January 4, 2022

The presence of Silence

Some days ago, someone said: "Listen to the Silence!" But notice: mind's absence is this Silence's presence. Mind is basically noise, sound, uproar. Mind's absence is the natural presence of Silence. To remain in your Being is to remain in the absence of the egoic mind, which means remaining in Silence. Silence is the Divine Nature, while the mind is noisy. Silence is the presence of Stillness.

People are very attracted to this issue of Meditation since they believe Meditation will bring Silence. Actually, true Meditation won't bring Silence. True Meditation is the presence of Silence. When you are before Silence's presence, you are Meditation's Silence. So notice, it's not that Meditation is going to bring Silence. Silence is the presence of Meditation, and this Silence is the presence of your Being.

You won't give rise to Silence. Some people talk about silent mind, but mind by nature is not silent. So, it's even possible for you to silence the mind, but it'll be mind's silence: an unnatural silence, an unreal silence. Here, it's not this Silence we are talking about. We are talking about the Nature of Consciousness, which is Silence. This is not mind's nature.

The work of Meditation is essential since Meditation reveals this Silence, reveals the absence of all psychological content. In the absence of all this content, there is Peace, there is Love, there is Truth. Then, Truth is present, Love is present, Peace is present, in Meditation, which is the presence of Silence, which is the nature of Silence.

If I say to you, "Listen to the Silence!" I won't be saying something real since when "you" are not present, Silence is present. So, it's not possible to have "you" in the presence of Silence. So, Silence cannot be heard by a separate entity. This separate entity is not real. Therefore, "you" are not real!

Sometimes we come across moments when the sense of separation is not present. You're on a beach, you're on the edge of a river or lake, or you take a look and see the sky, you see the clouds, at that moment, you look at a mountain range, and in this look, this "me" disappears. At that moment, there is Silence since at that moment, there is Presence.

This is the Natural State of Meditation. There is no programming, there is no strategy, no technique, nothing is done, nothing is sought. Only, you are present, and this "being present" is so complete, so full, that the sense of an "I," of a separate entity, is gone. There it is the presence of Silence.

There is no "you" listening to Silence. There is Silence in the absence of this "you." This is Meditation! This is the work we are proposing. Realize your Being. Live in Silence, in the Silence of your Essential Nature! That's the end of any form of conflict. That's the end of any form of suffering. That's the end of all the racket mind produces. This is the real Silence. It is the real Nature of Consciousness. This is the Truth about You. This is the Truth about God. This is Meditation.

December, 2021
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
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