July 23, 2021

Here you are a scientist and the lab is inside you

Our purpose in these meetings is to find out the Truth about Yourself. This work requires patience to observe your reactions, what is going on internally. Scientists go to the lab and use equipment to perform their experiments. They investigate, they formulate a hypothesis to be confirmed. You are in Satsang because you have also noticed that something seems to be wrong, so you develop a theory and investigate.

The most curious thing about all this is that Sages have a much simpler way to face all the oddness you have towards life. To you, something is wrong, out of place, but to the Sage, nothing is out of place and nothing is wrong. You feel yourself in trouble, unhappy and in suffering. The Sage feels at peace, at freedom, at happiness. Here, the investigation lab is not a physical structure, a building; the lab is internal, and you are the scientist. What is the nature of the "me"? Who are you? Why do you suffer? Who is in trouble? Who is unhappy? Who was abandoned, betrayed, who lost a son to drugs or to death? That is what needs to be investigated!

The Sage says everything is fine and in the right place, but you look at your life and you cannot agree with that. You look at the political situation of the country and you cannot agree with that, with all the corruption and violence in the world. You say the presidents, both American and Brazilian, seem to have a screw loose in their heads, they seem to be somewhat disturbed, and the Sage says: "Everything is fine, everything is in the right place." You look at your health situation, your intimate relationships, your financial situation and say, "How can I be happy this way and say everything is okay?"

There is something you do not know and the Sages know (that is why they are Sages), and I am going to reveal it to you tonight. When you perceive appearances only as a manifestation, a phenomenon of the mind, you are beyond that phenomenon. You should know that the world is only a phenomenon of the mind and what happens in the world is just a thought manifestation. What you call a "world common to all" or a "private world" is just a thought that multiplies into many other thoughts; that thought appears and manifests many other thoughts.

When you wake up in the morning, the first thought popping up is "me." The "I" appear, look at the room’s ceiling, at the bed, at the sick or healthy body – and the thought itself is creating all this. All of this derives from that first thought "me." This phenomenic manifestation of the senses is in the mind and there is no world apart from the mind; and the Sage, in the internal lab, has already found that out. When you realize the world, the entire universe, is only a manifestation of the mind, from this moment on you are beyond it, you are no longer mistaken for the body and the surrounding appearances, all linked to this supposed entity, since this is only a belief, the belief of "me" and "the world."

At this very moment, You are the Presence that is everywhere and nowhere. So, You are beyond birth and death, since these are also just thought phenomena; you are beyond health and illness and beyond the belief of being "girlfriend," "wife," "daughter," "mother," "father;" this way, your relationship problems may end. Your health problem also ends since it does not matter if your body has a stomachache or if your neck is stiff. When there is no desire, the lack of money problems also ends, since money is a problem when you have many desires. Our needs are very simple, but as our desires are very complex, we need a lot of money.

So, you will soon understand a Sage’s attitude when He or She says that everything is fine and in the right place. The Sages do not mistake themselves for the mind, for the thought, for this false identity called "me." As You are that Presence, you are everywhere and nowhere. You are that Divine Omnipresence, You are beyond the mind, the body and the world. So, I have good news for you – all your needs are very simple and, in this Omnipresence, in your Real Being, they are all provided, since that is God taking care of Himself. God has no needs He cannot supply. This is the Sage’s viewpoint – so everything is fine, in the right place.

Everything comes from within You: all supply, provision, completeness, and that means living in Happiness, without suffering, conflict and fear. However, you have ruined everything, as your mind ruins everything and prefers to live in itself, in the false sense of this "me." So, you think about solving your financial, health, relationship, personal problems, you want to fix politics in the world, solve the problem of social injustice... When you start worrying about all that, you ruin everything! You want to do God's job! Everyone wants to fix a world that exists only in their heads.

The ego is the problem! It creates the problem and wants to solve it. The Sage says, "Thy will be done" and relaxes. Since the Sages relax, all their needs are met, all problems disappear as well as all suffering. If you believe you have to do human things, solve human beings' problems, it means you see yourself as a "person," and that is why you have problems. Abandon this belief, this concept, of being a "person," let this to anyone who wants to believe they have to do things and suffer. You will never stop suffering as long as you believe you are a "person" in the body, responding to personal matters, be it yours or others.

So remember: this body appeared in this scene, is playing a role and it will soon disappear, it will pass, as everything passes, but you have nothing to do with it. You have nothing to do with the body, since the body is not yours. You do not have a body! You are not the body, you are not the mind, and this will pass, it is already leaving. So, do not fight with the body and do not cling to it. Let the body do what it was meant for. Do not complain about the body and do not embellish it excessively.

That is a quite funny subject too, as embellishing the body is like doing a hairstyle and making up a corpse, since the earth will "eat" all that beauty and no one appreciates a corpse. The ego is quite funny, it has to embellish itself to death for death to be beautiful, to pretend it is not happening, but it is so. Death is the end of everything. Everything will pass, even you! You will also die! Death is a very beautiful thing from the Sage's viewpoint, but from the ego's viewpoint, every death is a too ugly thing. The Sage knows that nothing is born, nothing dies, but the mind gets despaired before the impossibility of keeping its mischief, crazy things.

So do not interfere, do not fight, do not resist! Surrender yourself! Abandon yourself! Go beyond the body, the mind, and this sense of "me," then God will take care of everything. This is the "scientist’s discovery," which is you in this space called Satsang, in this "laboratory" within yourself.

*Online meeting transcription originally held on July 10th, 2017. First published in Portuguese on January 15th, 2021. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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