May 10, 2019

The key

Truth is "something" ever present, we lack trained eyes and ears to see and to hear It. When we speak about Truth, we are dealing with this ever-present Consciousness. Everything else is intermittent apparition - one moment, it is here, and in the next, it is gone; in an instant, it is present, but in another one, it is gone. The good news is that this Truth is present in all of us and it is not a thing found within time and space.
Everything that arises in time and space is intermittent. Thought is something like that, so are feelings, emotions, sensations and perceptions of the senses. That, which is ever present, cannot belong to time and space; it is beyond that, necessarily. Therefore, it is not intermittent; it is not an apparent thing. This is the Reality of Being, of Consciousness; it is the Reality of that True Presence, of this present Truth.
Your thoughts are not always present; they are changing from moment to moment, all the time. So, you have to make a clear distinction between "thinking" and "Being Consciousness."
When thoughts are present, you have the illusion you are thinking, and this is not true! When thoughts are present, it means that Consciousness remains silent behind that apparition, which is thought.
Therefore, thoughts are phenomena of this Consciousness, they are not "personal" thoughts, because there are no "people," there is no "person" behind the thought. All that is present is this Truth, which is Consciousness, and It is not personal. What holds for thought is also applied to sensations, perceptions or feelings.

I am giving you the fundamentals for you to understand you can live completely free from identification with this phenomenon called "thought," "feeling," "emotion," "sensation," or "perception," because your Essential Nature is Pure Consciousness.
Thus, this Realization of Truth is the realization of What is always present as your Real Identity, as your Divine Nature. This is what some people call the "Realization of God." When you no longer lose yourself on, no longer mistake yourself for, nor are entangled with the experience of thought, you are Free ... Free in your Being, in your Essential Nature, in this Consciousness, in this Truth.
Basically, this means being free of the sense of separation or of duality, as it is being called nowadays. This belief that it is the mind that perceives does not make the slightest sense. There's the illusion! The mind perceives absolutely nothing! It is only perceived, but it does not perceive anything. It is not the thought that perceives what is present. It is this ever present "Thing" that perceives the thought. So, the mind is perceived, but it can’t perceive anything.
Therefore, when you say, "I feel it!” In fact, there is the "feel", but there is no such "I." This "feeling" is already the illusion of a "me," it is only a phenomenon in the Consciousness, and This is beyond the "feeling," because It is beyond the body and the mind.
We use words such as "Truth" or "Consciousness" for What is beyond time and space. That, which is within time and space, is still part of what we call “mind" (which are thoughts, emotions and sensations).
To be beyond the illusion of separation or that sense of duality is to be beyond the identification with the mind, this prison of time and space. This, in fact, is only an illusion the mind imagines. It is still part of it, but not part of your Divine Nature, of your Real Nature. So, when we speak of Meditation, we are talking about that Natural State of Being, which is Consciousness, the total disidentification from body and mind. This is the state of Real Love, Truth and Beauty. This is the Nature of Consciousness! The absence of separateness is pure Love and Truth.
In human’s heart, there is this longing for That, which is outside time and space, for That, which is not part of body and mind. Inside human being, there is the longing for this Discovery, for this Consciousness, which is the yearning for Love, for Truth and for God. Therefore, Truth, Love, God is what is beyond time, space and mind.
It is necessary to discover the Truth about yourself. When you watch a movie, the character seems to be moving while the screen is still. When you come to Satsang, to this meeting, all I can do is to show you the importance of being still. So, you begin to realize the movement of this character is not your Real Nature. This character is the false "me" moving. Your Real Nature is the Presence of Truth where the whole movie unfolds. Your Real Nature is immutable, but the character is changing all the time.
As long as you are mistaking yourself for what thought projects, idealizes and seeks, you will continue to mistake yourself for this character and you will remain unaware of your Real Nature. You will be mistaking yourself for what happens in time and space as if this were happening to you, whereas it is only happening to the body and to the mind. This is not you!
Having only intellectual understanding about this will not solve anything. Real Meditation reveals the truth of That. So, when we are together in Satsang, we work this out, we go deep into this investigation, into this direct observation. That is why I have always highlighted the importance of face-to-face meetings. It is important the end of all theory about This.
When you are fully aware of your Essential Nature, nothing else can create conflict. This is the end of fear, the end of suffering. This is the true and direct Realization.

* Online meeting transcription, originally held on December 29th, 2018 - Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 pm (Local Time: Brazil BRT), except during Retreat periods. For more information, about Paltalk app and how to participate, please visit:

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