March 12, 2021

The whole Beauty is already present!

Realization is not something new to be added to you. It is like an abandoned palace, without dwellers for hundreds of years. It is forgotten, lost, like a hidden treasure in some corner of the world. This palace is housing cockroaches, rats, bats and spiders. The floor, the walls, the mirrors and all the furniture in this palace are covered with dust. Rats and cockroaches are multiplying there.
This palace has been there for thousands of years and, under all that dust, there is furniture made of the strongest and most beautiful wood that can be found on Earth. The mirror frames – which are many – are of the finest, most refined, most delicate material. There are large halls, large bedrooms, and the floor – like everything there – was placed very carefully. There are many details of great charm for the eyes, of great beauty, but everything is covered with dust. The number of insects is huge! Unless this palace is found, discovered, and all that dust covering the furniture, the dirt and the insects are removed, its beauty will remain hidden. Realization is like that: it is already there, but there is a lot of things covering It!
The palace was not built for the dwelling of rats, cockroaches and spiders. The purpose for building this palace was much more noble. Kings, princes and monarchs are those who live in palaces.
The purpose of these lines is always the same. They are not meant to teach you something new, but to make you find out the old, to perceive What is already present. You are a palace, but you are busy with too much dust, too many rats, cockroaches, spiders and several other insects. You are a palace with large and beautiful rooms, beautiful furniture, but too occupied.
You are like a huge ocean mistaking yourself for a small wave, a small ripple, living in a narrow piece of the sea, crashing against the rocks all the time. With small variations, the same wave repeats itself. Time after time, it hits the rock, vanishes, comes back and vanishes again. It gets "born" at a certain point and "dies" when it hits the rock and then comes back with a small difference in shape. Thus, months, years, centuries, millennia go by, and you, who are all this immensity of the ocean, inexplicable, indescribable, keep mistaking yourself for a small ripple, a small wave.
* Presential meeting transcription, originally held in Campos do Jordão city, Brazil, on February 2018. First published in Portuguese on May 30, 2018. For further information about our meetings, please click here.

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