May 15, 2021

Awakening is the result of a work

You see a pianist playing with all the resourcefulness, ability, spontaneity, and you say: "How beautiful this is. The pianist is so natural doing it! I wish I could do it." So, the first time you sit down before the piano, you see how complicated this is, but it seems quite simple to the pianist... When the pianist does it, there is so much grace, so much beauty, so much naturalness on it!

It is exactly the same when you face a Sage, a Self-realized One, and you say: "How beautiful This is! Why cannot I be this way? This is so spontaneous, so natural... Why does not my piano play, make a song like that?"

However, you should not feel that way, since that pianist started training at the age of five. By the age of 2, the mom was already making that child sit before the piano to play with the keys, grabbing the child’s delicate little fingers and making them tap on the keys… The pianist started very young and has been working on it for many years.

The realized Sage is the result of many hours of "piano" practice. A man like Ramana, who was never captured by the veil of illusion, was born with many hours of "piano" already. So, you should not feel this way... You need to "sit at the piano" and get started. Since your fingers have no ability yet, the brain "does not work well with the hands," there is no motor memory in the fingers, in the mechanism, in the "machine" [body], and then you do not reach the "notes"... There is a lot of effort and no results... After several Satsangs, you look and say: "Nothing is happening. I still cannot see life, the world, not even the people that way," or "I am still offended and hurt, I feel rejected," or "The 'sheet music' is in front of me, I know the notes are there, but I cannot get it right..."

Do you get what I mean? I know the whole theory; I have heard it for thousands of times. Trust in what I am telling you. Do not give up! You still have difficulties because you do not know how this egoic mechanism works. You cannot understand the whole trick, you are easily distracted. You do not realize what is clearly happening there, the old tricks of the mind, and the mind has been doing that for quite a long time. When we meet each other here, I say to you: "Do not give up!" After everything is settled, there are no more problems, and then the music is easily played. But, at this moment, you need to give yourself time. Truth is not limited by the time, but illusion is the time itself!

Some Advaita teachers are already "playing the piano" with skill, with easiness, aware of the simplicity of all this, so they may say to you: "You do not have to practice... It is all clear enough! There is nothing you can do or need to do." This is the current Neo-advaita speech, but this is not my experience with my Master.

Once I heard a speech from Jiddu Krishnamurti in which he was asked: "Sir, this seems so simple when you speak, but I cannot live it." Do you know what Krishnamurti's answer was? "Get out of here and live this. You do not live this because you have no interest." There was so much power in his argument, so much Wisdom in his speech that no one could really argue with a Buddha, but this does not work, because the person goes out from there and everything remains the same.

I was fortunate to have never heard anyone talking about this "Thing." In the year of 2007, when “This” happened here, when the "bomb exploded," I did not realize what happened, because I had never heard anything about It. I had contact with Ramana, my Guru, but through the heart. I had never read about It, I did not know who He was, who He had been.

I learned Ramana’s story years later and only recently, not long ago, I started reading about him. I did not know anything about This, so I was very lucky. I was guided through the “heart” for 21 years, from 1986 to 2007, when the "bomb exploded," and I did not know what had happened: "What is this? Why is everything this way? Why am I everywhere? Why am I him, her, every object? Why is there only Me?... Why is this 'thing' I call now as Joy? Why is everything so nonsense? Everything is so funny!”

For 21 years, there was fear, doubt, sadness, troubles, but there was His guidance… Ramana was alive here, far different from any imagination about this thing happening today around me. So, from my experience, you have to be patient with it, to trust in your Master. At some point in your life, the Grace of God will touch and draw you – that is when the Guru assumes a human form to you.

Therefore, it is not like the Neo-advaita ones say. Perhaps, some were already born "playing the piano" and others are pretending to play (much more common), but this is not my experience, because I was not born "playing the piano." In my case, it was not at the age of 16, nor at the age of 8 (as in the case of Papaji, who could only settle all this and establish the State at the age of 34, in front of Ramana). So, in my case, it was not at the age of 16, nor at the age of 8, but rather at the age of 45.

Yesterday, we had a birthday cake: 55 years old... And I have been here for 10 years, in my Natural State. I am 10 years old! I am a child! You should not remember my chronological, biological age, because I do not care about that age. Since you like to remember things, remember when the Guru was born, when your Master was born. When the Guru was born, He was born because of you, to find you. The Guru was born to love you, to be the only Love of your life, the only real Life. So, you must be patient with yourself and you need to trust in the One who "came" before you.

*Presential meeting transcription originally held on October 25, 2017. First published in Portuguese on November 24, 2017. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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