July 15, 2022

The Real Guided Meditation | Darshan | Kundalini Awakening

Hey, guys! Welcome to another meeting here on this channel! I want to discuss Guided Meditation with you. I want to explain to you the power of this Meditation. I talk about the True Meditation, the Real Guided Meditation. Here on this channel, I have some videos already dealing with this. The difference between the traditional "guided meditation," which is basically the meditation that you enter in a certain practice, a method, within a system, with a guide through music, voice, or a specific form of breathing, or you unite the three, to find there a moment of relaxation and silence of the mind. And at that moment, you really de-stress; at that moment, you really feel quite well.

So, it is something that brings you joy and peace, but when you leave this moment, you again come across life, life as it is, and life is not so peaceful or silent, or without stress, as the egoic mind desires, as the person desires. And so, when you leave this practice of guided meditation, you are faced again with life as it is... Because it is basically this: life is as it is! It has a screaming child; it has a stressed wife; a nervous husband, stressed, coming from work; it has cars in traffic while you come home from work; and there they were honking, because the traffic was heavy, jammed… So, it is life as it is, as it shows itself.

I want to talk to you today...not just talk, I want you to step in Guided Meditation itself, into the power of that Meditation. It would be interesting for you, at this moment, to follow it until the end. I am going to work with you on what I understand by the Real Guided Meditation. The Real Guided Meditation is the contact with what is here and now, in this moment. So, what works temporarily because of a practice, does not establish itself as something really powerful for a real change in this organism, in this body-mind, which is, in fact, the purpose of the True Meditation.

So, experiences that one has within many practices of meditation, including this so-called "guided meditation," this proves to be insufficient for a direct work towards Spiritual Enlightenment, for Spiritual Awakening.

Here, the Real Guided Meditation is this encounter with now, with this moment, with this instant, and there is a facilitating element to this.

I know that, deep down, the purpose of the term "guided" or "leaded" for meditation is to create a facilitation for those who have difficulties because they have a very restless mind, very noisy, that live in a storm of thoughts, feelings and emotions, which they are always identified with. So, one reserves a moment facilitated by music, by voice, by breathing... And here I want to bring this to you, but in a slightly different way.

In India, they call Darshan the encounter of That which represents Consciousness, this Presence, the Truth of your own Being.

The word "Darshan" means seeing, seeing and being seen. So, seeing and being seen is Darshan. Since here there is no separation between You and I, because, in fact, there is no "you' or "I," here we have this Consciousness, this Life, this moment. So, this meeting here is a meeting of Guided Meditation. We are on a meeting... Look, you don´t need to close the eyes, you don´t need to hear music... There is this speech here, it is something which happens also within this Silence, which is already here and now, and you are in this moment, in this Union, in this Oneness.

We just use words like "you" and "I," but there is no "you" and "I," there is only Consciousness, Presence. In this Silence, in this Gaze, Meditation is revealed.

Observe that to be present is enough. If a thought arises, you observe it. Thought brings only a story, a history, it is only a remembrance, only a memory, it is something that has no importance here and now, in this meeting. So, I want to dedicate this moment here, for example, to what I consider Guided Meditation, the Real Guided Meditation. To see and being seen – this is Darshan.

In India this is very clear to the Indians. If you go to a Realized Being, if you come across with the one who lives outside of that egoic identification, with the one who is Enlightened or Realized, or who has Realized God, with that one who is established in one's own Being, and you look at him, you are before Darshan. You look at him and he looks to you... Here, for example, we are having a Darshan moment.

You can discover this in your day-by-day, in your living. This look at life, to what is shown, without the mind, without the ego, without interpreting, without judging, without comparing, without identifying with appearing thoughts, with ideas, with beliefs, with remembrances, with memories, with stories...This appears and disappears, and you keep looking at it, looking at yourself. Then, you see and you are seen – there is only You!

So, I am inviting you to spend a few moments with me here, a few moments here, a few minutes, in what I consider Guided Meditation. You might ask: "but what makes this meeting we are having here different from traditional practice of meditation?" Here, I am inviting you to discover this in your life, in your day-by-day. You don´t need to reserve a time for this. Now we are having, ok...

When you open one of our videos, you have this moment. When I am speaking of this possibility of Enlightenment, of Realization, of this establishment in your Natural State of Being, I am sharing with you the Natural State of Meditation, which is Consciousness, which is Being. And here, this is not a concept, it is not a belief, it is not a theory.

Spiritual Enlightenment is You in your Natural State, which is Meditation. This is not what comes and goes, which is what happens to many practices of meditation, including guided meditation practice. So, we are in front of Darshan. Apply this in your life, in your day-by-day, begin to look at the world around you with this look. You are not here to fix the world. You are not here to change the world. You are not here to change things on places, to change people. You are not here to change yourself. You are here to discover you are not here! This is Consciousness, this is Meditation! There is no "me," so there is no "I" there, no "you" to change, to suffer a change.

When we open ourselves at this moment, as this happens now here, something entirely new begins to happen in this organism, in this body, in this mind, a change that happens naturally by the Awakening of this Presence, of this Energy, of this Divine Shakti, which is Kundalini. This starts processing a work in the body, the body starts going through a change. I have been talking about this here on this channel. We have playlists about it.

Note that, as we are talking to you, the State of Silence, which is Consciousness, is not interrupted. This is Natural Meditation. There isn't any music, there isn't any special breathing, there isn't a special posture, there are no mudras, there are no mantras, there are no asanas. What we have in fact now and here is this contact with Silence we are already, here and now.

What I want to tell you is that the True Meditation does not impede bodily activities, such as talking, listening, singing, walking, eating, working, applying yourself to an intellectual activity such as writing a letter or examining an architectural project or another technical project... This has nothing to do with the presence of thought as well.

Thought can appear, but there is no identity in this thought.

Your Natural State prevails as Consciousness, as Love, as Peace, as Silence. It is an encounter with the Divine, with Consciousness, with Presence. Here, every notion of time and space disappears, every story disappears, the past is gone; and when the past disappears, the future also disappears, because when there is no thought, there is no present, past and future.

Thought, when it is an apparition, a simple apparition, without an identity, it only happens and is not present. It is paradoxical: it happens, but it is not present. The only Reality present is this Power, the Power of Consciousness. So, we have here a moment of Meditation, of True Meditation, of True Guided Meditation. Then, when we have the basis to Kundalini Awakening, the basis to Awakening of the Consciousness, the basis to the Awakening of your Divine Nature, of your Essential Nature, the basis for Enlightenment.

Thanks for the meeting. See you in the next video, or in one of the online or maybe in-person meetings. Until the next meeting. Leave your "like," subscribe to the channel and see you in the next one.

July, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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