GC: Hello, everyone! We are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you, Master, for being here. Today I am going to read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called "Leave Your Nets." In an excerpt from this book, Master, Joel makes the following comment: "This is seeking the Kingdom of God, and then things are added, because He pours out." In this excerpt, Joel comments on this issue of spiritual search. Can the Master share his vision on this subject of spiritual search?
MG: Gilson, this issue of spiritual search needs to be understood. As long as there is this movement of seeking, all we are doing is maintaining the idea of ??the future to achieve. However, here the question is: achieving what exactly? Note that the seeker is searching for an ideal to be found. We need to see this here: the first thing is the very idea ??a future to find something; the second is what we have as a project to find. See, here we are dealing with two aspects within the search, which we need to investigate if there is any truth in this. The spiritual seeker, in fact, what is he seeking? Whatever he is seeking will always be within that which his thought idealizes to be real. So, thought, in each one of us, idealizes, for each one of us, that which is real; but, look: that which is real for itself! That is why I said, "that which thought idealizes, in it, as being real."
So, see what a confused situation we have. This spiritual search is based on thought. Whatever thought is seeking is something that it idealizes for itself, and what it idealizes for itself is part of its content, because every thought has, in principle, that which it knows. Notice, observe this in yourself: you cannot have a thought of something unknown; every thought you have is something of the known. That is how our searches are. You can only be seeking that which you know. However, that which you know, identifiable by thought, is part of thought, it cannot be the Truth. So, we hardly pay attention to this; so basic, but at the same time, something very important. This whole search is a search within the known, because it is a search within that which thought idealizes as being real. But, if it is part of thought, it is within the known.
So, here, the first thing is to completely discard this idea of ??the possibility of having an encounter outside of the known, since this encounter, in the mind, will always be within the known. So, if the person is in this search for God, he cannot place God within the known. So, what kind of search is this that we do in this very movement of thought that we have? It is, naturally, a movement of searching for self-projection. What we need, Gilson, is a Realization of Reality, and not the search for that which thought idealizes as being real. So, this is the first aspect. And the second great aspect, determining illusion and failure in the search, is that every search presupposes time. Anything that you can find will not be Reality, because Reality is not found in time. It is verified exactly when time ends, because we are dealing with something that is not in the future.
We have to investigate the nature of what is happening to us. If we really intend to have a Divine Life, a Real Life; if we intend to discover something outside of this form of existence of a life model centered on the "I," centered on the ego, as has been the case in our lives, we have to investigate this issue that any element that you may find in your search is still part of the known, and that anything that you may find, you can only find within time. Saying it another way, Gilson: it is not the search that we need; it is exactly the end of the search, the end of this movement of searching, the end of this movement of seeking. So, we have just presented these two aspects to you, but now we have, here, a third aspect that is quite intriguing, quite interesting, which is the truth that you do not go to God. You don't have His address, He is not something within the known, He is not something within time. And this third aspect - which is very interesting and, at the same time, wonderful - is the fact that it is God who reveals Himself. It is not you who goes to Him, it is He who comes. When you are ready, He comes.
This expression is very common and well-known in this very environment of searching, but we cannot see what this expression means. The expression is as follows: "When the disciple is ready, the Master appears." Only when you are ready for this encounter, you do not go to Him, He comes to you. It is not you who finds God, it is God who finds you; you do not go to Grace, it is Grace that reveals itself. So, we only need to assume the truth of this encounter. In this sense, there is only one thing to do here: it is to answer this call when, by Divine Grace, it happens. If it is happening to you at this moment, it is by an Action of Grace that you are here in this encounter. If this moment is happening to you, it is by a Divine Action that you are receiving a call to go beyond the world, to go beyond the mind, to go beyond the body, to go beyond the "I."
Therefore, Gilson, our great encounter with Truth is Truth assuming this Its own space in our mind, in our heart; expressing, thus, the Truth of Itself, assuming this place of Itself, because this is Its place. There is no one present here, in life, other than That. That is the Reality, God is the only Reality. So, it is this Divine Grace that draws us to It. It is not a search that we need, but rather a sensitivity, vulnerability and willingness to work directly towards this Awakening, due to this great Divine Call. And this is exactly what we are proposing here for you: to have an approach to the Reality of your Being, to the Reality of God, simply by becoming available and learning what it is to learn about yourself, what it is to observe reactions, to become available for this work.
When we are ready, there is, within each one of us, something burning for this, then a work really happens in this direction. Discover what it means to look, to become aware, to be conscious of yourself, in this moment. of these thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, actions, gestures, language, words. Whatever is emerging at this moment, just look, discover what it means getting closer to this comprehension of yourself, this study of yourself. We have several videos on the channel here. In them, we are showing you how to have a real approach to Self-awareness, the Awareness of Meditation and all these elements linked to this psychological condition in which we find ourselves and to which we are prisoners, due to this background of conditioning that has not been investigated, that needs to be investigated and, naturally, discarded. This direct look, this realization of that which is not real, is the end of that which is not real, something that occurs naturally through this action of this Presence, through this action of this Divine Grace.
GC: Master, we have a question from a subscriber on the channel, who makes the following comment and asks: "I have immense pain and sadness, and I cannot find peace. I'm always complaining. I'm not happy, even though everything is fine. Is this the past?"
MG: So, Gilson, this statement... This, in reality, is the portrait of this psychological condition where this sense of separation is present. The human being, Gilson, carries the pain of the sense of separation between him and life, between him and Grace, between him and God. This is present because of this ego-identity, this movement that is the movement of the "I," which is the movement of the ego. The end of this psychological condition requires the investigation of the nature of the "I," and, naturally, this "I," this ego, this sense of separate identity, which sustains conflict, suffering, disorder, and all these conditions present in this model of a suffering psyche, of a suffering human mind, is something that, naturally, is the result of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, and experiences. And all of this, naturally, is the result of the sense of the present "I." And this "I" is nothing other than accumulation of knowledge, experience, as it was said - the past.
This sense of someone present now, here, who sees oneself as someone present, is the sense, the feeling, the thought, the sensation of being here and that one was present there yesterday, and tomorrow one will be somewhere else. This is the old movement of psychological time, which situates us as someone present, at this moment, who came from the past. See, we are faced with a game of thought, this idea of ??someone present, and thought is, naturally, the past. This idea of ??being someone, this feeling of being someone, with all the suffering that this represents, is nothing other than this ego-identity, something that has no reality outside of thought. And thought is, naturally, the past. Can we break this psychological condition of ego-identity of someone who lives in time, who came from the past, is now here present, moving towards the future?
Our work here consists of becoming aware of this psychological condition of illusory identity, of ego-identity. Once we are aware that all the movement present in you is the movement of thought, which is constantly present in you - I refer to this element of thought that is constantly throwing you into the future or the past and, in this present moment, is creating states of feelings, emotions and sensations, and justifying these states based on thought - to break with this is to discover something beyond the "I," beyond the ego, which is the nature of Truth, of That which is present here, beyond the mind. Gilson, we were born to realize This, to assume This Truth, the Truth that there is no one present. It is strange, it is paradoxical, but it is exactly like that; there is no one present who was born, who is living and who will die. We are simply, here at this moment, facing a great divine dream. Waking up from this dream, freeing yourself from this idea of ??someone present, is Liberation in this life, it is the awareness of the Presence of Truth, of Love, of Freedom, it is the Awareness of God, whatever name we want to give That. We are talking about something beyond the dream, beyond the known, beyond this psychological condition in which we find ourselves. Some even say that it is not really a dream, it is something that is more like a nightmare. The fact is that we are facing something that thought is producing and we can break with it. And that is exactly what we are working on here, with you: to become aware of this reality, to go beyond this psychological condition of ego-identity - someone who was born, is alive and will die. Here, there is life happening and the reality of life as it is. Present in it, the only Reality, which is the Reality of God. This is the Reality of your Being; this is the Reality of your Real Nature. You were born for Happiness, you were born for Love, you were born for the Awareness of your Being, which is the Truth of God.
GC: Master, we have another question from a subscriber here on the channel. Almerinda makes the following comment and asks: "Another video to 'trigger breakthroughs.' Master, so is this the state that Jesus calls the Kingdom of Heaven? Thank you very much."
MG: So, we are facing Divine Reality; we can give it many names. Jesus called it "The Kingdom of Heaven," but the name does not have much relevance and any idea we have about That is false. Like any word we use to designate That, we will still be dealing with words, concepts, ideas, thoughts. Assuming the Truth of That which is you in your Being, realizing this Truth here and now, going beyond this illusion of this sense of separation, where there is you and life, you and God - that is what it is about. Now, as for giving it a name, we can call it any name. Now, I have always given some warnings here, Gilson, one of them is this: It is essential that we leave behind conclusions, beliefs, ideas, concepts, words. Perhaps you say: "Ah, now I understand!", "Ah, now I understand!", "Ah, now I get it!" . Who is this "I" who understood, who comprehended, who got it? Reality is outside the "I," so it is not about someone who knows, but Truth revealing itself as You, in your Natural State. If this is present, names do not matter. Ideas, concepts, conclusions, all of that is thrown away, because we are faced with this one Reality.
This one Reality is beyond language, beyond speech, beyond names. When thought ceases, ideas also disappear, words also disappear, concepts also disappear. So, at that moment, there is no longer anyone designating, naming, explaining, drawing conclusions, or ready to believe or disbelieve. It is essential that we have an approach to life beyond thought, beyond the mind, beyond ideas. In this approach, the sense of someone disappears. The importance of an encounter at this level is that, when this is present, the only Reality present is Truth itself, and this Truth is unnamable, indescribable. A Real approach of ourselves, when we learn to look, to observe, to become aware of ourselves; when we begin to become aware of our reactions without interfering with them, just observing, becoming aware, we are in the real process of this unlearning about ourselves.
This is what I have called "the truth about this learning about Self-awareness." As this sense of "I" dissolves, something new takes over this space, and this new something is of Real Intelligence, of Real Wisdom, of Real Awareness of Truth, but there is no one there. When Wisdom is present, when Intelligence is present, when Truth is present, Divine Reality takes over all the space, and this is your Natural State of Being. It is the Truth about You, it is the Truth about God, it is the Truth about the other, it is the Truth about life. In your Natural State of Being there is this Freedom, there is this indescribable Beauty, there is this unnamable "thing" . This is your Real encounter with life, in which life is sovereign, Reality is sovereign, God is sovereign. There is no you, there is no "me," there is no "I."
GC: Gratitude, Master, gratitude; our time has come to an end. Gratitude for yet another videocast. And for those of you who are watching the video until the end and have a genuine and sincere desire to comprehend these truths, we invite you to participate in the meetings that Master Gualberto offers. These are online meetings, which we can attend from the comfort of our own homes; they are held on weekends, Saturdays and Sundays. There are also in-person meetings and retreats, which are held in the city of Gravatá, in Pernambuco (Brazil). In these meetings, whether online or in-person, the Master answers our questions directly and, in addition, because He already lives in this Awakened State of Consciousness, He shares this energy of Presence in the meetings. And, in this sharing, we are taking a ride on the Master's energy and this helps a lot, it makes it much easier for us to understand ourselves, to have a vision beyond what our intellectual understanding can reach. So, here is the invitation. In the first comment, pinned, there is a WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings. And Master, once again, thank you for the videocast.
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