January 18, 2022

Resistance to changes

It is very common some people approaching and asking about the importance, the importance of changes and this issue of resistance, resistance to changes. See, my focus here with you is not on that issue.

The egoic state is a state of inadequacy, and because of that, it suffers, and this is the alternative it creates: the alternative of a supposed need, the need for change. And then, this state gives rise to this other issue, the issue of this whole resistance to changes.

So first, this state believes it needs a change. Then, it sees the difficulty and says: "Why is there so much resistance? What is the reason for this resistance to change?"

My focus here with you is for you to pay the attention to this egoic movement, and not trying, searching or seeking the change of this egoic pattern. If it changes, it's basically the same but in different way.

The question I want to ask is: what would happen if you just witnessed this movement, if you put Consciousness over this unconscious movement of the egoic mind? We are interested in That in Satsang.

This Consciousness over Yourself becomes responsible for the end of this old and ancient condition. I wouldn't call this change. I would call this the recognition of Truth.

You have behaved and you have had a whole posture centered on this false identity due to ignorance. This ignorance is unconsciousness. This is the ordinary state of this ego-identity, which you mistake yourself for, which you identify with.

But if you pay attention to this movement, which is the movement of the mind producing these images, these beliefs, and these patterns of behavior, all of these are broken, all of these are undone, all of these disappear, since the basis of this is unconsciousness.

So, what you need is not a change, but rather the recognition about who or what You really are, "what am I?" "who "Am I?" Until this isn't clear, you will constantly mistake yourself for, identifying with what you are not. Because of that, there is this misbehavior.

This behavior is an externalization of this internal mistake, of the identification with all this internal, psychological confusion. So, mistaking yourself for this false center is the cause of the disorder, the cause of suffering. Then, here the question is: "Who am I?" instead of: "How should I be?" "What do I need to be?" "Where do I have to go?" "What do I need to do?" "How much do I need to change?"

Therefore, it's not about that. It's basically about this recognition of What You are, here and now. And that's the answer. This is where this confusion ends. That's what matters. The recognition of the Truth about Yourself is all you really need.

January, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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