November 11, 2022

Mindfulness. Personal development. What is suffering. Egocentrism. The True Practical Meditation.

The subject here is Real Full Attention. There is a very common question, and people ask this kind of question a lot: “After all, how to practice Mindfulness?”

Here, we have a situation. We don't seem to understand what Attention is. When we refer to Mindfulness, we are talking about something other than what can be practiced as a technique, as a system, as a practice, as a kind of exercise.

People are looking for an exercise, a practice, a technique. Attention, Consciousness, Presence cannot be a habit. Every technique, every system, every practice, every exercise ends up leading you to a practice of habit.

When we talk about Attention, we are talking about something present here and now, moment to moment. So, it’s not a technique, it’s not an exercise, it’s not a habit.

You cannot, by force of habit, manifest Presence, Intelligence, Consciousness, Attention.

What is this Mindfulness? It is the Perception of the movement of the ego, of the “I,” in the relationship with people, with places, with nature, with objects, with one’s own ideas, with beliefs. Thoughts and also feelings, emotions, sensations… This is something present here and now, moment to moment.

So, it is not a habit, a technique, an exercise. You will take a course in Full Attention, Mindfulness, and after the course, you remain inattentive, because Attention is something that you cannot learn from a technique, from a system, from a practice, from a teaching; it’s something you discover in yourself right here and now.

It’s like the question of Meditation. People have meditation as a practice. Then, they take a moment to practice meditation.

You cannot take a moment for Meditation, since Meditation, True Meditation – that is why I use this expression here on our channel: “the True Meditation” ... the True Meditation is here and now, and the principle of Meditation is Self-awareness.

And here I am referring to Real Self-awareness, not the technique of being self-aware, not a system of self-knowledge.

It is not the self-awareness of psychology, philosophy, religion or self-help, for the purpose of personal development, of self-improvement – ​​this is another subject here, which we will not go into.

Personal development is always the improvement of the “I,” the ego, the person, the sense of “someone” present. This sense of “someone” present is the illusion that sustains duality, and therefore every form of suffering, every form of conflict.

So, the question of Meditation is not a technique, it is not a practice. You don't take a moment to meditate. Meditation is present when there is Self-awareness, when there is this Awareness of yourself here and now, and that Awareness is the presence of that Full Attention. And that is moment to moment, it is now.

So, this is about Real Mindfulness, the True Practical Meditation. While you're driving the car, while you're taking the kids to school, while you're in the kitchen preparing meals, while you're cleaning the house, mopping furniture, or sweeping, or putting food for your pet, for your puppy, for your cat, at that moment this present Attention, this present Consciousness, cannot be the result of a mechanical movement, automatic, of an exercise, of a practice, of a system, of a technique, of a method.

This present Attention is the result of this “learning from yourself” here and now... how the mind reacts to this moment, to this moment, to this challenge.

This moment is new, this challenge is unprecedented, and this is something completely unknown. You are always living in an unknown moment, a new moment, a moment outside the ego mind, but the mind comes in... But notice what we are saying: the mind comes in to attend to this instant, to attend to this moment, to attend to this challenge, with its background, which is the past, which is memory, which are remembrances. That background is the “I,” the ego, trying to respond to this moment within its ancient and old model. So, what happens?

Ego activity, egocentric activity.

So, the sense of “I” is the sense of separateness between you and Existence, between you and experience, between you and perception. When there is Self-awareness, there is this Attention, there is this Perception.

Perception is not an egoic activity. Perception is the Verification of that sense of duality – that is the purpose of Mindfulness.

Real Mindfulness is realizing the sense of duality present. Perceiving, just perceiving…

It is not censoring, criticizing, condemning, trying to get rid of, trying to adjust, but being aware, in this instant, of whatever is arising, appearing, in this present moment. This choiceless Perception, moment-to-moment is Real Mindfulness. It doesn't have a purpose; it doesn't have a goal.

People want to discover something, like Full Attention, to break through patterns of egoic identifications within themselves, in order to get new models of behavior, to behave in a different way, because the old way harms, the old way bring losses.

And Full Attention is not for the purpose of personal development or self-improvement.

Mindfulness is something that happens without accumulation, without any change. It is not the “I” undergoing a change, an alteration. It’s not the “me” now, shaping itself, behaving in a different way. When there is this Mindfulness, Real Mindfulness, there is the end of that sense of separateness, because there is only Perceiving, and that Perceiving is this “Seeing.” There is the Perceiving without the perceiver. There is the action of driving, of putting out the pet’s food, of walking, of talking, of listening, of relating to objects, to people, of observing the thought, without putting an identity present. You don't put a present identity! There is only the Perceiving, the direct Perceiving of Life as It happens.

So, Mindfulness is part of Meditation, it is Meditation in daily living, moment to moment, it is Full Attention in every moment. And with that, you cancel, undo, undo the sense of the present “I,” and therefore of the duality, of this separateness. This, in India, is called Advaita, Non-Duality, Non-Separation.

There is a Reality present, and that Reality is the Reality of Consciousness, of Being, of Truth, of the Nameless, of God.

Not of this “awareness of being aware.” You are aware of the object, so there is you and the object; you are aware of thought, then there is you, the thinker and the thought; you are aware of the emotion, then there is you and the emotion.

Therein lies duality, therein lies conflict.

We do not resolve the issue of suffering because there is the sufferer and the suffering. When Full Attention is, Real Mindfulness is, we eliminate that duality, that separateness. The issue of suffering needs to be investigated. We believe that it is the other that makes us suffer, it is the world that makes us suffer, it is life that makes us suffer.

What we don't realize is that the presence of the “I” is the suffering itself; it’s not the world, it’s not the other, it’s not people, it’s not situations.

Someone left… But it’s not because someone left, it’s because there was an “I” present, diminished, feeling betrayed, humiliated, deceived, needy, psychologically attached to that other who left. It wasn't the other’s departure, it wasn't because the other one left, it’s not because the other left; it is because this “I” is the suffering.

So, we don't know what suffering is. For us, suffering is always in a relationship with something, or some person, or some situation outside.

When we investigate this, when we approach it – and this is possible through Self-awareness, this is possible when there is Real Full Attention –, we realize that it is the sense of the “I” present here in pain, because it demands, it requires, it seeks, it has an idea of ​​what life needs to be like for itself.

It is always the sense of “I,” in its own egocentrism, the truth of suffering. The truth of suffering is the sufferer. Without the sufferer, there is no suffering. Life is as It is, and there is no suffering. But when the sense of “I” is there, suffering is. And that Full Attention is the Perception, the direct Perceiving of this separateness, this duality, and therefore this conflict, this suffering.

This requires Self-awareness. True Self-awareness brings you closer to True Meditation in practice, in living, and there is no True Meditation in practice without this Full Attention of the “I.”

Is it ok?

So, it is needed, it is necessary, it is essential that we understand this here. The Truth that You are is when the sense of “I” is not.

Love is present when the sense of “I” is not, and that is the Presence of Consciousness, which reveals itself in that Full Attention – that Real Consciousness, not that limited consciousness, not that narrow consciousness, not that egoic consciousness that encompasses this background of psychological conditioning, which is this conscious and unconscious mind.

So, that’s what we're talking about here: the end of suffering, the Realization of the Truth about That which is You here and now.

The subject of this channel is Spiritual Enlightenment, it is Spiritual Awakening, it is the Truth of your Being revealing itself. OK?

This is the subject that we address here with you. If this makes sense to you, leave your “like,” subscribe to the channel… I want to remind you: we have online and face-to-face meetings and also retreats.

There in the video, in the description of the video, we have our WhatsApp. If that makes sense to you, let’s work it out together. OK?

See you soon.

November, 2022
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

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