December 19, 2020

The Heart of my Teaching

The heart of my teaching is the Vision of the Reality there are no "people" here. My approach concerns there is no "person" present. The "person" you believe to be is an imaginary "entity," only a mental concept. There are thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, but there is no "person." These phenomena are not a "person".
This imaginary concept, this belief individualizes what happens and turns simple phenomena, such as thoughts, sensations and perceptions, into problems. However, they are not problems. They just appear or come up to further disappear within that Truth, within this Consciousness, this Presence, which is You.
So, there is no such "you." This personality is just an old set of imaginations, of thoughts, of mental representations, of concepts. Your suffering arises because you think about what happens. Your emotional pain is present in this imagination of being a particular entity within the experience to whom losses and difficult situations should not happen. All of this is imagination!
People want a practice to overcome suffering, but the “sense of person” is the suffering itself! No practice can remove this! Suffering is rejection to life, the attempt to adjust what happens to the imaginary model of the "me," to the fiction of that character; it is the illusory identity resisting to the mysterious movement of life.
Life is constantly changing, always finding a new representation. It's a living thing! What is alive is under an unknown movement, always unpredictable. You are not real as you believe you are, but you exist. The question is, are you aware of who you are? Leaving aside all that imagination about what you believe to be, who are you?
Since my childhood, I had been looking for That, I just did not know by that time. You are here to find the Truth about your Real Nature, about your True Nature. This cannot happen by reading books, reflecting, having ideas, creating theories, hypotheses, studying philosophers or theological approaches. You have to be face to face with Clarity! In darkness, this is not possible, and all the mind knows is darkness. So, you can read all the books in the world, get involved with all forms of spiritual practices, change your religion, but none of that will solve the matter.
To be face to face with Clarity is to look at Yourself, and not at what others say, at what the thought says, at what the feeling says about who you are. “I'm still not good enough,” “I am still not happy enough,” “I still do not have the peace I wish,” “I still have not found the freedom I am looking for…” These are thoughts happening inside this mind’s darkness. When you are face to face with Clarity, you are beyond temporary phenomena, beyond what the mind is able to produce.
All thoughts, perceptions, sensations and emotions appear in the mind, are part of it, and the mind is within that darkness. All of this moves within the boundaries of what is temporary, but none of that is You. Therefore, You exist, but you are not as real as you believe to be. You are Real as you are, and not as the thought, the feeling and the sensation tell you are. What we name as "mind,” which is under the darkness, is simply sensation, thought, perception and emotion within this "someone’s story.”
Therefore, the heart of my speech, what makes my approach alive, is the simple fact there is only Consciousness. To come across That is to come across this Clarity, facing Clarity. Get that! Thoughts pass, just like feelings and every form of perception, no matter how beautiful and pleasant they can be, while You, as Pure Consciousness, do not pass, do not change.
Recently, somebody shared with me some concerns about aging. Aging, getting sick and dying are problems to everybody. In reality, they are the most serious problems of the existence, but of the body and mind existence. These things can flap the mind and the body, but they cannot affect What You Are. The Reality of your Essential Nature entails no aging, no disease, no death, no time nor space. These problems concern only the mind, with the idea "I am the body," with the feeling "I am here" and "I am someone.”
When a sales representative visits a client to offer some product, he or she needs to be loyal to the employer’s company. When the sales rep does not represent neither the company nor the products properly, no good deal can be closed.
In business world, these are the fundamentals. In there, the mind attempts to create a representation of What You Are in this mysterious relationship with Existence, with Life. However, the mind is a terrible representative, it does not represent the company suitably.
What I am saying is that you have been buying a fake product. You are Existence, you are Life, and the mind is trying to create a representation of what You Are by making its offer. You have believed yourself to be what you are not, you are making use of a fake product offered by an inexistent company. I have been saying "person" is a fraud, and the company represented by this person is inexistent! The products the person has to offer are just as fake as the person is! That's why you suffer.
There are seven billion people on the planet, but who is interested in knowing the Truth about Oneself in the midst of all this confusion? What is Real Peace? What is Real Love? What is Real Happiness? What is Real Freedom? What is Intelligence, Wisdom, Compassion? How can you be a legal and real representative, a blessing from Life to Life, if the mind is present trying to assume the place of Reality, trying to show itself as something it is not?
You are Life! You are Consciousness! You are God! There is no suffering in What You Are! There is no conflict, ignorance, fear nor problem in What You Are! This is present only in this false representation, in this falsification.
You were born to be Happy, and not to be "someone." In this world, you have learned you were born to be "someone." Every society and culture encourage you to follow this direction: the more acknowledged you are, the more valuable and important you are for yourself and others. The society does not care if internally you feel miserable and unhappy, if you are depressed, existentially frustrated, if you do not have inner peace. All that culture and society care about yourself concerns your production.
In the ego, you learn to envy the successful ones, those who stand out externally. The society does not care about how these people feel, how they are internally. The society wants to hear the music they have to play or sing; the dance they can perform or the picture they can paint, the sculpture piece they can exhibit ... That makes them famous, successful. They are all representatives of this false company, presenting products of the illusion, selling the false as true.
People do not ask themselves “who am I?” But everyone says, “I will win, I will be famous, rich, successful, I will have a beautiful person by my side, plus some children (at least three, four or five), I will soon be surrounded by many grandchildren and soon I will also be a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.” Perhaps death will come before all those things, perhaps not. The point is everyone dies without knowing who they are, without knowing the Truth about themselves, about God, about Love, about Happiness, without knowing what they were born for.
The Natural State has nothing to do with fame, reputation, prestige, public acknowledgment, power, money, success. The Natural State is our True Nature, effortless, full of spontaneous Joy, of Freedom! To me, “natural” implies something outside the influences of the mind’s world, something effortless, spontaneous, happy, present, full Consciousness! This is original, not a copy, an imitation, a repetition.
So, when I use the expression "Natural State," I mean something like God, not a distinguished, special particularization, a projection or a representation. You cannot sell the Natural State, you cannot be Its representative to this chaotic, disorderly and confused world. In the mind, all you can be is a mind’s representative, you can only represent a fake company with products manufactured by ideas, beliefs, imaginations. The Natural State is Intelligence!
*Online meeting transcription originally held on June 27, 2020. First published in Portuguese on January 2nd, 2018. For further information about the meetings, click here.

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