September 7, 2020

3rd - Our mind, an illusion!

I have heard about a little child visiting the grandparents. The little child was only four years old. Night had come and the grandmother took the child to the guest bedroom. It was time to go to bed. She laid the child on the bed to sleep, kissed the child on the cheek, turned off the light and was about to leave the room when suddenly the child started crying and screaming:
- I want to go home, grandma! I am scared. I am scared of the dark!
The grandmother was really curious and, looking at her little grandson, shesaid:
- But my grandson... I know very well that you   sleep in the dark in your house. After all, what is the problem? Why are you scared here?
The boy looked at her and said:
- Yes, it is true, but that is a darkness that I know, while this is totally strange to me.
It is exactly like this that we behave in life: “This is my darkness. It can be too frightening, it can create many torments, but even so, it is mine! I have something to hold on to!”
We have not been looking enough at ourselves to find out this dark room of illusion we have hold as something known, this false security we have found in the known and repetitive pattern of the life we live, full of conflicts, contradictions, and various forms of suffering. We get attached to it, after all, that is the model.
It is true that we are used to seeking some kind of pain relief through further emotional, intellectual and physical achievements, but we find nothing that can truly and permanently free us from this illusion - the illusion of the small and darkroom known by our minds. That is nothing more than a bundle of memories that tortures, frightens and scares us.
That is our psychological conditioning, our limited ability to deal with life and its challenges. However, there is no need for us to live like this, trapped into permanent suffering, within this dark cell of our minds, in this dark room of our illusions. Through self-inquiry, we all can find out who we really are and the Love, the Peace, the Freedom we already have.
However, we must awake from this ordinary sleep that leads us to a search for freedom and happiness that never ends, which are never found, because mind is not the place for our rest but, yes, our Heart. It is there our True Mind, which is Christ’s Mind, God’s Mind.
*This text, written by Master Marcos Gualberto, shares the Sage's view about life, was published for the first time in Portuguese on October 3, 2010. It was the third original publication on the blog in Portuguese and is part of the collection related to the first years of this work, whose texts, after being kept offline, are now being translated to English and will be published in a series as a tribute to the Master. For further information, visit our website, click here.

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