Here the question is: how to achieve success? And there is another question: wisdom, how to acquire it? How to acquire wisdom? Let's draw a parallel here and explore this subject with you. What do you truly need, what do we need, in life? Do we need success, or do we need wisdom? Let's see the first thing here; the first is: what is life?
If we want to make our life depend on success or make our life depend on wisdom-if the purpose is a successful life or a life of wisdom-we must first investigate what Life is. So, let's explore this with you. And we'll draw a parallel between what is commonly known as success and explore what the truth about wisdom might really be. And what life is.
Look, in my view, there are two ways of looking at this question about our lives. There is this main, very personal idea that the vast majority usually has, which is the idea, when using the expression, "my life." In this so-called "my life," we have projects, projects to achieve in life; something we call "success."
And what is success? Is it fame? Is it power? Is it money? Is it professional achievement? Is it building a good family? Is it building a business? A good business? Is it acquiring possessions, movable or immovable? After all, what is success? Is that exactly what we call success? This ability to achieve things in this "particular life," as we know it?
Okay, and despite that, despite this achievement, after this achievement, after this long-dreamed attainment or achieving of success, do we continue internally, inwardly, being the same people? Notice the question: this is easily observable by all of us. Whatever you achieve in life, externally, outwardly, does not internally alter who you are, it doesn't change you.
If internally we are creatures burdened with worries, fears, anxieties, various afflictions; if, as people, we struggle to deal with others, struggle to deal with ourselves; if we carry a certain degree of anxiety, anguish, or depression; if, on some level, that happens to us; if we are ambitious, envious, jealous, possessive creatures... notice what we are presenting here to you. No matter what you obtain, achieve. You might call it success; others might call it success. But inwardly, you know you still remain unhappy.
Here, on this channel, we are investigating these issues with you. Here, the fundamental question is the Science of the Truth about who we are, about what we present ourselves to be. And it doesn't matter what you have achieved, or what you have lost, or what you may yet achieve. Psychologically, internally, we carry this sense of "I," this sense of "person," and this "person" basically does not know itself. So, it doesn't matter what we call success, or love, peace, or happiness. We have given names to very particular states of satisfaction, fulfillment, or achievement that we have temporarily attained in various goals, in various relationships, in relationships with objects, with people, with situations. We have given those names to them. But we do not know the Truth about who we are. And the unawareness of this Truth is ignorance.
Here on the channel, we are looking at this place. We are investigating these issues because they are the fundamental questions of life. The lack of understanding of the truth about who we are, the lack of knowledge about ourselves, the absence of the vision of truth-and here I refer to this truth that is beyond everything we know as persons; I refer to this Divine Truth-this lack of understanding is suffering!
So, amidst fame, prestige, recognition, public acceptance, an enviable life, without the presence of the revelation of Divine Truth, there is no real love, no real peace, no real happiness. This is what we are working on with you. Thus, when people ask, "how to achieve success in life," our focus here is on discovering the Truth about Wisdom. And Real Wisdom is Divine Truth, it is the Truth of God. The good news is that this Wisdom or this Truth is the Reality of Your Self, your essential Nature.
Therefore, what is necessary for this approach-and without it, it is impossible to come closer to Wisdom-is the understanding of ourselves! So, here, the fundamental thing is to have a direct look at this study of ourselves. Understand this. Self-awareness, the Truth about who You Are, the Truth of this Self-awareness, which is to know yourself, brings you a clear vision of the illusion you have about who you are.
One thing we've learned, which has been built over the years-is within this human, social structure, within this collective mind-all this idea of being "someone," of seeing yourself as "someone," of thinking, feeling, and acting as a "person." The reality of your being is impersonal! And here, when I use this term "impersonal," it is literally that! It is something outside the sense of the "person," as the "person" sees itself. As the "person" feels itself to be.
Thus, we have various needs, which are supposed needs. All this has been devised, constructed, produced, sold to each of us as real needs. We were educated within an ambitious, envious, greedy, acquisitive, competitive culture. So, we learned, within this context of the world, of life, that we need things-we need external achievements-because with those achievements, we will be happy.
Notice that "someone" who seeks fame, prestige, popular acceptance, success, is, in truth, searching for love, peace, happiness. However, in the mind, we confuse external achievements-or the building of a world surrounded by material comforts and surrounded by admiring looks or those who, looking at us, envy us-we confuse that with our Purpose in Life.
The Reality of your Self is the Reality of God! You, in your Natural Self, being naturally what You Are, present in that is Happiness, Compassion, Kindness, Freedom, Intelligence! So, what people call "success" or "happiness," based on constructs of thought, on idealizations that thought builds, is a mistake.
Here our emphasis is on investigating Divine Truth with you. This truth consists of Life, with Life being this very existence. And in this existence, there is an action born of this understanding. The actions we know are generally born of an impulse, an ideal, a goal, an intention that thought has constructed. We need to discover another quality of action, which is action free of the "I," free of the "ego."
Vou continuar a tradução do texto até o final, mantendo a literalidade e seguindo as orientações.
It is about your Divine Nature in expression, for being your Real Nature, impersonal, which moves in Joy, in Freedom, in Love, in Happiness; it does not cause disorder, it does not produce suffering. We do not know this! Because our actions are born out of an impulse, of competition, of greed, of envy, within this ideal, this purpose of achieving fame, power, this so-called "success"! So, what is the truth about Wisdom?
Drawing a parallel here, establishing a parallel between Wisdom, which is the Science of your Self, of this Divine Truth, where life is Understanding; and in this Understanding, there is an action of a new quality, of a quality unknown to this egocentric, personal, ambitious model that always carries this yearning for more and more and more, as it has been with the actions of the "ego." Becoming aware of the truth about yourself is becoming aware of the Presence of Divine Truth, here and now! It is the end of this "egocentric" condition of moving in the world, in this dream of separation, of duality.
The core subject here on the channel is the Truth that the only reality present is the Divine Reality, the Reality of God. And all this movement, which is the movement that thought has built, established, in all these generations that came before us, this entire model that has been guiding human existence on the planet for millennia. Notice that for hundreds, thousands of years, human beings have been creating confusion, disorder, and suffering in the world. Looking closely, every problem in the world is the problem of man, it is the human being, in their "egocentrism," in their behavioral pattern, who has created all this confusion.
Here our purpose, together, is to know ourselves. So, the first thing here is to very clearly differentiate what this action is, as we know it, from the truth of free action. Notice that our actions are egocentric actions because they are actions established in the model of thought. Life is something that is happening at this moment, but the response we have to life happening at this moment is the response that comes from the past. The way you confront the experience of the present moment is based on the experiences you have acquired in the past.
But who is this element that carries these experiences and now appears here, at this moment, to face this instance, with this basis? This element is the experiencer. The experiencer is the one who is constituted of thoughts, of memories, of recollections, of all your history, of all your memory. And this is thought! Notice, we want to deal with the present moment from the thought that comes from the past.
Our actions are actions born from this particular center that is the experiencer, which consists of a set of memories, recollections, thoughts that come from the past. So, when the situation here, at this moment, arises, the response to this given situation is the response we bring from the past. Thus, our actions are egocentric actions. They are actions centered in this "I," in this "ego." Your way of relating to your husband, to your wife, to your children, to your family, to the world around you, is a particular, personal, "egocentric" way. Because it is something that comes from the past. It is the way thought interprets the present moment. It is based on your past experiences.
Notice how delicate this is. Your contact with your wife, with your husband, with your boss, with your coworkers, with the world around you, is the contact of thought in you, interpreting him or her, interpreting what is here at this instant. And this interpretation, as it is personal, particular, based on this experiencer that comes from the past, it is isolationist. It is separatist. It is "egocentric."
So, the action that arises from this movement is the action of the "ego," it is the action of the "I," producing confusion, producing conflict, producing suffering! Is it possible for us to have a life that is this life of Understanding, of the action of Intelligence, of Wisdom? An action of this quality is not an action born of the past, born of memory, born of thought. Notice, this is an action that responds intelligently to this moment, based on this presence, on this new, free mind. So, we have an action free of the "I," an action free of the "ego," where the Divine Reality is present.
Our objective here with you is to show you that this quality of action is possible. As long as the human being does not realize this, does not embrace this Truth of their own being, of this free, new mind that does not operate within this old model, because of the understanding of Truth, of Revelation, of Wisdom, which is born of Self-awareness-as long as this is not present, our life will be a confused, disorderly, disordered life, unhappy, and generating unhappiness, problematic and producing problems! So, it doesn't matter the position that "someone" has achieved, how much he or she has accomplished, how much he or she is seen as a "successful person." What we are saying to you-and it may be very challenging, of course-is that this sense of "person," present, is not the truth of what we are. And every achievement is not real. All of this is not the Truth of your being, the Nature of Divine Truth.
Here, the action free of the "ego," the action free of the "I," is the action of Real Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, Compassion. This has nothing to do with what thought has constructed in this idea of being successful, of success. We are telling you that, at this moment, it is possible to discover and verify what you are in your being, this awareness of your Essential Nature, of your Divine Nature.
It is interesting when people ask: "how to act correctly?"; "how to take the right action?" We have countless questions, and in this psychological, egocentric state of being "someone," we will never find answers to these questions because this very state is creating all these problems, all this confusion.
The purpose of these meetings of ours here is to look together at the possibility of the Blossoming of Truth about who we are. This is the Real Awakening of Consciousness. Some also call it Spiritual Enlightenment, the Blossoming of your Divine Nature, the Truth of What You Are, when the illusion ends, when ignorance is no more. This is the end of suffering; it is the end of these internal complications so well known to all of us in this model of "egoic" identity.
This is our work here, with you, on this channel. And also on our other channel called Marcos Gualberto. Later, take a look at our other channel. Moreover, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, we are together, looking into all this, exploring these issues, working on this with you. Here in the video description, you'll find our WhatsApp link to join these online weekend meetings. In addition, we have in-person meetings and retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, here's an invitation: leave your like, subscribe to the channel, okay? And we'll see you! Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time.
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