May 18, 2021

All this must end

Here, in this meeting, we are facing a real way to listen to this. You can approach this topic verbally and theoretically or you can have this opportunity here, where words are not our focal interest. We have nothing to add to you in terms of teachings, of knowledge. Therefore, this is not to be learned – not in this meeting, in this room. If your goal is to learn about this, I recommend you look for some book that can tell you about it. Books and lectures are important tools to learn about a particular topic or subject.

The subject of interest in this meeting is the investigation of the Real Nature, of the Truth about ourselves. Since Truth cannot be found in words, there is only one way to investigate it: to “listen correctly.” So, when you face, in this encounter, the Silence that comes from the inner observation, you face the Truth. So, there is nothing intellectual in here!

This action, this activity implies the absence of any preconceived idea. We are not here striving to reach an imagined goal – Wisdom is not the result of it. You do not realize the Truth of your Being by striving for it. That way you can neither imagine nor fight. Therefore, the imagination, the effort and the basis of a preconceived idea are totally false. You cannot count on this in Satsang.

Satsang means the encounter with the Self – with your own Being – the nature of the Truth. So, this is not a subject to study. Here, you investigate the nature of illusion, since the nature of the Truth cannot be attained. Thus, you attain a perception of illusion. Once illusion is seen, there is no longer any illusion there. Therefore, when the false is perceived as false, the Truth is already present. So, we will not bring your Being from anywhere else, we will not reach It and pull It with a rope. It is not a matter of acquiring or reaching the Truth, but of the simple realization of Its presence when illusion ends. When illusion is seen, it disappears... so it ends. That is the greatness, the excellence, the beauty of Satsang.

You cannot get That from a teacher; all a teacher can share with you is knowledge. All that a book, a lecture or a teacher can provide you are new instructions. Only Truth expresses, shares the Truth. Truth is the very own Self, Consciousness itself... So, that is why the true Guru is important. This is the true Guru, when you are fortunate to face this Presence externally. This external Presence is the Sage, the Truth! A Sage, the One living in the Natural State, is not a teacher.

So, can you see how worthy it is the opportunity to directly listen to this? Listening to this is to stand before the Truth, while knowing about it is to stand before a teacher.

Presently, this knowledge is spread out everywhere! You have easy access to this knowledge! However, listening to this for real is quite rare... real Satsang is to stand before the Guru. And here, the Guru is the very own Being, Consciousness, the Grace, the Truth. So, your own Being is this Presence. This moment is unique to you. We are not teaching you anything, we are only facing the Silence. The answer to the question “Who Am I?” comes from this Silence. This is a result of Meditation, and not of knowledge, of experience, of specialization, of the ability to communicate, to understand it.

Truth cannot be achieved, as we have already stated, It can only awaken! When everything is completely ready, when all obstacles, beliefs, conclusions, opinions, judgments, imaginations are gone... when all desires end, then Truth expresses Itself.

The mind’s movement happens inside you like this: "When I look at myself, I clearly observe this... I am forced to admit that every day I am a prisoner of hundreds of desires!" So, there is no Happiness, there is no Freedom, there is no Peace! If the investigation of what we are is the end of all illusion, then there is this awakening – the Awakening of Truth. All this must end; this is the condition for this revelation, for this Real manifestation.

There is no number of studies that can be done, of books that can be read, nor of lectures that can be listened for This to happen. What I am saying it is necessary to plunge into Yourself, beyond the mind. A work of complete renunciation of this false “me” is needed. That is why I recommend everyone be directly in touch with the Truth! In this sense, the Guru is of utmost importance, and the work of surrender is the core, since there is no real work happening without it.

You can spend a lifetime studying this subject, reading all the books that have already been or that might be still written about it, listening to all the talks, learning all this, mastering the subject, and even making speeches about it. You might even become a great teacher, worldwide known, as we see in our present days! However, all you may have is just an instructed, educated person... My invitation is for you to disappear! It is the end of this person, the end of all knowledge. This is the Realization of what I could call as the Unknown. The Realization of the Unknown! This is the Real Knowledge.

Realization is the recognition of the knowledge that will never be known. Therefore, It can never be taught or learned. This is the Art of Happiness, which is Meditation, Being and Wisdom. This is present when you are not present, when the whole sense of person evaporates.

*Presential meeting transcription originally held on October 25, 2017. First published in Portuguese on January 05, 2018. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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