Here, together, we are investigating some things with you. I want to point to this relationship with this encounter with God. How can we find God? What is the truth about this encounter? Is this really possible? And how does it happen? How does it become possible? Another subject here is the relationship between this and the truth about thought, the difference between how thought happens in us, which is about what to think - which is how we function in this sense of the "I," in this sense of the ego -, the difference between this and how to think.
So, let's clarify this calmly here, let's put it here in parts. The first part is: what is this encounter with God? Because the question is: how can we find God? I have insisted a lot on this here. The idea of ??encountering God is the idea that He is there and that I am here. See, what is the truth of this "He," who is God, there? What is the truth of this "I," who am I, here? What is the truth about God? What is the truth about me?
Here, the first point is that we are faced with two forms of thought, which were given to us by culture, of what represents what to think. See, there are thoughts within us that are given to us by society, by the world, by the context of life in which we find ourselves psychologically, socially and culturally. So, we have a model of thinking that is given to us by the world; so, we know what to think. This "what to think" is what the world thinks, what society thinks, what the common mind of everyone, in this common consciousness of everyone, has: this is how we think.
So, our way of dealing with life is based on this "what to think." We do not know the truth of how, by ourselves, to become aware of life as it happens, so we have no way of thinking, because we have what we receive from society. So, our way of thinking is the form of a conditioned mind. Our mind is programmed, structured, educated to think the same way as everyone else thinks; to feel as everyone feels and also to behave, act, and do as everyone else does, because we are within a conditioned mind. So, observe this here calmly.
So, when we talk about finding God, you see, we are already within a proposal that was given to us by this common model of thought, which is the idea that God is there, somewhere far away, to be found, and that there is someone here, who is "me," as a real element, to find God. You see, all this language is the language of conditioned thought, of the conditioned mind. So, they gave us what to think about, they didn't teach us how to think.
Here, together, we are investigating with you what a real approach to God is, and this real approach to God is not an encounter with God, but it is an acknowledgment of a present Reality that is unreachable by thought, indescribable by words, unattainable by the mind. This Divine Reality is that which is present here and now. When we completely strip ourselves of this illusion, which is the illusion of someone being here, in order to at some point have an encounter with God, who is somewhere in the future, in time, when we completely strip ourselves of this, we will immediately have the clear awareness that a Reality is present, and this reality is not the "person," it is not the "me," it is not the "I."
So, we need to get closer to the truth about this issue, this encounter through the search for spirituality - this is a playlist here on the channel. All of these subjects here, how to think, the search for spirituality, how to find God, all of this is on the channel in the form of a playlist, because each of these subjects needs to be deepened. So, we are investigating each of these topics through dozens of videos, because we need to be perfectly clear about all of this so as not to fall into this mistake, so common to everyone, regarding these topics.
So, this so-called search for spirituality, after all, what is this, "search for spirituality?" After all, what does it mean to seek spirituality? The Reality of your Being is the Divine Reality; you do not find this Reality by searching, by seeking. Everything here revolves around a verification of this Divine Life of yours, this Real Life of yours, which is the Life of God.
So, the idea is of God in time to be found. If, for example, I give you an address and you have never been to that place, you have an address to find the place. So, to find a certain place, you need an address, because you have never been there. So, there are a few things here: There is the distance from where you are to that place - we have a distance - we also have the presence of time, the time to go from here to that place, and we have a third thing, the fact that you are completely unaware of that place.
Here, when we talk about God, we are talking about something else. God is not a reality in time. So, it is not about something that is not here and is in time, in this so-called future, to be found; it is not about something that requires a distance between what is here and what is there - we also have this issue of distance, and this is not real for this Divine Reality. And another point is that we are not talking about something that is foreign to you; it is unknown to you, but it is not foreign.
Notice this instant, this moment, when you come across a speech like this, when there is this instant of encounter. Because it is necessary for you to be in a real moment for this encounter, and here and now, it is clear: it is an encounter of verification. It is not an encounter in time, it is not an encounter going from point A to point B; it is not a point of distance, it is not an encounter of a point of distance. Here it is an encounter of realization. When you are ready, a speech like this sounds very, very clear to you, although on a level outside the intellect, since this intellect in us is also a movement of conditioned thought.
See, this is where we have all the difficulty. It is not that you do not identify it. You identify it, because it is something inherent in the nature of your Being. There is something in you that shows you clearly that you are facing something real, but it is something that thought in you does not reach, because it is outside of thought, because it is outside of conditioning. So, what is the truth of this encounter with God? The truth about it is in this looking, in this approaching, in this realization, through Self-awareness, of this present Reality, in this instant.
This vision of our approach to Divine Reality is something that reveals itself when illusion ends, when this sense of someone present, which is the "I," is no longer there; and all we need, in this life, for the awareness of this is the end of this conditioned mind. And what is this conditioned mind? It is the way we think. This way we think is about what to think. We always have something to think about, there is always what society has given us to think about. You were raised listening, within the culture, from the first days with your parents telling you what was right, what was wrong, what you should do, what you shouldn't do, "you can't do this," "you can't do that," "this is right," "this is wrong," "don't talk like that."
We hear our parents using language, and we learn. Some children learn to swear because their parents say it, although, contradictorily, they are telling their children: "Don't swear," but the child learns by example. If the father swears and says "don't swear," the child will swear; maybe they won't swear in front of them, their parents, but they will swear when they are away from them, because the example is more powerful than affirmation of words, verbal statements, theoretical teachings. The example is the great teacher, in this case, for the child.
So, we have a conditioned mind, we are conditioned by culture, tradition, philosophy, psychology, social values, and our parents' behavior; we are conditioned to speak, to feel, to act, to behave, and we grow up this way. So, our mind is conditioned, our life is psychologically conditioned to this model. So, we always have and receive from society, more and more, about what to think, how to think, this "what to think" that they give us.
We do not know the truth about what real thinking is, true thinking, how to think free from this context of culture, this context of mental conditioning, psychological, philosophical, spiritualist, religious, traditional, and family programming. Here, together, we are approaching the investigation of the Truth of this Revelation about who we are, for the end of this mental conditioning, for the emergence of a new mind, a free mind, outside of this format, this model, outside of this pattern, and for this we need to learn to investigate our reactions, to become aware of what thought is within us.
So, the question is: What is thought? This is another topic here on the channel. To delve deeper into this question about what thought is, how thought is processed, how you react to an insult, an offense, a rejection; how you react to praise, flattery, congratulations; how you feel when you are accepted, loved; how you feel when you are rejected, excluded. What are your reactions? So, what is thought at this moment? How do you process all of this?
So, to learn to look at your reactions, learn how thought works within you, forming pictures, images, giving you a vision of the other within concepts, prejudices, images, and pictures that you make of him or her, that you also make of yourself. To become aware of your reactions, learn to observe the mind, learn to observe thought, become aware of this. This is when we can dismiss from our lives, just by looking directly, all this mediocrity, all this basis of life guided by conditioned thought, producing confusion, producing suffering, producing disorder in our lives.
So, how can we have this encounter with Divine Reality? By having this verification of this Reality present in this instant, when we free ourselves from this "I"; and to free ourselves from this "I" is to free ourselves from this model of illusory identity present, in this format of conditioned mind. Because this "I" is nothing other than this conditioning. You are always repeating the same patterns of human conditioning, of mental conditioning, this is the "I"; and if this is present, you are inside a prison.
Divine Reality, the Reality of God, is the Truth about You; when It reveals itself, there is a new way of feeling, thinking and acting in life, because in this moment, it is present what this real thinking, this real feeling, this real living is, because we are before Reality, which is the Reality of God. This is the end of all searching, of all seeking; this is the end of all this movement outwards, for a real awareness of the Reality of life happening in this moment, where Beauty, Freedom, Love, Bliss are present.
You were born to, in this life, become aware of That which is present, which is beyond birth and death. You were born to become aware that the Reality that is You and your Being is Something that is outside of the known and, therefore, Something outside of this mind and this world that thought sees, that this conditioned thought model has.
This is what we are doing together here, Saturday and Sunday, working with you. There are online meetings on the weekends, two days together. Here, in the video description, you can find our WhatsApp link for these online meetings on weekends. In addition, we have in-person meetings and retreats. If what you just heard makes sense to you, here's an invitation. Leave a "like" here, subscribe to the channel and leave a comment: "Yes, that makes sense." Ok? And we'll see you soon. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!
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