May 28, 2019

The Divine Perfume

This work is the most important thing and absolutely nothing is as fundamental as carrying on with it. This is called Self-Realization, Realization of God. It is the most important thing of your life. This is the real encounter with Happiness, with the Truth about Yourself. Only this is definitely the end of all suffering. People experience constant restlessness in a continuous process to become something. Incompleteness and dissatisfaction are constant. What I mean is that you project an image of yourself. First, you make this image and then you project it. So the image you have about yourself is dissatisfaction, incompleteness, and you project this image wanting to become someone different than that.
There is constant dissatisfaction with the image you have about yourself, and this is what you are identified with. As long as you see yourself as this “someone,” this entity, this independent and private identity, suffering will be present. The ego will constantly be looking for fulfillment, safety, achievement and self-protection. So you have this necessity of becoming, of reaching and of achieving something, and that means you never get in direct contact with What You truly are. The movement of your life is purely mental, just a projection within mental concepts you make of yourself and, naturally, you project an imagined world around you created by this false “me,” by this false entity you believe to be.
Then, you are really never in touch with Life as in fact It is, because this requires something you do not have – deep sensibility and openness that I have called vulnerability... the beauty and the grace of the vulnerability, of the openness. Only then, this unrest, this restlessness, this dissatisfaction of this world projected by the thought may end. This is because you are getting in direct contact with “something” outside time, outside the mind, outside the known. The mind is this time of “coming to be”, of becoming something different, and that is the known, the mind’s world.
Without this idea, this image you have of yourself, you are in direct contact with the Reality, in these sensibility and openness, in the beauty and grace of vulnerability. Only then, the True Intelligence is possible, which is the Intelligence of the Sage. Here, “Sage” means your True Nature, your True Identity, pure Intelligence. When this Intelligence is present, Its movement is present and something completely new is perfuming your existence – the real Divine perfume, the real perfume of God in Life, the Real Life.
Then, your Being carries this Divine fragrance of Intelligence, Happiness and Love, and there is no longer any intention of becoming something, of becoming someone or obtaining something. At this moment, you are complete, in truth, You are this Completeness! Happiness needs nothing else. Happiness desires, seeks, or wants to reach nothing else. So, you are completely free from all interference of the world of the ideas – there are no more beliefs, concepts, ideologies, and imagination.
All that I am putting here for you is perfectly achievable, because This is your Real Nature. Actually, you were born just to realize This. Whatever you have already achieved in your life is useless for you, absolutely useless and, in fact, it has produced more dissatisfaction and restlessness – you are more worried than when you were born, more distressed than when you were a child. So, what good is it having studied so hard?
Everybody experiences some moments of absence of self-image, of temporary absence of this false “me,” and these are moments of great and indescribable peace. That is the reason why you travel; you spend weekends at the beach. You look for places where you can momentarily forget about yourself, about your personal cares and concerns, about your business, about your family concerns... That is, you look for places where you can free yourself of preoccupation, which means emptying yourself of intentions and mental occupations. Notice that the more thoughts you have in your head, the more restless and worried you are; the more mental occupation, the more suffering. Am I right to say that? The more you think, the more agitated you are, aren’t you?

In this way, there is no this Space, there is no this Intelligence, there is no this perfume, you do not perceive your Presence, you are not conscious, not aware of your Reality, because there is no this vulnerability, this openness, this sensibility. So, every time you return to this self-image, this intention of being “someone” sustaining this idea about yourself, you see yourself surrounded by personal problems. Then, whatever you do intentionally and yearningly belongs to this ego, to this “me;” it is a pure reactive act in search for fulfillment, safety, an action based on fear, on this restlessness. This is all the misery of the sense of separation!
The Truth of your Being is just Consciousness, free from all unrest, from all self-projection, from all this world of thought with its private history, linked to work, accomplishment, family and so on. The real work of surrendering to this Truth, the flourishing of this sensibility is something that is born in this Real Meditation, which I have always talked to you in Satsang. So, the essential here is to become conscious of your intimate Divine Nature, of your Being (which is neither to become “someone” nor to become something else). It is to be aware of Your “Self”! This Your “Self” is this True Being, the Real Self. Only then, it is possible to be free from all this illusion produced by this belief about the false “me”, from what it intends, seeks and wants to become. This is a tremendous illusion!
Therefore, become aware of how you work, become more alert to this chaotic movement of restlessness the mind produces inside you. That is, you need to work on it, to be aware. When this really begins to happen, you begin to become more aware of your body, your sensations, your feelings, your fears, your thoughts, and your emotions. Thus, you discover by yourself and in yourself that the body, the sensations, the feelings, the emotions and the thoughts are part of the "mental world," of a dream the mind itself produces. So you notice the overlap of that image the thought says is you creating all this confusion.
This is Intelligence, Consciousness, in this Awakening. It is when Reality brings this Divine perfume and everything else ends, all illusion is gone.

* Online meeting transcription, originally held on November 7th, 2018 - First published in Portuguese on January 7th, 2019 - Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm (Local Time: Brazil BRT), except during Retreat periods. For more information about Paltalk app and how to participate, please access:

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