality. Through self-investigation, Atma Vichara, you can become aware of the Truth of your Being. This Self-discovery, this Self-Realization, puts you in direct contact with the Truth, with this Blossoming, with this Awakening.

Then, this Energy – still answering your question: "What does it mean?" The Awakening of this Energy begins to operate a psychophysical change in this mechanism, in this organism, breaking the patterns concerning this ego identity, the patterns of this ego identity, all of them grounded in social, cultural conditioning and even in the cellular structure.

The break of these egoic patterns… When this energy goes up, there is a break of these patterns. The break of these patterns is the end of the sense of separation or duality between you and Life, between you and God, between you and Reality.

So, the question here is "who am I?" Therefore, "who I am?" is that steering wheel. Self-observation, the direct observation of the movement of the mind, is this attention when you shift into first gear and come into contact with the pedals so that the car can start moving.

This contact with yourself through self-inquiry is what I have called Meditation, Real Meditation, or True Meditation. This is the basis for Self-knowledge, for this Recognition of your True Divine Nature, of your True Real Nature, which represents the end for the ego, for this "me," for this false center; this "me," this "I," this ego, which means envy, fear, jealousy, desires, contradictions, conflicts, anxiety, worry, suffering.

Thus, this contact with your own Being through self-inquiry is vitally important. This contact with your own Being is the contact with that Power. This Divine Energy is internally present, but despite having a heat, It doesn't have enough heat yet to ignite. Self-inquiry, self-observation, will put heat into this Energy, so that It can operate a change in this mechanism, in this organism.

When Kundalini, which is this Energy, ignites through self-inquiry… What Kundalini Yoga tries to do through asanas, which are physical postures, mudras and pranayama, and other techniques, here is done through self-inquiry.

This self-inquiry brings the heat so that this Energy ignites and becomes alive, of such vitality that It can actually go up the spine within this pranic body and operate a complete change in this body-mind structure by reaching the chakras, these vortexes of energy, and placing the body inside a completely new condition so that this State of Liberation or Enlightenment can assume.

Is that clear to you? Is it clear? The Awakening of the Truth of your Being occurs due to a necessary change in this mechanism, in this organism. Your body needs a change, a mutation. The brain itself needs this mutation, this change, this transformation so that something new is present.

I'll just give you an example of the common, ordinary condition, which is the condition of the human being within their pattern of ego identity or sleep, dream consciousness. Notice, people write and ask, "what do I do with thoughts?" Notice, thoughts move in a quite fast way inside you. There is no room for silence, there is no inner stillness because thoughts live in a frenzy, they are restless. You are always under a purely mechanical unconscious process of thought. Thoughts are playing inside you all the time, creating sensations, and impressions, feeding and producing feelings and emotions, which you don't want, which you wouldn't want to have.

So, you don't have the slightest control over this purely automatic and mechanical process, which is this unconscious movement of the mind, and I say "unconscious" because it's the common state of the ordinary consciousness, of the consciousness of dream humanity lives in.

When the Blossoming of your Being takes place through the Awakening of Kundalini, something entirely new begins to emerge, a space opens up, a Silence arrives, then the brain cells themselves begin to work differently; there is a change in the brain cells themselves, in the very mechanical structure of this important organ that is the brain.

Actually, this happens in the whole body! Your body becomes fit for the "abode" of this Presence, of this Consciousness. In reality, this inner Heart, this Spiritual Heart, in Ramana's language, is already the abode, is already the Source of your Being, of What You are.

Then, this Energy goes up, reaches the top of the head, and puts into operation a very special center called "Sahasrara." According to Ramana, this Energy descends and then settles in the Heart, and only then this Emancipation took a place, this Liberation took place, and this definitive and complete Enlightenment took place.

So, the relation between Kundalini and Enlightenment is something quite intimate. Thus, what does it mean? That was the question: what does Kundalini mean? What is Kundalini? Kundalini is You in your Being, in your Divine State, in your Natural State. Ramana said, "we call It Shakti, Kundalini, God, Consciousness," but we are referring to the same thing, the Truth of your Being, the Truth of your Divine Reality.

Leave your "like," subscribe to the channel and let's work on this together. Ok?

May, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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