March 23, 2021

It is all a great game

Everything is a great game to me. If you are able to see Life clearly, you can see this great and wonderful divine game, and then every representation, every role is part of it. If you know and realize That, all suffering ends.

However, if you do not have the straightforward Understanding of your own Being, of your Real Nature, this game becomes too serious – when there is the involvement of the character you believe to be. All the dramas you have in your life are connected to this ignorance, to the unawareness of your Real Being. So, if the game is not seen as it is, you see yourself as a separate entity, living the drama of life, of this complex existence. That is how the mind sees life – a great drama.

The Sages call this as "illusion of ignorance." That is, it is not a lack of Understanding, but rather an illusion of ignoring That. If you ignore Knowledge, the Truth, that is pure Understanding, you are living under the illusion of ignorance, under the illusion of this unawareness, of this non-recognition. That is why we can call this as the “illusion of ignorance,” as there is no ignorance indeed.

The sense of separation lives its self-produced dramas under this illusion of ignorance, and it is all imagination, fantasy, false. This is not real because your Essential Nature is Wisdom, Comprehension, Consciousness; and this is the wonderful Divine game -Consciousness "unaware of Itself." Consciousness cannot be unaware of Itself, however, it seems to be like that. That is why I call this as a "wonderful game." This is the Sage's viewpoint about it all.

So, you ended up in Satsang to find out Satsang is already your Real Nature, but you go around, you wander around a lot, until you stop, and here is the joke, the game. That is why Truth sounds paradoxical: there is nothing to be found, nothing to look for; however, you should not start from such belief, because believing in it is still part of the illusion of ignorance. It is useless to believe in what the Sages say, since this means just another belief in this illusion of ignorance. You need to investigate it; you need a careful, patient and dedicated examination of all that.

This investigation is more than an intellectual inquiry, it means unveiling all this trick, all this internal game. When you discover the game and know that all of this is part of it, there is no more drama. However, if you do not discover it, this is not just a game, and then everything ends up being only a drama, since for the egoic mind, everything is a great drama, everything is contradictory, difficult and painful. So, when your True Nature becomes obvious and clear, this character you believe to be disappears.

Some people around the world put on those orange-colored clothes, practice various forms of exercises, that I call as spiritual practices, but this is just an orange-dressed character doing something now. That is, a character is still present. It is not possible to abandon the illusion of ignorance through esoteric, mystical, spiritualistic practices, nor through a lot of reading or hard study, since that way the character is still present. If this character is not seen, the game is not recognized, so the character does not disappear, but rather only changes the way of working, of operating. This way, the character had previously a common, ordinary, mundane life, having then currently a spiritual, holy life, connected to practices, virtues and spirituality.

This speech aims not to attack the practices of spirituality; I am just saying they are not enough. By the way, they can become a major impediment, since one thing is the "addicted ego," but the "virtuous ego" is quite another. So, just as there is an "addicted ego" and a "virtuous ego," so also there is a "worldly ego" and a "spiritualized ego," and the game goes on. That is, you are your game! This whole “story of your life” ends up happening within that game, or the game itself is this “story of life.” In this way, Life cannot be What It Is, since there is always resistance and an illusion present, trying to change, shape, alter, modify, reject Life and what is being presented. So, there is never a rest. You never rest in Life as It is.

You are Consciousness, and whatever is present, appearing in that Consciousness, is just the Divine game, and That is What it is, and it is perfect. However, the ego does not see it that way, the mind does not see it that way. So, how can that be seen? It is not possible to recognize that straightforwardly without disidentifying from this internal movement of the mind, from these illusions thought creates. Without this disidentification, you cannot recognize your Real Being.

So, mundane life or the so-called "spiritual life" are worthless to this Clarity, to this Awakening, since they are still part of the game. If the presumption of a present individuality is ever present, even if this present individuality is improving, getting better, becoming more peaceful, humble and virtuous, the illusion will still be there. So, to become spiritual is pointless, although I know that deep down some of you had the dream of becoming a spiritual person.

I remember that, over forty years ago, I had also this idea. When I was seventeen or eighteen, there was a present belief connected to a “me”. I believed I was lacking spirituality or spiritualization. My Guru appeared five or six years later, and it became clear it was not a matter of spiritualizing myself, of being more spiritual, since I was already quite spiritual at that time. Being spiritual is not complicated; some years of practice are enough.

When you are born in a religious family, you are raised leaning, since birth, how to become a better person, a good person, who does not smoke, does not drink, has no addictions, so you escape or separate yourself from the world, but that is not the point. Spiritual life ends up imposing many conditions, starting by showing what is pure and what is impure, but still to that separate entity. So, it appropriates procedures, some diets, ceremonies, non-reprehensible sexual conduct, in an effort to achieve silence and surrender to the Divine, to God. In this case, God can be very good, but this is not the solution.

Then, you go on to “more advanced” spirituality: vegetarian diet; celibacy, tantric sexuality, meditation practices (meditation in blue light, violet flame, and so on), contact with higher beings, from other spheres ... Some people like astrology, others like tarot, other types of things, and all of this seems to be of high spiritual level. Some people dedicate themselves to the spiritual world through astral projection or contact with other planes, third, fourth or fifth-degree contacts, and so on.

All of this is still part of that game and some people spend their entire lives connected to it, delighted with it. Do you see it? Does that make any sense to you? None of this solves the matter! What you really need is a plunge into yourself to give up on the illusion of this "me," either worldly or spiritual, addicted or virtuous, profane, sinful or a holy one with a soft voice and religious appearance.

Look at this, ok? Let's stop here!

*Online meeting transcription originally held on June 25th, 2020 – on Zoom app – First published in Portuguese on November 19th, 2020. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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