November 28, 2018

There is no distance between you and the Truth!

What are we doing in these meetings? What does being here in Satsang mean? First, you need to ask if there is any real distance between you and the Truth. Every time I face up this difficulty in Satsang: trying, through the words, to show that there is no distance between the Truth and you! 

After all, what is the distance between this Consciousness and the objects of which It is conscious (body, mind and world)? Is there any distance? What distance is that? Where is this distance created, produced? If you investigate this, in a simple and direct way, you will see there is no distance, this separation is not real, this Consciousness is always present, and the mind, body and world are taking place in That - they are not separate things. 

In other words, you only look through a belief, a thought’s idea about that experience happening. You never dive deep within this experience. However, if you do so, you will discover there is no one present in it; there is only the experience happening in Consciousness. In this way, the mind, the world, the body, the sensations, the emotions, the feelings, and the thoughts are happening without the illusion of separation, of duality. 

Duality means two things happening: the "consciousness" witnessing and the mind, body and world appearing independently... but this is not real! The mind is not independent, the body is not independent, the world is not independent! There is no separation, there are no two things! The thought is not independent from the thinker! In fact, the thinker is only a belief, an idea, another thought as well that does not work independently from that Witness, from that Consciousness. 

There is no thinker, thought, body and world as a separate thing, with an independent life. All this is real, but only in this Consciousness. You do not need to get rid of the thought, the mind nor body. Who would be trying to do that? Only the illusion of separation, of duality; the illusion of someone that is present as the thinker separate from the thought, the observer separate from what is observed, the one who feels separate from what is felt. 

All problems you have are on the idea there is a life of yours, a particular life happening; the idea that this life is someone's life - someone and his/her choices, desires, determination, intentions... So, whom are you fighting with? Discussing? Complaining? All your problems with others, are they problems with whom? All your problems with the world, all your problems with the mind, with the body, are they problems with whom? Is your conflict between you and your girlfriend, your wife, husband, neighbors? 

"All problems you have are on the idea there is a life of yours, a particular life happening; the idea that this life is someone's life - someone and his/her choices, desires, determination, intentions..."

You like some few ones, but do not like some others... So, whom do you like? Whom is important to you? Whom do you get along with? Notice that it is the same duality, is the same sense of someone present. "Someone present" has always friends and foes; it is the same illusion: if you have friends, you have enemies too; if you do like someone, there is someone you do not like; if you love someone, there is someone you do not love. You cannot have one thing without having the other. This is the duality, the illusion of separation! 

So, who makes you annoyed or happy? In a moment you are happy, but in just another moment you are sad, but who is making you this way? Who is this that feels happy or sad? Why he/she feels this way? Why is there something outside that makes you happy or sad? To whom does this separation exist? To whom does this duality exist? 

That is very clear, isn’t it? All this is happening in this illusion of mistaking yourself for the belief of being someone separate, controlling this moment, this experience, that is, in control of the thought, sensation, emotion, world, body, others... 

Notice that I am always pointing out to the Natural State, outside duality, outside the illusion, outside this separation between subject and object, between the observer and the object of observation. Notice that in this Silence, which is Consciousness, which is Presence, there is no separation. It only arises as a belief when you, as an entity, are separate from what is happening. It is always a belief, an idea, the illusion of someone present creating a distance - "the body and I", "the mind and I", "the world and I"... As if there were two things! 

Right here is the challenge of this work, which is to approach this realization intimately; the challenge to not separate yourself in order to not produce conflict, suffering, illusion. When you get separate, you create the conflict. To not get separate means stopping this war, the fear, the suffering. You must do this work now, in this instant, until It begins to take shape, until This begins to take Its place over there. 

Remember that you are going to the opposite direction - the illusion of separation, the illusion of the egoic mind is going to one direction and you are going to the opposite way; the egoic mind, the separatist mind, the illusory mind is going and you are coming back. You are leaving this route, this way, this hand, you are getting off this road! You are leaving the ego, duality, illusion, Maya, sleep, unconsciousness, egoic mind, person's history... You are very used to this road, to this way, and now you are taking another way: the way back… back home. 

Home here means Happiness, Freedom, Consciousness, Wisdom. Namaste!

*Online meeting transcription, originally held on February 13th, 2017 - First published in Portuguese on September 21, 2017. Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm (Local time: Brazil BRT), except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please access:

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