March 17, 2021

Your Heart is God

The speech is not what matters in Satsang. The speech is just a way to approach What really matters in this meeting – this Presence, this Consciousness, that does not speak Portuguese, English or any other language; but rather the from the Heart, from Silence.
There is something present in all of you that needs to be in touch with the Reality, and this “present thing” is the Heart.
When this contact is not present in the Heart, there is pain. All of you are at this meeting due to this present pain, this yearning for this contact with Reality. Your True Nature is Happiness, and This is what everybody yearns for. Nothing can put an end to this pain except for the contact with Reality, the contact with Happiness.
The sense of separateness is the cause for this pain. The absence of this contact with What You are is the cause of the present pain, the pain of separateness, the pain of ignorance. The egoic mind carries this pain and cannot get rid of it. As long as you maintain this sense of separation from God, from the Truth you bring in your own Heart, that pain persists.
You have done everything to conceal this pain, to make it vanish, but this will never work. Getting married, getting a husband, a wife, children or a beautiful house is useless since no external accomplishment can put an end to this “pain in the Heart.” Only God can do that! That is why some call this Realization as “your True Nature,” which is the Consciousness of God’s Realization.
To Realize What You are – this Consciousness, this Presence… – only This Appeases, brings Quietude and Love to the Heart, since This is the end of duality. All the pain lies in the sense of separateness. As long as there is a sense of separation, there will be some form of fear – fear of losing what you have gained, fear of losing the life you think is yours, and that is suffering.
This imaginary “me” is constantly looking for Peace, Happiness and Love externally, in objects, people, situations, trips; however, That will never be found in this sense of a separate existence. The very own search for Peace, Happiness and Love is suffering.
There is not any Wisdom in living in the mind. Living in the mind is quite stupid! Not to assume the Truth of your Real Nature is nonsense! You are here, at this moment, to be Wise, to live Love, Freedom and Happiness, and that is a sign of Wisdom. Stress, anxiety, security based on objects, on people, on external achievements, none of this is a sign of Wisdom, since there is no real security outside. Life is this movement of great beauty, but in Life, there is no security. The stupid mind, the egoic mind, is pursuing that security and, therefore, it keeps that outwardly movement. That is all the egoic mind knows.
In this “sense of separateness,” this search is endless, and so is suffering. Therefore, you need to cease that search, and when that happens, the mind returns to the Source, which is the Heart. Then, this Presence, this Consciousness presents Itself as Real Intelligence and there is no more foolishness. Now, there is no more fear, ignorance and pain. This search for Peace, Happiness and Love outside, in objects, in people, in the world, is no longer present. The only place where you repose, rest, where you are real, is in Yourself, in the Heart. The only space where you recognize yourself as pure Reality, pure Freedom, as What is Eternal, is in the Heart.
When there is no more belief, when the sense of separateness dissolves, when that sense of separation vanishes, Love is present, Truth is present, Beauty is present. You are here to Realize This! You are here to go beyond that sense of separateness, that belief, that fictional separation, that illusory separation between “you and God.” Your Heart is God, God is not in heaven! You were born for Happiness, for Freedom, to know God –, and to know God is to recognize yourself in Him! The Revelation or the Comprehension of this Truth causes this illusion of suffering to collapse. All your internal conflicts are projected outwardly, into a thought-created world. All conflicts between individuals, nations, communities, people, all this is based on this illusion of the sense of "someone" present, that "me." There is no such thing! All conflicts are within this dream called "sense of separation." The suffering of this supposed present entity is reflected in an apparent external world – this is the dream, the whole nightmare of this ego-identity, this “pain in the Heart.”
*Online meeting transcription originally held on May 15th, 2017 – First published in Portuguese on November 21st, 2020. For further information about our meetings please, click here.

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