February 5, 2021

Your life in the ego is a life of illusion

What do you expect when we meet each other? More knowledge? Do you expect to know a bit more? Do you think that only knowledge will solve the situation? Does it mean that Truth, Love, Peace, Clarity and Intelligence come from knowledge? Is it so?
We have nothing to know and no knowledge to have. There is only the Knowledge of this present moment, which is not knowing. This unique Knowledge is free from objects, free from the illusory mind and all its information about events, happenings, incidents and experiences. Intelligence is possible and is present when “there is no knowledge to have.”
The “sense of person” you believe to be is all the imaginary problem you have. Life happens at this present moment, which is the Knowledge of not knowing. All suffering disappears at that moment of not knowing, the only possible and real Knowledge. I am telling you that everything your mind produces is false! You have the false knowledge of what is happening, and to embrace that is Freedom. While you resist to that, all you have is servitude, slavery and prison. You live in the ego identity, and that is not Life.
If you put a bird inside a cage, how long will it live? It does not matter if during the time spent in the cage it will be alive, but that is not a life for the bird. Life for the bird includes the flowers, the trees, the branches, the flight, the dance, the song to attract the mate… All that in Freedom. But inside a cage, there is no freedom! It does not matter how long this bird lives; if it is in a cage, it is not truly alive, and so is the existence in this condition of “being a person.”
Life happens in this not knowing of the present moment, in which there is Peace, Clarity, Plenitude, but the “human life” is the identification with the body, in the idea of this “me,” the “me-bird” in the cage. Here, your cage is the mind, and your world is in it. In a birdcage you find a perch, which will never be the free branches of a tree, moving at the sound of leaves in the wind. Besides the perch, water and food vessels are placed for the bird to drink water and to be fed, but the bird is not free. In this ego identity condition, it seems you have everything: you have a house, food and water; you can get married and even have your babies, because a big cage has enough capacity to all that, allowing even for flight-like leaps. However, there is no sky, there are no rivers, no land, no trees, no space and there is no Freedom.
This life condition in the mind is a very specialized cage, not a simple birdcage. The mind is a cage that has been improving over millennia, creating this "knowledge" you believe to exist. I have just said there is no knowledge, but the mind has created it and naturally posed there several objects and goods, that are now where your identity is found. You have attachments, and in this fear, you have no peace, no clarity, no plenitude. That is the condition you were born: in exile. As a definition, exile is when you are out of your place of origin, expatriated, as a refugee in a foreign country – and being repatriated means returning home. Here, “Home” is the extraordinary Grace, Beauty and Truth of this not knowing, at this present moment, where there is Freedom concerning these illusory objects, the Freedom of the non-mind. That is living in God!
I am saying that no knowledge is possible. There is only the Knowledge of not knowing, the Knowing of not knowing, at this moment, at this present moment, in this Consciousness. Then, there is Peace, Clarity, and this Plenitude appears… There is no knowledge, no object, nothing exists anywhere! What is present is only That, which knows this Emptiness, this not knowing. There is no bird nor cage. So, you did not come here to know, but to find out it is useless to know, and that knowing is a burden.
If that is the Truth, and if there is something you need to get rid of, it will only be possible if you allow these illusions to vanish, since these illusory mind’s objects represent your prison. Thus, allow every illusion crafted by the mind to dissolve. Do not cling to them! I notice you do not want to embrace Life; you are not ready to listen to the unexpected; you are not ready to the not knowing, to that Freedom of the unforeseeable. You are not ready – or do not want to be – to allow all this illusion to dissolve in the Nothing, in the Absolute Nothing, where all illusions dissolve.
Nothingness is a complete emptying, where the “dream of existing” disappears. I am describing to you the indescribable, the egoless State; one of care, of action, of movement, of attention and totally free from fear. That is not like an inert and insensitive state of a stone, cold as an ice block; it is not like that. I repeat: the egoless State is the one of action, of attention, of care, of movement, but it is free from fear because there is no illusion. So, when you face a vicissitude, an adversity, a complex situation, you will be practical, agile, you will be on the move, you will handle the situation, but there will be no fear since there will be no illusion.
Your life in the ego is a life of illusion, therefore a life of fear. You do not do what is practical; you do not have the needed attention, and you do not take the required care, since there is no Consciousness. So, allow all illusions to dissolve into that absolute Nothing. Let dissolve that sensation of being, knowing… that sensation of imaginary control and order thought produces, and so, you will free yourself of all your doubts and questions. When all of this goes away, anxiety, imagination, despair and those negative and positive feelings also go away. Can you see the beauty of that?
Can you also see that life in the ego is of a constant fear created and sustained by illusion? You do not need those questions, that anxiety, that negative anticipation, that mediocre hope of a dream to come true tomorrow. In order to have that Plenitude, Peace and Happiness, you do not need to dream – this is a typical behavior of the mediocre mind, that seeks training in self-help lectures, believing the future can be more complete than the Completeness of this moment. All of this is imagination!
*Online meeting transcription originally held on September 19th, 2020 – First published in Portuguese on October 31st, 2020. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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