July 26, 2022

Spiritual Awakening | Kundalini Awakening | The Real Spiritual Enlightenment

The matter of Spiritual Awakening. Now, I would like you to follow this speech with a little patience, because we have to work from a perspective, perhaps, a little different from what you might have heard about or what you know. We are putting the expression, here within our channel, as Spiritual Awakening, the Awakening of Consciousness and Spiritual Enlightenment, perhaps, in a sense that sounds new to you.

Here, we refer to the Awakening similar to the Awakening of Ramana Maharshi. We are talking about the Awakening of your Divine Nature, your Essential Nature, which represents the end of the sense of duality, the end of the sense of separation between you and Life, between you and Existence, between you and God!

So, it is in this sense that we are using the expression "Spiritual Awakening" here, which represents the end of suffering. Our statements are within the principles of Advaita Vedanta. We are here, with you, working to end the sense of separation between you and Life, between you and God!

The only Truth present is the Truth of your Being, it is the Truth of this Divine Reality that You are. This is something present now, here. But as long as you don't realize it, as long as you don't verify it, what you call "life" is full of contradictions, full of conflicts, full of desires and fears.

In fact, it is fear in many forms, it is conflict in many forms, it is contradiction in many forms, all because of this sense of ego identity, all because of the lack of Understanding of who You truly are.

So, the direct Vision about what You are, in an experiential way, in this life, in this existence, which represents the end of all illusion about who you truly are – this is what we call here "the Real Spiritual Awakening" or "Spiritual Enlightenment."

So, words on our channel like "Spiritual Awakening," "Spiritual Enlightenment" or "Divine Realisation," this is also something linked to what we call " the True Awakening of Kundalini" – this is also another word used, especially here in the West, in a very broad way, and each reporting something that they believe to be Kundalini Awakening.

Just like Spiritual Awakening, it is also the Flourishing of your State of Being, free from the ego, free from this false identity, free from all this pattern of conditioning, of separateness, purely mental, psychological; the end of this state of illusion, of separation.

We also use the expression "Kundalini Awakening" in the sense of the Awakening of this Presence, this Consciousness, this Divine Truth that you carry within you, which is sleeping there in a potential state. And when It comes to flourish, when It really becomes actualized, when it receives conditions for It to really flourish, when Kundalini flourishes, the sense of separation is gone.

Ramana said that a new Energy takes possession of man, which is this Presence, this Consciousness. I want, in these few minutes with you here, to talk about It, to tell you how It becomes possible, what now, here, I am going to call "the Real Spiritual Awakening," "the True Enlightenment" and "the True Awakening of Kundalini." How it becomes possible That which is there, innate in you, inside and, mysteriously, outside the body, as I've been discussing on our channel.

On this subject, we have a long playlist on our channel, and we have made it because it is of real importance to all of us, something very narrow, very intimate, between the end of suffering, the end to this ego identity, illusion and separation between you and Life, between you and God... There is a very intimate relationship between this State and the Awakening of that Divine Potential that You carry within You.

When we use the expression "Consciousness," or "Kundalini," or "Divine Shakti," we are using different expressions pointing to the same Reality. So, this Divine Potential that You are, that You carry within You… when It expresses itself, when It actualizes itself, when It shows itself, we have the Real Spiritual Awakening, the Real Spiritual Enlightenment.

There is within you a longing for This. Everyone yearns for Love, for Peace, for Freedom, for Happiness, but everyone is looking outside for This. This search, all done on the outside, results in absolutely nothing, just more contradiction, more conflict, more fear, more suffering. So, many contradictions, many conflicts, many fears and many forms of suffering, all this appears in your life because of this illusion or this lack of knowledge, this "not realizing" what You are, who You are, what the Reality of your Being is.

So, for Spiritual Awakening, for Spiritual Enlightenment, it is essential to be open to this possibility of going beyond that illusion, that sense of "I," of "me," of "person." So, that Divine Power… It comes and It assumes this whole body-mind structure, and the direct way for that Realization is in Self-knowledge.

It is necessary that you understand yourself, understand this whole psychological process of egoic patterning present. It is essential that you understand all this contradiction before you express it; before it is expressed in your external world, it is necessary for you to understand this contradiction within you. It is necessary for you to understand that this incompleteness or this dissatisfaction based on opposing desires, what I am here calling external contradiction, this is not outside; it's inside you.

So, Self-Knowledge reveals this Truth to you, Self-Knowledge shows you the illusion of the "person" you believe yourself to be. Only Self-knowledge can show you that this movement of thoughts, feelings, emotions and perceptions of life, of yourself, of the world around you and of the other, all this is false, all this is illusory, all this is based on beliefs, on judgments, opinions, ideas, idealizations, imaginations… all produced by thought. So, all this confusion is in this inner disorder, in this psychological disorder, which sustains this false "I," the ego, this "me," this "person" that you believe you are. The end for this "person" is the end for this illusion.

Self-knowledge shows you what that "person" represents. It is necessary for you to establish in your Being, discovering the Truth of who You are. The observation of the movement of the mind, the observation of the movement of feeling, emotion, sensation, perception, the pure and direct observation of it, without being confused with what arises, without losing yourself in that experience, as you have done for a long time, for many years of your life, this makes space for Silence, for the Realization of the Reality that You are there, that You are here and now. So, this self-observation gives you the Vision of Self-knowledge, and this self-observation puts you in direct contact with what I have been calling here within the channel True Meditation.

Here on our channel, we also have a very broad playlist on this subject, about what Meditation is, what is Real, True Meditation, Meditation for this purpose, specific Meditation, pointing, signaling the Truth of your Being, beyond the mind, beyond the ego illusion, beyond that sense of the "person" you believe yourself to be.

Then, the door to True Meditation opens, and in that True Meditation, this Silence, this Presence, this Divine Reality, which is beyond the body, beyond the mind and beyond all that is known and recognized within the mind itself, This arises, This flourishes. And when It flourishes, you are facing the Truth of your own Being, That which you were born to be. This is the Awakening of Wisdom. When there is the Real Spiritual Awakening, Wisdom has flourished, the Wisdom that you perceive present in Ramana Maharshi, in Krishnamurti, in Buddha, in Christ.

Contact with the Truth of your Being is the Flourishing of Happiness, of Love, of Peace.

This is what we consider here, within this channel, and work with you as the Real Spiritual Awakening, the Truth about You, of who You are. Our work is to look at That which we are and Realize This today, here, in this Life, for a Life of Love, for a Life of Peace, for a Life of Happiness, for a Life in Wholeness, for a Life in Direct Understanding of Divine Reality, of What you were born to be, of What we were born to be.

That's what we work on within this channel with you. If this is something that brings your attention, if there is this internal interest, if there is this burning inside you, if it burns inside you, if it is a reality for you, leave your "like", subscribe to the channel and let´s work on this together here!

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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