December 15, 2020

Nothing is hidden from this Real Consciousness

Nothing is outside this Consciousness. This separation between conscious and unconscious mind is totally arbitrary. The very own mind creates an arbitrary separation concerning itself. Mind is content, be it ten years or ten million years old, but it is a single one content. Thus, whether the mind is apparent on the surface or submerged, hidden in depth, it is the same phenomenon.
There is no separation between "conscious" and "unconscious." What we call "unconscious" means the non-awareness of what is submerged, and "conscious" is what is on the surface, under awareness. But when we "look" at the mind, we observe a single one content, not hidden from this Real Consciousness.
What is hidden and what is shown is what the mind hides and shows to itself. What it hides from itself, it names as "unconscious;" what it shows to itself, it calls as "conscious." However, there is no such thing as "unconscious mind," "subconscious" and all that "blah-blah-blah." All these separations are created by the mind. Actually, there is nothing in the mind hidden from this Real Consciousness. Consciousness is self-effulgent!
Just as the Moon cannot hide itself from the Sun, the mind and its content cannot hide from Consciousness. It is so because Consciousness is where everything appears and disappears. The content of the mind is only imaginary, connected to time, without any material, substantial reality. The mind’s content, be it from ten years or ten million years ago, is all imaginary, known by this Consciousness that, by the way, ignores it as it is not Real.
By understanding this, you can ask the proper question. The question you have is: "How can I get rid of this hidden content that shows itself as a trauma or an illness?" Trauma and disease, like the body, are only imaginary appearances within time. So, the first thing to be understood is this: do not give reality to what has no reality. Trauma and disease are appearances linked to another appearance (body), and both are illusory.
The other thing is that nothing is hidden from this Consciousness and, if this is so, That is present now. So, what hinders it from “coming to light” and disappear? The strong identification with this illusion called "reality of the mind." When one trusts the sense of “me” is real, when this is validated, this remains unchanged. Only that hinders all this content from being volatilized at the light of Consciousness. That is the diagnosis and the treatment is Meditation; but Real Meditation! This present moment is important, since it can open up a door to this timeless moment, to Consciousness.
So, what is the treatment? This detached, unintended observation, not involved with what happens now. When it happens, there is no way for the experiencer, the egoic mind itself, to be structured and to remain hidden. So, all this egoic content is revealed in this present moment.
You bring nothing from this or other lives. When we deal with this matter of time, we are dealing with an illusory question, because there is no time. To Consciousness, everything is present now. So, the only thing needed here and now is to not identify with the experience. I call this as Meditation!
All this content can reveal itself and be volatilized, be burned and disappear, because it entails no reality at all, except this "reality" upheld by the illusion of the egoic mind, through the idea of an experiencer within the experience. This requires some Attention!
Are you getting this? The diagnosis was given and now the treatment is being handed: there is no experiencer here and now! Whatever is appearing in the mechanism (body-mind) is not to an experiencer. When that is accepted, there comes the room to allow the hidden to appear.
* Presential meeting transcription, originally held in Campos do Jordão city, Brazil, on September 16th, 2017. First published in Portuguese on May 13rd, 2018. For further information about our meetings, click here.

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