December 28, 2024

Atma Vichara Ramana Maharshi. Self-observation. How to get rid of suffering? Spiritual Intelligence

I want to touch on the issue of suffering and how to free ourselves from suffering with you today. That's a playlist on the channel that we are working on with you. Together, we are learning how this Liberation becomes possible, a new state of consciousness where suffering is no longer present. However, we have to look at this in a new way, as I have always emphasized here in these meetings.

We have a way of perceiving life based on a background of knowledge, of experience, within a propaganda model - that is, of acceptance as we are taught, shown, as we are instilled - in a mistaken way. We need to discover what suffering represents, what it means. In general, we only get into superficial contact, which in fact is not a contact, it is a reactive way of responding to the experience in this format of suffering, but we never get closer to the truth of suffering to investigate what suffering is. It has many forms, it appears in many ways in our lives, but we do not study it.

Notice how we behave. All our energy of interest in life is to take care of "our life," and here I always put life in two ways: either we have the Real Life, and the Real Life is unknown, or we have the known life, which is life as we know it. Our job here is to become aware of the Real Life and free ourselves from this life as we know it. It is in this life as we know it that we are involved with these various interests to make it better and better within a cultural, social, human standard or model. Thus, our energy, in general, is only involved in this.

Here we are, with you, exploring this issue of the Awakening of Intelligence. This is another subject here, of great relevance to all of us. The Awakening of Intelligence is the vision of Real Life, it is the end of this particular life we are living, where suffering is present. We do not even perceive our real internal condition, mental, sentimental, emotional, of thought, of internal contradiction within each one of us! We do not perceive what is happening to us, because all our interest is in achieving things in life.

For us, this is life, this particular life where we are, within it, doing things, obtaining things. We have a thought that we need a lot of things or many things; we need everything that the world shows us. So, we live within a formulation of human history, of human life, without the awareness of our internal condition, where suffering is present. For example, fear is a form of suffering, but we have already become accustomed to this condition. At most, we try to escape from situations that keep us away from the issue of fear.

So, we are always moving away from fear - notice, fear is a form of suffering. As for the issue of desires, for example, we do not perceive what this movement of desire within us implies. Thus, we move away from fear, we do not perceive that the presence of fear is, in fact, the presence of suffering, but the same happens with desires. In general, we just want to get rid of fear because we feel the suffering present in fear, although we are not fully aware that fear is one, just one among the many forms of suffering we have. But as for desires, we keep going after them.

The illusion present in our mind, in this consciousness, is present because we have not studied ourselves, we have not observed what is going on within us. The illusion is that in the fulfillment of desires there is happiness, that we find peace, love, freedom; this is something entirely false. Since we have not studied what fear is, we have not comprehended what desire is. Not comprehending what desire is also constantly puts us in this or that other form of fear.

For example, in order to deal with suffering, we need to comprehend desire and fear. So, a large part of our lives consists of this process of desire and fear, where suffering is present. But part of suffering is not just fear and desire: we have worry, anxiety, depression, anguish, and conflict in our relationships. Now, when you get closer and look at this closely, you perceive that all of this is sustained by fear.

Desire is basically fear. You are looking for something. The idea of ??finding satisfaction and pleasure in that has, deep down, an apprehension that it might not happen, that it might not work out; there is a search at the level of anxiety to achieve that. So, notice, fear is present in desire itself. The anguish in us is about the past, about events and happenings that occurred in the past. That creates anguish here. This uninvestigated internal state within each of us also has as its principle some form of fear. Worry is the same thing.

It is very important for us to comprehend this issue of the end of fear. Once you comprehend what fear is and how to end it, you have an end to suffering. So, how can we free ourselves from suffering? When we discover what it is to enter into direct, real contact with experience, we perceive this experiencer within it, separating itself from the experience. This experiencer is the element within us, which is ourselves, within fear, desire, anxiety, and worry. That is why we have studied here with you this issue of the comprehension of the truth about the "I."

This is the basic issue, and there are many other issues, such as the end of suffering, "How to get rid of suffering?", "How to deal with fear?" We have countless questions; some we have formulated and others we have not formulated, but we carry them within us. That's because there is something in you that, with great intelligence, perceives that it is not natural to suffer, just as it is not natural to fear. So, anxiety revolves around desire, fear revolves around desire. Note that everything is interconnected: suffering, desire, fear, anxiety, the past. The element that connects all of this, like a thread that connects the beads of a necklace, the main element is still the element of thought, present within you.

Our work here together has a single purpose, and that purpose is the Awakening of the Truth about ourselves, which requires the Awakening of this Divine Intelligence. So, Real Spiritual Intelligence is the Divine Intelligence, and the only Truth about Intelligence, the Real Intelligence, is this quality of Intelligence. Human beings are in suffering for many reasons, and no matter how intelligent they are and how accomplished they are in this or that area, no matter how competent they are in applying what they know as intelligence in this or that area, they still remain within illusion, which is the illusion of seeing themselves as a person, as someone, having an identity that is separate from life.

So, you are a scientist, you have great intelligence, which implies the presence of knowledge, skill and experience in your field. You are a mathematician; you are a physicist. You have great ability to deal with the issue of space, so you are an architect. Human beings have developed this so-called "intelligence" in this or that area. Here, we are emphasizing with you what we have called Real Intelligence, the Intelligence of the Sage, Divine Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence. Being in this Intelligence is discovering how to deal with yourself, it is to comprehend yourself in this context of life, for the realization of Real Life free from suffering.

So, the way I see, when there is true Intelligence, it is not an intelligence specialized in this or that area, it is the Intelligence of the vision of the totality of life, it is the Intelligence of the comprehension of yourself. Human beings live, despite everything they manage to achieve or accomplish based on their capacity, skill, technique, experience and intelligence, they continue in ignorance - in ignorance about themselves. As long as you do not know the Truth about yourself, there will be suffering because ignorance will be present.

A sage from South India named Ramana Maharshi, when people came to him - including scientists, very learned people - and asked about Truth, he would say: "Until there is an understanding of the Truth about who you are, each and every knowledge will still be knowledge within the context of ignorance." Today, we have a great deal of contact with experience, with various forms of knowledge, which are growing and expanding every day, but all knowledge, even though it is growing and expanding, still remains without awareness. Therefore, knowledge is still part of ignorance.

Here, we are dealing with you, presenting to you the awareness of Reality, of Real Life. So, we are dealing together here with something that is outside of this so-called "science" or "common knowledge," which is the knowledge that is always within a shadow, which is the shadow of ignorance. Our knowledge has to be expanded, it has to grow, so it is knowledge that still and always carries some level of ignorance. The Truth of your Being, Divine Reality is that which is present in the Awakening of this Real Intelligence.

How can we access the end of ignorance? By having a direct comprehension of this "I." That also represents the end of suffering. So, the answer to how to get rid of suffering is there, the answer to how to deal with fear is there: in the comprehension of the Truth about who you are. Ramana Maharshi, the sage of Arunachala, recommended to people something that is known, in Sanskrit, as Atma Vichara. Ramana Maharshi's Atma Vichara is the direct path to this Awakening of Intelligence, to the end of this illusion, of this illusory center that is the "I," living this particular life that is the life where the sense of an identity that sees itself separate from God is living. The word "Atma Vichara" in English would be something like "self-investigation," "self-inquiry" or "self-observation."

Here, on the channel, we are working on this with you, showing you how to realize that in this life. This was my path; my contact with my teacher was in 1986. The Awakening of your Natural State of Being is something possible in this life. So, these instructions or direct teachings are not something you acquire intellectually, but rather something you discover within yourself, in an experiential way. My teacher, Ramana Maharshi, used to say to everyone who approached him: "The Truth of your Being is Wisdom." Contact with the Presence of this Grace is the door that opens up this Liberation in life. We are here to become aware of this. This is when life really makes sense, because we are beyond this format of being someone within life. We are living in our Real Nature when the sense of the ego, of the "I," is no longer present.

So, this is our focus here, within this channel; this is what we are working on with you. We have opportunities to investigate this. One of them is these meetings we have here online on weekends - on Saturday and Sunday we are together, approaching this investigation. And it is an opportunity for you to discover what the Truth of Meditation is, which is something that people also do not know. In life, discovering what the awareness of Being is, is everything! A life without the Truth of Meditation is a life of the "I".

So, we are together here, Saturday and Sunday, investigating this, investigating the Truth about who we are and realizing this Awakening. Here, in the video description, you have the WhatsApp link to participate in these online meetings. In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats. Thus, here is the invitation. Go ahead, leave your "like" here, subscribe to the channel and also take a look at our other channel called Marcos Gualberto. There is a link here in the description, we also have hundreds of videos there. Here is the invitation and we will see each other! Thanks for the meeting and see you next time.

November, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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