January 27, 2022

How to observe the mind?

The question is: how to observe the mind? The question is here: how to observe the mind? By becoming conscious of the mind!

So, let's put this in a simple way: the acknowledgement of the Truth about who You are lies in the attention you pay to yourself. The condition of the egoic mind, the condition of the ordinary mind, the condition of this sense of separation, which is the sense of "me"… First, you need to see this, you need to become aware of this. You'll never be aware of this if you don't become aware of mind's movement!

Then, I say: you don't exist as you believe you do. You're not a person. The "sense of person" is a fraud, an illusion. So, you listen to it and you may, at first, find it strange or even interesting. But as long as you don't pay attention to this internal movement, which is this movement of observing every proposal of thought, of everything thought represents, everything it means, all the internal floating of remembrances, memories, feelings, emotions… as long as you don't observe this, you don't really become aware of the simple Truth that there is no "person" present.

You move with this "sense of person," just as a condition of memory. This memory condition has formed an image of itself. This image of itself is what you believe yourself to be.

Thus, when you refer to yourself using the pronoun "I," actually, you don't know what it represents. You are referring to this movement of memory, to this sense of personality that was acquired through these years.

So, if you ask me: "How to observe?"… Observing! You need to pay attention to yourself. Thought is not who You are. A feeling is not who You are. An emotion arising is not who You are. Therefore, all of these can be observed. Just like you can observe a cold sensation in the body – and you get a blanket to be warmer, naturally searching for comfort – this cold sensation can be, in the same way, observed in the body. And if it can be observed in the body, whatever is in your mind can be observed as well, because, just like your body is not You, this Consciousness that witnesses, observes and watches sensations in the body, this same Consciousness is the Truth that witnesses, that observes, that can be fully aware of the so-called "mind's movement."

This is fundamental, essential! You'll never know the Freedom of your own Being, the Happiness of your True Nature, which is the Divine Nature, while you remain mistaking yourself and getting tangled up with… I've been using the expression "identifying" with the egoic mind. In the same way, once you identify with the mind, you end up also identifying with the body.

I've used the example of the cold just now. A hot or cold sensation in the body is a sensation in an object witnessed by Consciousness. As this habit of identifying with the mind is so ingrained and so strong, you also end up mistaking yourself for the body.

See, the body is an appearance in this Consciousness, as is the mind an appearance in this Consciousness, but this Consciousness that is You, your Real Being, your Real "Identity", doesn't mistake Itself for this.

Observing mind's movement is important… It will give you, over the course of time, the liberation of identifying with the body. You disidentify with the mind, you disidentify with the body. This identification with the body is broken. This identification with the mind is broken. Then, if your question is: "How to observe the mind?"… You pay attention to this!

When thought arises, when feeling arises, it is the same for a bodily sensation arising… It can be observed, witnessed by Consciousness. Then, the way to Liberation from this egoic complexity, this suffering, this false identity, the way is this attention, this observation about "who I am," or about "what I am," here and now.

January, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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