November 16, 2018

A new view about yourself

You have been living under restraint, for this is the burden of personality. You look at everything around you through that personality, which is the sense of identity created by yourself due to your imagination. You have been identifying with your daily experience, creating an identity with your professional experience, family, friends, objects (such as houses and cars), activities ... So, the sense of personality is attached to a so-called "life" based on externalities, and it is from that you have assigned this sense of identity you call "me." You consider yourself a person, so you are a personality.
The word "person" means "mask," an individual feature, and that is the restriction. You are restricted to a personal experience, so the Mystery, the Beauty and the Grace of Life are lost, because your way of seeing everything around you is always limited by personal decisions, choices and concerns. There is no Intelligence!
When you really understand the need to investigate this, you open up yourself to the opportunity of going beyond this situation of mediocrity, which is the situation that everyone is undergoing. Everybody lives that way, because they are mistaken him/herself for an image he/she does of him/herself, a belief about who he/she is. So, when you live identified with that personality, with that person, there is a huge limitation What are you doing to yourself? What are you doing when you are living within that sense of person? In Satsang, we say that you are living in the ego, living in a false identity, establishing your daily life within this condition of "personal life," in this limitation, subjection, restriction.

From the person standpoint of view, which means living within one's own concepts and beliefs, within common ideas, that is a very heavy burden, a huge burden. This is the human unhappiness, unhappiness of the ego, unhappiness of the “I,” personal unhappiness. This burden is the search for safety, the search for recognition, comfort and fulfillment, somehow. One thing that never happens, because personality never gets filled, never finds comfort or safety. The ego, however it seeks, does not know Happiness. In fact, its search is precisely by reason of this situation. The nature of the ego is non-safety, is fear, is desire.
Your work here is to investigate the Nature of the Truth about yourself, and then the fight ends. When you are free from the "person," there is no more struggle. This personality is only a mask, a false identity and, therefore, a hallucination. Notice that all that is required is a new view about yourself. This new view gives you a correct perspective about the external world, your world of relationships with people, with objects, with professional activities, or any other activity.
"Your work here is to investigate the Nature of the Truth about yourself, and then the fight ends."
It is possible to attain Liberation from this hallucination, this experiencer, this observer, this thinker, this "I," this "me" ... It is when this limitation, this restriction is totally swept away, totally destroyed, broken. When this new and real perspective, which is the right perspective, is present, there is no one else! Some call This "Awakening," or "Enlightenment" - the end of confusion, of disorder, of war, of fear.
You were born to be absolutely and unconditionally free! Something possible in this Intelligence, but impossible in this limitation, in that mistaken relationship with Life, with Yourself. The love to the Truth, to the Life is the surrender to the Real. This courage to surrender to the Real is possible when you are really "burning" for This! Truth must be the first thing in life, because That is Life! Without it, it is only illusion in this hallucination of being someone; the illusion of personality in this hallucination of the false “me.”
This implies a true recognition of the Truth about yourself, the realization that there is no one present here and now in this day-to-day experience, in this so-called "daily life." This is what we call Consciousness, Presence, Being, Life as It Is, the State of pure Wisdom. You are a Sage - this is your Real identity - but a Sage does not live in suffering, because He is not in hallucination, not in a hypnotic effect, in a suggested effect, attached to a belief model. This is how human beings have been living; but not the Sage!

|*Online meeting transcription, originally held on August 3, 2018. First published in Portuguese on September 2, 2018. Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm Local Time: Brazil BRT, except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please access:

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